Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Sagrat Cor de Jesús 367
- Sócrates 336
- Crítica e interpretación 291
- Filosofía 274
- Historia 243
- Culte 242
- Història 192
- History 143
- Platón 134
- Espíritu Santo 131
- Goigs 120
- Llibres sagrats 120
- Filosofía antigua 116
- Religion 115
- Devocionaris 113
- Sòcrates 96
- Biblia 80
- Crítica i interpretació 80
- Philosophy 78
- Església Catòlica 71
- Filosofía griega 70
- Leadership 63
- Management 63
- Pirates 63
- Iglesia Católica 58
- Christianity 54
- Bible 51
- Castellà 51
7941Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Introduction to part I: Millennia of metaphysics / Pre-socratic themes : being, not-being and mind / Plato : arguments for forms / Aristotle : form, matter, and substance / Aristotle : time and change / Medieval metaphysics I : the problem of universals / Medieval metaphysics II : things, non-things, God, and time / Descartes : the real distinction / Hobbes : matter, motion, and cause / Spinoza : substance, attribute, and mode / Richard Glauser. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
7942Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Putting the 'O' in NATO (1949-1951) -- The Eisenhower 'spiral of strength going upwards' (1951-1952) -- Massive retaliation, massive divisions (1952-1958) -- Sputnik, nukes and Charles de Gaulle (1957-1960) -- Testing Kennedy in Berlin (1961) -- Cuba (1962) -- Part 4: Détente, disagreements and the Reagan rollercoaster. …”
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7943Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Challenges of instrumental knowledge : Architecture as a humanistic discipline / Dalibor Vesely -- The situational space of André Breton's atelier and personal museum in Paris / Dagmar Motycka Weston -- L'histoire assassinée: Manfredo Tafuri and the present / Teresa Stoppani -- Nature choreographed / Anne-Louise Sommer -- The birth of modernity out of the spirit of music? Henry van de Velde and the Nietzsche Archive / Ole W. …”
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7944Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Kraglund -- Figure 2.010: The fan-like structures in the centre of the spirals of several examined artefacts, like Rye on Zealand (B7612 and B7618), Karow in Mecklenburg (ALM Br.88) -- Weitgendorf in Brandenburg (MM II8302). -- Figure 2.011: The bronze anvils with grooves found in the Nordic Bronze Age -- Figure 2.012: Different wooden tools and spatula used to make the embossed neck collar within the exclusion experiment -- Figure 2.013: Production steps of an embossed neck collar: -- Figure 2.014: Comparison of the spirals on the embossed collar and the neck collar -- Figure 2.015: Comparison of the spirals of the embossed neck collar (A) and a neck collar from Rye, Holbæk (B7612)…”
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7945Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Figures -- Notes on Contributors -- Introduction -- Part 1 Empires and Revolutions -- 1 Pietas Ottomanica: The House of ʿOs̱mān and the Prophet Muḥammad -- 2 Model, Not Idol: The Recasting of the Image of Muḥammad in Mukhtaṣar sīrat al-rasūl by Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (d. 1792) -- 3 The Prophet in a Muslim Age of Revolutions (ca. 1775-1850) -- Part 2 Prophetic Descent and Authority -- 4 ف ة ي خ- ريأ لت ة ا رور ي ص ل ي و ا ع رشل ه ا ي و ج لت ا ني ة ب اب ق لن م ا هوف مصىق أ ال ب رغم ل ا: (The Concept of the Niqāba between Legal Normand Historical Development in Morocco) -- English Summary of Chapter 4 -- 5 Siyāda and Imamate in Eighteenth-Century India: The Ṭarīqa Muḥammadiyya Khāliṣa and the Sunnī-Shīʿī Sectarian Conflict -- 6 Vérification des généalogies (taḥqīq al-ansāb) et centralité égyptienne: Le Syndicat des descendants du Prophète (niqābat al-ashrāf) à l'époque contemporaine -- Part 3 Modern Nation-States and Ideologies -- 7 Le rôle du Prophète dans l'approche marxiste de l'histoire de Bandalī Jawzī (1871-1942): Min tārīkh al-ḥarakāt al-fikriyya fī l-islām (De l'histoire des mouvements de pensée en islam) -- 8 The Place and Functions of the Figure of the Prophet in Turkish School Textbooks and General Religious Teaching: Citizenship Models and the Legitimisation of the State -- 9 The Prophet, His Mevlud, and the Building of the Albanian Nation-State -- 10 The Prophet, Law, and Constitution in Pakistani Society -- 11 "So Let Today Be All the Arabs Muḥammad": The Prophet in the Discourse of the Iraqi Baʿth Party -- Part 4 Mobilisation, Empowerment, and Social Reform -- 12 The Modern Prophet: Rashīd Riḍā's Construction of Muḥammad as Religious and Social Reformer…”
Libro electrónico -
7946Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…- Strategien zur Förderung internationaler Mobilität von Ingenieurstudierenden Laura-Katharina Schiffmann, Natascha Strenger GoING Abroad - Informationsprogramm zur frühzeitigen Beratung zu Auslandsaufenthalten im Ingenieurstudium Silke Frye, Monika Radtke, Dominik May Grenzen überwinden mit digitalem Lernen und Lehren - Internationalisierung "on the Web" Diana Keddi, Natascha Strenger, Sulamith Frerich Internationalisierung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften: Digitale Vorbereitung internationaler Studierender auf Laborarbeit in Deutschland Fokus Entrepreneurship: "Gründer-Spirit" entwickeln und umsetzen Johanna M. Werz, Dennis Kreutzer, Esther Borowski, Ingrid Isenhardt Den Innovationsgeist wecken: Anforderungen und Erfahrungen aus der Vermittlung eines Entrepreneurial Spirit an Ingenieurstudierende Anna-Lena Rose, Liudvika Leisyte, Tobias Haertel, Claudius Terkowsky Zur Bedeutung von Emotionen in der hochschulischen Entrepreneurship Engineering Education Magdalena John, Diana Keddi, Andreas Kilzer, Katharina Zilles Projektseminar interdisziplinäre Produktentwicklung im Team Studierende im Mittelpunkt: Förderung einer aktiven und kompetenten Studienverlaufsgestaltung Ute Berbuir, Bianca Wolf Wie komme ich an die Uni? …”
Libro electrónico -
7948Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Governar la comunicació durant la Segona República : l’obra legislativa de la Generalitat de Catalunya en premsa, ràdio i cinema / Dr. Joan Esculies Serrat. Les reformes judicials de Catalunya durant la Segona República i la Guerra Civil : autonomia, revolució i un final abrupte / Dr. …”
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7949Publicado 2021“…Se trata en todo caso de composiciones musicales pertenecientes al género pop, entendido este en un sentido muy amplio, que abarca desde la copla española al rock duro o el punk, pasando por la canción de autor o el rap.La representación de estilos es plural y heterogénea, en distintas lenguas de música española e internacional: de los Beatles a Estopa; de Bob Dylan, Bárbara Dane o Bruce Springsteen a Serrat, Víctor Manuel, Rozalén o Antonio Vega; de Pink Floyd o Police a Mecano o La M.O.D.A.; de Ramones, Dire Straits o Depeche Mode a Tribade, Revólver o Tam Tam Go!…”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
7951Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Three aphorisms from Denis Diderot, Philosophical Thoughts, 1746; Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, 1748; and Voltaire, Portable Philosophical Dictionary, 1764 -- 4. …”
Libro electrónico -
7953Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Jews, travel culture, and devotional practice in the Pan Temple of Egyptian El-Kanais / Beyond apocalyptic dualism: ranks of divinities in 1 Enoch and Daniel / Wine and spirits: observations on the Athenian anthesteria / The moralizing of discourse in Greco-Roman associations / When size matters: social formations in the early Roman Empire / Tailoring rhetoric: verbalizing philosophical dress in the Second Sophistic / "Thus the sage constantly reminds himself": personal epistolary paraenesis in Galen and Paul / Blessed are the solitary: textual practices and the mirage of a Thomas "community" / Redescribing the religion of Hebrews / Philosophy and ideology in John 9-10 / Christians who sacrifice and those who do not? …”
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Libro electrónico -
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
7955Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…El nuevo municipalismo como antídoto a la Europa de la austerity y de los estados bloqueados / Joan Subirats -- ¿(Re)tomar el municipalismo? / Ángel Calle Collado -- Gestionar para transformar. …”
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7956Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…La columna "El llenguatge" (1976-1985), d'Albert Jané, al diari Avui / Daniel Casals i Martorell (UAB) -- "Català per a tothom" (1979-1981) a Alcanar / Amanda Ulldemolins Subirats (GU, CUA) -- "Parlem del català" (1990-1997), a Catalunya Ràdio / Oriol Camps Giralt (IEC) -- Català a l'atac, divulgar la llengua / Enric Gomà -- El col·loquial mediatitzat de les sèries de ficció i el català nord-occidental: un encaix difícil? …”
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7957Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Pan-African church : nation, self, and spirit in Winners' Chapel, Nigeria / Samuel Krinsky -- Transnational tradition : the global dynamics of "African traditional religion" / Marleen de Witte…”
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7958Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Mission of the Holy Spirit: Pentecostal Fellowshipâ€?K. Steve McCormick ""; ""10. …”
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7959por Peterson, Brent D., 1975-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Benediction: Exhaled by and with the Spirit to Be Doxologically Broken and Poured Out """"Conclusion""; ""Appendix 1: Questions for Interviewing a Congregation""; ""Appendix 2: Song Review Worksheet""; ""Appendix 3: A Sample Liturgy for Infant Baptism""; ""Notes""; ""Bibliography""…”
Publicado 2012
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Libro electrónico -
7960por Defoe, DanielTabla de Contenidos: “…Title; Contents; The History of the Devil, as Well Ancient as Modern; The Preface to the Second Edition; PART I -- OF THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE DEVIL; Chapter I -- Being an Introduction to the Whole Work; Chapter II -- Of the Word Devil; Chapter III -- Of the Original of the Devil; Chapter IV -- Of the Name of the Devil; Chapter V -- Of the Station Satan Had in Heaven Before He Fell; Chapter VI -- What Became of the Devil and His Host of Fallen Spirits After Their Being Expell'd from Heaven; Chapter VII -- Of the Number of Satan's Host…”
Publicado 2012
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