Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Aparells i instruments 502
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 421
- Historia 327
- Malalties 317
- Història 256
- Aparell respiratori 194
- Aparell locomotor 191
- Papel del sexo 188
- Aparells i accessoris 157
- TFC 137
- Development 123
- Electrònica 112
- History 104
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Facultad de Educación 103
- Medicina 99
- Application software 96
- Photography 93
- Computer graphics 92
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud 92
- Design 90
- Digital techniques 89
- Mujeres 89
- Economics 85
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 85
- Web sites 84
- Fisioteràpia 79
- Rehabilitació 74
- Operating systems (Computers) 72
- Filosofía 70
- Papel 69
16021Publicado 2018“…Hours of in-depth AI tutorials including the UC Berkeley RiseLab team on building reinforcement learning applications with Ray; the Microsoft Cloud AI Group on how to apply recurrent neural networks to time series forecasting; and former Think Big Analytics AI practice director Mo Patel on computer vision and PyTorch. Keynotes covering the challenges of AI from Supasorn Suwajanakorn (Independent), Ruchir Puri (IBM), Jonathan Ballon (Intel), Ashok Srivastava (Intuit), and others. …”
16022Publicado 2016“…Module 1: Windows Operating Systems This module covers the various Windows versions and features, including how to install Windows, the Control Panel utilities, administrative tools and other advanced tools, the command prompt, Windows networking, and preventive maintenance of Windows. …”
16023Publicado 2015“…Mastering Structured Data on the Semantic Web explains the practical aspects and the theory behind the Semantic Web and how structured data, such as HTML5 Microdata and JSON-LD, can be used to improve your site’s performance on next-generation Search Engine Result Pages and be displayed on Google Knowledge Panels. You will learn how to represent arbitrary fields of human knowledge in a machine-interpretable form using the Resource Description Framework (RDF), the cornerstone of the Semantic Web. …”
Libro electrónico -
16024Publicado 2022“…La casa no va convertir les persones en llibertàries, però va atreure uns habitants poc convencionals i aquests símplex, dúplex i tríplex van ser un dels focus de la contracultura barcelonina.Aquesta publicació aplega material gràfic i textual de l'època; des dels finíssims dibuixos dels arquitectes fins a un poema de Joan Brossa i un reportatge fotogràfic d'Oriol Maspons. Inclou també uns panells que Xavier Sust va dissenyar, a tall d'Aby Warburg postmodern, per explicar l'obra de Clotet i Tusquets i un panegíric que Anna Ma. …”
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16025Publicado 2005“…Being annually promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and by the Special Commission of Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems, WebMedia consolidates itself as the main event of the area and as an event that integrates the scientific and professional's communities involved with development and research areas of multimedia, hypermedia and web.By the means of a variety of activities that occur during the symposium, such as invited speakers, technical presentations of rigorously evaluated papers, short-courses, applications and demo exhibitions, panels and presentations of undergraduate and graduate researches, the goals of WebMedia have been reached, so offering a forum of discussions among the main researchers, at national scale, and promoting scientific, commercial and cultural interchanges about the recent technologies.In this eleventh edition, WebMedia counts on the presence of Prof. …”
Libro electrónico -
16026Publicado 2019“…La necesidad de revisar el protagonismo femenino en la instauración y evolución cultural durante la Modernidad, tanto en los ámbitos populares como en los más cultos, obliga a plantear nuevos enfoques y vías de acercamiento a las realidades de género presentes en las sociedades mediterráneas de antiguo régimen.La mujer desempeñó siempre un papel trascendental, aunque menos visible y centrado fundamentalmente en el ‘buen obrar’ y cuidado de la casa y de la familia, pero no fue hasta avanzado el siglo de las Luces cuando empezaron a salir más de sus espacios privados (de sus estrados) para ‘hacerse ver y notar en la esfera social’.…”
Biblioteca Pública Episcopal del Seminario de Barcelona (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro -
16027Publicado 2018“…El papel social de las religiosas debía quedar reducido a la contemplación y a la oración en un marco de clausura rigurosa. …”
Biblioteca Pública Episcopal del Seminario de Barcelona (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro -
16028por Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres.“…Se puso de manifiesto el papel central de la cultura material en la construcción, mantenimiento, control y transformación de las identidades y las relaciones sociales y cómo supone el reflejo de las estrategias de resistencia y agencia practicadas por las mujeres. …”
Publicado 2020
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16029por Muir, Rory, 1962-“…Describe cómo a una edad muy temprana Churchill supo que estaba destinado a interpretar un gran papel en la vida de la nación y cómo se preparó para cumplir ese reto. …”
Publicado 2003
Biblioteca Pública Episcopal del Seminario de Barcelona (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro -
16030por Llull, Ramon, 1232 o 1233-1315 o 1316.“…Los investigadores coinciden en que probablemente fue un monje de la cartuja de Vauvert, en París, una comunidad con la que Llull tenía una estrecha relación. Ahora bien, el papel de este monje no parece que se limitase en modo alguno al de mero escribano, a una especie de secretario medieval que tomase notas al dictado. …”
Publicado 2015
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca Provicincial Misioneros Claretianos - Provincia de Santiago)Libro -
16031Publicado 1956“…La negativa de Sara a defender a Pilatos, el papel que le toca en la noche de la actuación, hace que el público elija un quinto juez para cubrir la vacante. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Provicincial Misioneros Claretianos - Provincia de Santiago)Libro -
16032WordPress Plugin development cookbook create powerful plugins to extend the world's most popular CMSPublicado 2017“…You will then see how to design administration panels, enhance the post editor with custom fields, store custom data, and modify site behavior based on the value of custom fields. …”
Libro electrónico -
16033Publicado 2018“…On Wednesday, March 21st, sessions present talks on evaluation and community, followed by a closing panel session…”
Libro electrónico -
16034Publicado 2007“…Chapter 1 Getting Started with Windows Vista Chapter 2 Working with Windows Programs Chapter 3 Managing Files and Folders Chapter 4 Customizing Windows Using the Control Panel Chapter 5 Exploring the Internet Chapter 6 Exchanging Messages and Information Chapter 7 Holding Web Discussions and Video Conferences Chapter 8 Working with Pictures Chapter 9 Working with Windows Media Player Chapter 10 Creating Movies Using Windows Movie Maker Chapter 11 Setting Up Up Accounts and Maintaining Security Chapter 12 Managing Files Using a Network..…”
Libro electrónico -
16035Publicado 2005“…"The author delivers clarity, insight and perception making learning about options a joy, and practicing the art of making money that much easier: truly a bible from a guru." –Alpesh B. Patel, Author and Financial Times Columnist "Guy Cohen truly makes learning about options easy in this fact-filled guide. …”
Libro electrónico -
16036por Pogue, David, 1963-“…A tutorial takes the reader through the palmtop's preferences and settings panels, teaches the Graffiti alphabet, and unearths surprising features of the machine's eight built-in programs. …”
Publicado 1999
Libro electrónico -
16037Publicado 2021“…The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5 °C states that climate-related risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, and economic growth are projected to increase with a global warming of 1.5°C and to increase further to 2°C. …”
Libro electrónico -
16038Publicado 2020“…Cyber Minds brings together an unrivalled panel of international experts who offer their insights into current cybersecurity issues in the military, business, and government. …”
Libro electrónico -
16039Publicado 2020“…Author Tina Woods, founder and CEO of Collider Health and Collider Science, and the co-founder of Longevity International, has curated a panel of deeply insightful interviews with some of today's brightest and most innovative thought leaders at the crossroads of health, technology and society. …”
Libro electrónico -
16040Publicado 2019“…Highlights include: Complete video recordings of OSCON Portland 2019’s best keynotes, tutorials, and tech sessions offering hours of material to study and absorb at your own pace and schedule Keynotes, including Adam Jacob (Chef) on the war for the soul of open source; Kay Williams (Microsoft Azure) on lessons learned building a strong Kubernetes/VSCode open source community; Adrian Cockcroft (AWS) on leveraging cloud vendors to boost open source business success; and Pete Skomoroch (Workday) on the urgent need for a new open source ML development stack Tutorials offering deep dives into open source tech like Apache Kafka, Rust, extended Berkeley Packet Filters, Spring/Spring Boot, Ethereum DApps, Jenkins 2, Vault/Kubernetes, and Kubeflow The OSCON Business Summit: sessions offering an insider’s look at the open source implementations that have the most profound impact on business with talks by open source specialists at Uber, Pacific Life, Verizon Media, The Home Depot, Baidu, the BBC, and more Open Source do-it-now sessions, including Deb Nicholson’s (Software Freedom Conservancy) whirlwind tour of what not to do when running an open source project; Russell Rutledge’s (Nike) take on how to build an open source culture at your company; and Angie Jones (Applitools) and a panel of experts from Persea Consulting, Red Hat, Magento, and ForgeRock on the best ways to build and maintain open source communities Emerging Languages and Frameworks session..…”