Mostrando 8,081 - 8,100 Resultados de 9,037 Para Buscar 'Teuchern~', tiempo de consulta: 2.09s Limitar resultados
  1. 8081
  2. 8082
    Publicado 2004
    “…The Epicurean teacher and poet Philodemus of Gadara (c. 110-c. 40/35 BC) exercised significant literary and philosophical influence on Roman writers of the Augustan Age, most notably the poets Vergil and Horace. …”
  3. 8083
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hermans, and Carl Sterkens -- Plurality in unity : a comparative, quantitative study analyzing how Catholic teachers of religion from five European countries perceive other religions / Ulrich Reigel -- A public issue still denied : religion in German preschool education / Friedrich Schweitzer -- The significance of religion for adolescents : conception of an first results from the VROID-MHAP-Study / Christoph Käppler [and others]…”
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  4. 8084
    por Hinge, George
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Christian School in Alexandria; 3. Teachers and Bishops; 4. Persecution and Schism; 5. …”
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  5. 8085
    por Gordon, Jon
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Soup: A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Hungry; Chapter 2: Grandma's Soup House; Chapter 3: Grandma; Chapter 4: Nancy; Chapter 5: Another Bowl; Chapter 6: Who Stirs the Pot Matters; Chapter 7: Teachers Are Everywhere; Chapter 8: Soup = Culture; Chapter 9: A Culture of Greatness; Chapter 10: Nightmare; Chapter 11: Lead With Optimism; Chapter 12: Leadership Is a Transfer of Belief; Chapter 13: Guard Against Pessimism; Chapter 14: The Mirror Test; Chapter 15: Nancy Stirs the Pot; Chapter 16: Hire Possibility Thinkers…”
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  6. 8086
    por Thomson, Jennifer A., 1947-
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front cover; Title page; Imprint page; Table of contents; Foreword; Acknowledgements; List of acronyms; Introduction; From Sunday school teacher to scientist; To college at Cambridge; South African PhD; Harvard post-doc; The debate begins; The controversy is my solution; Frequent debates; The recent Séralini saga; Writing on science; Chapter 1: The SAGENE years; A visit to Basel; The Ledeganck Street lab, Ghent; My own laboratory; Restructuring the CSIR; The role of SAGENE; Chapter 2: From SAGENE to the GMO Act; Establishing procedures; GM tomatoes; GM cotton; From a committee to an Act…”
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  7. 8087
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…How E-research Might Change Technology-Enhanced Learning Research -- Designing Higher Education Courses Using Open Educational Resources -- The Evolution of an Automated Reading Strategy Tutor: From the Classroom to a Game-Enhanced Automated System -- Experiences in the Field: The Evolution of a Technology-Oriented Teacher Professional Development Model -- A Dialogic Approach to Technology-Enhanced Education for the Global Knowledge Society -- Conceptual Representation Embodied in Hypermedia: An Approach to Promoting Knowledge Co-Construction -- Virtual Worlds for Young People in a Program Context: Lessons from Four Case Studies -- New Technologies, Learning Systems, and Communication: Reducing Complexity in the Educational System -- Collaboration and New Science of Learning -- Fostering Higher Levels of Learning Using Diverse Instructional Strategies with Internet Communication Tools -- Windows into Teaching and Learning Through Social Annotation Practices -- Orchestrating Learning in a One-to-One Technology Classroom -- Designing Online Learning Environments for Professional Development -- Knowledge Building/Knowledge Forum®: The Transformation of Classroom Discourse -- Digital Video Tools in the Classroom: How to Support Meaningful Collaboration and Critical Advanced Thinking of Students? …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 8088
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…How it All Started The Foundations of a Great Nation Built in 90 Minute Chunks The Amazing 90 Minute Science of Biorhythms and Ultradian Rhythms The £11,000 Postcard From Capacity to Elasticity in 90 Minutes Teacher Gets Grade A++ by Achieving 200% in Her 90 Minute Exam You've Got 90 Minutes or You Die Doing 90 Minutes Every Single Day is the Only Way to Make the Numbers Add Up It's Not a Bookkeeping Error - It's £1,200 Profit per Month at Zero Cost! …”
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  9. 8089
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fink's Leadership Casebook; The Unguided Tour for the General Reader; The Guided Tour for Corporate Citizens and Students of Organizational Life; Theme Park Architecture for Educators, Teachers, and Trainers; Dr. Fink's Leadership Casebook; Casefile-1: Critical Question; Personal Reflection; Buzz Group Topics; Breakout; Coaching Practice Exercise; Situational Question; Casefile-2: Musical Fish; Personal Reflection…”
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  10. 8090
    por Lutzker, Arnold P.
    Publicado 2003
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part Five Content and New Media: The Internet Has Arrived29 Cyberspace: Napster and the Code of the Wild West Revisited; 30 Digital Doctrines: Defining Rights in an Electronic World; 31 Teachers and a Digital World: How the Classroom Has Changed; 32 Webcasting: A Primer for Digital Communication; 33 Afterword: A Closing Thought; Appendix: Useful Websites; Glossary; Index…”
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  11. 8091
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bodily care practices and objects From India to China Material culture Monastic and lay people Beyond daily life Overview of sources The monastic context The lay world Outline of chapters Notes Bathing Facilities Bathing practices in vinaya texts Bathing facilities in the monastic compound Assisting a teacher in the bathhouse Sutra On Bathing Monks in the Bathhouse Bathing facilities in Chinese vinaya commentaries and disciplinary guidelines Practical rules on how to make and use bathing facilities Bathing facilities for Chinese vinaya masters Bathing practices in Yijing's travel account A new genre develops: qing gui Concluding remarks: monks, laymen and soap Laymen and monks Bathhouses and soap Notes Toilet Facilities Toilet practices in vinaya texts Pratimoksa rules on toilet practices Practical rules relating to how to make and use toilet facilities Toilet practices in vinaya texts: concluding remarks Toilet habits in Chinese vinaya commentaries and disciplinary guidelines Practical rules on how to make and use toilet facilities Toilet care for Chinese vinaya masters Toilet habits in Yijing's travel account A new genre develops: qing gui Concluding remarks: pigsties, paper and wiping sticks Toilets and toilet habits in first-millennium China Notes Cleaning the Mouth and Teeth Dental care in the vinaya texts Why clean one's teeth? …”
  12. 8092
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Formo and Kimberly Robinson Neary -- Language in action: supporting foreign language literacy development with online discussions / Mike Arnold -- Aymara on the Internet: Language Education and Preservation / Gillian Lord --MITUPV: Language, Media, and Distance in an Online Community / Douglas Morgenstern -- Case Studies in Literatures -- The literary machine: blogging the literature course / Kathleen Fitzpatrick -- The Literal and the Lateral: A Digital Early China for College Freshmen / Haun Saussy -- Old English online at the University of Calgary / Murray McGillivray -- Medieval Literature and Multimedia: The Pleasures and Perils of Internet Pedagogy /Martha Westcott Driver -- Seeking the Best of Both Worlds: Online and Off-Line Shakespeare / Michael Best -- Writing, Reading, and Asynchronous Spontaneity in Online Teaching of Shakespeare / James Fitzmaurice -- Enabling Undergraduates to Understand Advanced -- Humanities research: teaching with the Dickinson electronic archives / Martha Nell Smith -- Solitary Confinement: Managing Relational Angst in an Online Classroom / -- Laura L. bush -- An online poetry course (for Carol) / Kathy Cawsey and Ian Lancashire -- Creating E-Learning Communities in Language and Literature Classes / -- Kathryn M. grossman -- The decameron web, a dozen years later / Michael Papio and Massimo Riva -- Hybrid World Literature: Literary Culture and the New Machine / William Kuskin -- World.Lit: Envisioning Literary Education Online / Gerald Lucas -- An online Japanese textbook with natural language processing / Noriko Nagata -- -- The open-source English teacher / Ian Lancashire -- Enabling Intellectual Collaboration: The Use of Wikis and Blogs / Martha Nell Smith…”
  13. 8093
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…a life I never planned / Rosemarie Emanuele -- Coming to terms at full term / Natalie Kertes Weaver -- One mamá's dispensable myths and indispensable machines / Angelica Duran -- That mommy thing / Alissa McElreath -- Failure to progress : what having a baby taught me about Aristotle, advanced degrees, developmental delays, and other natural disasters / Irena Auerbuch Smith -- Infinite calculations / Della Fenster -- I stand here teaching : Tillie Olsen and maternity in the classroom / Julia Lisella -- The facts, the stories / Leah Bradshaw -- I am not a head on a stick : on being a teacher and a doctor and a mommy / Elisabeth Rose Gruner -- Lip service / Jennifer Cognard-Black -- Body double / Leslie Leyland Fields -- The long and winding road / Jean Kazez -- The bags I carried / Caroline Grant -- Of the boys / Martha Ellis Crone -- Free to be-- mom and me : finding my complicated truth as an academic daughter / Megan Pincus Kajitani -- Nontraditional academics : at home with children and a PhD / Susan Bassow, Dana Campbell, Liz Stockwell -- A great place to have a baby / Rebecca Steinitz -- Recovering academic / Jennifer Margulis -- The orange kangaroo / Nicole Cooley and Julia Spicher Kasdorf -- Ideal mama, ideal worker : negotiating guilt and shame in academe / Jean-Anne Sutherland -- In theory/in practice : on choosing children and the academy / Lisa Harper -- Motherhood is easy; graduate school is hard / Tedra Osell -- Momifesto : affirmations for the academic mother / Cynthia Kuhn ... …”
  14. 8094
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hermans, and Carl Sterkens -- Plurality in unity : a comparative, quantitative study analyzing how Catholic teachers of religion from five European countries perceive other religions / Ulrich Riegel -- A public issue still denied : religion in German preschool education / Friedrich Schweitzer -- The significance of religion for adolescents : conception of and first results from the VROID-MHAP-Study / Christoph Käppler ... …”
  15. 8095
    por Rogers, Alan Prof
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.4 The interaction of informal and formal learning: four approaches5.4.1 Using informal to assist formal and non-formal learning ; 5.4.2 Using formal and non-formal learning to redress informal learning; 5.4.3 Giving recognition and value to informal learning ; 5.4.4 Promoting continual dialogic learning ; 5.5 Some questions for teachers; 5.6 Summary; VI Conclusion: Does it matter? …”
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  16. 8096
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Characteristics of Great Teachers -- 1.8. Chapter Comments -- Homework -- References -- Chapter 2: Efficiency -- 2.1. …”
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  17. 8097
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Engagement Begins with Discovery -- Surfacing the Positive -- Hope in a Holographic World -- Part 4 Emotions and the Personal -- Chapter 14 From Organization Development to Making Music -- Chapter 15 One Woman's Wisdom: Balancing Competence with Consciousness -- The Labor Is the Client's -- The Importance of Being Seen and Heard -- The Wisdom of the Next Small Step -- Relationship Matters-and Know When to Let Go -- Work and Family Inhabit the Same Life -- Women Teaching Women -- "Powerful," "Female," and "Presence" Go Together -- In Closing -- Chapter 16 Sneaking the Spirit In -- Doing the Real Work -- Witness to the Spirit -- Be an Evocator -- Freedom Is More Than Just Another Word -- Part 5 Valuing Capacities -- Chapter 17 Consultant for the Classroom -- Performance over Learning -- Teacher as Learner -- Humanity and Gifts -- Contracting with Students -- The Trip to Washington, D.C. -- Choice Matters -- Chapter 18 Talking with Sled Dogs: Leading from Behind -- Test Ride -- The Plan -- Relationships -- The Jump to Action -- Review of the Event -- Learnings -- Chapter 19 Investing in Our Humanity: Women's Leadership Collaborative -- Connection/Inclusion -- Sameness/Difference -- Power/Competition…”
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  18. 8098
    por OECD
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- Macroéconomie : les perspectives à court terme sont bonnes, mais des risques subsistent -- Politique monétaire, marchés du logement et des capitaux, ou comment sortir de la faiblesse des taux d'intérêt -- La normalisation des taux directeurs permettra de relâcher les tensions -- Les pouvoirs publics doivent maintenir leur vigilance et agir dans le domaine des prêts hypothécaires et du logement -- Des affaires très médiatisées concernant le secteur financier sont sorties -- Politique budgétaire : l'heure est à la poursuite de la réduction du déficit -- Le processus de redressement budgétaire touchera bientôt à sa fin -- La réforme fiscale a progressé mais peut aller plus loin encore -- Les services publics gagnent de plus en plus en efficience -- Transport, environnements urbains et services d'utilité publique : les défis sont de taille -- L'infrastructure de transport urbain fait peau neuve -- Une réforme de la gouvernance et de l'urbanisme serait la bienvenue -- Des problèmes sont encore à résoudre dans le secteur de l'énergie -- Des progrès, mais aussi des obstacles sur la voie de l'accessibilité au haut débit à faible coût -- Compétences : s'adapter à de nouveaux besoins -- Inclusivité : encore des efforts pour combler les écarts -- Taux d'activité : des écarts persistent -- Des progrès en demi-teinte pour les populations autochtones -- Politiques relatives aux entreprises : stimuler la concurrence et l'innovation -- Conditions cadres : des progrès restent à faire pour améliorer le fonctionnement des marchés -- Des politiques ciblées pour les entreprises : l'accent continue d'être mis sur l'innovation -- La politique de l'environnement face aux enjeux du changement climatique et de la biodiversité -- Le niveau des émissions de CO2 reste élevé…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 8099
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….] -- The pharmacokinetics, metabolism and renal excretion of a-lipoic acid and its main metabolites in humans / Jens Teichert and Rainer Preiss -- Modulation of cellular redox and metabolic status by lipoic acid / Derrick Han and Lester Packer -- The redoxin connection of lipoic acid / J. …”
  20. 8100