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  1. 5461
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Defining capabilities and contractsAnalyzing your App's performance; Packaging your Windows Store app; Validating your Windows Store app; Chapter 3: Web Development - ASP.NET, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript; Introduction; Getting started with Bootstrap; Previewing changes across multiple browsers; Creating HTML5 web pages; Taking advantage of the CSS editor improvements; Understanding the JavaScript editor improvements; Adding bundling and minification to JavaScript and CSS files; Verifying pages with the Page Inspector tool; Chapter 4: .NET Framework 4.5.1 Development; Introduction…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 5462
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Writing Web Crawlers -- Traversing a Single Domain -- Crawling an Entire Site -- Collecting Data Across an Entire Site…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 5463
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The parameters and problematics of American religious liberalism / Reading poetry religiously : the Walt Whitman fellowship and seeker spirituality / The christology of niceness : Harriet Beecher Stowe, the Jesus novel, and sacred trivialities / Visible liberalism : liberal Protestant taste evangelism, 1850 and 1950 / Discovering imageless truths : the Bahá'í pilgrimage of Juliet Thompson, artist / Where "deep streams flow, endlessly renewing" : metaphysical religion and "cultural evolution" in the art of Agnes Pelton / "Citizens of all the world's temples" : cosmopolitan religion at Bell Street Chapel / Spiritual border-crossings in the U.S. women's rights movement / "We build our temples for tomorrow" : racial ecumenism and religious liberalism in the Harlem Renaissance / Reading across the divide of faith : liberal Protestant book culture and interfaith encounters in print, 1921-1948 / The dominant, the damned, and the discs : on the metaphysical liberalism of Charles Fort and its afterlives / Liberal sympathies : Morris Jastrow and the science of religion / Jewish liberalism through comparative lenses : reform Judaism and its liberal Christian counterparts / Each attitude a syllable : the linguistic turn in William James's Varieties of religious experience / Protestant pragmatism in China, 1919-1927 / Demarcating democracy : liberal Catholics, Protestants, and the discourse of secularism / Religious liberalism and the liberal geopolitics of religion / Religious liberalism and ecumenical self-interrogation…”
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  4. 5464
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Insights from a Review of Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, and Task Lists Chapter Conclusions; CHAPTER THREE - Sources of Commanders' Information Needs; Commanders' Guidance; The Operating Environment and Information Domain; Resources Available to the Commander; Chapter Conclusions; CHAPTER FOUR - Remaining Challenges; Vertical Coordination and Echelonment; Horizontal Coordination Across Areas of Operation; Ensuring Continuity in Transitions; Overcoming Doctrinal Stovepiping of Information Operations; APPENDIX A - Identified Information Requirements for Influence Operations…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 5465
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Far-Right Gender Politics in Germany 79 The Far Right Across Borders. Networks and Issues of (Trans)National Cooperation in Western Europe on Twitter 93 Zine Publishing and the Polish Far Right 107 What Makes a Symbol Far Right? …”
  6. 5466
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Case of Ziyaret Tepe and Giricano / Salat Tepe and its Vicinity in the Middle Bronze Age: Stratigraphic Sequence and Ceramic Assemblages / Across the Mountains -- The Upper Khabur and the Upper Tigris Valleys during the Late Bronze Age: Settlements and Ceramic Horizons / Die Stadt Kaḫat. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 5467
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Boosting resilience to risk and shocks in a time of economic constraints 19 -Introduction 20 -Risk, disruptive shocks, and resilience 21 -Risk exposure across OECD countries 29 -Boosting resilience in a tight fiscal environment 46 -Can governments define "optimal" resilience levels? …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 5468
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Structural reforms in times of crisis; Summary and conclusions; Growth performance and policy priorities in OECD countries and the BRIICS; Understanding differences in GDP per capita across countries; Table 1.1. Share of Going for Growth policy recommendations by subject area; The role of the crisis in shaping reform patterns; Measuring progress on Going for Growth priorities…”
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  9. 5469
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: The Death of the One-Size-Fits-All Approach and the Birth of an Agile Era -- PART I DEBUNKING THE MYTH OF THE "ONE PERFECT SALES METHODOLOGY" -- Chapter 1 Chaos Is the New Normal -- Chapter 2 The Three Levels of Sales Agility and the Sales Agility Research Journey -- PART II FOUNDATIONAL SALES AGILITY -- Chapter 3 Getting into the Buyer's Mindset -- Chapter 4 Assessing the Buying Situation -- Chapter 5 Choosing, Planning, and Executing Sales Conversations Across the Buying Journey -- PART III THE PILLARS OF SALES AGILITY -- Chapter 6 Situational Agility and the Components of the Agility Enablement System -- Chapter 7 An Examination of Situational Intelligence -- Chapter 8 Situational Readiness -- Chapter 9 Fluency: The Most Important "F" Word in Sales -- PART IV SITUATIONAL SALES AGILITY -- Chapter 10 Assessing: Gathering Intelligence on the Buying Situation -- Chapter 11 Choosing and Executing Situational Sales Agility -- PART V THE PATH TO SALES EXPERTISE -- Chapter 12 Coaching Sales Agility -- Chapter 13 How Salespeople Become Experts -- Chapter 14 Gaining Precise Insights: The Role of Machine Learning -- Appendix: Details of the Sales Agility Research Journey -- Notes -- Index…”
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  10. 5470
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Poelmans, Shilpa Patel and Barbara Beham -- Policy development across borders: a framework for work-life initiatives in multinational enterprises / Anne Bardoel and Helen DeCieri -- Part III. …”
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  11. 5471
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Continuity and Disruption: The Experiences of Work and Employment across Three Generations of Steelworkers in Volta Redonda -- Section II. …”
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  12. 5472
    por Higgins, Jonathan
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….; Chapter 2 From launch to transmission: satellite communication theory and SNG; Chapter 3 Boxes or wheels: types of systems; Chapter 4 Squeezing through the pipe: digital compression; Chapter 5 Twenty-first century transport: SNG over IP; Chapter 6 Have phone, will travel: Inmarsat services; Chapter 7 Across the spectrum: regulation and standards; Chapter 8 Fitting the pieces together: satellites, systems and operations; Chapter 9 Get there, be safe: safety and logistics…”
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  13. 5473
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: trust-building and boundary-spanning in cross-border management / Michael Zhang -- Conceptual development -- Trust and distrust : the microstructural ties connecting cross-border inter-partner relationships / Michael Zhang -- Boundary spanning in ISAs : a trust perspective / Michael Zhang and Paul Gooderham -- Trust building through boundary spanning -- Trust-building and boundary-spanning in global collaborations / Thomas Tøth and Anne-Marie Søderberg -- Personal attachment of boundary spanners in ISAs : a two-sided coin / Franziska Engelhard and Robin Pesch -- Building trust across international boundaries : the founder's role in consulting firm's early development / Murray Taylor, Jarryd Daymond and James Willard -- Trust in global value chains and the role of intermediaries / Alessandro Perri and Nancy Buchan -- Boundary spanning from a trust perspective -- Micro-foundation thinking in alliance learning : role of boundary spanners' theory of mind / Xinlu Qiu and Sven Haugland -- Restoring trust through isomorphism at MFIs : trustworthiness and boundary permeability / Robert Swalef and Michael Zhang -- Spanning the boundary of organisations : a systematic review of the inter-organisational boundary spanning literature / Ryan Tang, Xinlu Qiu and Michael Zhang -- Concluding summary: linking micro-structural approach with systems theory / Michael Zhang -- Index…”
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  14. 5474
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 6: The business plan -- Chapter 7: Timing the jump -- Chapter 8: Less than 100 per cent -- Chapter 9: Off the peg -- Chapter 10: Franchises -- Chapter 11: Beating the pirates -- Chapter 12: The right name -- Chapter 13: Getting the message across -- Chapter 14: Getting new customers -- Chapter 15: Building customer relationships -- Chapter 16: How to set a price -- Chapter 17: Choosing your workplace -- Chapter 18: Information technology - and other equipment -- Chapter 19: Professional back-up -- Chapter 20: Getting the right staff -- Chapter 21: Your rights and duties as an employer -- Chapter 22: Your business and the environment -- Chapter 23: Insurance -- Chapter 24: Forecasting -- Chapter 25: Raising the money -- Chapter 26: Staying afloat -- Chapter 27: Moving ahead -- Chapter 28: Not waving but drowning -- Chapter 29: Keeping the record straight -- Chapter 30: Tax -- Chapter 31: VAT -- Chapter 32: Pensions and retirement -- References -- Index…”
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  15. 5475
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Contents -- List of Figures and Tables -- Notes on Contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Mapping and Theorizing Migration Governance: Insights from the South-to-West Asian Migration Corridor -- Levels and Forms of Migration Governance -- Gendered Mobility and Multi-Scalar Governance Models: Exploring the Case of Nurse Migration from India to the Gulf -- Understanding Irregularity in Legal Frameworks of National, Bilateral, Regional, and Global Migration Governance: The Nepal to Gulf Migration Corridor -- State and Non-State Actors in Subnational Migration Governance from Andhra Pradesh and Kerala to the Gulf: A Comparative Study -- Private Authorities and Transnational Actors -- Two Bad Places at Once: Pakistani Labour Migrants and the Transnational Recruitment Industry to the Gulf -- "We Sent Our Sons across the Seven Rivers": Tracing the Migratory Network and the Risky Migration of Bangladeshi Fishermen to Oman -- Contestation and Absences in Migration Governance -- Contested Governance and Sovereignty in the Kerala-Dubai Migration Corridor -- Kafala and Social Reproduction: Migration Governance Regimes and Labour Relations in the Gulf -- Invisiblized Migration, Unaccounted Work: The Governance of Women's Migration for Paid Domestic Work from Nepal and Sri Lanka to the Gulf -- Conclusion -- Bottom-up Politics of Labour Migration: Perspectives from the South-to-West Asia Corridor for a More Inclusive Governance -- Index…”
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  16. 5476
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adolescents' social reasoning and relationships with parents: conflicts and coordinations within and across domains, Judith G. Smetana -- 8. Representations, process and development: a new look at friendship in early adolescence, William M. …”
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  17. 5477
    por Prior, Vivien
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; 5 Affectional Bonds andAttachment Figures; 6 Is Attachment TheoryValid across Cultures?; Part Two:Assessments1 of Attachmentand Caregiving; 7 Introduction; 8 Assessments ofAttachment; 9 Assessments ofCaregiving; Part Three:Correlates of AttachmentOrganisation with Functioning…”
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  18. 5478
    Publicado 2003
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Benson -- part Part I Contexts of development -- chapter 1 Interaction and development -- Accounting for emergence -- chapter 2 Patterns of culturally meaningful activity -- Linking parents ideas and parent�child interactions Catherine Raeff -- chapter 3 Environmental chaos, development and parenting across cultures -- Theodore D. Wachs and Feyza C�orapc�i -- chapter 4 Play as a context for the socialization of interpersonal relationships -- chapter 5 Context and the dynamic construal of meaning in early childhood -- Nancy Budwig -- chapter 6 The multiple agendas of intersubjectivity in children's group writing activity -- Chikako Toma and James V. …”
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  19. 5479
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 8: Working with Disconnected or Insensitive Parents by Increasing Mentalizing CapacityChapter 9: Using Modified Story Stems; Chapter 10: Exploring Children's Inner Worlds; Chapter 11: Using the Child Attachment Interview; Chapter 12: Working with Children and Families to Promote a Secure Base; Chapter 13: Attachment to People and Place with Traveller Families; Chapter 14: Introducing the ADAM Project Across the Entire Children and Families Department in Enfield, London; Chapter 15: Introducing the ADAM Project in Lewisham…”
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  20. 5480
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half-title page -- Series page -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of Figures and Tables -- List of Contributors -- Preface -- Part 1 Theory -- 1 Protean Power and Control Power: Conceptual Analysis -- 2 Uncertainty, Risk, Power and the Limits of International Relations Theory -- Part 2 Protean Power: Embracing Uncertainty -- 3 Protean Power and Revolutions in Rights -- 4 Protean Power in Movement: Navigating Uncertainty in the LGBT Rights Revolution -- 5 Border Collision: Power Dynamics of Enforcement and Evasion across the US-Mexico Line -- 6 High-Tech: Power and Unpredictability at the Technological Frontier and in Bitcoin -- Part 3 Mixed Worlds: Agility Meets Ability -- 7 Firms in Firmament: Hydrocarbons and the Circulation of Power -- 8 Incomplete Control: The Circulation of Power in Finance -- 9 Terrorism and Protean Power: How Terrorists Navigate Uncertainty -- 10 Slumdog versus Superman: Uncertainty, Innovation, and the Circulation of Power in the Global Film Industry -- Part 4 Protean Power between Risk and Uncertainty -- 11 Changing History?…”
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