Mostrando 42,201 - 42,220 Resultados de 51,016 Para Buscar 'Nontron~', tiempo de consulta: 1.49s Limitar resultados
  1. 42201
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….; El ascenso de los Tokugawa; El sistema de control y sus efectos; La cultura durante el período de los Tokugawa; Castillo de Osaka, construido en 1583.; Hokusai, pintura en tela.; La caída de los Tokugawa; 4 JAPÓN DEVIENE EN UN ESTADO MODERNO (1868-1945); El Todaiji, colosal templo de la ciudad de Nara.; Introducción…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 42202
    por Friedman, Lawrence M.
    Publicado 1988
    Tabla de Contenidos:
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  3. 42203
    Publicado 2013
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  4. 42204
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  5. 42205
    por Edwards, James, 1962-
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…8.4 OSI Presentation Layer 8.5 OSI Session Layer; 8.6 Chapter Exercises; 8.7 Pop Quiz Answers; Chapter 9: The Transport Layer; 9.1 The Terms and Conditions of Chapter 9; 9.2 Transport Layer Operations; 9.3 Transport Layer Protocols; 9.4 The Meaning of Control; 9.5 Chapter Exercises; 9.6 Pop Quiz Answers; Chapter 10: The Network Layer; 10.1 Network Connection Types; 10.2 TCP/IP Network Layer Protocols; 10.3 Chapter Exercises; 10.4 Pop Quiz Answers; Chapter 11: The Data Link Layer; 11.1 Concerns of the LAN; 11.2 Accessing the Medium; 11.3 Meet the Sublayers…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 42206
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.2.6 Merchant Banks2.2.7 Other Users; 2.2.8 Legal Authorities; 2.3 Effective Corporate Governance; 2.3.1 Effective Internal Controls; 2.3.2 Division of the Responsibility between Chief Executive and Chairman; 2.3.3 Audit Committee; 2.3.4 Independent Board of Directors; 2.4 Economic Environment; 2.5 Conclusion; 3 Motivations to Indulge in Creative Accounting and Fraud; 3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 Personal Incentives; 3.1.2 Market Expectations; 3.1.3 Special Circumstances; 3.1.4 Cover-up Fraud; 3.2 Conclusion; 4 Methods of Creative Accounting and Fraud; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Basic Principles…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 42207
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.3 Formal Languages Preliminaries5.4 Membrane Operations with Peripheral Proteins; 5.5 Membrane Systems with Peripheral Proteins; 5.5.1 Dynamics of the System; 5.5.2 Reachability in Membrane Systems; 5.6 Cell Cycle and Breast Tumor Growth Control; 5.6.1 Cell Cycle Progression Inhibition in G1/S; 5.6.2 Cell-Cycle Progression Inhibition in G2/M; References; 6 Simulating Filament Dynamics in Cellular Systems; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Background: The Roles of Filaments within Cells; 6.2.1 The Actin Network; 6.2.2 Intermediate Filaments; 6.2.3 Microtubules; 6.3 Examples of Filament Simulations…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 42208
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Domínguez Nafría -- La Junta de Caballería del Reino (1724-1746) / Beatriz Badorrey Martín -- La educación de la mujer noble en la Época Moderna / Carmen Sanz Ayán -- El control político y económico de los Prioratos españoles de la Orden de Malta en el reinado de Carlos IV: el caso de la Castellanía de Amposta (1798-1802) / Carlos Pérez Fernández Turégano -- El XIII Duque del Infantado (1768-1841): un aristócrata al servicio de la política fernandina / Sara Granda -- Los caballeros de San Fernando en la Guerra Civil española (1936- 1939) / Manuel Rodríguez Vico -- La formación de Nobles y Caballeros en la Edad Contemporánea: el Grand Tour / Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal, Concha Escrig Ferrando -- La nobleza en Francia / Marcos Fernández de Béthencourt -- La nobleza y las Órdenes de caballería del Reino Unido: el sistema actual de honores y distinciones británico / Jorge Cólogan y González-Massieu -- Italia: conglomerado de monarquías, diversidad de noblezas / Amadeo-Martín Rey y Cabieses -- La Nobleza en los reinos escandinavos: Dinamarca-Noruega y Suecia / Alexander Scheel-Exner -- Los caballeros imperiales del Sacro Imperio Romano / Raúl Sanz Burgos -- Entre la historia y la ficción: los Altos Grados caballerescos / Edith Torres -- La trasposición de una institución socio-militar a la cultura popular: la Caballería medieval / Leandro Martínez Peñas -- La falsa nobleza en España en el siglo XX / Carlos Nieto Sánchez -- Caballería espiritual o caballería decorativa?…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 42209
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Stability of wall boundary condition procedures for discontinuous Galerkin spectral element approximations of the compressible Euler equations -- On the order reduction of entropy stable DGSEMfor the compressible Euler equations -- A review of regular decompositions of vector fields – continuous, discrete, and structure-preserving -- Model reduction by separation of variables: a comparison between hierarchical model reduction and proper generalized decomposition -- Recurrence relations for a family of orthogonal polynomials on a triangle -- Greedy kernel methods for center manifold approximation -- An improved error inhibiting block one-step method with radial basis function approximation for ODEs -- Hermite methods in time -- HPS accelerated spectral solvers for time dependent problems: algorithms -- On the use of hermite functions for the Vlasov-Poisson system -- HPS accelerated spectral solvers for time dependent problems: numerical experiments -- High-order finite element methods for interface problems: theory and implementations -- Stabilised hybrid discontinuous galerkin methods for the Stokes problem with non-standard boundary conditions -- RBF based CWENO method -- discrete equivalence of adjoint Neumann-Dirichlet div-grad and grad-div equations in curvilinear 3D domains -- A conservative hybrid method for Darcy flow -- High-order mesh generation based on optimal affine combinations of nodal positions -- Sparse spectral-element methods for the helically reduced Einstein equations -- Spectral analysis of isogeometric discretizations of 2D curl-div Problems with general geometry -- Performance of preconditioners for large-scale simulations using Nek5000 -- Two decades old entropy stable method for the Euler equations revisited -- A mimetic spectral element method for free surface flows -- Spectral/hp methodology study for iLES-SVV on an Ahmed body -- A high–order discontinuous Galerkin solver for multiphase flows -- High-Order propagation of jet noise on a tetrahedral mesh using large eddy simulation sources -- Dynamical degree adaptivity for DG-LES models -- A novel eight-order diffusive scheme for unstructured polyhedral grids using the weighted least-squares method -- An explicit mapped tent pitching scheme for Maxwell equations -- Viscous diffusion effects in the eigenanalysis of (hybridisable) DG methods -- Spectral Galerkin method for solving Helmholtz and Laplace Dirichlet problems on multiple open arcs -- Explicit polynomial Trefftz-DG method for space-time elasto-acoustics -- An hp-adaptive iterative linearization discontinuous-Galerkin FEM for quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems -- Erosion Wear evaluation using Nektar++ -- An inexact Petrov-Galerkin approximation for gas transport in pipeline networks -- New preconditioners for semi-linear PDE-constrained optimal control in annular geometries -- DIRK schemes with high weak stage order -- Scheme for evolutionary Navier-Stokes-Fourier system with temperature dependent material properties based on spectral/hp elements -- Implicit large eddy simulations for NACA0012 airfoils using compressible and incompressible discontinuous Galerkin solvers -- SAV method applied to fractional Allen-Cahn equation -- A first meshless approach to simulation of the elastic behaviour of the diaphragm -- An explicit hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the 3D timedomain Maxwell equations -- Entropy conserving and kinetic energy preserving numerical methods for the Euler equations using summation-by-parts operators -- Multiwavelet troubled-cell indication: a comparison of utilizing theory versus outlier detection -- An anisotropic p-adaptation multigrid scheme for discontinuous Galerkin methods -- A spectral element reduced basis method for Navier-Stokes equations with geometric variations -- Iterative spectral mollification and conjugation for successive edge detection -- Small trees for high order Whitney elements -- Non-conforming elements inNek5000: pressure preconditioning and parallel performance -- Sparse approximation of multivariate functions from small datasets via weighted orthogonal matching pursuit -- On the convergence rate of Hermite-Fejer interpolation…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 42210
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…BMT settings, Infections and infection control. Reverse Barrier Nursing and protective Isolation Ambulatory Care. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 42211
    Publicado 2013
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  12. 42212
    por Goldberg, David E. 1953-
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.3 The Fundamental Tug-of-War2.4 Science and Its Little Secret; 2.5 Engineers: First Masters of Modern Enterprise; 2.6 Economy of Intellection: Separating Science from Engineering; 2.6.1 Modeling Plane; 2.6.2 Spectrum of Models; 2.7 Four Tensions Facing the Entrepreneurial Engineer; Summary; Exercises; 3 Money, Work, and You; 3.1 Money, Moola, the Big Bucks; 3.2 Roads to Wealth: Four Dinner Table Platitudes; 3.3 Hidden Lesson 1: Engagement; 3.3.1 Why Engagement Matters; 3.3.2 Matching your Vocational Impedance; 3.4 Hidden Lesson 2: Courage; 3.4.1 Locus of Control: Internal versus External…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 42213
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3 Positioning of 5G3.1 Overview; 3.2 Mobile Generations; 3.3 The Role of 3GPP in LPWA and IoT; 3.4 The Role of 5G in Automotive (V2X); 3.5 The Role of 5G in the Cyber-World; References; 4 Architecture; 4.1 Overview; 4.2 Architecture; 4.3 Renewed Functionality of the 5G System; 4.4 Supporting Solutions for 5G; 4.5 Control and User Plane Separation of EPC Nodes (CUPS); References; 5 Radio Network; 5.1 Overview; 5.2 5G Performance; 5.3 5G Spectrum; 5.4 5G Radio Access Technologies; 5.5 Uplink OFDM of 5G: CP-OFDM and DFT-s-OFDM; 5.6 Downlink; 5.7 New Radio (NR) Interface of 3GPP; 5.8 User Devices…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 42214
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Summing Up -- Notes -- Chapter 3 The Power of the Microsoft Platform -- Rise of the Citizen Developer: Improving Productivity with the Power Platform -- Building Custom Apps with Power Apps -- Resources and Community Groups -- Using Power BI to Create a Data-Driven Culture -- Accelerating Organizational Capability and Driving Efficiency -- Moving from Reactive to Proactive with IoT Integration -- Improving Experiences with Chatbots and Natural Language Processing -- Summing Up -- Part Two Blueprint for Executing a Successful Dynamics 365 Project -- Chapter 4 Five Cornerstones of Digital Transformation -- Strategic Shift -- Cultural Shift -- Shift in People's Mindset -- Process Shift -- Governance and Control -- Summing Up -- Notes -- Chapter 5 Program Readiness -- Plan Before You Leap -- Define Program Benefits and Outcomes -- Knowing Your Business Processes -- Pre-Project Communication -- Digital Leadership -- Selecting an Implementation Partner -- Preparation and Readiness Before Program or Project Kick-Off -- Summing Up -- Notes -- Chapter 6 Deep Dive: Organizational Change Management for Dynamics 365 and DX -- Failings of Tactical OCM…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 42215
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright and Credits -- Packt Upsell -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Splunk - Getting Started -- Your Splunk account -- Obtaining a Splunk account -- Installing Splunk on Windows -- Installing Splunk on Linux -- Logging in for the first time -- Running a simple search -- Creating a Splunk app -- Populating data with Eventgen -- Using the CLI to configure Eventgen -- Installing the Eventgen add-on (Windows and Linux) -- Controlling Splunk -- Configuring Eventgen -- Viewing the Destinations app -- Creating your first dashboard -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Bringing in Data -- Splunk and big data -- Streaming data -- Analytical data latency -- Sparseness of data -- Splunk data sources -- Machine data -- Web logs -- Data files -- Social media data -- Relational database data -- Other data types -- Creating indexes -- Buckets -- Log files as data input -- Splunk events and fields -- Extracting new fields -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Search Processing Language -- Anatomy of a search -- Search pipeline -- Time modifiers -- Filtering search results -- Search command - stats -- Search command - top/rare -- Search commands - chart and timechart -- Search command - eval -- Search command - rex -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Reporting, Alerts, and Search Optimization -- Data classification with Event Types -- Data normalization with Tags -- Data enrichment with Lookups -- Creating and scheduling reports -- Creating alerts -- Search and Report acceleration -- Scheduling options -- Summary indexing -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Dynamic Dashboarding -- Creating effective dashboards -- Types of dashboards -- Gathering business requirements -- Dynamic form-based dashboard -- Creating a Status Distribution panel -- Creating the Status Types Over Time panel -- Creating the Hits vs Response Time panel -- Arrange the dashboard…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 42216
    por Terrell, David L.
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Oscillators; 4.1 Oscillator Fundamentals; 4.2 Wien-Bridge Oscillator; 4.3 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 42217
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…7.1 Das Berechtigungskonzept - die Access Control List7.1.1 Die Gruppe der Frontend-Autoren - Public; 7.1.2 Benutzer mit Backend-Berechtigung; 7.1.3 Benutzer im Backend anlegen; 7.1.4 Benutzer löschen oder sperren; 7.1.5 Benutzerauthentifizierung; 7.2 Eine eigene Benutzergruppe anlegen; Kapitel 8: Joomla erweitern; 8.1 Komponenten, Module, Plugins - Übersicht; 8.2 Mit Komponenten arbeiten; 8.2.1 Ein Kontaktformular erstellen; 8.3 Mit Modulen arbeiten; 8.3.1 Ein Modul aktivieren: Neueste Beiträge; 8.3.2 Das Modul »Banner«; 8.4 Arbeiten mit Plugins und dem Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 42218
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…SSL/TLS versions -- The SSL/TLS component -- The SSL/TLS handshake -- Types of handshake message -- Client Hello -- Server Hello -- Server certificate -- Server Key Exchange -- Client certificate request -- Server Hello Done -- Client certificate -- Client Key Exchange -- Client Certificate Verify -- Change Cipher Spec -- Finished -- Application Data -- Alert Protocol -- Key exchange -- The Diffie-Hellman key exchange -- Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange -- RSA -- Decrypting SSL/TLS -- Decrypting RSA traffic -- Decrypting DHE/ECHDE traffic -- Forward secrecy -- Debugging issues -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Analyzing Application Layer Protocols -- DHCPv6 -- DHCPv6 Wireshark filter -- Multicast addresses -- The UDP port information -- DHCPv6 message types -- Message exchanges -- The four-message exchange -- The two-message exchange -- DHCPv6 traffic capture -- BOOTP/DHCP -- BOOTP/DHCP Wireshark filter -- Address assignment -- Capture DHCPv4 traffic -- DNS -- DNS Wireshark filter -- Port -- Resource records -- DNS traffic -- HTTP -- HTTP Wireshark filter -- HTTP use cases -- Finding the top HTTP response time -- Finding packets based on HTTP methods -- Finding sensitive information in a form post -- Using HTTP status code -- References -- Summary -- Chapter 6: WLAN Capturing -- WLAN capture setup -- The monitor mode -- Analyzing the Wi-Fi networks -- Frames -- Management frames -- Data frames -- Control frames -- 802.11 auth process -- 802.1X EAPOL -- The 802.11 protocol stack -- Wi-Fi sniffing products -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Security Analysis -- Heartbleed bug -- The Heartbleed Wireshark filter -- Heartbleed Wireshark analysis -- The Heartbleed test -- Heartbleed recommendations -- The DOS attack -- SYN flood -- SYN flood mitigation -- ICMP flood -- ICMP flood mitigation -- SSL flood -- Scanning -- Vulnerability scanning -- SSL scans…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 42219
    por Hinzberg, Holger
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; 11.3 String Dependencies - Abhängigkeiten von Zeichenketten; 11.4 Enumerationen; 11.5 Enumerationen mit Methoden; Kapitel 12: Lotto - 6 aus 49; 12.1 MVC: Model-View-Controller; 12.2 Projektvorlage - Cocoa Application; 12.3 Der Lottozahlengenerator; 12.4 Der Interface Builder; 12.5 Inspector und Bibliothek…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 42220
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.15 Simulation and Results Comparing EMA Q-Learning to Other MethodsReferences; Chapter 5: Differential Games; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 A Brief Tutorial on Fuzzy Systems; 5.3 Fuzzy Q-Learning; 5.4 Fuzzy Actor-Critic Learning; 5.5 Homicidal Chauffeur Differential Game; 5.6 Fuzzy Controller Structure; 5.7 Q(λ)-Learning Fuzzy Inference System; 5.8 Simulation Results for the Homicidal Chauffeur; 5.9 Learning in the Evader-Pursuer Game with Two Cars; 5.10 Simulation of the Game of Two Cars; 5.11 Differential Game of Guarding a Territory…”
    Libro electrónico