Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Agustí 1,047
- Historia 806
- History 602
- Història 513
- Església Catòlica 498
- Business & Economics 493
- Economics 446
- Economic conditions 442
- Crítica i interpretació 417
- Economic policy 398
- Cartes pastorals 371
- Finance 302
- Management 300
- Derecho internacional privado 246
- Precios 245
- Economic History 230
- Biografia 211
- Bíblia 203
- Goigs 191
- Development 189
- Economic aspects 160
- Litúrgia 152
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 151
- Filosofía 150
- Obres anteriors al 1800 149
- Cristianisme 143
- Marketing 130
- Personajes célebres 129
- Pares de l'Església 126
- Crítica e interpretación 125
19641por Schifrin, MatthewTabla de Contenidos: “…. -- On his goal of becoming a money manager. -- On price-earnings multiples. -- On the markets strong rebound from 2008. -- Chapter 10 BEAR MARKET HERO. -- Bear Tracking. -- Who is John Navin? …”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
19642Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…8.4 Artificial barrier junctions8.5 Intrinsic Josephson junctions; 8.6 Hybrid junctions; 8.7 Future trends; 8.8 References; 9 d-Wave YBCO dc superconductive quantum interference devices (dc SQUIDs); 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Grain boundary Josephson junctions; 9.3 Dynamics of a current biased SQUID in the presence of an unconventional current phase relation; 9.4 Probing the second harmonic component in the current phase relation by the magnetic field response of the SQUID; 9.5 Quantum circuit applications: HTS SQUIDs as 'silent' quantum bit; 9.6 Conclusions; 9.7 References…”
Libro electrónico -
19643Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Attracting an Aligned Investor -- Creating Transactional Alignment -- The Definition of Effective Performance -- Chapter 11: Creating Confidence -- Emotionally Intelligent Investing -- From Transaction to Collaboration -- Creating an Emotional Connection with Investors -- Chapter 12: Creating Pride of Ownership -- How Big Is the Legacy Investor Market? …”
Libro electrónico -
19644Publicado 1983Tabla de Contenidos: “…The New Health Care for Profit -- Copyright -- Preface -- Contents -- An Introduction to the New Health Care for Profit -- THE CHANGING HEALTH CARE ENVIRONMENT -- PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY, TRUST, AND HEALTH POLICY -- IMPLICATIONS OF THE CURRENT CHANGES IN FOR-PROFIT HEALTH CARE -- THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE PROJECT -- CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES AND NOTES -- Legal Differences Between Investor-Owned and Nonprofit Health Care Institutions -- ORGANIZATIONAL DIFFERENCES -- Investor-Owned Hospitals -- Nonprofit Hospitals -- FINANCIAL DIFFERENCES -- Tax Exemptions -- Reimbursement Factors -- Sources of Capital -- Restrictions On Transfers of Property -- OTHER LEGAL DIFFERENCES -- CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES AND NOTES -- Wall Street and the For-Profit Hospital Management Companies -- ANALYSTS' SOURCES OF INFORMATION -- FINANCIAL ANALYSES OF COMPANIES -- THE IMPORTANCE OF STOCK PRICES TO THE COMPANIES -- REASONS FOR SUCCESS OF THE HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT COMPANIES -- DIFFERENCES AMONG COMPANIES -- ACQUISITIONS -- MAKING HOSPITALS HEALTHIER -- OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE -- REFERENCES AND NOTES -- When Investor-Owned Corporations Buy Hospitals: Some Issues and Concerns -- THE FIVE CASES -- County Hospital A -- County Hospital B -- Doctors Hospital -- Osteopathic Hospital -- Suburban County Hospital -- MAJOR ISSUES -- Control -- Job Security and Benefits -- Plant and Equipment -- Charges for Care -- Quality of Care -- Admission Policies -- Buy-Back Provision -- THE PROCESS -- CONCLUSIONS -- Appendix Principal Interviews Conducted for This Paper -- Physician Involvement in Hospital Decision Making -- A TYPOLOGY OF HOSPITAL DECISION MAKING -- CONVERGENCE VERSUS DIVERGENCE OF INTERESTS -- THE DECISION MAKERS -- The Dual Authority Model -- The Shared Authority Model -- STRAIN AMONG DECISION MAKERS AND BETWEEN THE TWO MODELS -- TYPES OF PHYSICIAN DECISION-MAKING INVOLVEMENT…”
Libro electrónico -
19645Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conceptualizing the study of the European Neighbourhood Policy / Frank Schimmelfennig -- EU actorness and the European Neighbourhood Policy / Arne Niemann and Nils Hoffmann -- The challenge of analysing the performance of the European Neighbourhood Policy / Dorina Baltag and Iulian Romanyshyn -- Power and leadership in the European neighbourhood: contending role concepts / Lisbeth Aggestam -- Realism and the European Neighbourhood Policy / Adrian Hyde-Price -- Constructivist approaches to the study of the European Neighbourhood Policy / Petr Kratochvil and Elsa Tulmets -- The study of the European Neighbourhood Policy through the lenses of critical approaches / Åsne Kalland Aarstad and Niklas Bremberg -- Methodological and theoretical challenges to the study of the European Neighbourhood Policy / Theofanis Exadaktylos -- Legal perspectives on the study of the European Neighbourhood Policy / Peter Van Elsuwege and Roman Petrov -- The construction and deconstruction of the EU's neighbourhood / Christopher Browning -- Of borders and boundaries. …”
Libro electrónico -
19646por Fullam, ScottTabla de Contenidos: “…Build and install the antenna probe; 4. Add a connection cable and test; Project Demo; Hardware Assembly Instructions for Primestar Dish 802.11b Antenna; 1. …”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
19647por Blanchard, MélissaTabla de Contenidos: “…Trois jours à Marseille -- L'influence du "contexte d'enquête" sur l'appréhension de la migration des femmes ouest-africaines en France -- Images fragmentées des femmes en migration -- La migration comme expérience individuelle -- Variations de l'habitus communautaire entre Afrique et Europe -- Commerce et ethos entrepreneurial -- Prêter la parole aux migrantes : un terrain générationnel et genré -- Le commerce africain à Marseille -- Une perspective au temps long -- L'époque des marins et des soldats africains (1915-1950) : prostitution et trafics commerciaux -- Essor du commerce africain et ascension du réseau mouride (1960-1990) -- Déclin de la centralité commerciale de Marseille et ouverture vers de nouvelles places marchandes (1990-aujourd'hui) -- Les activités marchandes des femmes sénégalaises à Marseille dans les années 2000 -- L'inscription du commerce sénégalais dans l'espace urbain de Marseille -- Les femmes "en solitaire" et soutien de famille -- Une journée au marché -- Départ et projet migratoire -- Le commerce -- Réussite et projets : le retour différé -- Sociabilité communautaire: convivialité et commérages -- Des femmes libres à la lisière des circuits communautaires -- Du rôle des femmes dans l'échange économico-sexuel -- Mouridisme et commerce : de la solidarité confrérique à la concurrence marchande -- Les "immigrées" du regroupement familial -- Au baptême de Ngoné -- Départs et projets migratoires -- Le commerce -- Réussite et projets: la maison, l'entreprise et la famille élargie -- La famille conjugale en France: mariages, sexe et séparations -- La maitrise du corps des femmes -- Ndèye ju liggéy (la mère qui a bien travaillé et la chance du fils) -- Sociabilité communautaire : la construction d'un nouvel ordre social -- Espaces collectifs mourides -- Les "étudiantes" -- Une réunion de tontine : l'affichage de la féminité -- Départs et projets migratoires -- Le commerce -- Réussite et projets: entre envie d'entreprendre et prise de conscience de la ponction familiale -- La famille conjugale en France : de la conduite des épouses et des célibataires -- Sociabilité et insertion communautaire -- Se frayer un chemin en migration : travail, obligations familiales et sexualité féminine -- La migration comme ambition -- Le commerçantes sénégalaises à Marseille : des entrepreneurs sans entreprise ? …”
Publicado 2021
Electrónico -
19648Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- AWS Is Not Free -- AWS Pricing -- Gaining Access to AWS…”
Libro electrónico -
19649Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…of Katrien's story: Like a partner, your career responds to what you do -- Power Perspective #1: Keep your eye on your prize -- Power Perspective #2: Make sure your success gets seen within your firm and beyond -- Power Perspective #3: Fight back (skilfully) when wronged…”
Libro electrónico -
19650Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Naoi -- Verbal Behavior and Communication Training; T.S. Higbee, T.P. Sellers -- Training Children with Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder to Comply with Health Care Procedures: Theory and Research; A.J. …”
Libro electrónico -
19651por Freebairn-Smith, LauraTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Section I Abundance Leadership -- Chapter 1 My Journey to Abundance Leadership -- Chapter 2 How Abundance Leaders Think -- Looking for Explanations -- Optimism -- Three Other Fields That Inform Abundance Leadership -- Chapter 3 Four Meta-Competencies -- Visioning for the Greater Good -- Hamdi Ulukaya, Chobani -- Ed Bastian, Delta Airlines -- Whitney Wolfe Herd, Bumble -- Maria Eitel, Nike Foundation and Girl Effect -- Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand -- Warren Buffett -- Visibility -- Self-Awareness -- Managing Well -- Section II Organizational Health and Abundance Leadership -- Chapter 4 Improving Your Organization's Health -- Chapter 5 Macrolevers -- Charrettes -- What Is a Charrette? …”
Publicado 2023
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19652Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface to "The 8th International Conference on Time Series and Forecastingnacio Rojas -- Statement of Peer Review -- Evaluating a Recurrent Neural Network Model for Predicting Readmission to Cardiovascular ICUs Based on Clinical Time Series Data -- K-Means Clustering Assisted Spectrum Utilization Prediction with Deep Learning Models -- Alone We Can Do So Little; Together We Cannot Be Detected -- ODIN TS: A Tool for the Black-Box Evaluation of Time Series Analytics -- Cloud-Base Height Estimation Based on CNN and All Sky Images -- A Hybrid Model of VAR-DCC-GARCH and Wavelet Analysis for Forecasting Volatility -- Synthetic Subject Generation with Coupled Coherent Time Series Data -- Price Dynamics and Measuring the Contagion between Brent Crude and Heating Oil (US-Diesel) Pre and Post COVID-19 Outbreak -- Hybrid K-Mean Clustering and Markov Chain for Mobile Network Accessibility and Retainability Prediction -- A Multivariate Approach for Spatiotemporal Mobile Data Traffic Prediction -- An Application of Neural Networks to Predict COVID-19 Cases in Italy -- Relationship between Stationarity and Dynamic Convergence of Time Series -- Partitioning of Net Ecosystem Exchange Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Time Delay Embedding -- An Ordinal Procedure to Detect Change Points in the Dependence Structure between -- On the Prospective Use of Deep Learning Systems for Earthquake Forecasting over Schumann -- Hadeel Afifi, Mohamed Elmahdy, Motaz El Saban and Mervat Abu-Elkheir -- Probabilistic Forecasting for Oil Producing Wells Using Seq2seq Augmented Model -- Towards Time-Series Feature Engineering in Automated Machine Learning for Multi-Step-Ahead Forecasting -- PV Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Time Series Electrical Signal Analysis -- Early Detection of Flash Floods Using Case-Based Reasoning -- Inland Areas, Protected Natural Areas and Sustainable Development -- Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Autoregressive Models with Cauchy Innovations -- Deep Representation Learning for Cluster-Level Time Series Forecasting -- Elpiniki Papageorgiou, Theofilos Mastos and Angelos Papadopoulos -- Autoencoders for Anomaly Detection in an Industrial Multivariate Time Series Dataset -- Time Series Clustering of High Gamma Dose Rate Incidents -- A Dynamic Combination of Theta Method and ATA: Validating on a Real Business Case -- Limitation of Deep-Learning Algorithm for Prediction of Power Consumption -- Combination of Post-Processing Methods to Improve High-Resolution NWP Solar Irradiance -- Mohammed Al Saleh, Beatrice Finance, Yehia Taher, Ali Jaber and Roger Luff -- Comparative Analysis of Residential Load Forecasting with Different Levels of Aggregation -- An Open Source and Reproducible Implementation of LSTM and GRU Networks for Time Series Forecasting -- Outliers Impact on Parameter Estimation of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian State Space Models: A Simulation Study -- Time Series Sampling -- Modelling a Continuous Time Series with FOU(p) Processes -- PV Energy Prediction in 24 h Horizon Using Modular Models Based on Polynomial Conversion of the L-Transform PDE Derivatives in Node-by-Node-Evolved Binary-Tree Networks -- Modelling the Number of Daily Stock Transactions Using a Novel Time Series Model -- Improving the Predictive Power of Historical Consistent Neural Networks -- Exploration of Different Time Series Models for Soccer Athlete Performance Prediction -- The Bootstrap for Testing the Equality of Two Multivariate Stochastic Processes with an Application to Financial Markets -- Using Forecasting Methods on Crime Data: The SKALA Approach of the State Office for Criminal Investigation of North Rhine-Westphalia -- Reconstructed Phase Spaces and LSTM Neural Network Ensemble Predictions -- Dynamic Asymmetric Causality Tests with an Application -- Coarse Grain Spectral Analysis for the Low-Amplitude Signature of Multiperiodic Stellar -- Pulsators…”
Libro electrónico -
19653por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Acknowledgments -- Basic Statistics of Croatia, 2022 -- Executive summary -- Croatia's economy has been resilient -- While public debt is declining, ageing pressures remain a key challenge -- A faster green transition is needed -- Improving the business environment can raise investment and productivity -- Raising employment and skills can improve incomes and well-being -- 1 Achieving sustainable convergence -- 2 Key policy insights -- Challenges lie ahead for managing sustainable catch-up -- The surge in inflation has slowed growth -- Croatia's strong post-COVID-19 recovery has been slowed by surging prices -- Inflation is gradually abating -- The financial sector appears robust but ongoing vigilance is warranted -- The budget will return to deficit, while monetary conditions are tightening -- Growth is projected to remain robust -- Healthy public finances to sustain stronger growth -- Improving the allocation and execution of spending -- Delivering public goods and services across many government agencies and levels -- Better managing public investment and procurement -- Staffing a high-performing public service -- Broadening the tax base to support revenues -- Boosting the energy transition for a higher-quality environment -- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions -- Reducing high emissions from transport -- Expanding renewable energy sources and containing energy consumption -- Reducing high emissions from waste -- Adapting to a warming climate -- References -- 3 Improving the business environment to accelerate convergence -- Widespread productivity gaps call for improving the business environment -- Strengthening framework conditions for business -- Reducing regulatory burdens -- Expanding the role of regulatory impact assessments -- Improving spatial planning to improve land use…”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
19654Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 16 A Professor and a Hacker-Academia and Cybersecurity -- Chapter 17 Free Hand or Bear Hug-The State's Role in the World of Innovation -- The Yozma Program: Government-funded venture capital -- The innovation and bureaucracy authority -- Capital of the Negev, capital of cybersecurity -- Just keep out of the way -- The prime minister's agenda -- Chapter 18 Small and Nimble-Being a Small Island-Nation in the Middle East Is Not Such a Bad Start -- Hackathons lead to global thinking -- The "American Dream" -- Backs against the wall -- Two degrees of separation -- Chapter 19 "Bro"-What Makes Israel's Culture an Incubator of Cybersecurity Innovation? …”
Libro electrónico -
19655Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Amnésie administrative : disparition des archives -- En Suisse -- En France -- Chapitre 2 De la prise de conscience environnementale à la reconnaissance des dépôts de munitions dans les lacs 1. …”
Libro electrónico -
19656por Chandramouli, SubramanianTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Progressive Elaboration -- Iteration and Release Planning -- Daily Planning -- Adaptive Planning and Organizational Culture -- Agile Contracting Methods -- Agile Project Tracking -- Agile Project Accounting Principles -- Chapter 6 Agile Metrics and Estimations -- Introduction -- Relative Sizing -- Story Points -- Wideband Delphi -- PROBE Technique -- Planning Poker -- Ideal Time -- Affinity Estimation -- Velocity/Throughput/Productivity -- Lead Time -- Cycle Time -- Key Points in Agile Estimation -- Agile Project Cost Management -- Project Cost Management -- Earned Value Management (EVM)…”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
19657por Chavanette, LorisTabla de Contenidos: “…Prairial : l'affrontement -- État de siège et Convention assiégée -- Les députés aux prises avec le peuple armé -- 13. Le droit des vainqueurs -- Soigner le mal par le mal -- Le sabre et la balance -- Fonctionnement de la justice militaire -- 14. …”
Publicado 2017
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19658Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Une cathédrale et un projet (VIIIe-XIIe siècles). Étienne II face à Godescalc / Bruno Phalip. - Morfogénesis arquitectónica y organización de los espacios de culto en la catredal de La Seu d'Urgell. …”
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19659Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ambasciatori e consiglieri di Giovanni II d'Aragona e di ferrante re di Napoli (1458-1469) / Francesco Senatore -- Pedro Vaca, un agente aragonés en las relaciones diplomáticas con Castilla a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XV / Concepción Villanueva Morte -- "Récurrences et singularités ibériques de la diplomatie papale aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles" / Armand Jamme -- Intereses políticos. …”
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19660Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Thermoluminescence: a technique for probing photosystem II / Prafullachandra V. Sane -- Detection of free radicals and reactive oxygen species / Eva Hideg -- Stabilization of photosynthetic materials / Regis Rouillon, Pierre Euzet, and Robert Carpentier -- Determination of phosphoproteins in higher plant thylakoids / Eva-Mari Aro, Anne Rokka, and Alexander V. …”