Mostrando 1,141 - 1,160 Resultados de 1,579 Para Buscar 'Netstal~', tiempo de consulta: 1.34s Limitar resultados
  1. 1141
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nuevo testamento (Texto griego, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28a edición (Nestle-Aland); traducción española, Nuevo Testamento, versión crítica sobre el texto original griego (Manuel Iglesias González, SJ)). -- 2a ed. -- LXXV, 1579 p. + 1 hoja plegada (6 p.)…”
  2. 1142
    Publicado 2011
    “…Com um olhar crítico, os artigos presentes nesta obra analisam os entraves e desafios do sistema e da gestão pública de saúde no Brasil em suas inúmeras perspectivas, provendo um debate sobre a necessidade e as possibilidades de uso de instrumentos de planejamento, principalmente na construção do SUS…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 1143
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Linux Networking -- Basics -- The Network Interface -- The Bridge Interface -- Packet Handling in the Kernel -- Netfilter -- Conntrack -- Routing -- High-Level Routing -- iptables -- IPVS -- eBPF -- Network Troubleshooting Tools -- Security Warning -- ping -- traceroute -- dig -- telnet -- nmap -- netstat -- netcat -- Openssl -- cURL -- Conclusion -- Chapter 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 1144
  5. 1145
    Publicado 2014
    “…Demonstrates how to configure and use these and other essential tools: Virtual machines and emulators: Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Player, VirtualPC, Parallels, and open-source options Vulnerability scanners: OpenVAS, Metasploit File system monitors: AIDE, Samhain, Tripwire Windows auditing tools: Nbtstat, Cain, MBSA, PsTools Command-line networking tools: Netcat, Cryptcat, Ncat, Socat Port forwarders and redirectors: SSH, Datapipe, FPipe, WinRelay Port scanners: Nmap, THC-Amap Network sniffers and injectors: WinDump, Wireshark, ettercap, hping, kismet, aircrack, snort Network defenses: firewalls, packet filters, and intrusion detection systems War dialers: ToneLoc, THC-Scan, WarVOX Web application hacking utilities: Nikto, HTTP utilities, ZAP, Sqlmap Password cracking and brute-force tools: John the Ripper, L0phtCrack, HashCat, pwdump, THC-Hydra Forensic utilities: dd, Sleuth Kit, Autopsy, Security Onion Privacy tools: Ghostery, Tor, GnuPG, Truecrypt, Pidgin-OTR…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 1146
    Publicado 2019
    “…For each problem, you’ll get hard-earned advice from Hussein Mehanna, AI engineering director for Google Cloud; Nakul Arora, VP of product management and marketing at Infosys; Patrick Hall, senior director for data science products at H2O; Matt Harrison, consultant and corporate trainer at MetaSnake; Joao Natali, data science director at Neustar; and Jerry Overton, data scientist and technology fellow at DXC. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 1147
    Publicado 2014
    “…A análise dos cambios da poboación galega encádrase, nesta páxinas, nos contextos europeo e español para permitir aos lectores apreciaren as diferentes cronoloxías dos procesos de avellentamento…”
    Enlace del recurso
  8. 1148
    Publicado 2014
    “…Este estudo torna-se, destemodo, um tributo, um testemunho de reconhecimento, fixando uma outra memória naqual acontecimentos e afetos se entretecem. Sente-se, nesta história, discretamas nítida, a presença dos narradores: o que chega até nós é um olhar a partirde dentro, das problemáticas que dia a dia os interpelam, da paixão que os ligaao trabalho que desenvolvem, projetada na leitura que fazem do passado e daspersonagens do seu enredo. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 1149
    Publicado 2015
    “…Dando continuidade ao estudo de coleções públicas e privadas subordinado ao tema da arte grega e de tema clássico (Morais 2011; Jesus 2012) apresenta-se, nesta série, alguns dos vasos gregos da coleção de D. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 1150
    Publicado 2020
    “…Mas os conflitos armados têm sofrido modificações importantes, assim como os meios de combate têm tido grandes desenvolvimentos, o que exige uma adaptação deste ramo do direito internacional, que vem sendo feita em larga medida por iniciativa do Comité Internacional da Cruz Vermelha, mas também da ONU e de outras instituições internacionais. Nesta obra compilam-se os principais documentos do Direito Internacional Humanitário…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 1151
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Title; Preface; Contributors; About the Editors; Contents; I. Introduction; From Netscape to Twitter: Fifteen Years of Mental Health Online; The Psychological Role of the Internet in Mass Disasters: Past Evidence and Future Planning; Health Information on the Internet: What About the Quality?…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 1152
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Dorf -- Public discourse and reasonable pluralims : rethinking the requirements of neurtality / H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr -- Law and bioethics in Rodriquez v. …”
    Listado completo de la colección ISSR library
  13. 1153
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- About the Author -- About the Technical Editor -- Credits -- Acknowledgments -- Contents at a glance -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Chapter 1 Fundamental Networking and Security Tools -- Ping -- IPConfig -- NSLookup -- Tracert -- NetStat -- PuTTY -- Chapter 2 Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows -- RELI -- PSR -- PathPing -- MTR -- Sysinternals -- The Legendary God Mode -- Chapter 3 Nmap-The Network Mapper -- Network Mapping -- Port Scanning -- Services Running -- Operating Systems -- Zenmap -- Chapter 4 Vulnerability Management -- Managing Vulnerabilities -- OpenVAS -- Nexpose Community -- Chapter 5 Monitoring with OSSEC -- Log-Based Intrusion Detection Systems -- Agents -- Adding an Agent -- Extracting the Key for an Agent -- Removing an Agent -- Log Analysis -- Chapter 6 Protecting Wireless Communication -- 802.11 -- inSSIDer -- Wireless Network Watcher -- Hamachi -- Tor -- Chapter 7 Wireshark -- Wireshark -- OSI Model -- Capture -- Filters and Colors -- Inspection -- Chapter 8 Access Management -- AAA -- Least Privilege -- Single Sign-On -- JumpCloud -- Chapter 9 Managing Logs -- Windows Event Viewer -- Windows PowerShell -- BareTail -- Syslog -- SolarWinds Kiwi -- Chapter 10 Metasploit -- Reconnaissance -- Installation -- Gaining Access -- Metasploitable2 -- Vulnerable Web Services -- Meterpreter -- Chapter 11 Web Application Security -- Web Development -- Information Gathering -- DNS -- Defense in Depth -- Burp Suite -- Chapter 12 Patch and Configuration Management -- Patch Management -- Configuration Management -- Clonezilla Live -- Chapter 13 Securing OSI Layer 8 -- Human Nature -- Human Attacks -- Education -- The Social Engineer Toolkit -- Chapter 14 Kali Linux -- Virtualization -- Optimizing Kali Linux -- Using Kali Linux Tools -- Maltego -- Recon-ng -- Sparta -- MacChanger -- Nikto…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 1154
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Economics of Digital Markets -- Value Creation and Value Capture -- How Value Is Created -- How Value Is Captured -- Competition and Competitive Advantage in Digital Markets -- Establishing Competitive Advantage in Digital Markets -- Digital Strategy for Global B2C Businesses -- Nestlé -- Digital Transformation at Nestlé -- Nestlé's Digital Strategy -- Notes -- 8 Digital Strategy for Global B2B Businesses -- The Four Industrial Revolutions -- Industry 4.0 -- How IoT (IIoT) Changes Manufacturing -- Some Specific Advantages of the IIoT -- How XCMG Benefits from the IIoT -- Value Creation-Value-Capture Framework for IoT (IIoT) Businesses -- Value-Creation Layer 1: Physical Thing -- Value-Creation Layer 2: Sensors and Actuators -- Value-Creation Layer 3: Connectivity -- Value-Creation Layer 4: Analytics -- Value-Creation Layer 5: Digital Service -- Bosch -- Digital Transformation at Bosch -- Bosch Group's Digital Strategy -- Notes -- 9 Reinventing Innovation -- How Innovation Happens -- Serendipity -- Invisible Hand of Market -- Visible Hand of Management -- How to Innovate -- The Build|Buy|Ally Framework -- Build: Innovation through Internal Development…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 1155
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Unlocking the talent of every citizen : debates about potential and ambition in British socialist thought / Jeremy Nuttall -- The continuing relevance of Croslandite social democracy / Kevin Hickson -- The rhetoric of redistribution / Ben Jackson -- Republicanism, socialism and the renewal of the left / Martin McIvor -- Economic democracy instead of more capitalism : core historical concepts reconsidered / Adrian Zimmermann -- Afterward / Nina Fishman…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 1156
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Frédéric Amsler -- D'Eusèbe de Césarée à Athanase d'Alexandrie en passant par Cyrille de Jérusalem: de la construction savante du Nouveau Testament à la clôture ecclésiastique du canon / Eric Junod -- La lettre festale 39 d'Athanase. Présentation et traduction de la version copte et de l'extrait grec / Gabriella Aragione -- Le rôle des centres de copie dans la fixation du canon du Nouveau Testament / Sever J. …”
  17. 1157
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: Otherness and national identity in 19th-century Spanish literature: Spaniards on the margins  / Marieta Cantos Casenave and Daniel Muñoz Sempere -- Staging the last stand: the politics of Aben Humeya in Richard Lalor Sheil and Francisco Martínez de la Rosa / Diego Saglia -- Aben Humeya and the journey of historical myths: on Telesforo de Trueba's The romance of history: Spain (1830) and its Spanish translation (1840) / Daniel Muñoz Sempere -- Moors and Christians in Washington Irving's The Alhambra and the imaginary of Romantic Spain / Marieta Cantos Casenave -- El imaginario sobre los judíos en La España (1848-1868) y la Revista histórica (1851) / Alberto Ramos Santana -- A converso in the Canary Islands: counter-narratives of Spanish imperialism in Agustín Millares Torres' Aventuras de un converso (1877) / Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer -- Los márgenes del mito romántico y la identidad nacional en la colección La España Dramática (1849-1881) / Alberto Romero Ferrer -- Marginación e intolerancia: la imagen del moro y del judío en Doña Perfecta y Gloria de Benito Pérez Galdós / David Loyola López -- Mujeres con tara: La Educanda (1861-1865) y las mujeres al margen / Beatriz Sánchez Hita -- Female discourse on Spanish identity: Baroness Wilson / Ma. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 1158
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Frédéric Amsler -- D'Eusèbe de Césarée à Athanase d'Alexandrie en passant par Cyrille de Jérusalem: de la construction savante du Nouveau Testament à la clôture ecclésiastique du canon / Eric Junod -- La lettre festale 39 d'Athanase. Présentation et traduction de la version copte et de l'extrait grec / Gabriella Aragione -- Le rôle des centres de copie dans la fixation du canon du Nouveau Testament / Sever J. …”
  19. 1159
    por Sloan, Joseph D. 1950-
    Publicado 2001
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Host Configurations; 2.1.2. top; 2.1.3. netstat; 2.1.4. lsof; 2.1.5. ifconfig; 2.1.6. arp; 2.1.7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 1160
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Gilman -- JEWS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE -- Environmental History and Jewish Studies: Methodological Intersections and Opportunities, by Dean Phillip Bell -- Changing Climates: Zionist Medical Climatology in Palestine, 1897-1948, by Netta Cohen -- ISRAEL STUDIES AND SCIENCE -- Jews and Science: A Note, by David A. …”
    Libro electrónico