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  1. 7401
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Optimisation of a Code to Improve Spallation Yield Predictions in an ADS Target System -- Summary of Working Group Discussion on Accelerators -- ADS Accelerator Reliability Activities in Europe -- Research on the Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Reactor at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA) with an FFAG Proton Accelerator -- Summary of Working Group Discussion on Subcritical Systems and Interface Engineering -- CFD Analysis on the Active Part of Window Target Unit for LBE-Cooled XADS -- Summary of Technical Session V -- Summary of Technical Session IV -- Status of the Megapie Project -- Status of the Trade Experiment -- Summary of Technical Session III -- The European Project PDS-XADS “preliminary Design Studies of an Experimental Accelerator-Driven System” -- Primary Isotopic Yields for MSDM Calculations of Spallation Reactions on 208Pb with Proton Energy of 1 GeV -- Research and Development on Accelerator-Driven Systems -- Introduction of a Dual Injection Tube for the Design of a 20 MW Lead-Bismuth Target System -- Design Study around Beam Window of ADS -- The Vacuum Interface Compatibility Experiment Vice Supporting the MYRRHA Windowless Target Design -- Thermal Stability of the U-Zr Fuel and its Interfacial Reaction with Lead -- Summary of Technical Session I -- Background/perspective -- Accelerator-Driven Systems in Advanced Fuel Cycles -- Corrosion Tests in the Static Condition and Installation of Corrosion Loop at KAERI for Lead-Bismuth Eutectic -- Status of the Spallation Neutron Source Accelerator Complex -- Vacuum Gas Dynamics Investigation and Experimental Results on the Trasco ADS Windowless Interface -- Application of the Hyper System to the DUPIC Fuel Cycle -- Research and Development on Lead-Bismuth Technology for Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Systemat JAERIi -- Concept of Transmutation Experimental Facility -- Methods and Codes for Estimation of Tolerance -- Experimental Verification of Selected Transmutation Technology and Materials for Basic Components of a Demonstration Transmuter with Liquid Fuel Based -- Executive Summary -- On the Supplementary Feedback Effect Specific for Accelerator-Coupled Systems ACS -- French Accelerator Research for ADS Developments -- An Improved Superconducting ADS Driver Linac Design -- Keff and Ks Burn-up Swing Compensation in MYRRHA -- Hybrid Power Extraction Reactor Hyper Project -- Construction of a FFAG Complex for ADS Research in KURRI -- Analysis of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Flowing into Beam Duct -- Improvement of Reliability of the Trasco Intense Proton Source Trips at INFN-LNS -- Present Status of the J-PARC Accelerator Complex -- High-Energy Beat Transport Lines and Delivery System for Intense Proton Beams -- Comparative Transient Analysis of Pb/Bi and Gas-cooled XADS Concepts -- Thermal-Hydraulic Experiments on the Tall LBE Test Facility -- R&D of ADS in Japan -- Comparative Transient Analyses of Accelerator-Driven Systems with Mixed Oxide and Advanced Fertile-Free Fuels -- Los Alamos Perspective on High-Intensity Accelerators -- Beam Dynamics Studies for the Fault Tolerance Assessment of the PDS-XADS Linac -- Spoke Cavities -- Development of a Superconducting Proton Linac for ADS -- Chinese Status of HPPA Development -- Safety Analysis of the EU PDS-XADS Designs -- CFD Analysis of the Heavy Liquid Metal Flow Field in the MYRRHA Pool -- The PDS-XADS Reference Accelerator -- Results of the Second Phase of Calculations Relevant to the WPPT Benchmark on Beam Interruptions -- Estimation of Some Characteristics of the Cascade Subcritical Molten Salt Reactor CSMSR -- Annex 2 List of Participants -- Technological Aspects and Challenges for High-Power Proton Accelerator-Driven System Application -- Summary of Working Group Discussion on Safety and Control of ADS -- ADS Neutronics -- Status of the Conceptual Design of an Accelerator and Beam Transport Line for Trade -- ADS Safety…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 7402
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Apeh -- Digital twins : a state of the art from industry 4.0 perspective / Deiva Ganesh A And Kalpana P -- Human-centered approach to intelligent analytics in industry 4.0 / Varad Vishwarupe, Milind Pande, Vishal Pawar, Prachi Joshi, Aseem Deshmukh, Shweta Mhaisalkar, Nicole Mathias, Shrey Maheshwari and Neha Mandora -- Advance in robotics industry 4.0 / Muchharla Suresh, Rajesh Kumar Dash, Deepika Padhy, Swastid Dash, Subhransu Kumar Das, and K Nageswara Rao Achary -- A cloud-based real-time healthcare monitoring system for CVD patients / Anjali Kumari, Animesh Kumar, Kanishka Vijayvargiya, Piyush Goyal, Ujjwal Tripathi and Avinash Chandra Pandey -- Assessment of fuzzy logic assessed recommender system: A critical critique / S Gopal Krishna Patro, Brojo Kishore Mishra and Sanjaya Kumar Panda -- Intelligent analytics in big data and cloud / K Aditya Shastry and Manjunatha B A -- Various audio classification models for automatic speaker verification system in industry 4.0 / Sanil Joshi, Mohit Dua and Shelza Dua -- Trending IoT platforms on middleware layer / Neha Katiyar, Surabhi Sakhshi, Priti Kumari and Jyoti Srivastava -- Healthcare IoT: a factual and feasible application of industrial IoT / Subasish Mohapatra, Amlan Sahoo, Munesh Singh and Subhadarshini Mohanty -- IoT based spacecraft anti-collision HUD design formulation / Bibhorr -- Coverage of LoRaWAN in Vijayawada: a practical approach / P. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 7403
    Publicado 2017
    “…The specific case study of Canada's Kyoto Protocol process is then used to explain the mechanisms of democratic influence in depth. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 7404
    Publicado 2002
    “…Para ello debemos participar en el mythos del "otro". Todos nuestros juicios emergen de un magma "pre-juicial" que los hace posibles." …”
  5. 7405
    Publicado 2012
    “…Described as a 'love letter' to the movies, Cousins visits the key sites in the history of cinemal from Hollywood to Mumbai; from Hitchcock's London to the village where Pather Panchali was shot, and features interviews with legendary filmmakers and actors including Stanley Donen, Kyoko Kagawa, Gus van Sant, Lars Von Trier, Claire Denis, Bernardo Bertolucci, Robert Towne, Jane Campion and Claudia Cardinale."…”
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  6. 7406
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface / Michele Caniato -- Introduction / Allan Chochinov -- Visual narrative : David Trubridge -- Grown materials : Hemp chair / Studio Aisslinger ; BioCouture / Suzanne Lee ; Bogobrush / John McDougall ; Gord bottle / Jerry Mejia ; Kelp lampshades / Julia Lohmann ; Yulex R2 front-zip full suit / Patagonia and Yulex Corporation ; iNature iPhone cover / Luca Torresi and Carlo Vecchiola ; Coco mat board / NSP, Global Surf Industries ; Corky water bottle / Ruben Marques Pedro -- Visual narrative : Samuel Wilkinson -- Surface protection : Voyager legend / Plantronics ; Micralox coating on aluminum / Mike Sung, Sanford Process ; Bloom cookware / Enrico Azzimonti ; MC Metafuse binding line / Union Binding Company ; CST-01 / Jerry O'Leary and Dave Vondle ; UE Boom / NONOBJECT ; The glider / Kammok ; Logitech FabricSkin Keyboard Folio / Logitech -- Visual narrative : Studio Dror -- Advanced composites : Tegra-lite / Tumi ; Ganymed walking aid / Karen Ostertag and Sigmar Klose ; The light room / Bram Geenen ; Ergon SR2 BioComp concept saddle / Ergon Werksdesign ; Fu lei zhi seat / Vivian Chiu ; Fornix ski helmet / Fredrik Hallander and Jan Woxing, POC Sports ; Mojo UFO tent / Vincent Mares ; Bering sleeping bag / Sarah Groth ; W127 lamp / Dirk Winkel ; Lynx ski / Thomas Greenall -- Visual narrative : Eric Chan of ECCO Design -- Additive manufacturing media : 13:30 headphones / John Mabry, Teague -- Bespoke fairings / Scott Summit, Bespoke Innovations ; Titanium jaw / Biomed Research Group of the University of Hasselt, Xios Hogeschool, Xilloc Medical BV, and the Catholic University of Leuven ; Stainless steel bone cuff / Nervous System ; Endless flow rocking chair / Dirk Vander Kooij ; Iron Man 2 body armor / Legacy Effects ; Nike Flyknit Lunar1+ / Ben Shaffer, Nike ; 3D-printed optics / Karl D.D. …”
  7. 7407
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Texts of Plato and Aristotle in the First Century BCE: Andronicus' Canon Myrto Hatzimichali 2. Boethus' Aristotelian Ontology Marwan Rashed 3. …”
  8. 7408
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machizukuri house and its expanding network : making a new public realm in private homes / Yasuyoshi Hayashi -- Niwa-roju : private gardens serving the public realm / Isami Kinoshita -- Farmhouses as urban-rural public space / Sawako Ono, Ryoko Sato, and Mima Nishiyama…”
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    Libro electrónico
  9. 7409
    por Lopez, Adriana B.
    Publicado 2009
    Libro electrónico
  10. 7410
    por Otterbach, Dieter H.
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Generalidades; Hechos; Visión general; Fenómenos naturales; El Sistema Solar; Tierra; Acuerdos internacionales; Protocolo de Kyoto, 1997; Comercio de derechos de emisión; Convención de Copenhague, 2009; Cancún, México, finales de 2010; Capítulo 6 Cambio climático y calentamiento global. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 7411
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Del desprecio; Capítulo XIII. De la ira y el enojo; Capítulo XIV. Del odio; Capítulo XV. De la envidia; Capítulo XVI. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 7412
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tempesta d'agost -- 28. Meitat monjo, meitat soldat -- 29. Paco Tatxim i l'infinit -- 30. …”
    Lectura limitada a 1 usuario concurrente.
    Libro electrónico
  13. 7413
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Texts of Plato and Aristotle in the First Century BCE: Andronicus' Canon Myrto Hatzimichali 2. Boethus' Aristotelian Ontology Marwan Rashed 3. …”
  14. 7414
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter 1 Inhalt 5 Nationalsozialismus und Geschlecht: eine Einführung 9 Im Umfeld der Macht: populäre Perspektiven auf Frauen der NS-Elite 49 Expositionen des Obszönen: zum Umgang mit dem Nationalsozialismus in der visuellen Kultur 70 NS-Verbrechen und asymmetrische Geschlechterdifferenz: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit historischen Analysen zur NS-Täterschaft 86 »Gestrauchelte Frauen« und »unverbesserliche Weibspersonen«: zum Stellenwert der Kategorie Geschlecht in der nationalsozialistischen Strafrechtspflege 109 Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Frauen während der NS-Verfolgung 141 Maskulinität und sexuelle Ausbeutung: Bordellgänger in Konzentrationslagern 156 Die deutsch-französischen Liebesbeziehungen der französischen Zwangsarbeiter und beurlaubten Kriegsgefangenen im »Dritten Reich«: vom Mythos des verführerischen Franzosen zur Umkehrung der Geschlechterrolle 180 Mediale Inszenierungen von »Volk und Führer«: Akustik - Bild - Skulptur 199 Männliche Tatkraft und weibliches Sein: eine Radioidylle 1934-1940 222 Bilder partieller Emanzipation: Künstlerpaare im NS-Spielfilm 244 Frauenbilder im Spielfilm, Kulturfilm und in der Wochenschau des »Dritten Reiches« 259 Flucht in den Untergrund: zur Situation der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland 1941-1945 285 Zur Beteiligung von Frauen an nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen im Gesundheitswesen: Fallstudien aus der Region des heutigen Sachsen-Anhalt 298 Weibliches SS-Personal in Konzentrationslagern: überzeugte Parteigängerinnen der NSDAP oder ganz normale deutsche Frauen? …”
  15. 7415
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Les usages des produits et des sous-produits du palmier à huile -- Utilisation des produits -- Utilisation des sous-produits -- Projets issus du protocole de Kyoto -- 14. La sécurité au travail et la santé des personnels -- Formation -- Sécurité au travail -- Santé des personnels -- 15. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 7416
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preparation of the specimenInterpretation; Indications; Special methods; References; CHAPTER 4: Haematological Disorders of the Liver; The liver and blood coagulation; Haemolytic jaundice; The liver in haemolytic anaemias; The liver in myelo- and lymphoproliferative disease; Leukaemia; Bone marrow transplantation; Lymphoma; Lipid storage diseases; References; CHAPTER 5: Acute Liver Failure; Definition; Epidemiology and aetiologies; Clinical features; Initial investigations; Complications and management of acute liver failure; Specific therapies; Prognosis; Liver transplantation…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 7417
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The case of Botlale Tema's Welgeval, Pilanesberg, South Africa -- Lydia Muthuma and Fred Mbogo The film Softie and the Kenyan imaginary -- Amanda du Preez The right to be seen and to look. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 7418
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Development of High-Fibre and Low-FODMAP Crackers -- Rosen Chochkov, Daniela Savova-Stoyanova, Maria Papageorgiou, Joa ̃o Miguel Rocha, Velitchka Gotcheva and Angel Angelov Effects of Teff-Based Sourdoughs on Dough Rheology and Gluten-Free Bread Quality -- Zuzana ˇSm ́ıdova ́ and Jana Rysova ́ Gluten-Free Bread and Bakery Products Technology -- Alina Culetu, Denisa Eglantina Duta, Maria Papageorgiou and Theodoros Varzakas The Role of Hydrocolloids in Gluten-Free Bread and Pasta; Rheology, Characteristics, Staling and Glycemic Index -- Lorenza Rodrigues dos Reis Gallo, Caio Eduardo Gonc ̧alves Reis, Ma ́rcio Antoˆnio Mendonc ̧a, Vera Soˆnia Nunes da Silva, Maria Teresa Bertoldo Pacheco and Raquel Braz Assunc ̧a ̃o Botelho Impact of Gluten-Free Sorghum Bread Genotypes on Glycemic and Antioxidant Responses in Healthy Adults -- Ivana Gazikalovic ́, Jelena Mijalkovic ́, Natasˇa ˇSekuljica, Sonja Jakovetic ́ Tanaskovic ́, Aleksandra ukic ́ Vukovic ́ and Ljiljana Mojovic ́ et al. Synergistic Effect of Enzyme Hydrolysis and Microwave Reactor Pretreatment as an Efficient Procedure for Gluten Content Reduction -- Adriana Skendi, Maria Papageorgiou and Theodoros Varzakas High Protein Substitutes for Gluten in Gluten-Free Bread -- Laura Ramos, Alicia Alonso-Hernando, Miriam Mart ́ınez-Castro, Jose Alejandro Mora ́n-Pe ́rez, Patricia Cabrero-Lobato and Ana Pascual-Mate ́ et al. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 7419
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Introducció / Ignasi Roviró Alemany, Josep Monserrat i Molas -- Fotografiar la mort / Emília Olivé i Vidal -- Els tres salts mortals de la mort / Marc Mercadé Serra -- Mort, narració i testimoniatge en el final d'Èdip a Colonos, de Sòfocles / Antonio Valentini -- La mort en la doctrina d'Epicur i la mort real en els feminicidis / Julia Manzano Arjona -- És immortal l'ànima que pot, no la que vol / Miguel Candel Sanmartín -- Mort i sentit / Abel Miró i Comas -- La mort a la baixa edat mitjana i al Renaixement / Andreu Grau i Arau -- Molts monjos, pocs soldats. Pugna entre platonisme i ortodòxia a les acaballes de l'Imperi Bizantí per la immortalitat de l'ànima o la seva salvació / Marta Palacín Mejías -- Visió de la mort a l'alta edat mitjana / Maria Lladó Gran -- La mort de Tolstoi, moment estel·lar de la història de la humanitat / Clara Domènech i Vivas, Conrad Vilanou i Torrano -- La mort, la veritat i el feixisme / Jaume Farrerons -- De la vida i de la mort en Antoni Oriol Anguera / Joan Cuscó i Clarasó -- La mort en Foucault i la mort de Foucault: parresia, bios i logos / Santiago Pich -- La llibertat davant la mort als dietaris del filòsof Salvador Pàniker / Gine Albaladejo Sánchez, Isabel Alonso Dávila -- La concepció de la mort en el Rèquiem de Györgi Ligeti / Magda Polo i Pujadas -- Cap a una tanatoètica comprensiva: la necessitat d'integrar les qüestions post-mortem en l'ètica de la mort / Paula Przybylowicz Vidal -- Pedagogia de la vida, pedagogia de la mort / Martí Teixidó i Planas -- La mort com a consentiment i com a retrobament. …”
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  20. 7420
    por Tauchmann, Harald
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Klimawandel und Treibhauseffekt; 2. Das Kyoto-Protokoll und seine umweltökonomische Einordnung; 3. …”
    Libro electrónico