Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 162
- Management 98
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 96
- Development 86
- Computer Science 72
- Application software 67
- Business & Economics 65
- Historia 62
- Photography 57
- Leadership 55
- Història 53
- Social aspects 50
- Digital techniques 49
- Economics 47
- Success in business 45
- Operating systems (Computers) 44
- Design 42
- Data processing 40
- Programming 39
- Psychological aspects 39
- Politics and government 38
- microstructure 38
- Computer networks 37
- Finance 37
- Research & information: general 37
- Technology: general issues 37
- mechanical properties 37
- Computer software 36
- Economic conditions 34
4401Publicado 2023“…This book is designed to help all those involved in managing human risk to achieve compliance' with a small -- in other words, getting their desired outcome -- and explores how organisations can get the best out of their people by designing frameworks that work with, rather than against, the grain of human thinking. Readers will learn to challenge their existing presumptions about managing human risk and discover practical techniques and examples they can deploy in their work environment…”
Libro electrónico -
4402por Martin, Lucie“…Depuis une douzaine d'années, plusieurs fouilles archéologiques dans les Alpes françaises du Nord ont révélé la présence de macrorestes végétaux, dont de nombreuses graines carbonisées de plantes sauvages et cultivées. …”
Publicado 2022
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4403Publicado 2014“…The first clinical trials in diabetic neuropathy, migraine and depression have been initiated with Merck’s MK-6096 ( …”
Libro electrónico -
4404por Kaplan, Michel“…Le présent volume offre justement cet appui à ceux qui voudront continuer l’examen des fondements du régime agraire et par là de l’économie de Byzance. On comprend pourquoi cet ouvrage bénéficie de l’aide du CNRS, ce dont, en tant que Directeur de la collection, je ne peux que me féliciter ; cette aide témoigne à...…”
Publicado 2021
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4405Publicado 2014“…Since undeniably, most philosophical positions usually have a grain of truth hidden in them. In sum, many controversies persist with regard to the appropriate methodological, epistemological, and even ontological level for psychiatric explanation and therapies. …”
Libro electrónico -
4406por Hardy-Hémery, Odette“…Au commencement, une campagne fécondée par la mine, un peu d’industrie sucrière et de textile, des brosseries et par un Belge venu de Charleroi avec ses capitaux et ses ouvriers. La graine semée en 1826, simple usine à fer comme tant d’autres en France, tarde à s’épanouir puis, en trois décennies de restructurations, se mue en une puissante usine sidérurgique intégrée, principale division dans l’entre-deux- guerres de fun des premiers groupes de la sidérurgie française, les Forges et Aciéries du Nord et de I’Est. …”
Publicado 2019
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4407por Wilson, William A. 1933-“…Part three, based in large part on Wilson's extensive work in Mormon folklore, which is the most important in that area since that of Austin and Alta Fife, looks at religious cultural expressions and outsider perceptions of them and, again, at how identity is shaped, by religious belief, experience, and participation; by the stories about them; and by the many other expressive parts of life encountered daily in a culture. …”
Publicado 2006
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4408por Antonacci, Maria Antonieta“…E.A « Quel grand honneur que celui d’avoir participé à ce colloque de très haut niveau et de penser qu’il est une graine qui va fertiliser de futurs projets entre nous tous ! …”
Publicado 2017
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4409Publicado 2018“…Arka & Sedeng ask the question how fine-grained information structure space should be conceptualized and modelled, e.g. in LFG. …”
Libro electrónico -
4410por Kasdi, Mohamed“…L’Empire, quant à lui, confirme ce qui était en gestation tout en passant au tamis de la conjoncture le bon grain et l’ivraie. Dès lors, seuls, ou presque, survivent ceux qui disposent d’assises solides. …”
Publicado 2016
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4411Publicado 2019“…Chloroplasts are enclosed by an envelope of two membranes which encompass a third complex membrane system, the thylakoids, including grana and lamellae. In addition, starch grains, plastoglobules, stromules, eyespots, pyrenoids, etc. are also important structures of chloroplasts. …”
Libro electrónico -
4412Publicado 2022“…Whether you're a professional photographer, a casual shooter, or the designated family historian, Declutter Your Photo Life will help you organize and enjoy your photos once again, as well as create cherished keepsakes for friends and family . …”
Libro electrónico -
4413Publicado 2016“…Like their successful book, this video provides a broad number of topics that the viewer can return to time and time again when confronted with problems, issues, or crises,..…”
4414Publicado 2022“…However, while the stranger may be altering once again the defining or essentializing the figure could result in the creation of other sets of binaries, and thereby dissolve the purpose and productiveness of both strangeness and liminality. …”
Libro electrónico -
4415por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.“…Trois plantes de culture en rotation doivent être employées et être représentatives de chacun des groupements suivants de culture : légumes-racines et tubercules ; petits grains ; et légume à feuilles…”
Publicado 2007
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4416Publicado 2015“…The learner can either go through the videos in sequence or jump into a particular task, see how something is done, and then jump out again. Skill Level Beginner Intermediate Just a couple minutes is all you need to learn how to... …”
4417“…Too good to be true? Well think again! Generic Pipelines Using Docker explores the principles and implementations that allow you to do just that. …”
Libro electrónico -
4418Publicado 2016“…Worse, we keep doing these things, over and over again, naturally and instinctively. But it doesn’t have to be that way. …”
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4419Publicado 2012“…In Rapid Realignment they show us again how great leaders are working alignment every day!” …”
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4420por Knittel, Brian“…Don’t let Windows 8 make you feel like a beginner again! This book is packed with intensely useful Windows 8 knowledge you won’t find anywhere else. …”
Publicado 2013
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