Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Sagrat Cor de Jesús 367
- Sócrates 336
- Crítica e interpretación 291
- Filosofía 274
- Historia 243
- Culte 242
- Història 192
- History 143
- Platón 134
- Espíritu Santo 131
- Goigs 120
- Llibres sagrats 120
- Filosofía antigua 116
- Religion 115
- Devocionaris 113
- Sòcrates 96
- Biblia 80
- Crítica i interpretació 80
- Philosophy 78
- Església Catòlica 71
- Filosofía griega 70
- Leadership 63
- Management 63
- Pirates 63
- Iglesia Católica 58
- Christianity 54
- Bible 51
- Castellà 51
8141Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…Second Oration: Loveâ€?The Spirit of the Covenant""; ""3. Third Oration: The Rewards of the Covenant""; ""4. …”
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Libro electrónico -
8142por Rosen-Zvi, IshayTabla de Contenidos: “…How does he warn her?; "The spirit of jealousy comes upon him": Grounds for warning; "No warning"; II. …”
Publicado 2012
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Libro electrónico -
8143por Nkhoma, Jonathan S.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Luke-Acts, Josephus as Jewish HistoriographyOther Historiographical Aspects; Conclusion; Chapter Nine -- History of the Johannine Community: Its Possibility and Legitimacy; Literary Confirmation of a Historical Portrait; Historical Reconstruction of the Johannine Community; Textual Evidence for a Johannine Community; Conclusion; Chapter Ten -Water as Revelatory Symbol in John 1-12; Introduction; Water as Symbol of Transformation by the Spirit; Water as Symbol of the Revelatory Truth Embodied in Jesus; Conclusion…”
Publicado 2013
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Libro electrónico -
8144por Williamson, R. DouglasTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 6: The Canada Brand-An Inexhaustible Natural ResourceChapter 7: Leveraging the Maple Leaf; Chapter 8: The Canadian Mosaic, Version 2.0; Chapter 9: Spirits of Our Past; Part II: Meeting the Future Today; Chapter 10: Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way; FOUR LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES, EIGHT LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES; Chapter 11: Challenge #1: Sense Making and Sense Shaping; CONTEXTUAL INTELLIGENCE (CQ); STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE (SQ); Chapter 12: Challenge #2: Clarity and Credibility; EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ); DECISION-MAKING INTELLIGENCE (DMQ)…”
Publicado 2013
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
8145Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Chapter 2: The Cost of Doing Nothing; The Cost of Delay; The Downward Spiral of Gloom; The Thoughtfully Ruthless Success Loop; Chapter 3: Your Selfish Charter; Your Sensibly Selfish Charter; Wishful Thinking Works; Notes…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
8146Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fleming""; ""Creation and the Divine Spirit in Babel and Bible""…”
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Libro electrónico -
8147por EpictetusTabla de Contenidos: “…IV 1) / Von der politisch-sozialen zur ethischen Bedeutung von Freiheit -- Die Bestimmung des Wollens -- Die Rezeption nichtstoischer Begriffe -- Zum dialektischen Charakter des Textes -- Das Eigene und das Fremde -- Der Bereich des Eigenen -- Der Begriff der prohairesis -- Die Freiheit von Affekten -- Philosophie macht frei -- Menschliche Freiheit und göttlicher Wille -- Freiheit und Determinismus -- Lebenskunst als Gottesdienst : Epiktets Theologie und ihr Verhältnis zum Neuen Testament / Paulus statt Sokrates : Antike christliche Relektüren der Texte Epiktets -- Gottesmann und Engel statt Diogenes und Herakles : die Encheiridion-Version von Ps.…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
8148Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Al sabio entre el asombro y la curiosidad: El licenciado vidriera de Cervantes / C.Strosetzki -- Santo, latino y ladino, o el modelo de sabio propuesto por Juan Lorenzo Palmireno en las aulas de gramática / A.Gallego -- La figura del sabio en el pensamiento español del siglo xvi: Sócrates versus Homero / M.Mestre -- Perfiles del sabio cristiano: el biblista / J.San José -- El historiador del Siglo de Oro o la historia como "narración de verdades por hombre sabio para enseñar a bien vivir" / J.M.Usunáriz -- El hombre sabio es un caracol: una representación emblemática / C.Bouzy -- El concepto neoestoico de "sabio" y su difusión en la emblemática: el Theatro moral de Vaenius / S.López -- El sabio graciano (sobre las jornadas del saber y sus rasgos) / E.Cantarino -- Erudición y sabiduría: Quevedo, escritor humanista de la primera mitad del siglo XVII / V.Roncero -- Representaciones teatrales del sabio y de la sabiduría en el siglo XVII / R.Walthaus -- Plutosofía. …”
Libro electrónico -
8149Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Preface -- TABLE OF CONTENT -- Semantic Preferences of Indonesian Words Hitam and Putih -- The Stylistic Analysis of Indonesian Online News in The Five Websites -- Proto Austronesian Language Sound Changes To Mandailing Language -- The Use of Verb + Noun Collocations by English Learners of Indonesian -- An Examination of Islamic Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Retail Stores -- Proto Malayic Reflection at Isolect of Malay Jambi Seberang and Malay Sabak at Jambi Province -- Otographis Approach Toward Language Resilience Study on Japanese LanguageLexicons in Indonesia Historical Documents -- The Cultural Values in The Culinary Ecolexicon of the Asahan Malay Society -- Bioacoustics Analysis With Speech Analyzer Spectogram As A Testing Method For Speech Ability Improvement of Dysarthria Patient -- Speech, Writing Disorder and Therapy of Dyslexic Patient -- The Variations of Speech in Opening and Closing TV Program Uttered by MTV Singapore VJ -- Delivering The Message of Local Spirit "Bakureh" Through The Language of Dance -- Contribution of Biological Knowledge in Understanding the Ulterior Teaching of Life within the Minangkabau Poems and Proverbs -- Social Practice In Facebook: Critical Discourse Analysis In The Process of Text Production -- Pakpak Dairi Language: Typology Study -- Speech Act of Advice toward the Victims of Domestic Violence in West Sumatera -- A Fallacy Analysis on Political Statements in the Transcript of the First Indonesia Presidential Debate 2019 -- Are the Phonological Disorders of Down Syndrome Children the Same? …”
Libro electrónico -
8150por Levy-Bruhl, LucienTabla de Contenidos: “…Discusión de los hechos del "África occidental francesa" desde el punto de vista lógicoAbandono definitivo del carácter prelógico; Cuestión de método; Bimorfismo de un guardian spirit; Imposible, irrealizable desde el punto de vista de la mentalidad primitiva; Acuerdo con Leenhardt; Concepto: generalidad lógica Participación: generalidad afectiva; Sin ley de participación; Cómo los mitos son historias verdaderas; Cuestiones de vocabulario y de método; Cuaderno IV; En torno a la participación; Participación de las pertenencias; Por qué no hay expresión verbal adecuada…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
8151Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Preface; Contents; Tables; Summary; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter One: Introduction and Background; Chapter Two: Survey Methodology; Chapter Three: Analysis and Results; Methodology; Ensure That Wounded Warriors Are Well-Adjusted in Mind and Spirit; Strategic Objective 1a: Increase the Percentage of Alumni Visiting Health Care Professionals to Get Help with Such Issues as Stress, Emotional, Alcohol, Drug, or Family Problems…”
Libro electrónico -
8152por Holloman, Dave M., 1969-Tabla de Contenidos: “…China Catalyst; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; PART I The New Phase of Global Growth; CHAPTER 1 Into the Light: China's First Economic Miracle; A System Spirals Out of Control; Chaos Returns; Riding South to Reignite Reform; The Rise of Shenzhen and a New China; Notes; CHAPTER 2 Economic Transition; Wage Rates Are Increasing Significantly; Foreign Direct Investment Is Evolving; Export-Directed Growth Is Being Challenged; Demographic Megatrends; The Rise of the Chinese Consumer; Notes; CHAPTER 3 Catalysts for Consumption…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
8153Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…SecurityGovernment Regulations and Privacy; Legacy Databases; Open Source Relational DBMSs; For Further Reading; Chapter 2 - Systems Analysis and Database Requirements; Dealing with Resistance to Change; The Structured Design Life Cycle; Conducting the Needs Assessment; Assessing Feasibility; Generating Alternatives; Evaluating and Choosing an Alternative; Creating Design Requirements; Alternative Analysis Methods; Prototyping; Spiral Methodology; Object-Oriented Analysis; For Further Reading; Part II - Relational Database Design Theory; Chapter 3 - Why Good Design Matters…”
Libro electrónico -
8154Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Serialized Storytelling; Arcs: The Long and Short of It; Procedurals and the Best of Both Worlds; Formats and How Long It Takes; Spirals of Conflict; It's All About the Timing; Why Television Loves Genres; Key Transmedia Elements and Television…”
Libro electrónico -
8155Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Dalla presenza all'online: agire sul cambiamento » 38 -- 2. La spirale di Guilbert » 39 -- 3. L'Online Educational Design » 41 -- 3. …”
Libro electrónico -
8156Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Encourage friendships; Recommended reading; 02 The history of happiness; Rising from the ashes; Socrates; Helen Keller; Nelson Mandela; William James; Returning to the Towers after 9/11…”
Libro electrónico -
8157Publicado 2025Tabla de Contenidos: “…Increasing Your Anabolic Energy -- Limiting Beliefs -- Interpretations -- Assumptions -- Gremlins -- Strategies to Stop the Spiral -- Chapter 5 Alignment Fundraising Strategy -- The Layers of Alignment Fundraising -- Case Study: Hilary Wolkan -- Alignment Fundraising in Practice -- Understanding Your Funders -- Mapping Alignment -- You and Your Organization Have So Much Value (Beyond What You Think) -- Your Inventory of Assets -- Matching Funders and Assets -- Not All Money Is Created Equal -- Chapter 6 Building Connected Relationships -- Trust in Nonprofits -- Building Real Relationships -- Authenticity and Vulnerability -- Honesty and Dealing with Conflict Productively -- Connection in Practice -- Effective Engagement -- Reaching Out to Aligned Prospects -- The Myth of Donor Fatigue -- Preparing for Funder Meetings -- Making the Offer -- The Funder Says Yes, Now What? …”
Libro electrónico -
8158Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Series Information -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of contents -- Notes on contributors -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction: Navigating the midwifery waters in Mexico -- Situated author: Hanna Laako -- Situated author: Georgina Sánchez-Ramírez -- The structure of the book -- Notes -- References -- 1 Underdogs, turf wars and revivals: Politically situated Mexican midwiferies in historical, multiscale perspective -- Introduction -- Situated knowledges -- The birth of the modern midwife and her dilemmas in the Western world -- Two meandering paths: Mexican professional and traditional midwifery in historical perspective -- The two meandering paths in contemporary perspective: The emergence of autonomous midwives -- Conclusions: Autonomy in midwifery -- Notes -- References -- 2 She breaks paradigms and leaves a trail: The contested terrains of midwifery activism -- Introduction: Midwives and contentious politics -- Autonomous midwives and the methodology of this investigation -- On human rights in social movements -- Midwives, social movements and human rights -- The politicization of autonomous midwives in Mexico -- Herstory 1: Autonomous science- and spirit-based midwifery in Chiapas -- Herstory 2: Autonomous rights- and apprentice-based midwifery in Chiapas and Mexico City -- Conclusions: Articulating and unfolding autonomy in midwifery -- Notes -- References -- 3 From infantilization to body-territoriality: Birth centers in Mexico -- Introduction: Hospital birth in modern Mexico -- From infantilization to empowerment: The "conscious birth" and birth centers -- Birth centers in global perspective -- In labor: Birth centers in Mexico -- Almost clandestine: Birth centers and the methodology of this research -- The visited facilities/homes…”
Libro electrónico -
8159por Plutarc, aproximadament 50-aproximadament 120.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sobre el hado. Sobre el demon de Sócrates. Sobre el destierro. Escrito de consolación a su mujer ; IX. …”
Publicado 1985
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8160por Adair, John Eric, 1934-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Follow-up testPART THREE: Managing the Business; Nine Greatest Ideas for Strategic Leadership Skills; Idea 53: The art of being manager-in-chief; Idea 54: Seven functions of strategic leadership; Idea 55: Giving direction; Idea 56: Strategic thinking and strategic planning; Idea 57: Making it happen; Idea 58: Relating the parts to the whole; Idea 59: Building partnerships; Idea 60: Releasing the corporate spirit; Idea 61: Developing today's and tomorrow's leaders; Five Greatest Ideas for Practical Business Wisdom; Idea 62: The wisdom of business; Idea 63: The folly of business…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico