Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 22,128
- Història 9,601
- History 6,952
- Biblia 5,994
- Església Catòlica 4,466
- Crítica e interpretación 4,462
- Filosofía 4,405
- Iglesia Católica 3,892
- Economic conditions 3,756
- Management 3,373
- Teología 3,176
- Bíblia 3,158
- Goigs 3,059
- Sermones 2,964
- Development 2,866
- Economic policy 2,788
- Música 2,753
- Education 2,607
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 2,607
- Business & Economics 2,595
- Derecho 2,567
- Oración 2,546
- Liturgia 2,517
- Teología dogmática 2,474
- Litúrgia 2,344
- Moral cristiana 2,191
- Filosofia 2,161
- Teatro español 2,143
- Educación 2,128
- Application software 2,064
683121Publicado 2023“…Els resultats d'aquest estudi mostren que el determinisme genètic és tan important per a les famílies del mateix sexe com per a les parelles heterosexuals, i que la idea que l'orientació afectiva i sexual dels progenitors condiciona el desenvolupament emocional de les filles i els fills és un estereotip fals…”
Accés lliure
Tesis -
683122Publicado 2019“…Les auteurs du présent ouvrage se sont attachés à rechercher s'il existe, dans les sociétés antiques (Assyrie, Grèce, Rome) des physionomies, des attitudes corporelles, des postures, des manières de s'habiller ou de porter un vêtement qui signalent un droit ou une prérogative politique, une appartenance ou une orientation politiques…”
Libro electrónico -
683123Publicado 2023“…Les historiens, sociologues et juristes réunis dans ce livre présentent une histoire des origines, des controverses et des limites de différentes politiques françaises de concurrence du Moyen Âge au xxie siècle. …”
Libro electrónico -
683124Publicado 2023“…Cerner, dans les échanges, ce qui se joue entre la production et la consommation, c'est essayer de comprendre comment le commerce s'organise avec ses besoins humains, matériels ou juridiques et ses objectifs économiques en termes d'achat, de transport et de vente de marchandises."…”
Libro electrónico -
683125Publicado 2023“…Ces lignes de codes et de calculs complexes ne peuvent être dissociées de leurs conditions de production : elles sont encastrées dans un ensemble organisationnel et professionnel spécifique et portées par des intentions et volontés politiques. …”
Libro electrónico -
683126Publicado 2023“…They compare the American approach to both Continental Europe's consensus-oriented framework and China's authoritarian model…”
Grabación no musical -
683127Publicado 2023“…Poszczególne zagadnienia zilustrowano praktycznymi przykładami kodu w językach Go, C++, Python oraz przy użyciu wiersza poleceń uniksowych systemów operacyjnych…”
Libro electrónico -
683128Publicado 2023“…Program managers, project managers, and project control staff evaluate the software against their organizational requirements. This course also helps individuals to plan and control projects with/without resources up to an intermediate level using Microsoft Project. …”
Video -
683129Publicado 2023“…With a strong background in implementing data-driven solutions, Henry has a proven track record of making an impact in organizations of all sizes. He strongly advocates for no-code application development in business and deploys such solutions for his clients. …”
Video -
683130Publicado 2019“…Provides a thorough overview of computer hardware, including the fundamentals of computer systems and the implications of security risks Includes discussion of the liability, safety and privacy implications of hardware and software security and interaction Gives insights on a wide range of security, trust issues and emerging attacks and protection mechanisms in the electronic hardware lifecycle, from design, fabrication, test, and distribution, straight through to supply chain and deployment in the field A full range of instructor and student support materials can be found on the authors' own website for the book:…”
Libro electrónico -
683131Publicado 2023“…What you will learn Examine quantum computing frameworks, models, and techniques Get to grips with QC's impact on financial modelling and simulations Utilize Qiskit and Pennylane for financial analyses Employ renowned NISQ algorithms in model building Discover best practices for QML algorithm Solve data mining issues with QML algorithms Who this book is for This book is for financial practitioners, quantitative analysts, or developers; looking to bring the power of quantum computing to their organizations. This is an essential resource written for finance professionals, who want to harness the power of quantum computers for solving real-world financial problems. …”
Libro electrónico -
683132Publicado 2023“…After reading this book, readers will be prepared to introduce FV in their organization to effectively deploy FV techniques that increase design and validation productivity…”
Libro electrónico -
683133Publicado 2023“…What you will learn Explore the encapsulation techniques implemented by Fastify Understand how to deploy, monitor, and handle errors in a running Fastify instance Organize the project structure and implement a microservices architecture Explore Fastify's core features such as code reuse, runtime speed, and much more Discover best practices for implementing Fastify in real-world RESTful apps Understand advanced backend development concepts such as performance monitoring and logging Who this book is for This book is for mid to expert-level backend web developers who have already used other backend web frameworks and are familiar with HTTP protocol and its peculiarities. …”
Libro electrónico -
683134Publicado 2023“…This project will allow customers to place orders using their credit cards, track order statuses, and enable administrators to manage and view orders effectively. …”
Video -
683135Publicado 2021“…Wśród poruszonych w esejach tematów są takie zagadnienia jak spotkania z podwładnymi, zarządzanie swoim czasem, kierowanie rozwojem własnym i zespołu, postępowanie w trudnych sytuacjach, delegowanie zadań, a nawet... podejście do plotek w organizacji…”
Libro electrónico -
683136Publicado 2022“…Omówiono też takie zagadnienia jak wzorce projektowe dla mikrofrontendów, zasady przeprowadzania migracji z frontendu monolitycznego do mikrofrontendów, a także praktyczne aspekty wdrażania architektury mikrofrontendowej w organizacji. Ciekawą kwestią jest również prezentacja dobrych praktyk, na przykład sprawdzonych strategii automatyzacji i wdrażania mikrofrontendów w środowisku produkcyjnym…”
Libro electrónico -
683137Publicado 2023“…What you will learn Understand the principles of 3D and programming, and learn how they operate in Blender Build engaging and navigation-friendly user interfaces that integrate with the native look and feel Respect coding guidelines and deliver readable and compliant code without the loss of originality Package your extensions into a complete add-on, ready for installation and distribution Create interactive tools with a direct response to the user's action Code comfortably and safely using version control Who this book is for This book is for Blender users who want to expand their skills and learn scripting, technical directors looking to automate laborious tasks, and professionals and hobbyists who want to learn more about the Python architecture underlying the Blender interface. …”
Libro electrónico -
683138Publicado 2021“…Entangled in the text-tissue are an assortment of entities, such as bickering body parts, quivering jellyfish, heart pacemaker cells, a narwhal tooth, Taoist parables, always with ubiquitous, stretchy connective tissue — from gooey interstitial fluid to thick planes of fascia — ever present to ensure that the essaying bodies become, what Alfred North Whitehead calls the one-which-includes-the-many-includes-the-one. The essaying bodies orient towards the sweetest sweet spot which is found, not in the center, but slightly askew, felt in the reverbing more-than that carries their potential. …”
Libro electrónico -
683139Publicado 2021“…I siste del analyseres tiltakene som ble iverksatt for å øke likestillingen ved fakultetet, hvilke effekter de hadde, og hva en organisasjon kan gjøre for å øke likestillingen. Bredden i boka gjør den relevant for alle som er opptatt av likestilling i forskning og høyere utdanning. …”
Libro electrónico -
683140Publicado 2020“…For example, glycerol can be used as a starting material for antibiotic production, biosurfactants, organic acid production (lactic, propionic, succinic, citric acid, glyoxylic acid, glyoxalic acid, amino acids, etc.), alcohols (propanediols), glycerol esters, acrolein production, etc. …”
Libro electrónico