Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 525
- Historia 394
- Development 245
- Management 227
- Economic conditions 205
- Social aspects 189
- Application software 165
- Història 164
- Data processing 160
- Politics and government 151
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 149
- Education 138
- Business & Economics 135
- Economic policy 134
- Economic aspects 127
- Economics 122
- Social conditions 121
- Emigration and immigration 113
- Computer networks 110
- Editing 107
- Motion pictures 107
- Research & information: general 107
- Energy 105
- Technology: general issues 105
- Sustainable development 104
- Government policy 100
- Cloud computing 99
- Sociology 98
- Design 97
- Employment 97
8981Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ranch experience -- Business innovation processes -- Innovating without information constraints : organizations, communities, and innovation when information costs approach zero -- Product-to-platform transitions : organizational identity implications -- Business model innovations : toward a process perspective -- Institutional innovation : novel, useful, legitimate -- Dynamic managerial capabilities : a perspective on the relationship between managers, creativity, and innovation in organizations -- Part 3. …”
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8982Publicado 2000Tabla de Contenidos: “…: from colonialism to transnationalism and the decline of the nation-state / Chinese and the American labor unions / Not Asian, black, or white? …”
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8983Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Supported Liquid-Phase Systems in Transition Metal Catalysis (Alvise Perosa and Sergei Zinovyev). 7. …”
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8984Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Travis -- Epistemic modalities and the discourse particles of Singapore / Anthea Fraser Gupta -- Integrating prosodic and contextual cues in the interpretation of discourse markers / Li-chiung Yang -- Formal properties of a subset of discourse markers : connectives / Corinne Rossari -- Discourse marker research and theory : revisiting 'and' / Deborah Schiffrin -- Discourse markers as attentional cues at discourse transitions / Gisela Redeker -- A dynamic-interactional approach to discourse markers / Barbara Frank-Job -- Discourse particles as morphemes and as constructions / François Nemo -- Discourse particles and modal particles as grammatical elements / Gabriele Diewald -- Frames, constructions, and invariant meanings : the functional polysemy of discourse particles / Kerstin Fischer -- Discourse markers in Italian : towards a "compositional" meaning / Carla Bazzanella…”
Libro -
8985Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Information to be provided by participating member states / Alexandre Boiché -- Article 18. Transitional provisions / Cristina González Beilfuss -- Article 19. …”
Libro -
8986Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…(Cesc Gay, 2009): from Shakespearean comedy to national identity / Y también la lluvia/Even the rain (Iciar Bollain, 2010): social realism, transnationalism and (neo)colonialism…”
Libro -
8987Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Joaquim Montero i Delgado, trànsits i cruïlles [Joaquim Montero i Delgado: passages and intersections] / Núria Santamaria -- Power, politics and comic theatre: political satire as dissidence in La torna and Ubú president by Els Joglars / Simon Breden -- La influència de la pedagogia de Jacques Lecoq dins l'escena còmica catalana contemporània: la dramatúrgia de l'actor de Sergi López i Toni Albà [The pedagogical influence of Jacques Lecoq on the contemporary Catalan stage: the acting dramaturgy of Sergi López and Toni Albà] / Martí B. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
8988Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Švob-Dokić Danish Media Policy; H.Söndergaard & R.HellesMedia Policy in Estonia: Small Market Paradoxes; U.Loit & H.Harro-LoitFinnish Media Policy: Less Restrictive, More Directive; H.Kuutti, E.Lauk, P.Nevalainen & R.SokkaMedia Policy in Germany: Main Features and Current Issues; S.Müller & C.GusyThe Greek Media Policy Revisited; E.Psychogiopoulou, A.Kandyla & D.AnagnostouItalian Media Policy Under On-going Transition to Meet the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century; F.CasarosaStruggling with Media Capture: Romania; A.Mungiu-Pippidi & C.GhineaSlovakia: Reinventing Media Policy without a Practical Perspective; A. …”
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8989Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…O'Neill -- The human rights field operation in partnership for transitional justice / David Marshall -- The human rights field operation in partnership for humanitarian relief and reconstruction / Michael O'Flaherty -- Protection : the United Nations Children's Fund experience / Karin Landgren -- Protection : the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees experience / Maria Stavropoulou -- Protection : the International Committee of the Red Cross experience / Alain Aeschlimann -- Protection : a nongovernmental organisation experience : Peace Brigades International / Liam Mahony -- Case study : the United Nations human rights field operation in East Timor / Patrick Burgess -- Case study : the United Nations human rights field operation in Sierra Leone / Michael O'Flaherty -- Case study : the United Nations human rights field operation in Angola / Todd Howland -- Case study : comparative aspects of the human rights field operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Guatemala / Milburn Line -- The human rights field operations of the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe / Susanne Ringgaard-Pedersen and Annette Lythe -- Compendium of resources regarding human rights field operations of intergovernmental organisations / Kevin Turner…”
Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro -
8990Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Clark -- Modes of self-writing from antiquity to the later middle ages / Gur Zak -- Late antiquity, new departures / Marco Formisano -- Renaissances and revivals / Monika Otter -- Humanism and continuities in the transition to the early modern / Ronald G. Witt -- Medieval Latin texts in the age of printing / Paolo Chiesa (translated from Italian) -- Medieval Latin in modern English : translations from the nineteenth century to the present day / Jan M. …”
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8991Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Multilingualism and transnationalism / Monica Heller -- Biographical notes -- Name index -- Subject index…”
Libro -
8992Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Naipaul's work / Anna Izabela Cichón -- Letter-writing and the construction of a transnational family: a private correspondence between the Netherlands and Germany, 1920--1949 / Barbara Henkes -- A Dutch collector with a German heart: the regional aspect of life writing in the case of Helene Kröller-Müller (1869-1939) / Eva Rovers -- Uses of biography: the Swedish version / Lisbeth Larsson -- Well-behaved women seldom make history, but if they do--: reflections on gender and biography / Mineke Bosch -- Margaret Thatcher and Gro Harlem Brundtland: two women prime ministers from the spectre of a comparative biography / Anneke Ribberink -- Constructing generational identity in post-communist autobiographies: the case of Latvia / Martins Kaprans -- An anthology of lives: Jaan Kross's Kallid Kaasteelised and Estonian memorial culture / Leena Kurvet-Käosaar -- Post-communist life writing and memory maps / Ioana Luca --Biographies -- Index…”
Libro -
8993por Cilliers, JakkieTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Preface and Acknowledgments -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 The Growing Gap -- The Growing Income Divergence -- South Korea and Ghana -- The Importance of Labour and Demographics -- Productivity and Economic Structure -- The Global Context -- Dealing with Africa's Diversity-Using Country Income Groups -- Previous Studies and the International Futures Forecasting Platform -- Structure of the Book -- Further Reading -- 2 Africa's Current Path -- From Brundtland to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- The Impact of the Structural Adjustment Programmes -- Africa's Growing Dependence on Commodities -- The Challenges of Commodities-Dependent Growth -- Rising Debt Levels -- The Third Wave of Democratisation in Africa -- Africa's Slow Pace of Urbanisation -- The Current Path Scenario -- 3 Health -- The Impact of HIV and AIDS -- Africa's Approaching Health Transition -- Urbanisation and Health Services -- Current Path: Access to Basic Infrastructure -- Modelling the Impact of Better Health and WASH Infrastructure: The Improved Health Scenario -- Impact on Disability Adjusted Life Years -- Conclusion: Planning Comprehensively and Long-Term -- Further Reading -- 4 Getting to Africa's Demographic Dividend -- What History Reveals -- The Impact of the Demographic Dividend -- Comparing Niger, Egypt, Japan and Sweden -- Africa's Slow Demographic Transition -- The Peak and Length of the Demographic Dividend -- The Potential Benefits of Reducing Fertility Rates -- The Components of the Demographic Dividend Scenario -- Scenario Impact on Global Population -- Impact of the Demographic Dividend on Africa -- Conclusion: Reducing Fertility Rates and Working Towards Africa's Demographic Dividend -- Further Reading -- 5 Wanted: A Revolution in Agriculture -- After Independence -- Agriculture Today…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
8994Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Coaching Underperformance -- Development Plan (DP) -- Chapter 6 Breaking Up Is Hard to Do -- Making the Decision -- Preparation Is Compassion -- Transition Agreement…”
Libro electrónico -
8995por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…-- A larger number of smaller projects -- A role for investment promotion agencies (IPAs) in attracting regional investments -- SME linkages as a beacon of attraction -- Export development -- Aligning investment attractiveness with regional development goals -- Attracting investments to drive the green transition -- Revitalising regions through investment zones -- Paying attention to what matters most for investment attraction -- A roadmap for investment attraction and export development -- Step 1 - Identify and understand target(s) -- Step 2 - Map stakeholders and co-ordinate -- Step 3 - Map assets and gaps -- Step 4 - Identify policy levers -- Step 5 - Monitor and evaluate -- References -- 5 International talent attraction and retention -- What is shifting the regional playing field for talent attraction and retention? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
8996Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface -- Acknowledgements -- List of Illustrations -- Abbreviations and Euphemisms -- part 1 -- The Meaning of Straits and Hybrid Threats -- 1 The Implications of Hybrid Threats to the Maritime Domain -- 2 The Legal Concept and Classification of Straits -- 2.1 The Legal Concept of a Strait -- 2.2 The Legal Classification of Straits -- 2.3 The Law of Naval Warfare in Straits and Its Relation to the Law of the Sea -- 3 The Concept of Hybrid Threats -- 3.1 The Meaning of Hybrid Conflicts -- 3.2 Differences between the Rules on the Use of Force in Maritime Law Enforcement Operations and Armed Conflicts -- 3.3 The Meaning of Hybrid Warfare -- part 2 -- Use of Force in Maritime Hybrid Warfare -- 4 Permit-Based Passage v. Transit Passage in an Occupied Area The 2018 Kerch Strait Incident and the 2022 Ukraine-Russia Naval Warfare -- 4.1 The Kerch Strait Incident and Its Implications for the Passage Regime in the Sea of Azov -- 4.2 Freedom of Navigation of Ukrainian and Russian Ships in the Kerch Strait -- 4.3 A Critical Analysis of Ukraine’s Arguments about the Applicability of Transit Passage to Ships and Aircraft in/over the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait -- 4.4 The Significance of 2003 Bilateral Treaties for the Passage Regime of the Kerch Strait -- 4.5 The Sea of Azov as a Potential Historic Bay and Its Implications for the Regime of Passage in the Kerch Strait under Article 35(a) of losc -- 4.6 The Importance of the Obligation of Non-recognition for the Passage Regime of the Kerch Strait -- 4.7 Parallel Legal Regimes vs Sui Generis Regime of the Kerch Strait -- 4.8 The Kerch Strait as a Belligerent Strait -- 5 Use of Force against Sovereign Immune Vessels Law Enforcement v. …”
Libro electrónico -
8997por Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acronyms and abbreviations -- Executive summary -- 1 The need for more future-ready vocational education and training systems -- Structural changes are impacting skill needs in labour markets and societies -- The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted education systems and labour markets -- Making the most of VET in times of changing skill needs -- Building future-ready VET systems -- Creating responsive VET systems -- Making VET more inclusive through increased flexibility -- Supporting transitions -- Innovating in VET -- References -- Note -- 2 Creating responsive vocational education and training systems -- Introduction -- How can labour market data inform VET systems? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
8998por Stewart, JamesTabla de Contenidos: “…) ; Página legal; Contenido; Prefacio; Al estudiante; Exámenes de diagnóstico; Un previo de Cálculo; 1 Funciones y modelos ; 1.1 Cuatro maneras de representar una función; 1.2 Modelos matemáticos: un catálogo de funciones esenciales; 1.3 Nuevas funciones a partir de funciones viejas; 1.4 Calculadoras gra.cadoras y computadoras; 1.5 Funciones exponenciales; 1.6 Funciones inversas y logaritmos; Repaso; Principios para la resolución de problemas; 2 Límites y derivadas; 2.1 Problemas de la tangente y la velocidad; 2.2 Límite de una función…”
Publicado 2014
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
8999Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
9000por Organization for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos:
Publicado 2013Libro electrónico