Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 110
- Historia 104
- Social aspects 39
- Politics and government 31
- Political aspects 24
- Technological innovations 24
- Philosophy 23
- Information technology 20
- Social conditions 20
- Economic aspects 19
- Artificial intelligence 18
- Education 16
- Society 15
- Sociology 15
- Aspectos sociales 13
- Globalization 12
- Political science 12
- Sustainable development 12
- Filosofía 11
- Information society 11
- Politics 11
- Religion 11
- Economic conditions 10
- Entrepreneurship 10
- History and criticism 10
- Political Science 10
- Política 10
- Política y gobierno 10
- Science 9
- Technology 9
621Publicado 2000Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapitre 7_Tensions et contradictions du système statistique soviétique: de la Révolution à la Seconde Guerre mondialeChapitre 8_L'INSEE, histoire d'une institution; Chapitre 9_Les réseaux de l'internationalisme statistique (1885-1914); Chapitre 10_La commission de statistique de l'ONU; Chapitre 11_La construction des statistiques sur la science et la technologie; Savoirs et pratiques; Chapitre 12_The Buller Education Commission; or, the London Statistical Society Comes to Canada, 1838-1842; Chapitre 13_Styles of Statistical Reasoning: The French Liberal Tradition Reconsidered…”
Libro electrónico -
622Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ortega -- Between context and telos : reviewing the structures of international law / Martti Koskenniemi -- Marxism and the idea of revolution : the messianic moment in Marx / Etienne Balibar -- V. …”
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623Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…The development of Islamic civilization to the eighteenth century -- The rise and expansion of Islam -- The development of Islamic civilization to the fifteenth century -- The Ottoman and Safavid empires : a new imperial synthesis -- The beginnings of the era of transformation -- Forging a new synthesis : the pattern of reforms, 1789-1849 -- The Ottoman Empire and Egypt during the era of the Tanzimat -- Egypt and Iran in the late nineteenth century -- The response of Islamic society -- The era of the Young Turks and the Iranian constitutionalists -- World War I and the end of the Ottoman order -- The struggle for independence : the interwar era to the end of World War II -- Authoritarian reform in Turkey and Iran -- The Arab struggle for independence : Egypt, Iraq, and Transjordan from the interwar era to 1945 -- The Arab struggle for independence : Syria, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia from the interwar era to 1945 -- The Palestine mandate and the birth of the state of Israel -- The independent Middle East from the end of World War II to the 1970s -- Democracy and authoritarianism : Turkey and Iran -- The Middle East in the age of Nasser : the Egyptian base -- The Middle East in the age of Nasser : the radicalization of Arab politics -- Israel and the Palestinians from 1948 to the 1970s -- The resurgence of Islam : the Middle East from the 1970s to the 1991 -- Gulf war -- The Iranian revolution and the revival of Islam -- Changing patterns of war and peace : Egypt and Lebanon in the 1970s and 1980s -- The Arabian Peninsula in the petroleum era -- The consolidation of authoritarian rule in Syria and Iraq : the regimes of Hafiz Al-Asad and Saddam Husayn -- Challenges to the existing order : the Middle East in the 1990s and 2000s -- The Palestinian Intifada and the 1991 Gulf War -- A peace so near, a peace so far : Palestinian-Israeli relations since the 1991 Gulf War -- Patterns of continuity and change in Turkey, Iran, and Lebanon -- America's troubled moment in the Middle East -- The 2011 Arab uprisings and its aftermath…”
Libro -
624Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…The movement to open up at the turn of the 2010s: from retreat to institutional change -- 3.2.1. Fiscal revolution and statistical counter-revolution: a movement to close the data -- 3.2.2. …”
Libro electrónico -
626Publicado 2021“…But the answer to our problems is not revolution. The answer is to create a better capitalism by understanding and harnessing the power of creative destruction--innovation that disrupts, but that over the past two hundred years has also lifted societies to previously unimagined prosperity. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
627Publicado 2021“…From the 1920s to the 1950s, in a world transformed by revolution and war, extreme ideologies of left and right fueled utopian hopes and dystopian fears. …”
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630Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…KELLOGG: Justification and Public Reason in a Democracy -- PART 5 Participatory Democracy and Social Justice -- NINE Justyna MIKLASZEWSKA: Public Choice Theory and the Post-Totalitarian State -- TEN John RYDER: Academic Freedom and a Democratic Society -- PART 6 The Electronic Media and Democracy -- ELEVEN Anthony J. …”
Libro electrónico -
632Publicado 2016Libro electrónico
633por Earhart, H. ByronTabla de Contenidos: “…Part 2 The Dynamics of a Cosmic Mountain4 The Mountain Becomes the World; Kakugyo: Rebirth from Fuji; Minuki: Fuji as a Mountain Mandala; 5 Touchstone of Ethical Life; Jikigyo Miroku: From Oil Merchant to Religious Reformer; Fasting to Death on Fuji and Transformation of Society; 6 Cosmic Model and World Renewal; Fujido: Fuji as a Cosmic Mountain; Furikawari: The ""Way of Fuji"" as the Revolution of Society; Colour Plate; 7 Pilgrimage Confraternities: People Come to the Mountain; The ""Eight Hundred and Eight"" Fujiko; Fujiko: Pilgrimage to the Mountain…”
Publicado 2011
Click para texto completo desde fuera UPSA
Click para texto completo desde UPSA
Libro electrónico -
634Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Authors -- Introduction -- List of Contributors -- Further Reading -- Abbey of Theleme -- Agora -- Alternative Geopolitics -- Amazons -- America -- Amish -- Anabaptists -- Anarchism -- Anti-Capitalism -- Appropriate Technology -- Arcadia -- Arts and Crafts -- Atlantis -- Attac -- Auroville -- Auto-Didacticism -- Autonomia -- Bakunin, Mikhail -- Ball, John -- Bartering -- Battle of Seattle -- Blac(k) Bloc -- Blake, William -- Bookchin, Murray -- Bournville -- Bray, John Francis -- Brethren of the Free Spirit -- Brook Farm -- Bureaucracy -- Captain Swing -- Carnival -- Cathars -- Centri Sociali -- Chipko Movement -- Christiania -- Christianopolis -- City of the Sun -- City State -- Cockaigne (or Cockaygne) -- Collectivism -- Commons -- Commonwealth -- Commune -- Communism -- Communitarianism -- Community -- Community Credit -- Community Gardens -- Community-Supported Agriculture -- Cooperative City -- Cooperatives -- Credit Unions -- Crystal Waters -- Cuba -- Cult -- Decroissance / Degrowth -- Deep Ecology -- Democracy -- Diggers -- Direct Action -- Disobbedienti -- Dispossessed, The -- Dissenters -- Dissenting Academies -- Dystopia -- Ecofeminism -- Ecotopia -- Ecovillages -- Eden -- El Dorado -- Employee Ownership -- Empowerment -- Environmentalism -- Erewhon -- Esop -- Fair Trade -- Farmers' Markets -- Fascism -- Federalism -- Feminism -- Feminist Utopias -- Findhorn -- Focolare -- Fourier, Charles -- Free Schools -- Free State Project -- Freeland -- Freire, Paulo -- Friendly Societies -- Gandhi, Mohandas K -- Garden Cities -- Godwin, William -- Golden Age -- Goldman, Emma -- Grameen Bank -- Grassroots -- Guerrilla -- Guilds -- Gulliver's Travels -- Hayden, Dolores -- Herland -- Illich, Ivan -- Industrial Democracy -- Indymedia (Independent Media Centre) -- Intentional Community -- Internationals -- Islamic Finance -- Island -- Isle of Pines -- John Lewis Partnership -- Kalmar -- Kibbutz -- Kingdom of Heaven On Earth -- Kropotkin, Peter -- Le Corbusier -- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich -- Lets (Local Exchange and Trading Schemes) -- Levellers -- Liberalism -- Libertarianism -- Llano Del Rio -- Localization -- Looking Backward -- Luddites -- Luxemburg, Rosa -- Management -- Mao Tse-Tung -- Markets -- Marx, Karl -- Massachusetts Bay Colony -- Mechanics' Institutes and Mutual Improvement Societies -- Millenarianism -- Minarchism or Minimal Statism -- Monasticism -- Mondragòn -- MST (Movimento Dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) -- Multitude -- Mutualism -- Network -- New Atlantis -- New Discovery of Terra Incognita Australis -- New Jerusalem -- New Lanark -- New Model Army -- News from Nowhere -- Non-Conformism -- Non-Violent Resistance -- Nozick, Robert -- Oceana -- Oneida -- Open Source Software -- Owen, Robert -- Paradise -- Paris Commune -- Peasants' Revolt -- Permaculture -- Pirate Utopia -- Plutarch -- Polis -- Port Sunlight -- Porto Alegre -- Protectionism -- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph -- Quakers -- Quality of Working Life (QWL) -- Rand, Ayn -- Ranters -- Rawls, John -- Republic, The -- Revolution -- Robinson Crusoe -- Rochdale Pioneers -- Romanticism -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques -- Ruskin, John -- Sade, Marquis De -- Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de -- Saltaire -- Schumacher, E.F -- Science Fiction -- Scott Bader Commonwealth -- Secret Societies -- Self-Sufficiency -- Shakers -- Shangri-La -- Situationist -- Slow Food -- Small States -- Smallness -- Smith, Adam -- Social Capital -- Social Ecology -- Social Economy -- Socialism -- Soviet Union -- Soviets -- Spanish Anarchist Militias -- Squatting -- Stirner, Max -- Subsistence Work -- Suma -- Summerhill -- Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage -- Sustainability -- Syndicalism -- Terrorism -- Therapeutic Communities -- Time Banks -- Tolstoy (or Tolstoi), Leo -- Tower Colliery -- Trade Unions -- Travellers -- Tute Bianche -- Twin Oaks -- Utopia -- Via Campesina -- Villages -- Voyage to Icaria -- Walden -- Walden Two -- Wells, Herbert George -- Wikipedia -- Woman On the Edge of Time -- Worker Self-Management -- World Social Forum -- Zakât (or Zakaat, or Zakah) -- Zapatistas…”
Libro electrónico -
635Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “….] -- The deep structure of human society : primate origins and evolution / Bernard Chapais -- Conflict and bonding between the sexes / Ryne A. …”
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636Publicado 2019Libro electrónico
639Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…Release and adjustment: perspectives from studies of wrongly convicted and politically motivated prisoners (Ruth Jamieson and Adrian Grounds); 3. The contextual revolution in psychology and the question of prison effects (Craig Haney); 4. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
640Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Groen van Prinsterer's interpretation of the French Revolution and the rise of 'pillars' in Dutch society -- 7. …”
Libro electrónico