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  1. 5701
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…African environmental crisis : Is it a myth : an introduction -- European exploration of East Africa : textual analysis of travel narratives, 1831- -- Imperial scientific infrastructure : science for development, 1848-1960s -- African environmental crisis narratives : schemes, technology and development, 1904- -- Experimental science and development : a re-evaluation of the environmental crisis hypothesis, 1939- -- Social science research : behavioral responses to development, 1919- -- Administrative science for development dialogue : three Kenyan case studies, 1943- -- Tsetse fly control in East Africa : environmental and social impacts, 1880- -- Locust invasion and control in East Africa : economic and environmental impacts, 1890-1960s -- A synthesis : Conclusions and epilogue…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 5702
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: the three schools as a rhetorical device in Josephus / Josephus and Antipas : a case study of Josephus' narratives on Herod Antipas / Josephus and the Psalms of Solomon on Herod's messianic aspirations : an interpretation / Josephus as a source for economic history : problems and approaches / Noble deaths at Gamla and Masada? …”
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    Libro electrónico
  3. 5703
    por Clarke, Colin P.
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Preface; Contents; Figures and Tables; Summary; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; From Stalemate to Settlement: Lessons for Afghanistan from Historical Insurgencies That Have Been Resolved Through Negotiations; Introduction; How to Reach a Negotiated Settlement in Counterinsurgency Warfare; The Notion of a Master Narrative; Methods: Getting to a Master Narrative; Previous RAND Research: Paths to Victory; Developing the Master Narrative; The Master Narrative; Step 1: Military Stalemate and War-Weariness…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 5704
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The pervasiveness of divorce and the value of diverse voices -- Theoretical perspectives and methods -- Voices of despair -- Voices of hope -- Becoming "parentless" due to divorce -- Family chaos and resilience -- Recent narratives and new perspectives on divorce -- Conclusions…”
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    Libro electrónico
  5. 5705
    por Speight, Allen
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction -- German idealism and the young Hegel -- The Phenomenology of spirit -- The Logic and Hegel's system -- Ethics and politics -- Hegel and the narrative task of history -- Art, aesthetics and literary theory -- Religion and philosophy -- Guide to further reading…”
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    Libro electrónico
  6. 5706
    por Ganti, Tejaswini
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The production and distribution of popular Hindi cinema -- 3. Narrative style, important themes and key conflicts -- 4. …”
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    Libro electrónico
  7. 5707
    por Genette, Gérard, 1930-
    Publicado 1982
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Structuralism and literary criticism -- The obverse of signs -- Figures -- Principles of pure criticism -- Poetic language, poetics of language -- Rhetoric restrained -- Frontiers of narrative -- "Stendhal" -- Flaubert's silences -- Proust palimpsest -- Proust and indirect language…”
  8. 5708
    por Moosa, Ebrahim
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Agonistics of the self -- Narrativity of the self -- Poetics of memory and writing -- Liminality and exile -- Grammar of the self -- Metaphysics of belief -- Dilemmas of Anathema and Heresy -- Hermeneutics of the self and subjectivity -- Technologies of the self and self-knowledge -- Knowledge of the strangers…”
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    Libro electrónico
  9. 5709
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The pervasiveness of divorce and the value of diverse voices -- Theoretical perspectives and methods -- Voices of despair -- Voices of hope -- Becoming "parentless" due to divorce -- Family chaos and resilience -- Recent narratives and new perspectives on divorce -- Conclusions…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 5710
    por Waxman, Zoë Vania
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Writing as resistance : bearing witness in the Warsaw Ghetto -- Writing to survive : the testimony of the concentration camps -- Writing to remember : the role of the survivor -- Writing ignored : reading women's Holocaust testimonies -- Writing the ineffable : the representation of testimony…”
    Table of contents only
  11. 5711
    por Thapar, Romila
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The context -- The setting -- The Turko/Persian narratives -- Sanskrit inscriptions from Somanatha and its vicinity -- Biographies, chronicles, and epics -- The perceptions of yet others -- Colonial interpretations and nationalist reactions -- Constructing memory, writing histories…”
  12. 5712
    por McGing, Brian Charles, 1952-
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contents and organization of the work -- The historian's task -- Art and history: the narrative of books 4 and 5 -- The historian as Homeric hero -- The political theorizing of book 6 -- Epilogue: Into the future -- Appendix: Outline of the work -- Prominent persons…”
  13. 5713
    por Westbrook, Deeanne
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction : baseball and myth -- The myth of the gap -- August Wilson's Fences and the art of bricolage -- Paths of glory : baseball, key narratives, and the monomyth -- Mark Harris's Bang the drum slowly and the two stories -- Dimensions of the field…”
  14. 5714
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…More Thoughts on Three Acts: Fifteen Years Later; Chapter 6. Narrative and Anti-Narrative: The Case of the Two Stevens; Chapter 7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 5715
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Raaflaub -- The distribution of character judgments in Thucydides / Matthieu de Bakker -- Ascribing motivation in Thucydides : between historical research and literary representation / Melina Tamiolaki -- The causes of the Athenian pestilence and the plague / Paul Demont -- Representations of time and space: The presence of the past in Thucydides / Jonas Grethlein -- The Cylon conspiracy : Thucydides and the uses of the past / Tim Rood -- Katâ ethne kai kata poleis : from the catalogues to the archaeologies / Roberto Nicolai -- In the shadow of Pericles: Athens' Samian victory and the organization of the Pentekontaetia / Marek Węcowski -- Transformations of landscapes in Thucydides / Vassiliki Pothou -- Thucydides and politics: "Reading" Athens : foreign perceptions of the agency of leaders and demos in Thucydides / Sarah Brown Ferrario -- Thucydides and the masses / Suzanne Saad -- Thucydides' Pericles : between historical reality and literary representation /Panos Christodoulou -- Aspects of the narrative: The balance of power and compositional balance: Thucydides, book I / June Allison -- Blurring the boundaries of speech: Thucydides and indirect discourse / Paula Debnar -- The narrative strategy: observations on the 7th book of Thucydides / Anna Lamari -- "The dot on the i" : Thucydidean epilogues / Hans-Peter Stahl -- The narrative legacy of Thucydides: Polybius book 1 / Nikos Miltsios -- The language of Thucydides: The litotes of Thucydides / Pierre Pontier -- History as presence : time, tense and narrative modes in Thucydides / Rutger J. …”
  16. 5716
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frame-making and frame-breaking in picturebooks / Carole Scott -- Surprised readers: twist endings in narrative picturebooks / Brenda Bellorin and Cecilia Silva-Diaz -- The narrative power of pictures: L'orage (The thunderstorm) / by Anne Brouillard, Annabelle Nires-Chevrel -- Picturebooks and Trojan horses: the Nordic picturebook as a site for artistic experiment during the 1950s / Elina Druker -- A strawberry? …”
  17. 5717
    Publicado 1998
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- P. 5-7 De pensar narrativament a narrar pensativament / Liliana Tolchinsky. -- P. 9-20 Els Relats de vida e l'alfabetització de persones adultes / Victòria dels Angels García i Anguita...…”
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  18. 5718
    Publicado 2004
    “…Dos duros alegatos contra los nacionalismos donde el autor nos habla de sus farsas y de sus complejos con respecto al resto de la Nación…”
  19. 5719
    Publicado 2023
    “…Su alquimia surge en las esquivas y enigmáticas fronteras entre la magia y la ilusión óptica, entre el evento místico y el proceso químico. ¿Se puede enseñar a narrar? ¿Se puede aprender a hacerlo? --…”
  20. 5720
    por Horsdal, Marianne
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Einleitung 1 Zeit und Handlung 1.1 Grenzzeichen und Pausen 1.2 Bewegung im Raum und Zeitlichkeit 1.3 Autonoesis 1.4 Augustinus' Reflexionen über die Zeit 1.5 Fabelkomposition und Bedeutungskonfiguration 1.6 Narrative Kausalität 1.7 Konfiguration in Lebenserzählungen 2 Stellvertretende Erfahrung 2.1 Repräsentation von Handlungen (mimesis) und Spiegelneuronen 2.2 Emotionen und das soziale Gehirn 2.3 Ein Repertoire an stellvertretender Erfahrung 3 Geschichten erzählen 3.1 Narrative Dimensionen des Gesprächs 3.2 Stimme und Erzählbarkeit 3.3 Plausibilität 3.4 Der kulturelle Raum in verschiedenen Kontexten 4 Körper, Gehirn und Erfahrung 4.1 Wiedererkennen 4.2 Eine Theorie des Bewusstseins 4.3 Gehirnplastizität und der Einfluss der Kultur 4.4 Handlungen, Geschehnisse und soziale Beziehungen 4.5 Repräsentation von Ereignissen 4.6 Proto-Narrative 4.7 Gemeinsame Aufmerksamkeit 5 Gedächtnis 5.1 Verschiedene Gedächtnisarten 5.2 Der Akt des Erinnerns 6 Frühe Interaktionen 6.1 Übergangsräume und Symbolisierung 6.2 Vom Hier und Jetzt zum Dort und Damals 6.3 Memory Talk 6.4 Der Gebrauch von Fiktion 7 Narrative Kompetenz 7.1 Merkmale der narrativen Kompetenz 7.2 Reflexivität 7.3 Analytische Fähigkeit 7.4 Pädagogische Intervention 7.5 Narrativer Zusammenbruch 8 Das narrative Interview 8.1 Überblick über die angewandte Forschung 8.2 Methodologische Überlegungen 8.3 Kontaktaufnahme 8.4 Erstellen der Biografien 8.5 Reinschrift und Korrektur 8.6 Interview-Varianten 8.7 Das situierte Interview 9 Interpretation und Analyse von erzählten Lebensgeschichten 9.1 Vorverständnis 9.2 Zeit und Raum 9.3 Teilnahme an communities of practice 9.4 Stimmen, Personen, Beziehungen 9.5 Themen und Konfiguration 9.6 Metaphern 9.7 Stichproben von Geschichten 10 Kulturelle Identität 10.1 Kulturelle Narrative 10.2 Umstände und Entscheidungsfreiheit 10.3 Aufbruch und Emanzipation 10.4 Sich selbst finden 10.5 Narrative kollektive Identität 11 Personale Identität 11.1 Das Selbst nach der Postmoderne 11.2 Das Selbst als ein Anderer 11.3 Kontinuität und Wandel 12 Aktive Staatsbürgerschaft und biografisches Lernen 12.1 Politische Bildung 12.2 Kompetenzen für aktive Staatsbürgerschaft 12.3 Demokratie lernen 13 Bildungsperspektiven und Abschlussbemerkungen Literatur Zusammenfassung Abstract Die Autorin…”
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