Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 1,168
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,077
- Application software 1,005
- Control 955
- Management 817
- Computer networks 801
- Control de calidad 772
- Computer Science 715
- History 702
- Security measures 662
- Historia 613
- Computer security 592
- Control de natalidad 588
- Electrónica 587
- Programming 532
- TFC 500
- Control de qualitat 483
- Automática y control 466
- Data processing 456
- Computer programs 426
- Operating systems (Computers) 422
- Computer software 406
- Quality control 402
- Web site development 393
- Design 386
- Cloud computing 369
- Photography 347
- Web sites 347
- Control ambiental 330
- Digital techniques 325
41441por Goldstein, SamTabla de Contenidos: “…Seligman -- Resilience and Self-Control Impairment; Wai Chen, Eric Taylor -- Part IV: Assessment -- Measuring Resilience in Children: From Theory to Practice; Jack Naglieri, Paul A. …”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
41443Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sending HATEOAS Links in Response -- Spring Boot Starter HATEOAS -- Validation -- Enabling Validation on the Controller Method -- Defining validations on the Bean -- Unit Testing Validations -- Documenting REST Services -- Generating a Swagger Specification -- Swagger UI -- Customizing Swagger Documentation Using Annotations -- Securing REST Services with Spring Security -- Adding Spring Security Starter -- Basic Authentication -- Integration Testing -- Unit Testing -- OAuth 2 Authentication -- High-level flow -- Implementing OAuth 2 authentication for Our Service -- Setting up Authorization and Resource Servers: -- Executing OAuth Requests -- Obtaining an Access Token -- Executing the Request Using the Access Token -- Integration Test -- Internationalization -- Caching -- Spring-boot-starter-cache -- Enabling Caching -- Caching Data -- JSR-107 Caching Annotations -- Auto-Detection Order -- Summary -- Assessments -- Lesson 3: Advanced Spring Boot Features -- Externalised Configuration -- Customizing Frameworks Through -- Logging -- Embedded Server Configuration -- Spring MVC -- Spring Starter Security -- Data Sources, JDBC and JPA -- Other Configuration Options -- Custom Properties in Application.Properties -- Configuration properties - Type-Safe Configuration Management -- Profiles -- Profiles-Based Bean Configuration -- Other Options for Application Configuration Values -- YAML Configuration -- Embedded Servers -- Switching to Jetty and Undertow -- Building a WAR file -- Developer Tools -- Live Reload -- Spring Boot Actuator -- HAL Browser -- Configuration Properties -- Environment Details -- Health -- Mappings -- Beans -- Metrics -- Auto-Configuration -- Debugging -- Deploying an Application to Cloud -- Cloud Foundry -- Summary -- Assessments -- Appendix: Assessment Answers…”
Libro electrónico -
41444Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- About the Author -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- A Note to Students -- Chapter 1 Linear Equations in Linear Algebra -- INTRODUCTORY EXAMPLE: Linear Models in Economics and Engineering -- 1.1 Systems of Linear Equations -- 1.2 Row Reduction and Echelon Forms -- 1.3 Vector Equations -- 1.4 The Matrix Equation Ax = b -- 1.5 Solution Sets of Linear Systems -- 1.6 Applications of Linear Systems -- 1.7 Linear Independence -- 1.8 Introduction to Linear Transformations -- 1.9 The Matrix of a Linear Transformation -- 1.10 Linear Models in Business, Science, and Engineering -- Supplementary Exercises -- Chapter 2 Matrix Algebra -- INTRODUCTORY EXAMPLE: Computer Models in Aircraft Design -- 2.1 Matrix Operations -- 2.2 The Inverse of a Matrix -- 2.3 Characterizations of Invertible Matrices -- 2.4 Partitioned Matrices -- 2.5 Matrix Factorizations -- 2.6 The Leontief Input-Output Model -- 2.7 Applications to Computer Graphics -- 2.8 Subspaces of Rn -- 2.9 Dimension and Rank -- Supplementary Exercises -- Chapter 3 Determinants -- INTRODUCTORY EXAMPLE: Random Paths and Distortion -- 3.1 Introduction to Determinants -- 3.2 Properties of Determinants -- 3.3 Cramer's Rule, Volume, and Linear Transformations -- Supplementary Exercises -- Chapter 4 Vector Spaces -- INTRODUCTORY EXAMPLE: Space Flight and Control Systems -- 4.1 Vector Spaces and Subspaces -- 4.2 Null Spaces, Column Spaces, and Linear Transformations -- 4.3 Linearly Independent Sets -- Bases -- 4.4 Coordinate Systems -- 4.5 The Dimension of a Vector Space -- 4.6 Rank -- 4.7 Change of Basis -- 4.8 Applications to Difference Equations -- 4.9 Applications to Markov Chains -- Supplementary Exercises -- Chapter 5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors -- INTRODUCTORY EXAMPLE: Dynamical Systems and Spotted Owls -- 5.1 Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues…”
Libro electrónico -
41445Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Popular Orchestrators -- Kubernetes -- Kubernetes Control Plane -- Kubernetes Worker Plane -- A Look at kind -- Creating Kubernetes Clusters Using kind -- Running a Sample Service in Kubernetes -- Pods and Deployments -- Exercises -- Summary -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
41446por Pelz, Peter F.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Motivation -- 1.2 Holistic Control of Uncertainty over the Phases of the Product Life Cycle -- 1.3 Components are Represented in Models -- 1.4 Data and Data Sources -- 1.5 Component Structures -- 1.6 Sustainable Systems Design-The Extended Motivation for This Book -- 1.7 Outlook on the Following Book Structure -- References -- 2 Types of Uncertainty -- 2.1 Data Uncertainty -- 2.1.1 Introduction -- 2.1.2 Stochastic Data Uncertainty -- 2.1.3 Incertitude -- 2.2 Model Uncertainty…”
Publicado 2021
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41447por Bank, Michael S.Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.5.1 Visual Identification -- 2.5.2 Dyes and Fluorescence Microscopy -- 2.5.3 Electron Microscopy (EM) -- 2.5.4 Chromatography -- 2.5.5 Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy -- 2.5.6 Raman Spectroscopy -- 2.5.7 Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) -- 2.5.8 Mass Spectrometry (MS) -- 2.5.9 Thermal Analysis Techniques -- 2.5.10 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) -- 2.6 Microparticle Classes of Emerging Concern -- 2.6.1 Surface Coatings/Paints -- 2.6.2 Tire Particles -- 2.7 Quality Assurance and Quality Control -- 2.8 Conclusion -- References…”
Publicado 2021
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41448por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Plano de ação -- Nota -- 2 Fortalecendo a governança multinível e o uso de instrumentos econômicos na bacia hidrográfica do rio Piancó Piranhas-Açu -- Características hidrológicas da Bacia Hidrográfica do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu -- Aumentando a segurança hídrica por meio do Projeto de Integração do São Francisco -- Um projeto ambicioso de infraestrutura -- Para uma execução bem sucedida do Projeto de Integração do Rio São Francisco -- Criando governança dos recursos hídricos apropriada na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu -- Adotando um arranjo de governança que garanta a gestão de recursos hídricos na escala apropriada e que promova a coordenação -- Fortalecendo o engajamento das partes interessadas -- Investindo no monitoramento e no controle hidrológico -- Melhorando mecanismos de alocação de água -- Vazões ambientais -- Mecanismos de compensação -- Fortalecendo o uso de instrumentos econômicos na Bacia Hidrográfica do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu -- Precificando e financiando gestão integrada de recursos hídricos na Bacia Hidrográfica do PPA -- Financiando operação e manutenção da infraestrutura de armazenamento e transporte de água -- Implementando o princípio de que a "a água paga a água" -- Promovendo o uso eficiente da água…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
41449por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Résumé -- L'économie se porte bien d'une manière générale, mais ralentit après avoir connu une longue période de reprise -- Les finances publiques affichent un excédent, mais il faut améliorer la viabilité à long terme et l'efficience des dépenses -- Il faut améliorer les conditions-cadres pour alimenter la croissance à long terme et faciliter la transition numérique des entreprises -- D'importants défis subsistent, comme ceux consistant à intégrer tous les migrants et à améliorer la viabilité environnementale -- 1 Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- La croissance de la demande intérieure s'est renforcée ces dernières années, mais les conditions extérieures se dégradent -- Les mesures budgétaires du programme du gouvernement pour la période 2017-22 -- Les banques restent au centre du système financier et leurs bilans se sont améliorés -- Jusqu'à présent, les risques liés au marché du logement sont restés sous contrôle mais ils pourraient s'intensifier à l'avenir -- Les résultats de l'Autriche en matière d'emploi, de bien-être et de cohésion sociale sont bons, mais ils sont menacés -- Évolution des besoins en compétences sur le marché du travail et essor du numérique -- L'enseignement et la formation continue doivent s'adapter à ce monde en mutation -- Dimensions régionales des déséquilibres constatés sur le marché du travail -- Les pressions s'intensifient en matière d'équilibre hommes-femmes -- L'enjeu de l'intégration des immigrés -- Tensions dans le domaine environnemental -- Parvenir à une croissance plus forte et la préserver en élargissant son assise -- Les taux d'emploi pourraient être meilleurs -- L'immigration est particulièrement dynamique -- Le taux d'activité pourrait être nettement supérieur -- Inverser la tendance à la baisse récente de la croissance de la productivité…”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico -
41450por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Anagnostopoulos, United States -- -Drug testing, quality control, and standards by J. Purves, United KingdomGENERAL DISCUSSION SESSION II: FIELDS OF APPLICATION and POLICY ASPECTS AND DISCUSSION -- Transgenic models in drug discovery - an industrial perspective by P. …”
Publicado 1998
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41451Publicado 1993Tabla de Contenidos: “…8 Focused Ion Beams (FIBs)9 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); 10 Hall Effect Resistivity Measurements; 11 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS); 12 Light Microscopy; 13 Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED); 14 Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA); 15 Optical Scatterometry; 16 Photoluminescence (PL); 17 Raman Spectroscopy; 18 Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED); 19 Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS); 20 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); 21 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM)…”
Libro electrónico -
41452por Gumley, Liam E.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Writing IDL Programs; 3.1 Defining and Compiling Programs; 3.2 Control Statements; 3.3 Parameters and Keywords; 3.4 Checking Parameters and Keywords; 3.5 Scripts, Include Files, and Journaling; 3.6 Global Variables; 3.7 Error Handling; 3.8 Efficient Programming; Chapter 4. …”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
41453por Tardy, JaimeTabla de Contenidos: “…; Chapter 2: Start Working with the Money You Have Now; Facing Debt Head-On; The Debt-Free Rules; Rule #1: Get Honest; Rule #2: Be Value Conscious; Rule #3: Numbers in Your Head Don't Count; Rule #4: Control Your Money; Money Beliefs; From Now Onward; Debt-Free Rules Summary; Action Item Review; Chapter 3: Millionaires Have Fears, Make Excuses, and Have Confidence Issues; What Fear Is; Science of the Brain; Your Business May Fail If You Do Not Work on Your Fears; What Millionaires Think of Fear; Risk; Confidence…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
41454por Schmitt, ChristopherTabla de Contenidos: “…; Publication dates; See Also; 1.17 Setting the Stage for Native Expanding and Collapsing; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.18 Controlling the Numbering of Your Lists; Problem; Solution; Discussion; Reversed attribute; Value Attribute; See Also; 1.19 Hiding Content to Show Later; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.20 Making Portions of a Page Editable; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.21 Setting the Stage for Native Drag-and-Drop; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
41455por Garnaat, MitchTabla de Contenidos: “…; Managing Your Google Cloud Storage Credentials in boto; 1.6 Finding Available Regions for AWS; 1.7 Enabling Debug Output with boto; 1.8 Controlling Socket Timeouts in boto; Chapter 2. EC2 Recipes; 2.1 Launching an Instance; Problem; Solution; Discussion; 2.2 Keeping Track of Instances with Tags; Problem; Solution; Discussion; 2.3 Accessing the Console Log; Problem; Solution; Discussion…”
Publicado 2012
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41456Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machine generated contents note: Preface Chapter 1 Introduction: Economists as Innovators Organization of the Book My Personal Interest (and Bias) Chapter 2 An Easy Introduction to Economics Rationality Markets Market Failures The "Macro"/"Micro" Distinction Economic Growth in the Short and Long Runs The Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff Innovation and Growth: The Role of Economists The Bottom Line Part I The Power of Economic Ideas: Direct Use in Business Chapter 3 The Price is Right The "Bloomberg Way" of Pricing Auctions Airline Seats Google and On-Line Ads Other Uses of Auction-Based Pricing Conditional Offer of Purchase (Name Your Price): Priceline Different Prices for Different Folks The Bottom Line Chapter 4 Minimizing Costs Optimization Learning by Doing The Bottom Line Chapter 5 Beyond Moneyball A Brief Guide to Regression Analysis The Business of Forecasting The Business of Economic Consulting Data Analytics and "Big Data" Econometrics and Sports: Money Ball Regulatory Money Ball The Bottom Line Chapter 6 Experiments in Economics and Business Economics in the Lab: Vernon Smith and "Experimental Economics" "Lab" Experiments in Business: Focus Groups Economic Experiments in the Field: Randomized Controlled Trials Business Experimentation in the Field Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Experimentation as the Foundation of Growth The Bottom Line Chapter 7 Matchmaker, Matchmaker A Gentle Introduction to Market Design and Matching Theory Matchmaking in the Labor Market Matchmaking and Online Dating The Bottom Line Chapter 8 Economists and Mostly Good Financial Engineering Not Putting Your Eggs in One Basket: The Rise of Index Investing Efficient Markets and Their Implications Behavioral Finance Valuing Options: Upsides and Downsides The Bottom Line Part II Economist-Inspired Policy Platforms for Private Business Chapter 9 Planes, Trains and... …”
Libro electrónico -
41457por Reed, AaronTabla de Contenidos: “…Applying Some Object-Oriented Design; Designing Your Classes; Creating a Sprite Class; Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class; Creating an Automated Sprite Class; Game Components; Coding the SpriteManager; Cleaning Up; Making Them Move; What You Just Did; Summary; Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; Test Your Knowledge: Exercise; Chapter 6. …”
Publicado 2010
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41458Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating a portfolio to get a jobProduct development and visualization; Summary; Chapter 2: Getting Comfortable Using the 3D View; Exploring the Blender 3D interface; Using the three basic Blender controllers; Using the numeric keypad with Blender; Setting up Blender the way you want it; Emulating the three-button mouse and NumPad; Understanding how to use Blender windows; Time for action - playing with the Blender windows; Time for action - resizing windows; Time for action - splitting the Blender windows; Time for action - joining the Blender windows; Special window modifications…”
Libro electrónico -
41459por Jacobson, DanielTabla de Contenidos: “…; Caching Strategies; Controlling API Traffic; Chapter 6. API Security and User Management; User Management; Do You Need to Start from Scratch?…”
Publicado 2012
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41460Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.7 Die erste Animation2.8 Der Player lernt laufen; 2.9 Der Animator-Controller; 2.10 Transitions and Conditions; 2.11 Scripting; 2.12 Maussteuerung; Bonus: Jump and Run; 2.13 Exit; Kapitel 3: Projekt »Simple Creature«; 3.1 Einstieg in Blender; 3.2 Würfel oder Kugel?…”
Libro electrónico