Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Sagrat Cor de Jesús 367
- Sócrates 336
- Crítica e interpretación 291
- Filosofía 274
- Historia 243
- Culte 242
- Història 192
- History 143
- Platón 134
- Espíritu Santo 131
- Goigs 120
- Llibres sagrats 120
- Filosofía antigua 116
- Religion 115
- Devocionaris 113
- Sòcrates 96
- Biblia 80
- Crítica i interpretació 80
- Philosophy 78
- Església Catòlica 71
- Filosofía griega 70
- Leadership 63
- Management 63
- Pirates 63
- Iglesia Católica 58
- Christianity 54
- Bible 51
- Castellà 51
7821por Baldwin, ChristinaTabla de Contenidos: “…; Preface: The Origin of the PeerSpirit Circle Process; Part I: The Circle Way; Chapter 1 Where Circle Comes From and Where It Can Take Us; Chapter 2 The Components of Circle; Part II: Circles at Work in the World; Chapter 3 The Power of Preparation, Invitation, Intention, and Center; Chapter 4 Rotating Positions of Leadership in the Circle; Chapter 5 Accountability Through Agreements, Practices, and Principles; Chapter 6 Circle, Step by Step; Part III: The Art of Presence in Circle; Chapter 7 Story as Core Communication…”
Publicado 2010
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7822Publicado 1986Tabla de Contenidos: “…AUCTOR LUDENS: Essays on Play in Literature; Editorial page; Title page; Copyright page; Table of contents; PREFACE; Pre-Lude; FROM SPELLS TO SPILLS; NOTES; SUPERLIMINAL NOTE; NOTES; Part I: Authors at Play; Playing with the Audience; TO ""MAKE"" AN AUDIENCE, OR A NIGHT'S DALLIANCE; NOTES; BRECHT AND THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT OF PLAYFULNESS; NOTES; Playing with the Canon; HAGIOGRAPHIC (DIS)PLAY: CHAUCER'S ""THE MILLER'S TALE""; NOTES; PLAYING WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: AUCTOR LUDENS, DIABOLUS LUDICRUS; NOTES; Playing with Authorship; ACTS OF WILLFUL PLAY; NOTES…”
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7823Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Gallium nitride-based interband tunnel junctions / Siddharth Rajan, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, and Fatih Akyol -- chapter 10. …”
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7824por Kickz, XavierTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Cover -- Title -- Contents -- Introduction -- Sneakers in History -- Definitive Moments in Sneaker Style -- Q& -- A -- Xavierâ€TMs Frequently Answered Questions -- Workspace, Materials, and Tools -- Workspace -- Materials -- Prep and Finishing Basics -- Laces -- Surface Cleaning -- Taping -- Finishing -- Planning Your Design -- Designing -- Practicing Your Brushwork and Pen Work -- 1 Customizing with Paint -- Sprinkle Drip Kicks -- Cartoon Kicks -- Tiger Stripes -- Dragon Kicks -- Painted Plaid -- Freestyle High-Tops -- Toothpick Painting -- 2 Paint Pen Color -- Paint Pen Camo -- Fine-Line Quickie -- Paint Pen Doodling -- Paint Pen on Dark Color -- Sneakers in Culture and Community -- Sneakers, Sports, and Getting That Look -- 3 Crazy Color -- Shaving Cream Color -- Sharpie Tie-Dye -- Cool Color Drip -- Hydro-Dipped Marbelizing -- Galactic Splatter -- 4 Airbrush and Stencil -- Airbrushing Basics -- Airbrushing Black Leather -- Mix It Up -- Handmade Stencil -- Hot Stuff -- Color Waves -- Team Spirit -- 5 Paper, Cloth, Glitter, and Shine -- Fabrication Transformation -- Bedazzled Flash -- Brushed-on Glitter -- Cut-Paper Collage -- Sneakers in Pop Culture -- A Timeline of Kicks in Music and Movies -- About Xavier -- Acknowledgments -- Index -- Dedication -- Copyright…”
Publicado 2023
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7825Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mendelssonh: hacer de Sócrates un filósofo del siglo XVIII / Guillem Sales Vilalta -- Filosofante y filósofo: la recepción platónica de García Bacca / Alba Marín Garzón -- Jan Patočka y el diálogo platónico como fenomenología dramática / Jordi Casasampera Fernández -- Platón frente a la modernidad europea : una lectura dialéctico-analógica / Juan Antonio Negrete Alcudia…”
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7826Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Development of skills, talents and creative abilities in visual arts education / Enid Zimmerman -- Nurturing vocal talent / Jason Paulk, Kayla Paulk and Jason Vest -- Using the study of language to help develop musical sensitivity / Mark Dal Porto and Tracy Carr -- The Socratic methodology, mathematics and the spiritual revival of the West: directions for developing the skills, talents and abilities of students in math / Colin Hannaford -- Developing mathematical talent / Linda Brody -- Learn, un-learn, and re-learn: developing critical thinking skills and learning skills and abilities in the 21st century / Donald Elder -- Back to the future: what we already know about critical thinking and science education / Jerry Everhart -- Developing philosophical thinking skills and abilities / Gerard Casey -- Supporting social and emotional development of gifted children and adolescents / Lisa Rivero -- The development and nurturance of giftedness / Roya Klingner -- In the development of creative thinking, metaphors matter / John Baer -- How to parent chess talent: classic and modern stories / Kenneth A. …”
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7827por McCormack, Bruce L.Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Participation in God, yes, deification, no : two modern Protestant responses to an ancient question -- Seek God where he may be found : a response to Edwin Chr. van Driel occasional writings -- The Barth renaissance in America : an opinion -- Theology and science : Karl Barth's contribution to an ongoing debate -- Foreword to the German edition of Karl Barth's critically realistic dialectical theology -- Review of Johann Friedrich Lohmann's Karl Barth und der Neukantianismus -- Review of Karl Barth's the Holy Spirit and the Christian life…”
Publicado 2008
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7828por Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, 1941-2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Slavery: proceeding from the Lord; 17. The Holy Spirit in the word of God; 18. Jerusalem and Athens - against Paris; 19. …”
Publicado 2005
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7829Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fear of Isolation and Perceived Affordances: The Spiral of Silence on Social Networking Sites Regarding Police Discrimination 8. …”
Libro electrónico -
7830Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Grayzel; '9/7', the first day of the London blitz: the context, Peter Stanksy; Parisian peculiarities: the French capital in the age of total war, Patrice Higonnet; Constructing a symbol of defeat and national rejuvenation: Edirne (Adrianople) in Ottoman propaganda and writing during the Balkan Wars, Eyal Ginio; Reclaiming their city: Belgraders and the combat against Habsburg propaganda through rumours, 1915-18, Jovana Knezevic; Local space and total war: enemies in Vienna in the two world wars, Maureen Healey; Ghettos and the remaking of urban space: a comparative study of Budapest and Warsaw, Tim Cole; Total warfare in a city: Stalingrad, Berlin - and Baghdad, Antony Beevor; Commemorative cosmopolis: transnational networks of remembrance in postwar Coventry, Stefan Goebel; Memories in ruins: Hiroshima's nuclear annihilation and beyond, Lisa Yoneyama; The spirit of war remains intact: the politics of space in Tokyo and the Yasukuni shrine, Julie Higashi; Conclusion: metropolitan history and national history in the age of total war, Jay Winter; Index…”
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7831Publicado 2023“…Contributors Kholoud Al-Ajarma, Piotr Bachtin, Vladimir Bobrovnikov, Marjo Buitelaar, Nadia Caidi, Simon Coleman, Thomas Ecker, Zahir Janmohamed, Khadija Kadrouch-Outmany, Ammeke Kateman, Yahya Nurgat, Jihan Safar, Neda Saghaee, Leila Seurat, Richard van Leeuwen and Miguel Ángel Vázquez…”
Libro electrónico -
7832por Equipo Parramón Paidotribo, Equipo ParramónTabla de Contenidos: “…Line and Shading in Drawing -- Learning to See: Learning to See Form -- Basic Lines: Learning the Basic Lines -- Mastery of Lines -- Linear Drawing -- The Energy of Lines -- The Value of Lines -- Modulated Drawing -- The Variability of Lines -- Line, Space, and Intuition -- Urban Landscape Using Scribbles -- Usefulness of Scribbling -- Spiral Lines -- Shading with Lines -- Hatching -- Scratchboard Drawing -- Architecture with Ornamental Lines -- Drawing Hatchings with a Ruler -- Playing with Lines -- Linear Rural Landscape -- Building up with Tone -- Block Shading Using Three Colors -- Cubist Shading -- Controlling the Tones of the Drawing -- Silhouetting Light Tones -- Trees in the Landscape with Grays -- Shading and Contrast -- Building Form with Tone -- An Interior Scene Using Shading -- Shading with Pastel (in the style of Seurat) -- Combining Shading and Lines -- Contours of Shading -- The Logic of Light -- Drawing with Pigment and a Cloth…”
Publicado 2009
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7833Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tripathy -- An energy efficient secured arduino based home automation using android interface / Arghya Dasgupta, Souvik Roy, Sunetra Mukherjee, Shuvam Kabiraj, Pulakesh Roy, Arindam Biswas, Rajib Banerjee -- A multithreaded android app to notify available ̀CoWIN' vaccination slots to multiple recipients / Sudipta Saha, Saikat Basu, Koushik Majumder, Debashish Chakravarty -- Binary MMBAIS for feature selection problem / Hema Banati, Asha Yadav -- Audio to Indian sign language interpreter (AISLI) using machine translation and NLP techniques / Nivedita, B.K. …”
Libro electrónico -
7834Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adding a Collapsing Glowing Color -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Distortion Shaders -- Ice Texture Refraction -- Initial Setup -- Modify the Scene Color to Create Distortion -- Use an Ice Texture to Modify the Scene Color -- Customize the Shader with the Ice Texture and Color -- Black Hole Distortion -- Creation of the Center of the Black Hole -- Using Particle Systems for a Billboard Effect -- Creating a Spiral Texture Using the Twirl Node -- Modifying the Scene Color Using the Spiral Texture -- Masking the Spiral Texture -- Adding Dynamic Rotation to the Spiral Texture -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Advanced Shaders -- Cartoon Water Shader -- Initial Setup -- Accessing the Depth Buffer to Create Foam with the Scene Depth Node -- Scene Depth Node -- Implementing the Depth Information in the Shader -- Controlling the Depth Gradient with Divide Node -- Create Water Caustics -- Using the Voronoi Noise Node -- Using SubGraph to Reuse Groups of Nodes -- Add Radial Deformation Using Radial Shear -- Adding Movement to the Voronoi Cells -- Adding Extra Caustic Layers -- Adding Color to the Water Caustics Texture -- Deforming the Vertices of the Water Surface -- Iridescent Bubble Shader -- Initial Setup -- Create and Set Up Reflections -- Reflection Probes and Reflection Cubemaps -- Creating an Iridescent Dynamic Pattern -- Adding Thin-Film Interference Gradient -- Adding Rim Transparency and Color -- Adding Random Vertex Displacement -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Interactive Snow Effect -- Scene Setup -- Give Movement to the Character -- Set Up Your IDE -- Create a Character Movement Script -- Snow Plane 3D Object -- Subdivided Plane Creation -- Import the Plane to Unity -- Interactive Snow Shader Graph -- Shader Graph Setup -- Apply Displacement Using Noise -- Apply Snow Color and Occlusion -- Interact with the Snow -- Using a Render Texture -- Painting the Character Path…”
Libro electrónico -
7836por Garz, Detlef Prof. DrTabla de Contenidos: “…Definition über die Heimat Ι Kindheit und Jugend: Kriescht, Berlin, Vietz: ,Eine Welt stürzt ein' Ι "Aber damit sind wir beim Ausbruch des Weltkrieges 1914-1918" Ι Eine "öffentliche Laufbahn" beginnt Ι Als Redakteur ins Eulengebirge Ι "Das Hakenkreuz wächst" (CP, 41) Ι "Ein Volk in Ekstase" (CP, 42) Ι ,Das Attentat' Ι Der Prozess Ι "Das war mein Abschied von Deutschland" Ι Nach der Emigration: Theoretisches Arbeiten und Schweizer Schwierigkeiten (1933-1938) Ι Weitere Schwierigkeiten; jetzt auch der ,Kampf' mit dem Entschädigungsamt Berlin - Heirat - Zurück zur Kunst 3. Rudolfine Menzel (1891-1973) - "Rückwärts schauen ist Tod und Erstarrung, vorwärts blicken Glück und Vorbedingung des Erfolgs" Kindheit und Jugend in Wien Ι Zionismus: "Auf Strammheit legten wir grosses Gewicht" Ι Beginn und Abschluss des Studiums - Heirat - Krieg Ι Die Zeit in Linz: die sportliche und wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit Hunden Ι Wissenschaftliche Erfolge und Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Reichswehr Ι Die politische Entwicklung in Österreich, Kontakte nach Palästina Ι Die Ausreise: "Die Würfel waren gefallen. …”
Publicado 2021
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7838Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Joan de Sagarra : el cronista de tot ; Toni Miserachs : records de la B ; Serena Vergano: Serena en sis actes ; Rosa Regàs : l'esperança ; Enrique Vila-Matas : Bocaccio no s'acaba mai ; Joan Manuel Serrat : els déus de la vida ; Óscar Tusquets : la llibertat ; Guillermina Motta : nits de boom i de poesia ; Juan Marsé : mitologies bocaccianes ; Colita : l'amistat ; / Colita -- Elisenda Nadal i Jesús Ulled : la llavor i l'arbre ; Georgina Regàs i Anna Maio : te'n recordes? …”
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7840Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…The apocalypse of colonialism : notes toward a postcolonial eschatology / Jesus/Christ the hybrid : toward a postcolonial evangelical Christology / Recovering the spirit of Pentecost : canon and catholicity in postcolonial perspective / Transforming the evangelical legacy. …”
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