Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 1,168
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,077
- Application software 1,005
- Control 955
- Management 817
- Computer networks 801
- Control de calidad 772
- Computer Science 715
- History 702
- Security measures 662
- Historia 613
- Computer security 592
- Control de natalidad 588
- Electrónica 587
- Programming 532
- TFC 500
- Control de qualitat 483
- Automática y control 466
- Data processing 456
- Computer programs 426
- Operating systems (Computers) 422
- Computer software 406
- Quality control 402
- Web site development 393
- Design 386
- Cloud computing 369
- Photography 347
- Web sites 347
- Control ambiental 330
- Digital techniques 325
42261Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pereira Insights to Achieve a Better Control of Silicon-Aluminum Ratio and ZSM-5 Zeolite Crystal Morphology through the Assistance of Biomass, Reprinted from: Catalysts 2016, 6(2), 30 -- Aixia Song, Jinghong Ma, Duo Xu and Ruifeng Li Adsorption and Diffusion of Xylene Isomers on Mesoporous Beta Zeolite, Reprinted from: Catalysts 2015, 5(4), 2098-2114…”
Libro electrónico -
42262Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Record page layouts -- Working with existing Lightning page layouts -- How to create (or edit) a new Classic page layout -- Creating a new Classic compact layout -- Related lists -- Salesforce for mobile -- Summary -- Further reading -- Chapter 5: Objects in Salesforce -- Standard/custom objects -- Junction objects -- How to create a junction object -- External objects -- How to create an external object -- Summary -- Chapter 6: User Management and Security -- User management -- Password management -- Controlling system access -- Profiles, roles, and permission sets -- Sharing settings and organization-wide defaults -- Organization-Wide Default -- Sharing rules -- Field-level security -- Login policies and MFA -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Automation Tools -- Approval processes -- Flow Builder -- Apex triggers -- Salesforce AI -- Einstein for Sales -- Einstein for Service -- Einstein for Marketing -- Einstein for Commerce -- Einstein for Data -- Einstein Copilot -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Reports and Dashboards -- Creating reports -- Report folders -- Report builder -- Report types -- Dashboards -- Best practices in designing dashboards -- Summary -- Chapter 9: AppExchange and Custom Applications -- Introduction to AppExchange -- Salesforce Labs Apps -- Installing and Managing App -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Service Cloud -- Introduction to Service Cloud -- Case management -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Sales Cloud -- Seller Home -- Leads -- Accounts -- Contacts -- Activities -- Campaigns and Campaign Members -- Opportunities -- Opportunity Contact Roles -- Opportunity Products and Quotes -- Opportunity list view versus Kanban view -- Forecasts -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Salesforce Administrator Exam Preparation -- Exam format and scoring -- Online Proctored -- Onsite Proctored -- Study strategies -- Salesforce resources -- Non-Salesforce resources…”
Libro electrónico -
42263Publicado 1996Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mortality of Veteran Participants in the Crossroads Nuclear Test -- Copyright -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Glossary and Acronyms -- Contents -- Summary -- 1 Study Rationale and Overview -- RATIONALE -- OVERVIEW -- 2 Other Studies of the Human Health Effects of Radiation Exposure -- 3 Epidemiology Primer -- CHOICE OF COMPARISON GROUP -- FINE TUNING OF EXPOSED GROUP -- CONFOUNDERS -- DATA COLLECTION -- INTERPRETING DATA FINDINGS -- EPIDEMIOLOGY SUMMARY RELATED TO THIS STUDY -- 4 Description of Operation Crossroads -- 5 Data Sources for the Crossroads Study -- 6 The Participant Cohort -- INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF PARTICIPANT COHORT -- EXCLUSION OF "POST-CROSSROADS" PARTICIPANTS -- CROSSROADS PARTICIPANTS WHO PARTICIPATED IN OTHER NUCLEAR TESTS -- PRIMARY ANALYSIS-NAVY PERSONNEL ONLY -- EXCLUSIVITY OF PARTICIPANT AND COMPARISON COHORTS -- 7 The Comparison Cohort -- COMPARISON COHORT SELECTION -- Navy and Shipboard Marines -- Army and Army Air Corps -- MILITARY PERSONNEL RECORDS -- ADDITIONAL CONTROLS -- 8 Exposure Definition, Measurement, and Verification -- INTRODUCTION -- DOSIMETRY BACKGROUND -- Definition of Potential Surrogate Dose Groups -- DNA-Provided Dose Estimates -- Overall -- Alternatives -- PARTICIPANT VERSUS NONPARTICIPANT COHORTS AS AN EXPOSURE SURROGATE -- BOARDERS VERSUS NONBOARDING PARTICIPANTS VERSUS NONPARTICIPANTS AS EXPOSURE SURROGATES -- ENGINEERING & -- HULL VERSUS OTHER SPECIALTY STATUS AS AN EXPOSURE SURROGATE -- RELATIONSHIPS OF SURROGATES WITH DNA DOSE DATA -- DECISIONS FOR THE ANALYSES IN THIS REPORT -- 9 Mortality Ascertainment -- PROCEDURE -- Vital Status Ascertainment -- Cause and Date-of-Death Ascertainment -- SUMMARY OF MORTALITY ASCERTAINMENT QUALITY AND ITS POTENTIAL EFFECTS ON VALID INTERPRETATION OF THE... -- 10 Characterization of the Cohorts and Analysis Plan -- DATA DECISIONS TAKEN BEFORE ANALYSIS…”
Libro electrónico -
42264Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Domínguez Nafría -- La Junta de Caballería del Reino (1724-1746) / Beatriz Badorrey Martín -- La educación de la mujer noble en la Época Moderna / Carmen Sanz Ayán -- El control político y económico de los Prioratos españoles de la Orden de Malta en el reinado de Carlos IV: el caso de la Castellanía de Amposta (1798-1802) / Carlos Pérez Fernández Turégano -- El XIII Duque del Infantado (1768-1841): un aristócrata al servicio de la política fernandina / Sara Granda -- Los caballeros de San Fernando en la Guerra Civil española (1936- 1939) / Manuel Rodríguez Vico -- La formación de Nobles y Caballeros en la Edad Contemporánea: el Grand Tour / Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal, Concha Escrig Ferrando -- La nobleza en Francia / Marcos Fernández de Béthencourt -- La nobleza y las Órdenes de caballería del Reino Unido: el sistema actual de honores y distinciones británico / Jorge Cólogan y González-Massieu -- Italia: conglomerado de monarquías, diversidad de noblezas / Amadeo-Martín Rey y Cabieses -- La Nobleza en los reinos escandinavos: Dinamarca-Noruega y Suecia / Alexander Scheel-Exner -- Los caballeros imperiales del Sacro Imperio Romano / Raúl Sanz Burgos -- Entre la historia y la ficción: los Altos Grados caballerescos / Edith Torres -- La trasposición de una institución socio-militar a la cultura popular: la Caballería medieval / Leandro Martínez Peñas -- La falsa nobleza en España en el siglo XX / Carlos Nieto Sánchez -- Caballería espiritual o caballería decorativa?…”
Libro -
42265por Plutarc, aproximadament 50-aproximadament 120.Tabla de Contenidos: “…De la vertu morale. Du contrôle de la colère. De la tranquillité de l'âme. …”
Publicado 1972
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
42266Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pinet 26. Trastornos del control de los impulsos A. Trastorno explosivo intermitente, cleptomanía, piromanía, tricotilomanía y trastorno por excoriación M. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
42267Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ægidius -- Artificial intelligence and radio broadcasting : opportunities and challenges in the Chinese context / Meng Wei, Salvatore Scifo and Xu Yuanchun -- Radio automation : sonic control in American broadcasting / Andy Kelleher Stuhl…”
Libro -
42268Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Sabrá concluir; Ofrecerá... ¡montones de cosas!; TERCERA PARTE EL MARKETING DIRECTO APLICADO; 7 ¿ QUÉ OFRECER?…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
42269por Società Italiana di Psicologia.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Grandi -- Psicoterapia e mistica : dal preegoico al transegoico / Adalberto Bonecchi -- Psicoterapia e pratiche spirituali: due percorsi per affrontare la sofferenza / Ivana Cortelazzi -- Training Autogeno e meditazione profonda: due metodi a confronto / Marzia Pileri -- Un ponte tra l'esperienza di meditazione buddhista e la psicoterapia / Raffaella Arrobbio Agostini -- Il peccato originale come ipotesi metapsicologica / Giacinto Di Domenicantonio -- Fall and post-fall: orthodox and Theravada monastic life comapred / René Gothóni -- Le sette : una riflessione a partire dai concetti metapsicologici freudiani / Georgina Falco -- Il sentimento sociale come confine tra religione e setta / Giovanni Cappello -- Famiglia, educazione e religione nella Chiesa dell'Unificazione del Reverendo Moon : annotazioni critiche / Valentina Iocca -- Geova contro Sai Baba: quando ci si separa in nome di... / Anna Maria Bastianini -- Il viaggio di Sarah : identità e appartenenza al popolo d'Israele / Maria Silvera -- Il manicheismo e le soddisfazioni dei bisogno: una lettura tra religione, psicoteapia ed alchimia / Patrizia Luparia ed Aleesandra Zerbinati -- La metaforicità insatura: l'ordine del linguaggio tra parola divina e parola divina e parola della cura. …”
Publicado 1994
991007988289706719 -
42270por Società Italiana di Psicologia. Divisione "Psicologia e Religione".Tabla de Contenidos: “…Grandi -- Psicoterapia e mistica : dal preegoico al transegoico / Adalberto Bonecchi -- Psicoterapia e pratiche spirituali: due percorsi per affrontare la sofferenza / Ivana Cortelazzi -- Training Autogeno e meditazione profonda: due metodi a confronto / Marzia Pileri -- Un ponte tra l'esperienza di meditazione buddhista e la psicoterapia / Raffaella Arrobbio Agostini -- Il peccato originale come ipotesi metapsicologica / Giacinto Di Domenicantonio -- Fall and post-fall: orthodox and Theravada monastic life comapred / René Gothóni -- Le sette : una riflessione a partire dai concetti metapsicologici freudiani / Georgina Falco -- Il sentimento sociale come confine tra religione e setta / Giovanni Cappello -- Famiglia, educazione e religione nella Chiesa dell'Unificazione del Reverendo Moon : annotazioni critiche / Valentina Iocca -- Geova contro Sai Baba: quando ci si separa in nome di... / Anna Maria Bastianini -- Il viaggio di Sarah : identità e appartenenza al popolo d'Israele / Maria Silvera -- Il manicheismo e le soddisfazioni dei bisogno: una lettura tra religione, psicoteapia ed alchimia / Patrizia Luparia ed Aleesandra Zerbinati -- La metaforicità insatura: l'ordine del linguaggio tra parola divina e parola divina e parola della cura. …”
Publicado 1994
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull)Libro -
42271por Lolas Stepke, FernandoTabla de Contenidos: “…DISEÑOS ESPECIALES DE CONTROL POR PLACEBO -- 5.11. ESTUDIOS MULTICÉNTRICOS -- 5.12. …”
Publicado 2019
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
42272Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Measures That Matter -- Revenue growth -- Profit generation -- Your cash management strategy -- Your Three Most Important Financial Tools -- Reality Check -- Your robust Governance strategy -- The Exciting News -- Funding Routes: The Upsides and Downsides -- Summary -- Chapter 14: Control the Controllable -- Chapter 15: Your Journey to Mastery -- Being Committed and in the Arena -- A Never-Ending Pursuit of Personal Mastery -- Bibliography -- Index -- Continue your Journey to Mastery -- End User License Agreement…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
42273Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Staying safe from social engineering attacks -- People -- Process -- Technology -- Developing an effective cyber strategy -- Resources -- Business drivers -- Data -- Controls -- Threats -- Marcus Murray and Hasain Alshakarti -- Sample scenario - the workstation-data collection job -- Step 1 - preparing the attack -- Step 2 - staging the attack -- Step 3 - selecting the target -- Step 4 - launching the attack -- Step 5 - result -- Key points from this example -- Physical exposure -- The physical attack -- Emre Tinaztepe -- Malvertising -- Prevention -- Rogue/fake applications -- Prevention -- Documents with malicious payloads -- Prevention -- Public Wi-Fi hotspots -- Prevention -- Phishing/spear phishing -- Milad Aslaner -- Information is everywhere -- User activities -- Understanding reconnaissance -- Practical examples of reconnaissance -- Real-world examples -- Chapter 12: Ask the Experts - Part 2.…”
Libro electrónico -
42274Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The Basic Emotions -- Moral Emotions -- The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect -- Experiencing Moods and Emotions -- The Function of Emotions -- Sources of Emotions and Moods -- Personality -- Time of Day -- Day of the Week -- Weather -- Stress -- Sleep -- Exercise -- Age -- Sex -- Emotional Labor -- Controlling Emotional Displays -- Emotional Dissonance and Mindfulness -- Affective Events Theory -- Emotional Intelligence -- Emotion Regulation -- Emotion Regulation Influences and Outcomes -- Emotion Regulation Techniques -- Ethics of Emotion Regulation -- Watch It-East Haven Fire Department: Emotions and Moods -- OB Applications of Emotions and Moods -- Selection -- Decision Making -- Creativity -- Motivation -- Leadership -- Customer Service -- Job Attitudes -- Deviant Workplace Behaviors -- Safety and Injury at Work -- Summary -- Implications for Managers -- Try It-Simulation: Emotions & Moods -- Personal Inventory Assessments: Emotional Intelligence Assessment 76 -- Chapter 4: Personality Factors -- Chapter Warm-up -- Personality -- What Is Personality? …”
Libro electrónico -
42275Android Smartphone Photography for DummiesAndroid Smartphone Photography For DummiesPublicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Considering Alternate Aspect Ratios -- Creating Panorama Photos -- Horizontal panorama photos -- Vertical panorama photos -- Part 2 Having Fun with the Fundamentals of Photographic Genres -- Chapter 5 Capturing the Perfect Landscape Photograph -- Camera Considerations: Levels and Exposure -- Levelling your camera -- Controlling exposure -- Lighting Considerations -- Photograph during the magic hours -- Timing the magic hours -- Gear Considerations -- Steadying your Android camera with a tripod -- Choosing a lens (for multi-lens Android cameras) -- Photography Tips for Your Next Outing -- Applying the Rule of Thirds for better compositions -- Framing an "L" shaped composition -- Positioning a primary and secondary subject -- Chapter 6 Shooting Sports Photography -- Camera Considerations: Using Burst Mode to Capture Motion -- Gear Considerations -- A tough smartphone protective case -- A smartphone screen protector -- Battery packs or battery cases -- Touch-sensitive gloves in cold weather -- Lighting Considerations -- Photographing into the setting sun -- Capturing team sports with the sun behind you -- Using the setting sun for portraits -- Incorporating cool and warm color tones -- Choosing high contrast lighting -- Photography Tips for Dynamic Sports Photos -- Using your Portrait mode -- Allowing the subject to enter the composition -- Choosing curved backgrounds -- Framing your athletes -- Creating negative space -- Chapter 7 Saving Memories through Family and Individual Portraiture -- Camera Considerations: Portrait Mode and Lenses -- Knowing when to use Portrait mode -- Understanding lens compression -- Gear Considerations: Editing Tools for Better Compositions -- Lighting Considerations -- Avoiding certain types of interior lighting -- Dealing with interior backlighting -- Creating silhouettes for artistic family portraits…”
Libro electrónico -
42276por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Shestopalov -- Advanced Plutonium Assembly (APA): Evolution of the Concept, Neutron and Thermal-Mechanic Constraints by J. Porta, B. …”
Publicado 1999
Libro electrónico -
42277por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Risques liés à la vérification -- Accès aux données -- Contrôle interne -- Procédés de vérification de la réalité des opérations (contrôles de substance) -- Normes et principes en vigueur en matière de vérification -- Méthodes de vérification et formation des vérificateurs -- Données à faire figurer dans les systèmes -- Conclusions -- Recommandations -- 5.4. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
42278Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Testability - Writing Testable Code -- Understanding testability -- Software testability and related attributes -- Testability - architectural aspects -- Testability - strategies -- Reduce system complexity -- Improving predictability -- Control and isolate external dependencies -- White-box testing principles -- Unit testing -- Unit testing in action -- Extending our unit test case -- Nosing around with nose2 -- Testing with py.test -- Code coverage -- Measuring coverage using -- Measuring coverage using nose2 -- Measuring coverage using py.test -- Mocking things up -- Tests inline in documentation - doctests -- Integration tests -- Test automation -- Test automation using Selenium Web Driver -- Test-Driven Development -- TDD with palindromes -- Summary -- 4. …”
Libro electrónico -
42279Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Examples of feedback and reinforcement -- The internal flame for doing...anything -- Read this and you'll get candies -- A little bit of conditioning to control user behavior -- Classical conditioning -- Operant conditioning -- Avoid spoiling the player -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Who or What Am I? …”
Libro electrónico -
42280Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Rule 59 If you are going to get financial advice, pay for it -- Rule 60 Don't fiddle -- Rule 61 Think long term -- Rule 62 Have a set time of day to work on your wealth strategy -- Rule 63 Pay attention to detail -- Rule 64 Create new income streams -- Rule 65 Learn to play 'What if?' -- Rule 66 Control spending impulses…”
Libro electrónico