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Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 22,128
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- Teología dogmática 2,474
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- Moral cristiana 2,191
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- Teatro español 2,143
- Educación 2,128
- Application software 2,064
684701Publicado 2012“…Les célébrations sont organisées et transformées en spectacle, les relations forgées sont théâtralisées. …”
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684702Die Hellenistischen Reliefbecher aus Lousoi Material aus den Grabungen im Bereich Phournoi 1983-1994Publicado 2008“…Im Anschluss an diese Auswertung werden noch Hinweise auf weitere Funde, die eine lokale Produktion von Töpferwaren vor Ort belegen, angeführt; gleiches gilt für die makroskopischen Beschreibungen der einzelnen Scherbentypen und die dazugehörigen mineralogisch-petrographischen Analysen. …”
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684703Publicado 2003“…Quant aux intercessions princières pour des sujets mécontents, autre exemple de la diplomatie au jour le jour, elles renvoient à des litiges commerciaux ou financiers susceptibles de nuire à l'entente mutuelle et d'entamer la prospérité générale. Les questions d'ordre militaire que soulève le recrutement de troupes de mercenaires sous les ordres de pensionnaires royaux figurent aussi parmi les grands leitmotiv des correspondances entre les Pays-Bas espagnols et le Saint Empire. …”
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684704Publicado 2014“…By illuminating his formative years, studying the patronage of the Duchess of Burgundy within the court system and a policy of distinction marked by the pregnance of several political clans, by questioning the efflorescence of funeral orations of where pierced the disappointed hopes and the collective imagination of the nation, the present volume intends to fill the gaps of contemporary historiography long remained silent on the brief destiny of Marie-Adélaïde of Savoy and the climate of the court of Versailles between 1696 and 1712.…”
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684705Publicado 2012“…This work is focused on the EXPERIENCE of the soviet "lifeworld" in Austria, which includes among other things the occupation organization, the discipline and prosecution, the daily work, the everyday live in the barracks or the leisure activities; the PERCEPTION mirrored in written and oral testimonies and the institutionalized as well as private MEMORY in the former Soviet Union. …”
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684706Publicado 2000“…The first settlement expansion in Teurnia is identifiable as early as the 3rd and 2nd decades of the first century BCE, as the first turf and timber constructions originated east of the 620m-high Holzer Mountain where habitation areas were located, built on serveral terraces on the eastern slope of the hill. …”
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684707Publicado 2006“…The visual strategies of the Habsburg rulers in the 19th century and the inseparable question of the legitimation of the Austrian Empire in the years after 1848 steer attention back to the quest for "origins" and to the Habsburg "insurance policy" of evoking the figure of founding father Rudolf I. …”
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684708Publicado 2001“…Die rekonstruierten Grabbauten werden anschaulich dargestellt, jedoch ohne die Grenzen zwischen Originalbestand und Rekonstruktion zu verwischen…”
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684709Publicado 2004“…It opens with a biographical sketch followed by the political program and how it was adapted to the political situation of those days; other main items are fund raising, financial organisation and propaganda. Also, there is an analysis of Paneurope in interaction with contemporary Austrian and European policies. …”
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684710Publicado 2009“…Adler's Position unter Schriftstellern wie Karl Kraus, Franz Kafka, George Orwell, Elias Canetti und W.G. Sebald, H.G. Adler als Nachlassverwalter von Franz Baermann Steiner, H.G. …”
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684711Publicado 2008“…En touchant au problème du contrôle des frontières extérieures de l'Union, la lutte contre l'immigration illégale pose en effet la question des frontières symboliques qui définissent les conditions de l'appartenance à un ordre politique déterminé. Elle active des mécanismes d'inclusion et d'exclusion sans lesquels un corps politique ne peut voir le jour et se maintenir. …”
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684712Publicado 2008“…The first attempt to list all literary organizations in Austria and all German-language anthologies, in which Austria texts were included, covers the period between 1933 and 1945. …”
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684713Publicado 2009“…Um diesen zu ermöglichen, organisierten die HerausgeberInnen im März 2007 eine viertägige internationale Konferenz, auf der geladene WissenschafterInnen ihre Forschungsarbeiten in themenspezifischen Panels anderen ExpertInnen zur interdisziplinären Diskussion stellten. …”
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684714Publicado 2012“…L'ouvrage, qui rassemble des contributions de spécialistes réputés de l'extrême droite française, retrace et analyse tour à tour l'histoire du Front national, les rapports du FN à l'extrême droite européenne, le modèle organisationnel et militant du parti, ses axes idéologiques et programmatiques, de même que son implantation électorale et la question des alliances politico-électorales. …”
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684715Publicado 2021“…Attention is paid to the morphology of specific sensory organs involved in feeding with reference to gypsy moth caterpillars, Lymantria dispar. …”
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684716Publicado 2022“…The Special Issue consists of 10 original full-length articles on the topic…”
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684717Publicado 2020“…Sous cette double hypothèse, les concepts de la philosophie politique et les faits de l'histoire universelle s'ordonnent dans "L'esprit des lois" en vue de la constitution d'une "summa ratio" qui n'est pas celle d'un législateur, mais plutôt de l'esprit législateur à l'oeuvre dans l'histoire…”
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684718Publicado 2020“…De 1986 à la fin de l'année 1991, cette approche originale, appelée la « Nouvelle Pensée », remet en question la ligne traditionnelle de la politique extérieure soviétique. …”
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684719Publicado 2023“…However, in an equal percentage of cases, there is no prior trauma history, and the origins of the panic disorder are unknown, although they do tend to run in families. …”
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684720Publicado 2022“…The publication contains studies by Zuzana Procházková ("Comparation of Word Formation in the Older and Younger Generation in Selected Villages of the East Moravian Dialect"), Ivana Večeřová ("Specifics of Contemporary Private Electronic Communication"), Radim Ošmera ("Lecturers' Approach to Czech Realities in Teaching Students with Different Mother Tongues"), Tereza Holzerová ("Non-violent Communication in a Czech Language Lesson"), Miroslav Jindra ("Selected Aspects of a Literary Work and their Reception by a Child Reader: Results of Children's Reading Research in the Form of Group Discussion"), Magdaléna Lípová ("Psychosocial Tasks in Early Adolescence in Selected Prose for Children and Youth"), Klára Březinová ("A Theme of Virgin Mary in Selected Works by Jakub Deml"), Tereza Pořízková ("Identity and its Forms in the Book Doupě"), Ondřej Zabloudil Pechník ("The Image of the Rainforest in Czech Prose after 2000") and Tereza Švandová ("French Avant-garde Artistic Movements Originated from Lettrism")…”
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