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  1. 19381
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Identifying relevant files and directories from crawling resultsChapter 4: Finding Vulnerabilities; Introduction; Using Hackbar add-on to ease parameter probing; Using Tamper Data add-on to intercept and modify requests; Using ZAP to view and alter requests; Using Burp Suite to view and alter requests; Identifying cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities; Identifying error based SQL injection; Identifying a blind SQL Injection; Identifying vulnerabilities in cookies; Obtaining SSL and TLS information with SSLScan; Looking for file inclusions; Identifying POODLE vulnerability…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 19382
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Breeze-viz referenceData visualization beyond breeze-viz; Summary; Chapter 4: Parallel Collections and Futures; Parallel collections; Limitations of parallel collections; Error handling; Setting the parallelism level; An example - cross-validation with parallel collections; Futures; Future composition - using a future's result; Blocking until completion; Controlling parallel execution with execution contexts; Futures example - stock price fetcher; Summary; References; Chapter 5: Scala and SQL through JDBC; Interacting with JDBC; First steps with JDBC; Connecting to a database server…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 19383
    por Foster, Jeremy
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  4. 19384
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…STOMP over WebSocket; Implementing STOMP; Getting Connected; Connecting via the Server; Setting Up RabbitMQ; Connecting the Server to RabbitMQ; The Stock Price Daemon; Processing STOMP Requests; Client; Using RabbitMQ with Web-Stomp; STOMP Client for Web and Node.js…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 19385
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Getting started with the Microsoft Kinect (PrimeSense) 3D range-sensing camera""""Capturing raw data from depth-sensing cameras""; ""OpenGL point cloud rendering with texture mapping and overlays""; ""Chapter 6: Rendering Stereoscopic 3D Models using OpenGL ""; ""Introduction""; ""Installing the Open Asset Import Library (Assimp)""; ""Loading the first 3D model in the Wavefront Object (.obj) format""; ""Rendering 3D models with points, lines, and triangles""; ""Stereoscopic 3D rendering""…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 19386
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…In Times of Uncertainty and Civil Strife, Gold Is Often More Reliable Than National CurrenciesGold Prices Are Fixed Daily in Markets Worldwide, and Gold's Value Is Relatively Constant Over Time; The Weight and Quality of Gold Can Be Assured; Gold Offers Easy Anonymity; Gold Is Generally Immune to Asset Freezes; There Is a Tremendous Demand for Gold in Various Cultures around the World; How Is Gold Manipulated to Launder Money and Transfer Value?…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 19387
    por Shackelford, Adam. author
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…OpsWorks ELB LayerAdding a New Instance; Summary; Chapter 4: CloudFront and DNS Management; CloudFront; Creating the Distribution; Configuring the Distribution; Origin Settings; Default Cache Behavior Settings; Distribution Settings; Price Class; Alternate Domain Names; SSL Certificate; Default Root Object; Distribution Settings-Summary; Distribution Detail View; Origins; Behaviors; Behavior with Query Strings; Deploy Code Changes; Add New Behavior; Caching; Invalidations; Controlling Caching; Testing CloudFront Caching; Cache Statistics; Route 53; Summary…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 19388
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Iterators and iterablesIterating over multiple sequences; The while loop; The break and continue statements; A special else clause; Putting this all together; Example 1 - a prime generator; Example 2 - applying discounts; A quick peek at the itertools module; Infinite iterators; Iterators terminating on the shortest input sequence; Combinatoric generators; Summary; Chapter 4: Functions, the Building Blocks of Code; Why use functions?…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 19389
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Desktop and large devicesSummary; Chapter 4: Applying the Bootstrap Style; Changing our grid layout; Starting over the grid system; The header; The introduction header; The about section; The features section; The price table section; The footer; Forming the forms; Newsletter form; Contact form; The sign-in form; Images; Helpers; Floating and centering blocks; Context colors; Spacing; Responsive embeds; Summary; Chapter 5: Making It Fancy; Using Bootstrap icons; Paying attention to your navigation; Until the navigation collapse; Using different attachments; Coloring the bar; Dropping it down…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 19390
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Phase 2: DiscussPhase 3: Propose; This Is Not the Same as a Sales Proposal; What Is Meant by Propose in a Negotiation; Phase 4: Trade; Phase 5: Agree and Confirm; Commitment and Documentation; Chapter 5: Ten Golden Rules for Successful Negotiation; 1: Don't Negotiate Unless You Need To; 2: Never Negotiate with Yourself; 3: Never Accept the First Offer; 4: Never Make the First Offer If You Can Help It; 5: Listen More and Talk Less; 6: There are no Free Gifts; 7: Always Isolate Cost, Price, and Value; 8: Watch Out for the Salami Effect; 9: Never Make a Quick Deal…”
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  11. 19391
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Obsah -- Úvod -- Kapitola 1: Kariérová adaptabilita v kontextu teorie konstruování kariéry -- 1.1 Teorie konstruování kariéry -- 1.2 Adaptivita, adaptabilita a adaptace -- 1.3 Vymezení kariérové adaptability -- 1.4 Nástroje pro měření kariérové adaptability -- 1.5 Kariérová adaptabilita jako předmět výzkumu -- 1.6 Z výsledků výzkumů -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 2: Metodologie výzkumu kariérové adaptability -- 2.1 Cíle výzkumu -- 2.2 Organizace výzkumu a respondenti -- 2.3 Nástroje sběru dat -- Shrnutí Kapitola 3: Kariérová adaptabilita a její vztah k vybraným charakteristikám respondentů -- 3.1 Kariérová adaptabilita a její dimenze -- 3.2 Pohlaví a kariérová adaptabilita -- 3.3 Vzdělání a kariérová adaptabilita -- 3.4 Využívání služeb kariérového poradenství a kariérová adaptabilita -- 3.5 Prediktory kariérové adaptability -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 4: Kariérová adaptabilita perspektivou času -- 4.1 Poznatky z výzkumu -- 4.2 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 5: Vliv sociální opory na kariérovou adaptabilitu -- 5.1 Rodičovská podpora -- 5.2 Podpora učitelů 5.3 Vrstevnická podpora -- 5.4 Celková sociální opora -- 5.5 Zkoumání vlivu sociální opory na kariérovou adaptabilitu -- 5.6 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 6: Sebehodnocení jako prostředník mezi sociální oporou a kariérovou adaptabilitou -- 6.1 Zkoumání sebehodnocení a jeho vztahu ke kariérové adaptabilitě -- 6.2 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 7: Profesní identita jako ukazatel kariérové adaptace -- 7.1 Zkoumání vztahu mezi kariérovou adaptabilitou, sebeúčinností a profesní identitou -- 7.2 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí Kapitola 8: Vliv kariérové adaptability, sebehodnocení a pracovních hodnot na životní spokojenost -- 8.1 Kariérová adaptabilita a životní spokojenost -- 8.2 Sebehodnocení a životní spokojenost -- 8.3 Role pracovních hodnot ve vztahu mezi kariérovou adaptabilitou, sebehodnocením a životní spokojeností -- 8.4 Popisné statistiky a korelace mezi zkoumanými proměnnými -- 8.5 Mediační analýza celkové a přímé vlivy -- 8.6 Mediační analýza nepřímé vlivy -- 8.7 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí Kapitola 9: Absolventi středního odborného vzdělávání na trhu práce liší se zaměstnaní a nezaměstnaní? …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 19392
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Jenny Lindholm, Tom Carlson, Frederike Albrecht, & Helena Hermansson Communicating Covid-19 on social media: Analysing the use of Twitter and Instagram by Nordic health authorities and prime ministers 149 8. Finn Frandsen & Winni Johansen Corporate crisis management: Managing Covid-19 in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden 173 9. …”
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  13. 19393
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Copyrights -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1: THE LARGE LANGUAGE MODEL REVOLUTION -- A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Natural Language Processing -- Language Models Getting Bigger &amp -- Better -- The Generative Pre-Trained Transformer: GPT-3 -- Generative models -- Pre-trained models -- Transformer Models -- Sequence-to-sequence models -- Transformer attention mechanisms -- GPT-3: A Brief History -- GPT-1 -- GPT-2 -- GPT-3 -- Accessing the OpenAI API -- Chapter 2: GETTING STARTED WITH OPENAI API -- OpenAI Playground -- Prompt Engineering and Design -- Breaking Down OpenAI API -- Execution Engine -- Response Length -- Temperature and Top P -- Frequency and Presence Penalties -- Best of -- Stop Sequence -- Inject Start Text and Inject Restart Text -- Show Probabilities -- Execution Engines -- DaVinci -- Curie -- Babbage -- Ada -- Instruct Series -- Endpoints -- List Engines -- Retrieve Engines -- Completions -- Semantic Search -- Files -- Embeddings -- Customizing GPT-3 -- Apps Powered by Customized GPT-3 Models -- How to customize GPT-3 for your application -- Tokens -- Pricing -- GPT-3's Performance on Standard NLP Tasks -- Text Classification -- Zero-Shot Classification -- Single-shot and Few Shot Text Classification -- Batch Classification -- Named Entity Recognition -- Text Summarization -- Text Generation -- Article Generation -- Social Media Post Generation -- Conclusion -- Chapter 3: GPT-3 AND PROGRAMMING -- How to use OpenAI API with Python? …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 19394
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; About the Authors; Acknowledgments; Preface; Chapter 1 Introduction; Two Markets: Product and Capital; The Basics: Tools and Techniques; A Diagram of Corporate Finance; A Brief History of Modern Finance; Reading This Book; Part One Financial Health of a Firm and Cash Flow Management; Chapter 2 Determining a Firm's Financial Health (PIPES-A); The Conversation with the Banker Is Like a Job Interview; Starting with the Product Market Strategy; Is PIPES Profitable?…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 19395
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  16. 19396
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Note -- Lesson 2 Self-Control Beats Passion -- Notes -- Lesson 3 Be Wildly Optimistic-Delusional, Even -- Notes -- Lesson 4 Let Others Underestimate You -- Notes -- Lesson 5 Grit Beats IQ-Most of the Time -- Notes -- Lesson 6 Experience at a First-Rate Company Is Really Valuable -- Notes -- Lesson 7 Your Disability Can Be an Advantage -- Notes -- Lesson 8 Your Significant Other Must Enjoy Roller Coasters -- Notes -- Stage 2: Team Building -- Lesson 9 You're Never Too Smart-or Too Old-for a Mentor -- Note -- Lesson 10 Mentors Are Available for the Price of Asking -- Note -- Lesson 11 The Right Partner Can Multiply Your Potential -- Notes -- Lesson 12 Know When to Be Nice -- Notes -- Lesson 13 Hire for the Good-the Bad Comes at No Extra Expense -- Note -- Lesson 14 Surround Yourself with People Who Are Smarter Than You -- Notes -- Lesson 15 Diversity Makes You Smarter -- Notes -- Stage 3: Risk Management -- Lesson 16 Risk Is in the Eye of the Beholder -- Notes -- Lesson 17 Approach Risk Like a Farmer -- Note -- Lesson 18 Identify Your Blind Spots with a Periodic Portfolio Defense -- Note -- Stage 4: Growing Your Business the Smart Way -- Lesson 19 Entrepreneurship Is Rarely about Just Making Money -- Notes -- Lesson 20 Hone Three Different Kinds of Focus -- Notes -- Lesson 21 Curiosity Fuels Creativity -- Notes -- Lesson 22 Think Bigger -- Notes -- Lesson 23 Think Twice Before Investing with Friends and Family -- Notes -- Lesson 24 Don't Overvalue Your Company -- Notes -- Lesson 25 Live Below Your Means -- Notes -- Lesson 26 Make Failure a Key Part of Success, and Don't Let Success Blind You to Even Bigger Opportunities -- Note -- Lesson 27 Don't Keep Your Family in the Dark -- Notes…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 19397
    Publicado 2025
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Processing -- Language Learning -- Motor Skill Learning -- Music Learning -- Preparation -- Activate Priors -- Differentiate Priors -- Encode Variability -- Cognitive Flexibility -- Priming -- Improving Attention -- Reducing Mind Wandering -- Focusing Search -- Chapter 4 Awareness -- From Socratic Dialogue to Tutoring -- Intentionally Designing Impasses -- When Intuition Failure Builds Awareness -- Humbled By a Six Year Old -- The Warmth Above the Clouds -- In Awe of Awe -- Chapter 5 Affect -- The Zeigarnik Effect -- The Need for Closure -- Affective Boost Level 1 (or ABLe 1): Avoiding Loss -- Affective Boost Level 2 (or ABLe 2): Endowed Progress -- Affective Boost Level 3 (or ABLe 3): Goal Gradient…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 19398
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Declaring classes in Ruby -- Objects in Ruby -- Attribute accessors -- Inheritance in Ruby -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Debugging Ruby -- Technical requirements -- Debugging functions in Ruby versus PHP -- Gems for debugging -- The debug gem -- The pry gem -- The byebug gem -- Understanding IRB's usefulness -- Summary -- Part 2: Ruby and the Web -- Chapter 7: Understanding Convention over Configuration -- Technical requirements -- If there is Ruby magic, there is Rails magic -- Installing Ruby on Rails -- Starting our Ruby on Rails project -- Rails file structure explained -- MVC at its finest -- POST, GET, and SESSION in Rails -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Models, DBs, and Active Record -- Technical requirements -- Generating models using Rails -- Rails migrations -- Connecting to a database -- The Rails console -- Active Record operations -- Creating records -- Selecting record(s) -- Updating records -- Deleting record(s) -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Bringing It All Together -- Technical requirements -- Project preparation -- Setting up our application -- Processing data -- Setting up the CRUD interface -- Listing data -- Updating data -- Creating data -- Deleting data -- Do not, I repeat, do not repeat yourself -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Considerations for Hosting Rails Applications versus PHP Applications -- Technical requirements -- PHP versus Rails in terms of price -- DIY or have it done for you -- Why nginx? …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 19399
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Endorsements -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Preface -- Foreword -- 1 Hubris Risk -- Blinding Over-confidence -- Hubris -- Hubris, Hybris, Mythology, and Nemesis -- The Paradox of Strengths into Weaknesses -- The Hubris Factor -- Hubris and Pride -- The Hubris of Donald Trump -- Risk and Hazard -- Hubris Risk Factors -- Avoiding Exposure to the Hubris Hazard -- 2 Intoxication of Power -- Intoxication of Power -- Putin and the 'Hubris Syndrome' -- Power and Leader-Follower Relationships -- Types of Power and Their Excesses -- Extreme Manifestations of Leader Power -- Totalist Leaders and Cultic Leadership -- Effects of Power on Leaders -- Avoiding Exposure to the Intoxication of Power -- Intoxication of Power: Signs to Look Out For -- 3 The Toxic Triangle -- The Toxic Triangle of Hubristic Leadership -- Rise of Elizabeth Holmes -- Fall of Elizabeth Holmes -- Hubristic Leader: Charisma and Narcissism -- Complicit Followers: Conformers and Colluders -- Complicit Followers: The Board and the Media -- Conducive Context: Fake It Until You Make It -- The Next Steve Jobs? …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 19400
    por Whalen, Edward
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Comparing SQL Server 2005 EditionsAnalysis Services; Reporting Services; Notification Services; Integration Services; Replication; SQL Server 2005 Capacity Limits; Understanding SQL Server 2005 Licensing; Device Client Access Licensing; Processor Licensing; Licensing Considerations for High-Availability Environments; SQL Server 2005 Pricing; Summary; 3. Roles and Responsibilities of the Microsoft SQL Server DBA; Development DBA; Architect DBA; ETL DBA; OLAP DBA; Basic Duties of a DBA; Hardware and Software Configuration; Service Packs and Security Updates; Security; Server Security…”
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