Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 1,216
- Historia 640
- Management 562
- Development 453
- Economics 371
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 355
- Social aspects 344
- Business & Economics 322
- Education 293
- Economic conditions 268
- Computer networks 266
- Politics and government 259
- Filosofía 254
- Leadership 254
- Application software 243
- Computer Science 236
- Crítica e interpretación 232
- Economic policy 220
- History and criticism 218
- Philosophy 218
- Data processing 209
- Economic aspects 208
- Technological innovations 208
- Computer security 206
- Security measures 206
- Information technology 204
- Cloud computing 196
- Artificial intelligence 194
- Rilke, Rainer Maria 192
- Atles 188
22301Publicado 2004“…In addition, the EU is developing its own rules and reform plans. The European 13th directive was enacted in December 2003- this requires modifications of member State takeover law. …”
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22302por Brown, Callum G., 1953-“…But this personal Christian identity broke down suddenly in the 'swinging sixties' when new media, new gender roles and the moral revolution dramatically ended people's conception that they lived Christian lives.The Death of Christian Britianuses the latest techniques to offer new formulations of religion and secularisation. …”
Publicado 2001
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22303Publicado 2022“…Its opponents argue that that such naturalism severely reduces the nature and scope of philosophical enquiry and, moreover, that many philosophical problems are not reducible to science, such as consciousness, the role of intuitions, the nature of concepts and ethics. …”
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22304Publicado 2014“…Penser la philosophie américaine, et le rôle qu’à son cœur joue Stanley Cavell, signifie poser de nouveau ces questions, afin de mettre en évidence une nouvelle voix ou tradition contemporaine qui, à partir du langage ordinaire, parvient à redonner de la vie à des enjeux philosophiques devenus trop conformistes ou étroits, et à réarticuler les questions de langage (ordinaire) au moral et à l’esthétique, comme au politique. …”
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22305Publicado 2021“…Angesichts der beendeten Ost-West-Konfrontation stellte sich überdies die Frage nach neuen Ordnungsentwürfen für Europa: Thematisiert werden die Rolle der KSZE als gesamteuropäischer Organisation, Abrüstung und Auflösung der Militärallianzen als Element zur dauerhaften Stärkung der internationalen Ordnung sowie die Renaissance der Nationalstaaten in Ostmitteleuropa und deren gleichzeitiges Streben in die Europäische Gemeinschaft. …”
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22306Publicado 2022“…is a lucid meditation on the key role the humanities must play in dissecting and combatting all forms of disinformation. …”
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22307Publicado 2020“…Suny takes seriously the first half of Stalin's life: his intellectual development, his views on issue of nationalities and nationalism, and his role in the Social Democratic debates of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. …”
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22308Publicado 2020“…The GFC has focused minds on the proper role of ethics in the understanding and conduct of business activity, but it is essential to look beyond the crisis to address the deeper challenges that it highlights. …”
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22309Publicado 2022“…Die Beiträge des Bandes, verfasst von international bedeutenden Wissenschaftler:innen und Kurator:innen, nähern sich solchen Fragen nach (Re-)Präsentation von Jüdinnen und Juden im Museum von unterschiedlichen Standpunkten aus: Sie beleuchten Geschichte und Gegenwart der Institution »Jüdisches Museum«, ihre Sammlungen und ihren Kanon - und reflektieren damit die drängende Frage nach ihrer gesellschaftlichen Rolle in der Zukunft."--Contracubierta…”
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22310Publicado 2008“…Basti qui ricordare le interpretazioni di Dante, Dostoewskij, Mörike, Hölderlin, Rilke: ormai dei classici dell'ermeneutica contemporanea. …”
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22311Publicado 2012“…The tsunami of cheap credit that rolled across the planet between 2002 and 2008 was more than a simple financial phenomenon: it was temptation, offering entire societies the chance to reveal aspects of their characters they could not normally afford to indulge. …”
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22312Publicado 2021“…Todos viven suspendidos entre sus recuerdos de la guerra, un presente que no comprenden —el Londres del rock and roll y la minifalda— y un futuro lúgubre. Todos se obstinan, sin embargo, en encontrar la esperanza en una sociedad que les da la espalda o se apiada de ellos. …”
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22313Publicado 2021“…En affirmant que l’esprit est organiquement relié à l’agir, le pragmatisme a nourri de nouvelles approches de l’enquête, de la signification et du mental. …”
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22314Publicado 2022“…Sus reflexiones sobre la experiencia de la paternidad sitúan a la masculinidad frente al milagro de la vida y su incesante relectura del presente, en una epoca de redefinición de los roles, aceptando así la invitación de la poeta Anne Waldman que encabeza estas páginas: "Que los hombres detengan su alboroto / frente a la maravilla del bebe". …”
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22315Publicado 2021“…L'exposition "L'art de régner", organisée en 2021 en partenariat par le Muséenational et domaine du château de Pau, les Archives départementales des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour et la Casa de Velázquez, met en lumière ces découvertes et le rôle que jouèrent les souverains de Navarre sur l'échiquier européen jusqu'à donner à la France en 1589 le plus fameux de leus rois." -- Quatrième de couverture…”
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22316Publicado 2013“…This Third Edition assembles leading experts across the disciplines to cover an expanded range of topics in qualitative and quantitative methodology, roles and relationships, diversity, and application issues, among them: Systemic and ecological qualities of families.Division of household labor.Families with cohabitating parents.Fathers’ nurturance of children over the life course.Cultural influences on socialization.Family lives of lesbian and gay adults.Family science as a teaching discipline.Like its predecessors, this new edition of the Handbook of Marriage and the Family stands as a comprehensive primary resource for family scientists, sociologists, psychologists, and social workers who work with families, as well as for researchers, graduate students, and faculty in family studies, child development, psychology, sociology, social work, public health, and related fields…”
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22317por Warhol, Andy, 1928-1987“…Andy Warhol (1928-1987), one of the most celebrated artists of the last third of the twentieth century, owes his unique place in the history of visual culture not to the mastery of a single medium but to the exercise of multiple media and roles. A legendary art world figure, he worked as an artist, filmmaker, photographer, collector, author, and designer. …”
Publicado 2001
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22318Publicado 2006“…The second section addresses the role of our emotions in the composition of music, the ways that emotions can be communicated via musical structures, the use of music to express emotions within the cinema.The third section looks at the emotions of the performer - how do they communicate emotion, how does their emotional state affect their own performance. …”
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22319Publicado 2021“…From the 'show' trials of the 1920s and 1930s to the London Conference, this book examines the Soviet role in the Nuremberg IMT trial through the prism of the ideas and practices of earlier Soviet legal history, detailing the evolution of Stalin's ideas about the trail of Nazi war criminals. …”
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22320por Dehne, Phillip“…After the Great War describes, for the first time, the significant role of economic warfare at the Peace Conference and in the post-war settlement. …”
Publicado 2021