Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 323
- Maragall, Joan 228
- Enfermedades y plagas 188
- Història 188
- Development 177
- History 168
- Filosofía 134
- Chagall, Marc 122
- Management 120
- Application software 101
- Crítica i interpretació 96
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 93
- Philosophy 91
- Crítica e interpretación 84
- Pragmatismo 83
- Medicine 80
- Plantas 78
- Biografia 72
- Computer Science 71
- Computer software 67
- Política 64
- Arquitectura 57
- Computer programming 55
- Plagas del campo 54
- PFC 53
- Politics and government 53
- Social aspects 52
- Cristianisme 49
- Data processing 49
- Cloud computing 48
7801por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Rentabilité des banques commerciales japonaises -- ... et le secteur de l'assurance-vie est également fragile -- Mesures envisageables pour assainir les bilans et rétablir la rentabilité -- Encadré 1. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
7802Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- You have a variable income -- You're new to adulting -- Chapter 5 The Envelope Budget -- Setting Up Your Envelope Budget -- Determine your expense categories -- Create the cash envelopes -- Spend from your cash envelopes -- Make an online purchase -- Analyze real-life examples -- Example one -- Example two -- Example three -- Perusing the Pros of Using an Envelope Budget -- It's easy to maintain -- It helps with overspending -- It helps build frugality and resourcefulness -- Considering the Cons of Using an Envelope Budget -- You miss out on credit card perks -- You may find it too restrictive -- Cash can be stolen or misplaced -- Asking Yourself Whether the Envelope Budget Will Work If . .…”
Libro electrónico -
Publicado 2002
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
7804por Fornazieri, AldoTabla de Contenidos: “…Eugênio José Guilherme de Aragão -- 14. O direito político passi o e a irretroatividade da Lei da Ficha Limpa: a violação aos ar igos 9o E 23 da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos no julgamento do Recurso Extraordinário no 929.670. …”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
7805Libro electrónico
7806por Bueno, RafaelTabla de Contenidos: “…Un sector financer encara fràgil…”
Publicado 2009
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
7807Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…LA IRA DEL CABALLERO; 2.5. LAS COMIDAS FRUGALES…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
Publicado 2021
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
7809Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…LES REESCRIPTURES EN LA LITERATURACATALANA (1900-1939) -- Presències espectrals en conflicte:el motiu de la Morta-Viva i el fantàstic català des d’una perspectiva hipertextual / Alfons Gregori ; Aproximació a dues reescriptures poètiques renaixencistes del Llibre d’amic e amat / Sergi Castellà ; Ressons de l’Odissea en la rondallística catalana:l’aportació de la folklorista Mercè Ventosa / Emili Samper ; Pràctiques transtextuals en Joan Maragall / Mònica Güell ; En mort de Laura. Paral·lelismes elegíacs entre Alexandre de Riquer i Apeles Mestres / Maria Planellas ; Imatges femenines en el modernisme: la dona màrtir en La damisel·la santa de Raimon Casellas / Antoni Maestre Brotons ; Josep Carner i els primers anys de Jesús: una anàlisi hipertextual de Deu rondalles de Jesús Infant (1904) / Àngel Cano ; Per a una fenomenologia de la paraula viva. …”
Libro -
7810por Heron, John, 1928-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Validity and Beyond -- Validity in quantitative research -- Validity in qualitative inquiry -- Participative reality -- Truth as the congruent articulation of reality -- The primacy of the practical -- Practice as consummation -- Grounding and consummation -- More on the congruence theory of truth -- Beyond pragmatism -- Autonomous forms of validity -- The validation of practice -- Executive criteria -- Technical criteria -- Psychosocial criteria -- Intentionality criteria -- Value criteria -- The validation of propositions -- Participative knowing -- Agreements about findings -- Reality-making social contracts -- 10. …”
Publicado 1996
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
7811Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Social Facts, Individual Choice, and the European Union: Dimitry Kochenov -- Testing the Bonds of Solidarity in Europe’s Common Citizenship Area: Jo Shaw -- ‘An Ever Closer Union Among the Peoples of Europe’: Union Citizenship, Democracy, Rights and the Enfranchisement of Second Country Nationals: Richard Bellamy -- Five Pragmatic Reasons for a Dialogue with and Between Member States on Free Movement and Voting Rights: Kees Groenendijk -- Don’t Start with Europeans First. …”
Libro electrónico -
7812por Faiq, SaidTabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Contributors -- Foreword: Pragmatics on the hoof! Relevance as effort and reward -- Introduction: Translation as D-discourse -- Translation as D-discourse -- This volume -- References -- Chapter 1 Translating 'translation': What do translators 'translate'? …”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
7813Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ chapter 23 Role of health corporate social responsibility in enhancing quality of life and loyalty: Customer and society perspectives / chapter 24 Rebalancing strategy analysis on three types of stock portfolios (LQ45, construction, and consumption) in Indonesia for the 2006–2015 period / chapter 25 Impact of foreign institutional and individual ownership on stock return volatility in Indonesia / chapter 26 Empirical analysis of the government spending and disparities of education outcomes at the district level in Indonesia / chapter 27 Intra-household decision-making and educational attainment in Indonesia / chapter 28 Empowering business incubator in creating technology based entrepreneurs / chapter 29 Formal sector is not so formal anymore: Informality of work in the formal sector among ethnics / chapter 30 Determinant factors for a successful collaboration in the leading research program between university and industry / chapter 31 Indonesia’s academic readiness in facing a freer flow of skilled labour in 2015 ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) implementation / chapter 32 Financial inclusion: The impacts of bank loans on household welfare / chapter 33 Trouble in paradise: How women’s intra-household bargaining power affects marital stability / chapter 34 Analysis on the effects of social norms on local property tax compliance / chapter 35 Financial inclusion: Household access to credit in Indonesia / chapter 36 Household characteristics and demand for private tutoring in Indonesia / chapter 37 The income and consumption profiles of public-sector employees: Indications of unreported income / chapter 38 The role of industrial estate characteristics in the export decision of manufacturing firms in Indonesia / chapter 39 Interdependence and contagion in five ASEAN countries and five developed countries in the area of financial linkages / chapter 40 Fiscal and monetary dynamics: A policy duo for the Indonesian economy / chapter 41 Contract stability and farmer characteristics of contract chilli farming / chapter 42 The impact of government expenditure on the real exchange rate: An empirical study in Indonesia / chapter 43 Impact analysis of excise tariff on market share of cigarette companies, during the period 2009–2015 / chapter 44 Impact prediction of British Exit (Brexit) on the Indonesian economy / chapter 45 Dynamics of return on investment for highly educated workers / chapter 46 Factors affecting selective sorting behaviour of household waste: The case of trash bank communities / chapter 47 Effectiveness analysis of machinery restructuring program in Indonesia’s Textile and Clothing Industry (ITPT) 2002–2011 / chapter 48 The fragility of competition and cooperation between Indonesia, China and the EU from an SME and cooperative point of view / chapter 49 Relationship between living arrangements and marital status and the obesity of productive age women in Indonesia…”
Electrónico -
7814Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Abbreviations -- List of Variables -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Currency Boards-An Overview -- 2.1 Basic Features of a Currency Board -- 2.1.1 Definition of a Currency Board -- 2.1.2 Currency Boards vs Central Banks -- 2.1.3 Flexibility in Design -- 2.2 Currency Board Characteristics -- 2.2.1 Credibility and Macroeconomic Stability -- 2.2.2 The Adjustment Process and Market Flexibility -- 2.2.3 Anchor Currency Selection-A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas Perspective -- 2.2.4 Monetary Policy, Lender of Last Resort Support, and Financial Fragility -- 2.2.5 Fiscal Policy -- 2.3 Conclusion -- 3 Past and Present Currency Boards -- 3.1 History of Currency Boards -- 3.1.1 General Overview -- 3.1.2 Foundations -- 3.1.3 The First Currency Boards (1849-1912) -- 3.1.4 The West African Currency Board (1913) -- 3.1.5 The Peak and Decline of the Currency Board System (1913-1974) -- 3.2 Hong Kong (1983) -- 3.2.1 Lead-Up to the Currency Board -- 3.2.2 Currency Board Design -- 3.2.3 Currency Board Performance -- 3.3 Argentina (1991-2002) -- 3.3.1 Lead-Up to the Currency Board -- 3.3.2 Currency Board Design -- 3.3.3 The Early Years of the Currency Board and the Tequila Crisis -- 3.3.4 The Late Years and Currency Board Exit -- 3.4 Estonia (1992) and Lithuania (1994) -- 3.4.1 Lead-Up to the Currency Boards -- 3.4.2 Currency Boards Design -- 3.4.3 Currency Boards Performance -- 3.4.4 Accession to the European Union and the European Monetary Union -- 3.5 Bulgaria (1997) -- 3.5.1 Lead-Up to the Currency Board -- 3.5.2 Currency Board Design -- 3.5.3 Currency Board Performance -- 3.6 Summary -- 4 Stability and Instability of Currency Boards-a Theoretical Analysis -- 4.1 Models of Currency Crises -- 4.1.1 First and Second Generation Currency Crises Models -- 4.1.2 Critique of Second Generation Crises Models…”
Libro electrónico -
7815Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Day After: Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett at a Press Conference, Paris 10.9.1952 -- [40] Political Wisdom and Moral Pragmatism - Moshe Sharett and the Beginning of Relations with Germany. …”
Libro electrónico -
7816Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Consider Your Industry -- Know Your Business Priorities -- Be Pragmatic -- Address Stakeholder Pain Points -- Threats and Vulnerabilities -- Rinse and Repeat -- Putting It Together -- What's Next? …”
Libro electrónico -
7817Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Customer's New Voice -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface: New Voice, New Competencies -- Acknowledgments -- PART I DAWN OF THE NEW CUSTOMER -- CHAPTER 1 New Information Masters -- Informed -- Sharing -- Mobile -- Future Masters -- Pragmatic but Digitally Aware -- Digital Natives -- Notes -- CHAPTER 2 Power and Transparency -- Absolute Power -- New Transparency -- Asynchronous Transparency -- Synchronous Transparency -- Death of B2C/C2B -- Birth of C2W/W2C -- Note -- CHAPTER 3 Age of Sharing -- Historical Sharing Tools -- Sharing Statistics -- Intentional versus Incidental -- Value of Intent and Context -- Science of Consumer Sharing -- Why Consumers Share/Don't Share -- Why Is Sharing (Self‐Disclosure) Important? …”
Libro electrónico -
7818por Simon, PhilTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Big Security Concerns -- Big, Pragmatic Issues -- Big Consumer Fatigue -- Rise of the Machines: Big Employee Resistance -- Employee Revolt and the Big Paradox -- Summary -- Notes -- Chapter 8 Looking Forward: The Future of Big Data -- Predicting Pregnancy -- Big Data Is Here to Stay -- Big Data Will Evolve -- Projects and Movements -- The Vibrant Data Project -- The Data Liberation Front -- Open Data Foundation -- Big Data Will Only Get Bigger . . . and Smarter -- The Internet of Things: The Move from Active toPassive Data Generation -- Hi-Tech Oreos -- Hi-Tech Thermostats -- Smart Food and Smart Music -- Big Data: No Longer a Big Luxury -- Stasis Is Not an Option -- Summary -- Notes -- Final Thoughts -- Spreading the Big Data Gospel -- Notes -- Selected Bibliography -- About the Author -- index…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
7819por Minoli, Daniel, 1952-Tabla de Contenidos: “…front cover; copyright; table of contents; front matter; Preface; Acknowledgments; body; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Overview; 1.2 Introductory Overview of IPv6; 1.2.1 IPv6 Benefits; 1.2.2 Network Address Translation Issues in IPv4; 1.2.3 IPv6 Address Space; 1.2.4 Basic Protocol Constructs; 1.2.5 IPv6 Autoconfiguration; 1.2.6 Applications; 1.2.7 Transition Approaches; 1.3 Introductory Overview of VoIP; 1.3.1 Overview; 1.3.2 First-Generation 1G VoIP Networks; 1.3.3 Second-Generation 2G VoIP Networks; 1.3.4 Pragmatic Enterprise 2G VoIP Deployment Approaches; 1.3.5 2G VoIP Trunking Only…”
Publicado 2006
Libro electrónico -
7820por Weilkiens, TimTabla de Contenidos: “…1.3 The OMG SysMLTM and UMLTM Languages1.4 Book Context; 1.4.1 Autosar; 1.4.2 Capability Maturity Model Integration; 1.4.3 BPM; 1.4.4 ISO/IEC 15288; 1.4.5 MATLAB/Simulink; 1.4.6 The Requirement Interchange Format; 1.4.7 Statemate; 1.4.8 Step; 1.4.9 Specification and Description Language; 1.4.10 V-Model XT; CHAPTER 2 The Pragmatic SYSMOD Approach; 2.1 Case Study; 2.1.1 Describe Project Context; 2.2 Determining Requirements; 2.2.1 Identify Stakeholders; 2.2.2 Collect Requirements; 2.3 Modeling the System Context; 2.3.1 Identify System Actors; 2.3.2 Model System/Actor Information Flow…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico