Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 55
- Biblia 42
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 28
- Nutrición 28
- Història 20
- Bíblia 19
- Computer Science 19
- History 19
- Computer networks 18
- Crítica e interpretación 17
- Niños 17
- Operating systems (Computers) 17
- Sociedad Nestlé 17
- Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social 16
- Management 16
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 16
- Derecho Civil 12
- Linux 12
- Historia y crítica 11
- Development 10
- Informática 10
- Literatura griega 10
- Certification 9
- Internet 9
- Trabajo 9
- Computer security 8
- Derecho penitenciario 8
- Design 8
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 8
- History and criticism 8
1141Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nuevo testamento (Texto griego, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28a edición (Nestle-Aland); traducción española, Nuevo Testamento, versión crítica sobre el texto original griego (Manuel Iglesias González, SJ)). -- 2a ed. -- LXXV, 1579 p. + 1 hoja plegada (6 p.)…”
Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Biblioteca de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca de Pastoral Madrid, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
1142Publicado 2011“…Com um olhar crítico, os artigos presentes nesta obra analisam os entraves e desafios do sistema e da gestão pública de saúde no Brasil em suas inúmeras perspectivas, provendo um debate sobre a necessidade e as possibilidades de uso de instrumentos de planejamento, principalmente na construção do SUS…”
Libro electrónico -
1143Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Linux Networking -- Basics -- The Network Interface -- The Bridge Interface -- Packet Handling in the Kernel -- Netfilter -- Conntrack -- Routing -- High-Level Routing -- iptables -- IPVS -- eBPF -- Network Troubleshooting Tools -- Security Warning -- ping -- traceroute -- dig -- telnet -- nmap -- netstat -- netcat -- Openssl -- cURL -- Conclusion -- Chapter 3. …”
Libro electrónico -
1145Publicado 2014“…Demonstrates how to configure and use these and other essential tools: Virtual machines and emulators: Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Player, VirtualPC, Parallels, and open-source options Vulnerability scanners: OpenVAS, Metasploit File system monitors: AIDE, Samhain, Tripwire Windows auditing tools: Nbtstat, Cain, MBSA, PsTools Command-line networking tools: Netcat, Cryptcat, Ncat, Socat Port forwarders and redirectors: SSH, Datapipe, FPipe, WinRelay Port scanners: Nmap, THC-Amap Network sniffers and injectors: WinDump, Wireshark, ettercap, hping, kismet, aircrack, snort Network defenses: firewalls, packet filters, and intrusion detection systems War dialers: ToneLoc, THC-Scan, WarVOX Web application hacking utilities: Nikto, HTTP utilities, ZAP, Sqlmap Password cracking and brute-force tools: John the Ripper, L0phtCrack, HashCat, pwdump, THC-Hydra Forensic utilities: dd, Sleuth Kit, Autopsy, Security Onion Privacy tools: Ghostery, Tor, GnuPG, Truecrypt, Pidgin-OTR…”
Libro electrónico -
1146Publicado 2019“…For each problem, you’ll get hard-earned advice from Hussein Mehanna, AI engineering director for Google Cloud; Nakul Arora, VP of product management and marketing at Infosys; Patrick Hall, senior director for data science products at H2O; Matt Harrison, consultant and corporate trainer at MetaSnake; Joao Natali, data science director at Neustar; and Jerry Overton, data scientist and technology fellow at DXC. …”
Libro electrónico -
1147Publicado 2014“…A análise dos cambios da poboación galega encádrase, nesta páxinas, nos contextos europeo e español para permitir aos lectores apreciaren as diferentes cronoloxías dos procesos de avellentamento…”
Enlace del recurso
Electrónico -
1148Publicado 2014“…Este estudo torna-se, destemodo, um tributo, um testemunho de reconhecimento, fixando uma outra memória naqual acontecimentos e afetos se entretecem. Sente-se, nesta história, discretamas nítida, a presença dos narradores: o que chega até nós é um olhar a partirde dentro, das problemáticas que dia a dia os interpelam, da paixão que os ligaao trabalho que desenvolvem, projetada na leitura que fazem do passado e daspersonagens do seu enredo. …”
Libro electrónico -
1149Publicado 2015“…Dando continuidade ao estudo de coleções públicas e privadas subordinado ao tema da arte grega e de tema clássico (Morais 2011; Jesus 2012) apresenta-se, nesta série, alguns dos vasos gregos da coleção de D. …”
Libro electrónico -
1150Publicado 2020“…Mas os conflitos armados têm sofrido modificações importantes, assim como os meios de combate têm tido grandes desenvolvimentos, o que exige uma adaptação deste ramo do direito internacional, que vem sendo feita em larga medida por iniciativa do Comité Internacional da Cruz Vermelha, mas também da ONU e de outras instituições internacionais. Nesta obra compilam-se os principais documentos do Direito Internacional Humanitário…”
Libro electrónico -
1151por NATO Advanced Research Workshop on How Can the Internet Help People Cope in the Aftermath of a Traumatic EventTabla de Contenidos: “…Title; Preface; Contributors; About the Editors; Contents; I. Introduction; From Netscape to Twitter: Fifteen Years of Mental Health Online; The Psychological Role of the Internet in Mass Disasters: Past Evidence and Future Planning; Health Information on the Internet: What About the Quality?…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
1152Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Dorf -- Public discourse and reasonable pluralims : rethinking the requirements of neurtality / H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr -- Law and bioethics in Rodriquez v. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Listado completo de la colección ISSR library
Libro -
1153Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- About the Author -- About the Technical Editor -- Credits -- Acknowledgments -- Contents at a glance -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Chapter 1 Fundamental Networking and Security Tools -- Ping -- IPConfig -- NSLookup -- Tracert -- NetStat -- PuTTY -- Chapter 2 Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows -- RELI -- PSR -- PathPing -- MTR -- Sysinternals -- The Legendary God Mode -- Chapter 3 Nmap-The Network Mapper -- Network Mapping -- Port Scanning -- Services Running -- Operating Systems -- Zenmap -- Chapter 4 Vulnerability Management -- Managing Vulnerabilities -- OpenVAS -- Nexpose Community -- Chapter 5 Monitoring with OSSEC -- Log-Based Intrusion Detection Systems -- Agents -- Adding an Agent -- Extracting the Key for an Agent -- Removing an Agent -- Log Analysis -- Chapter 6 Protecting Wireless Communication -- 802.11 -- inSSIDer -- Wireless Network Watcher -- Hamachi -- Tor -- Chapter 7 Wireshark -- Wireshark -- OSI Model -- Capture -- Filters and Colors -- Inspection -- Chapter 8 Access Management -- AAA -- Least Privilege -- Single Sign-On -- JumpCloud -- Chapter 9 Managing Logs -- Windows Event Viewer -- Windows PowerShell -- BareTail -- Syslog -- SolarWinds Kiwi -- Chapter 10 Metasploit -- Reconnaissance -- Installation -- Gaining Access -- Metasploitable2 -- Vulnerable Web Services -- Meterpreter -- Chapter 11 Web Application Security -- Web Development -- Information Gathering -- DNS -- Defense in Depth -- Burp Suite -- Chapter 12 Patch and Configuration Management -- Patch Management -- Configuration Management -- Clonezilla Live -- Chapter 13 Securing OSI Layer 8 -- Human Nature -- Human Attacks -- Education -- The Social Engineer Toolkit -- Chapter 14 Kali Linux -- Virtualization -- Optimizing Kali Linux -- Using Kali Linux Tools -- Maltego -- Recon-ng -- Sparta -- MacChanger -- Nikto…”
Libro electrónico -
1154Global Meets Digital Global Strategy for Digital Businesses - Digital Strategy for Global BusinessesPublicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Economics of Digital Markets -- Value Creation and Value Capture -- How Value Is Created -- How Value Is Captured -- Competition and Competitive Advantage in Digital Markets -- Establishing Competitive Advantage in Digital Markets -- Digital Strategy for Global B2C Businesses -- Nestlé -- Digital Transformation at Nestlé -- Nestlé's Digital Strategy -- Notes -- 8 Digital Strategy for Global B2B Businesses -- The Four Industrial Revolutions -- Industry 4.0 -- How IoT (IIoT) Changes Manufacturing -- Some Specific Advantages of the IIoT -- How XCMG Benefits from the IIoT -- Value Creation-Value-Capture Framework for IoT (IIoT) Businesses -- Value-Creation Layer 1: Physical Thing -- Value-Creation Layer 2: Sensors and Actuators -- Value-Creation Layer 3: Connectivity -- Value-Creation Layer 4: Analytics -- Value-Creation Layer 5: Digital Service -- Bosch -- Digital Transformation at Bosch -- Bosch Group's Digital Strategy -- Notes -- 9 Reinventing Innovation -- How Innovation Happens -- Serendipity -- Invisible Hand of Market -- Visible Hand of Management -- How to Innovate -- The Build|Buy|Ally Framework -- Build: Innovation through Internal Development…”
Libro electrónico -
1155Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Unlocking the talent of every citizen : debates about potential and ambition in British socialist thought / Jeremy Nuttall -- The continuing relevance of Croslandite social democracy / Kevin Hickson -- The rhetoric of redistribution / Ben Jackson -- Republicanism, socialism and the renewal of the left / Martin McIvor -- Economic democracy instead of more capitalism : core historical concepts reconsidered / Adrian Zimmermann -- Afterward / Nina Fishman…”
Libro electrónico -
1156Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Frédéric Amsler -- D'Eusèbe de Césarée à Athanase d'Alexandrie en passant par Cyrille de Jérusalem: de la construction savante du Nouveau Testament à la clôture ecclésiastique du canon / Eric Junod -- La lettre festale 39 d'Athanase. Présentation et traduction de la version copte et de l'extrait grec / Gabriella Aragione -- Le rôle des centres de copie dans la fixation du canon du Nouveau Testament / Sever J. …”
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1157Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: Otherness and national identity in 19th-century Spanish literature: Spaniards on the margins / Marieta Cantos Casenave and Daniel Muñoz Sempere -- Staging the last stand: the politics of Aben Humeya in Richard Lalor Sheil and Francisco Martínez de la Rosa / Diego Saglia -- Aben Humeya and the journey of historical myths: on Telesforo de Trueba's The romance of history: Spain (1830) and its Spanish translation (1840) / Daniel Muñoz Sempere -- Moors and Christians in Washington Irving's The Alhambra and the imaginary of Romantic Spain / Marieta Cantos Casenave -- El imaginario sobre los judíos en La España (1848-1868) y la Revista histórica (1851) / Alberto Ramos Santana -- A converso in the Canary Islands: counter-narratives of Spanish imperialism in Agustín Millares Torres' Aventuras de un converso (1877) / Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer -- Los márgenes del mito romántico y la identidad nacional en la colección La España Dramática (1849-1881) / Alberto Romero Ferrer -- Marginación e intolerancia: la imagen del moro y del judío en Doña Perfecta y Gloria de Benito Pérez Galdós / David Loyola López -- Mujeres con tara: La Educanda (1861-1865) y las mujeres al margen / Beatriz Sánchez Hita -- Female discourse on Spanish identity: Baroness Wilson / Ma. …”
Libro electrónico -
1158Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Frédéric Amsler -- D'Eusèbe de Césarée à Athanase d'Alexandrie en passant par Cyrille de Jérusalem: de la construction savante du Nouveau Testament à la clôture ecclésiastique du canon / Eric Junod -- La lettre festale 39 d'Athanase. Présentation et traduction de la version copte et de l'extrait grec / Gabriella Aragione -- Le rôle des centres de copie dans la fixation du canon du Nouveau Testament / Sever J. …”
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Red de Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Córdoba, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
1159por Sloan, Joseph D. 1950-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Host Configurations; 2.1.2. top; 2.1.3. netstat; 2.1.4. lsof; 2.1.5. ifconfig; 2.1.6. arp; 2.1.7. …”
Publicado 2001
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1160Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Gilman -- JEWS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE -- Environmental History and Jewish Studies: Methodological Intersections and Opportunities, by Dean Phillip Bell -- Changing Climates: Zionist Medical Climatology in Palestine, 1897-1948, by Netta Cohen -- ISRAEL STUDIES AND SCIENCE -- Jews and Science: A Note, by David A. …”
Libro electrónico