Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,954
- Publicaciones periódicas 1,946
- Educación 1,465
- Teología 1,214
- Education 1,119
- Psicología 1,091
- Periodicals 1,069
- Derecho 1,066
- Economía 1,005
- Filosofía 1,003
- Revistes 893
- Ciencias sociales 878
- Social sciences 762
- Medicina 688
- Humanidades 655
- Información general 575
- Psychology 572
- Agricultura 552
- Literatura 536
- Science 533
- Agriculture 494
- Psicología industrial 475
- Technology 473
- Tecnología 470
- Arquitectura 459
- Ciencia 459
- Psychology, Industrial 451
- Work 444
- Història 439
- Articulos Publicaciones periodicas 431
65461Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Metodología de la investigación -- Técnicas de investigación documental y registro de información electrónica -- Fuentes de información -- Registro de información -- Registro de información electrónica -- Técnica etnográfica -- Observación -- Entrevista -- Diario de campo -- Cuestionario -- Herramientas de las técnicas de investigación documental y etnográfica -- Bloque VI Elabora un marco teórico -- Marco teórico -- Características y elementos del marco teórico -- Supuestos teóricos de investigaciones que anteceden la problemática de estudio -- Teorías que sustentan problemas de estudio -- Fuentes para el análisis del problema de estudio -- Conceptos clave que orientan la investigación -- Bloque VII Redacta y sustenta bajo un estilo de referencia bibliográfica -- Estilos de referencias sobre fuentes consultadas -- Estilo Chicago -- Estilo APA (Asociación Americana de Psicólogos) -- Estilo Harvard -- Estilo MLA (Asociación de Lenguaje Moderno) -- Estilo Vancouver (Comité Internacional de Editores de Revistas Médicas) -- Estilo Turabian -- Sistema tradicional (cita-nota a pie de página) -- Norma ISO 690 y 690-2 -- Aparato crítico -- Reconoce las diversas formas de referenciar fuentes consultadas -- Bloque VIII Comprueba su hipótesis -- establece conclusiones ypresenta análisis de resultados -- Redacción del informe final -- Portada -- Prólogo -- Índice general -- Introducción -- Estructura del capitulado -- Conclusiones -- Notas, anexos y glosario -- Bibliografía -- Presentación del trabajo final -- Anexo I -- Anexo II…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
Publicado 2017
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Lectura limitada a 1 usuario concurrente.
Libro electrónico -
65464Publicado 1886Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ramón y Cajal (extraído de la Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Barcelona, núm. del 10 de marzo de 1896) -- Nuevas observaciones sobre la estructura de la médula espinal de los mamíferos / por S. …”
Libro -
65465por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Ensuring clarity of roles and making good governance a central theme -- Enhance the focus on integrity in standards and rules, and clarify roles and responsibilities within the internal control system -- Refine communication strategies to demonstrate the added value of risk management for safeguarding integrity and improving governance -- Overcoming implementation challenges to better manage and assess integrity risks -- Improve risk management guidance, including clarifying the purpose of different types of risk assessments -- Strengthen capacity and knowledge for assessing and managing risks at the regional level -- Enhancing monitoring and evaluation, as well as quality assurance assessments -- Develop plans for monitoring and evaluation of internal control and risk management with a specific focus to safeguard integrity in government -- Ensure the independence and objectivity of quality assurance assessments -- References -- Notes -- 3 Ensuring transparency and integrity in Thailand's public decision making -- Introduction -- Fostering regulations on stakeholder engagement and participation in policy making -- Thailand could initiate discussions to develop clear and comprehensive regulations on interactions between stakeholders and public officials -- Thailand could include specific guidelines on the processes, methods and timeframes for stakeholder engagement in the new Act on Public Consultation -- Promoting transparency and access to information on decision making -- Thailand could consider including in the new Official Information Law guidance for citizens requesting public information and a more detailed mandate and requirements for the Information Commission -- Thailand could consider providing a legislative footprint and making legislative discussions open to the public…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
65466por Van der Walt, DirkTabla de Contenidos: “…Have a go hero - adding more AVPs to the auth request…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
65467Tabla de Contenidos: “…SupportsWebSocketsWebSocketServerUrl; Server Communication to Clients Over Persistent Connections; Negotiation; Negotiation Properties; URL; ConnectionId; ConnectionToken; KeepAliveTimeout; DisconnectTimeout; TryWebSockets; WebSocketsServerUrl; ProtocolVersion; TransportConnectTimeout; Client Negotiation; Ping; Connect; Send; Poll; Abort; Signaling Between Server and Clients; Server-side Events; OnReceived; OnConnected; OnDisconnected; OnReconnected; OnRejoiningGroups; AuthorizeRequest; Client-side Events; Received; Error; Closed/Disconnected; Reconnecting; Reconnected; StateChanged…”
Libro electrónico -
65468Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Setting up the Ping Pong game elementsTime for action - placing Ping Pong game elements in the DOM; Using jQuery; Understanding basic jQuery selectors; Understanding the jQuery CSS function; Manipulating game elements in DOM with jQuery; Understanding the behavior of absolute position; Declaring global variables in a better way; Getting mouse input; Time for action - moving DOM objects by mouse input; Getting the mouse event; RequestAnimationFrame; Checking the console window; Moving a DOM object with JavaScript Interval; Time for action - Moving the ball with JavaScript Interval…”
Libro electrónico -
65469Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
65470Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…8 Getting Comfortable with AskingWhy We're Afraid to Ask for Money; Specific Fears; "The Person Will Say No"; "Asking a Friend for Money Will Have a Negative Effect on Our Friendship" ; "If the Person Says Yes to My Request, I Will Be Obligated to Give to His or Her Cause Whether I Want to or Not" ; 9 Ask a Real Prospect; Ask a Prospect; Contact; Belief; Ability; Steps in Creating a Prospect List; 10 How to Ask; The Most Formal Approach; Sometimes You Only Need Step 1 or Step 2; The E-Mail or Letter; The Phone Call; You Don't Reach the Prospect; You Do Reach the Prospect; The Meeting…”
Libro electrónico -
65471por Harold, Elliotte RustyTabla de Contenidos: “…Table of Contents; Preface; About the Third Edition; Organization of the Book; Who You Are; Java Versions; About the Examples; Conventions Used in This Book; Request for Comments; Comments and Questions; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. …”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
65472Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 4: Power Apps -- Canvas and Model-Driven Apps -- Getting Started with Canvas Apps -- Understanding the Canvas Better -- Multiple Edit Screens -- Validation -- Connecting the Screens -- Making a Power App Responsive -- Power Apps List Forms -- Tabbed Forms -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Power Automate -- Creating Your First Flow -- Expressions -- Additional Approval -- Variables -- Document Generation -- Preparing a Word Template -- Solutions -- Populating and Creating a Word Document -- Date and Time Expressions -- Creating and Updating the Document -- Child Flows -- Exporting and Importing Solutions -- Error Handling -- Timeout -- Power Talk -- Summary -- Chapter 6: SharePoint Framework -- App Catalog -- Development Environment -- Service Portal Web Part -- SPFx Solution Files -- CloudhadiServicePortalWebPart.ts -- CloudhadiServicePortalWebPart.manifest.json -- Components -- Config -- Running the Web Part -- Planning the Solution -- Introduction to React -- Service Portal Design -- Props and State -- Creating the Request Component -- Working with Multiple Components -- Communicating with SharePoint -- Reading Multiple Items -- Component Interaction -- Personalized Components -- Handling Updates -- App Deployment -- Overview of SPFx Extensions -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Modern Search -- Out-of-the-Box Searches -- Search Objective -- PnP Modern Search -- Search Schema -- Filters -- Search Box -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Teams and Power Virtual Agents -- What Are Team Apps? …”
Libro electrónico -
65473por Simon, Jinjer L., 1966-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 9: WORKING WITH WORKBOOKS AND FILESOpen a Workbook; Open a Text File as a Workbook; Open a File Requested by the User; Save a Workbook; Save a Workbook in a Format Specified by the User; Determine if a Workbook Is Open; Close a Workbook; Create a New Workbook; Delete a File; Chapter 10: WORKING WITH WORKSHEETS; Add a Sheet; Delete a Sheet; Move a Sheet; Copy a Sheet; Hide a Sheet; Change the Name of a Sheet; Save a Sheet to Another File; Protect a Worksheet; Protect a Chart; Print a Sheet; Sort Sheets by Name; Chapter 11: DEFINING RANGES; Using the Range Property…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
65474Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Best App for International NewsBest App for National News; Best App for Local News; Best App for Sports News and Scores; Best App for Business News; Best App for Reading Web News; Best App for Reading Web Pages Offline; Best App for Public Service Channels; Best App for Internet Radio; Best App for Traditional Radio; Best App for Streaming Your Music; Best App for Belting Out a Tune; Best App for Learning Chords; Best App for Getting Your Groove On; Best App for Requesting an Encore; Best App for Drawing and Painting; Best App for Virtual Sculpting; Best App for Temporary Brushwork…”
Libro electrónico -
65475Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
65476Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…; XML Validation Using XML DOM; Summary; Chapter 13: Simple API for XML (SAX); Introducing XML Parsing; SAX Architecture; SAX Packages and Classes; Searching in an XML File; Writing XML Contents Using SAX; XML Validation Using SAX; Advantages and Disadvantages of SAX; Summary; Chapter 14:Ajax; XMLHttpRequest; The DOM; Putting It All Together; Ajax Libraries; Ajax Resources; Summary; Chapter 15: XML and .NET…”
Libro electrónico -
65477por Bekman, StasTabla de Contenidos: “…Apache CGI Handling with mod_cgiThe Apache 1.3 Server Model; Forking; CGI Scripts Under the Forking Model; Performance Drawbacks of Forking; The Development of mod_perl 1.0; Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl; Apache 1.3 Request Processing Phases; Apache 1.3 Modules and the mod_perl 1.0 API; mod_perl 1.0 and the mod_perl API; References; Getting Started Fast; Installing mod_perl 1.0 in Three Steps; Installing mod_perl on Unix Platforms; Obtaining and Unpacking the Source Code; Building mod_perl; Installing mod_perl; Configuring and Starting the mod_perl Server; Installing mod_perl for Windows…”
Publicado 2003
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65478por Goodman, DannyTabla de Contenidos: “…Table of Contents; Preface; About You; About the Recipes; What's in This Book; Browser Platforms; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Request for Comments; Safari® Enabled; Acknowledgments; Strings; 1.0 Introduction; Creating a String; Regular Expressions; 1.1 Concatenating (Joining) Strings; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.2 Improving String Handling Performance; Problem; Solution; Discussion; 1.3 Accessing Substrings; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.4 Changing String Case; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.5 Testing Equality of Two Strings…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
65479por Adams, ChrisTabla de Contenidos: “…Troubleshooting 101: Diagnostics in IIS 7.0; Introduction; Using IIS 7.0's Custom Detailed Errors; Inside IIS 7.0's Failed Request Tracing; Breakpoints: Extending IIS 7.0's Tracing; Reality: Inside What Tracing Can't Do in IIS 7.0; Summary; Solutions Fast Track; Frequently Asked Questions; Chapter 7. …”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
65480por Pattison, TedTabla de Contenidos: “…Application Pools and the IIS Worker ProcessASP.NET 2.0 Framework; Master Pages; HTTP Request Pipeline; WSS Integration with ASP.NET; SPVirtualPathProvider; Virtual Directories Within a Web Application; Site Pages versus Application Pages; Creating Custom Application Pages; Navigation Support for Application Pages; Creating an Application Page with the SPGridView Control; Restricting Application Pages to Site Administrators; Adding a Custom Menu Item to the ECB Menu; Summary; 3. …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico