Mostrando 621 - 640 Resultados de 852 Para Buscar 'Revolution Society', tiempo de consulta: 0.15s Limitar resultados
  1. 621
    Publicado 2000
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapitre 7_Tensions et contradictions du système statistique soviétique: de la Révolution à la Seconde Guerre mondialeChapitre 8_L'INSEE, histoire d'une institution; Chapitre 9_Les réseaux de l'internationalisme statistique (1885-1914); Chapitre 10_La commission de statistique de l'ONU; Chapitre 11_La construction des statistiques sur la science et la technologie; Savoirs et pratiques; Chapitre 12_The Buller Education Commission; or, the London Statistical Society Comes to Canada, 1838-1842; Chapitre 13_Styles of Statistical Reasoning: The French Liberal Tradition Reconsidered…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 622
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ortega -- Between context and telos : reviewing the structures of international law / Martti Koskenniemi -- Marxism and the idea of revolution : the messianic moment in Marx / Etienne Balibar -- V. …”
  3. 623
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The development of Islamic civilization to the eighteenth century -- The rise and expansion of Islam -- The development of Islamic civilization to the fifteenth century -- The Ottoman and Safavid empires : a new imperial synthesis -- The beginnings of the era of transformation -- Forging a new synthesis : the pattern of reforms, 1789-1849 -- The Ottoman Empire and Egypt during the era of the Tanzimat -- Egypt and Iran in the late nineteenth century -- The response of Islamic society -- The era of the Young Turks and the Iranian constitutionalists -- World War I and the end of the Ottoman order -- The struggle for independence : the interwar era to the end of World War II -- Authoritarian reform in Turkey and Iran -- The Arab struggle for independence : Egypt, Iraq, and Transjordan from the interwar era to 1945 -- The Arab struggle for independence : Syria, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia from the interwar era to 1945 -- The Palestine mandate and the birth of the state of Israel -- The independent Middle East from the end of World War II to the 1970s -- Democracy and authoritarianism : Turkey and Iran -- The Middle East in the age of Nasser : the Egyptian base -- The Middle East in the age of Nasser : the radicalization of Arab politics -- Israel and the Palestinians from 1948 to the 1970s -- The resurgence of Islam : the Middle East from the 1970s to the 1991 -- Gulf war -- The Iranian revolution and the revival of Islam -- Changing patterns of war and peace : Egypt and Lebanon in the 1970s and 1980s -- The Arabian Peninsula in the petroleum era -- The consolidation of authoritarian rule in Syria and Iraq : the regimes of Hafiz Al-Asad and Saddam Husayn -- Challenges to the existing order : the Middle East in the 1990s and 2000s -- The Palestinian Intifada and the 1991 Gulf War -- A peace so near, a peace so far : Palestinian-Israeli relations since the 1991 Gulf War -- Patterns of continuity and change in Turkey, Iran, and Lebanon -- America's troubled moment in the Middle East -- The 2011 Arab uprisings and its aftermath…”
  4. 624
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The movement to open up at the turn of the 2010s: from retreat to institutional change -- 3.2.1. Fiscal revolution and statistical counter-revolution: a movement to close the data -- 3.2.2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 625
    por Witten, I. H.
    Publicado 2007
    Libro electrónico
  6. 626
    Publicado 2021
    “…But the answer to our problems is not revolution. The answer is to create a better capitalism by understanding and harnessing the power of creative destruction--innovation that disrupts, but that over the past two hundred years has also lifted societies to previously unimagined prosperity. …”
  7. 627
    Publicado 2021
    “…From the 1920s to the 1950s, in a world transformed by revolution and war, extreme ideologies of left and right fueled utopian hopes and dystopian fears. …”
  8. 628
    Publicado 2015
  9. 629
    Publicado 2018
    Libro electrónico
  10. 630
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…KELLOGG: Justification and Public Reason in a Democracy -- PART 5 Participatory Democracy and Social Justice -- NINE Justyna MIKLASZEWSKA: Public Choice Theory and the Post-Totalitarian State -- TEN John RYDER: Academic Freedom and a Democratic Society -- PART 6 The Electronic Media and Democracy -- ELEVEN Anthony J. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 631
    por Mascarenhas-Mateus, João
    Publicado 2023
    Libro electrónico
  12. 632
    Publicado 2016
    Libro electrónico
  13. 633
    por Earhart, H. Byron
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part 2 The Dynamics of a Cosmic Mountain4 The Mountain Becomes the World; Kakugyo: Rebirth from Fuji; Minuki: Fuji as a Mountain Mandala; 5 Touchstone of Ethical Life; Jikigyo Miroku: From Oil Merchant to Religious Reformer; Fasting to Death on Fuji and Transformation of Society; 6 Cosmic Model and World Renewal; Fujido: Fuji as a Cosmic Mountain; Furikawari: The ""Way of Fuji"" as the Revolution of Society; Colour Plate; 7 Pilgrimage Confraternities: People Come to the Mountain; The ""Eight Hundred and Eight"" Fujiko; Fujiko: Pilgrimage to the Mountain…”
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    Libro electrónico
  14. 634
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Authors -- Introduction -- List of Contributors -- Further Reading -- Abbey of Theleme -- Agora -- Alternative Geopolitics -- Amazons -- America -- Amish -- Anabaptists -- Anarchism -- Anti-Capitalism -- Appropriate Technology -- Arcadia -- Arts and Crafts -- Atlantis -- Attac -- Auroville -- Auto-Didacticism -- Autonomia -- Bakunin, Mikhail -- Ball, John -- Bartering -- Battle of Seattle -- Blac(k) Bloc -- Blake, William -- Bookchin, Murray -- Bournville -- Bray, John Francis -- Brethren of the Free Spirit -- Brook Farm -- Bureaucracy -- Captain Swing -- Carnival -- Cathars -- Centri Sociali -- Chipko Movement -- Christiania -- Christianopolis -- City of the Sun -- City State -- Cockaigne (or Cockaygne) -- Collectivism -- Commons -- Commonwealth -- Commune -- Communism -- Communitarianism -- Community -- Community Credit -- Community Gardens -- Community-Supported Agriculture -- Cooperative City -- Cooperatives -- Credit Unions -- Crystal Waters -- Cuba -- Cult -- Decroissance / Degrowth -- Deep Ecology -- Democracy -- Diggers -- Direct Action -- Disobbedienti -- Dispossessed, The -- Dissenters -- Dissenting Academies -- Dystopia -- Ecofeminism -- Ecotopia -- Ecovillages -- Eden -- El Dorado -- Employee Ownership -- Empowerment -- Environmentalism -- Erewhon -- Esop -- Fair Trade -- Farmers' Markets -- Fascism -- Federalism -- Feminism -- Feminist Utopias -- Findhorn -- Focolare -- Fourier, Charles -- Free Schools -- Free State Project -- Freeland -- Freire, Paulo -- Friendly Societies -- Gandhi, Mohandas K -- Garden Cities -- Godwin, William -- Golden Age -- Goldman, Emma -- Grameen Bank -- Grassroots -- Guerrilla -- Guilds -- Gulliver's Travels -- Hayden, Dolores -- Herland -- Illich, Ivan -- Industrial Democracy -- Indymedia (Independent Media Centre) -- Intentional Community -- Internationals -- Islamic Finance -- Island -- Isle of Pines -- John Lewis Partnership -- Kalmar -- Kibbutz -- Kingdom of Heaven On Earth -- Kropotkin, Peter -- Le Corbusier -- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich -- Lets (Local Exchange and Trading Schemes) -- Levellers -- Liberalism -- Libertarianism -- Llano Del Rio -- Localization -- Looking Backward -- Luddites -- Luxemburg, Rosa -- Management -- Mao Tse-Tung -- Markets -- Marx, Karl -- Massachusetts Bay Colony -- Mechanics' Institutes and Mutual Improvement Societies -- Millenarianism -- Minarchism or Minimal Statism -- Monasticism -- Mondragòn -- MST (Movimento Dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) -- Multitude -- Mutualism -- Network -- New Atlantis -- New Discovery of Terra Incognita Australis -- New Jerusalem -- New Lanark -- New Model Army -- News from Nowhere -- Non-Conformism -- Non-Violent Resistance -- Nozick, Robert -- Oceana -- Oneida -- Open Source Software -- Owen, Robert -- Paradise -- Paris Commune -- Peasants' Revolt -- Permaculture -- Pirate Utopia -- Plutarch -- Polis -- Port Sunlight -- Porto Alegre -- Protectionism -- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph -- Quakers -- Quality of Working Life (QWL) -- Rand, Ayn -- Ranters -- Rawls, John -- Republic, The -- Revolution -- Robinson Crusoe -- Rochdale Pioneers -- Romanticism -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques -- Ruskin, John -- Sade, Marquis De -- Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de -- Saltaire -- Schumacher, E.F -- Science Fiction -- Scott Bader Commonwealth -- Secret Societies -- Self-Sufficiency -- Shakers -- Shangri-La -- Situationist -- Slow Food -- Small States -- Smallness -- Smith, Adam -- Social Capital -- Social Ecology -- Social Economy -- Socialism -- Soviet Union -- Soviets -- Spanish Anarchist Militias -- Squatting -- Stirner, Max -- Subsistence Work -- Suma -- Summerhill -- Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage -- Sustainability -- Syndicalism -- Terrorism -- Therapeutic Communities -- Time Banks -- Tolstoy (or Tolstoi), Leo -- Tower Colliery -- Trade Unions -- Travellers -- Tute Bianche -- Twin Oaks -- Utopia -- Via Campesina -- Villages -- Voyage to Icaria -- Walden -- Walden Two -- Wells, Herbert George -- Wikipedia -- Woman On the Edge of Time -- Worker Self-Management -- World Social Forum -- Zakât (or Zakaat, or Zakah) -- Zapatistas…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 635
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….] -- The deep structure of human society : primate origins and evolution / Bernard Chapais -- Conflict and bonding between the sexes / Ryne A. …”
  16. 636
    Publicado 2019
    Libro electrónico
  17. 637
    Publicado 2016
    Libro electrónico
  18. 638
    por Sandal, Nukhet A.
    Publicado 2013
    Libro electrónico
  19. 639
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Release and adjustment: perspectives from studies of wrongly convicted and politically motivated prisoners (Ruth Jamieson and Adrian Grounds); 3. The contextual revolution in psychology and the question of prison effects (Craig Haney); 4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 640
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Groen van Prinsterer's interpretation of the French Revolution and the rise of 'pillars' in Dutch society -- 7. …”
    Libro electrónico