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  1. 124921
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.2.1 Overview -- 5.2.2 Mechanisms -- 5.3 Privacy Policy -- 5.3.1 Automatic Generation -- 5.3.2 Manual Fine-Tuning -- 5.4 Privacy Integration -- 5.4.1 Data Transfer -- 5.4.2 Data Acquisition -- 5.4.3 Data Processing -- 6 Applications -- 6.1 Application Development Support -- 6.1.1 Overview -- 6.1.2 J2SE Support -- 6.1.3 Android Support -- 6.1.4 Application Examples -- 6.2 Application Architecture -- 6.2.1 Mobility Scenario -- 6.2.2 Environmental Scenario -- 6.3 Application Components -- 6.3.1 Application Services -- 6.3.2 Sensing Applications -- 6.3.3 End-user Applications -- 6.3.4 Operator Applications -- 6.4 Application Evaluation -- 7 Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the Authors…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 124922
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Relevo en el liderazgo de la explotación de los minerales / Miguel Á. Pérez de Perceval Verde -- Niveles de vida en la minería española (1870-1913). …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 124923
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Make Your NES Work Like New; The Dying Process; Installing the New Connector; Hack #7. Take Your NES Games on the Go; Official Re-released Games; Game Axe Color; Game Theory Admiral; PokeFami; AdoFami (Time Machine); The Shape of Famiclones to Come; Hack #8. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 124924
    por Li, Qing, 1971-
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.9 Relationship with IPsec5.10 Code Introduction; 5.11 Mobile IPv6 Related Structures; 5.12 Macro and Type Definitions; 5.13 Global Variables; 5.14 Utility Functions; 5.15 Common Mobility Header Processing; 5.16 Home Agent and Correspondent Node; 5.17 Mobile Node; 5.18 Mobile IPv6 Operation; 5.19 Appendix; Chapter 6 IPv6 and IP Security; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Authentication Header; 6.3 Encapsulating Security Payload; 6.4 Transport Mode and Tunnel Mode; 6.5 Security Association Database; 6.6 IPsec Traffic Processing; 6.7 SPD and SAD Management; 6.8 Manual Configuration…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 124925
    por Bunzel, Tom
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Master Visually Microsoft Office 2007; Table of Contents; Part I USING OFFICE 2007 PROGRAMS AND FEATURES; An Introduction to Microsoft Office 2007; Chapter 1 Getting Started with Office 2007; Install Office 2007; Add or Remove Office 2007 Features; Run Office Diagnostics; Start and Exit a Program; Using the Office Button; Chapter 2 Working with Office Documents; Create a New Document; Open a Document; Work with Multiple Windows; Save and Close a Document; Save in Different Versions; Using Vista Search Features; Explore the Contextual Ribbon; Preview Galleries and Themes; Get Help…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 124926
    por McFedries, Paul
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Select a Command Using a ToolbarSelect Options from a Dialog Box; Save a Document; Open a Document; Print a Document; Edit Document Text; Copy a File; Move a File; Rename a File; Delete a File; Chapter 7 Using Software; Install a Program; Uninstall a Program; Create Documents with a Word Processor; Crunch Numbers with a Spreadsheet; Build Presentations with a Presentation Program; Store Information with a Database; Manipulate Pictures with an Image Editor; Create Publications with a Desktop-Publishing Program; Chapter 8 Networking Computers; Understanding Networking…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 124927
    por McFedries, Paul
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Connecting Your iPhone to Your Computer; Syncing Your iPhone Automatically; Syncing Your iPhone Manually; Syncing Information with Your iPhone; Syncing Media with Your iPhone; Chapter 6: How Can I Get More Out of My iPhone's Media Features?…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 124928
    por Hansen, Derek L.
    Publicado 2011
    Libro electrónico
  9. 124929
    por Gindis, Elliot
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.5 Geometric Data EntryDynamic Input; Manual Input; 2.6 Inquiry Commands; Area; Point By Point; Object; Distance; List; ID; Radius and Angle; 2.7 Additional Drafting Commands; Explode; Polygon; Drawing Challenge-Star; Ellipse; Chamfer; Templates; Limits; Save; Help Files; Tangent OSNAP; Drawing the Star; Time; Summary; Spotlight On: Architecture; 3 Layers, Colors, Linetypes, and Properties; 3.1 Introduction to Layers; What Are Layers?…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 124930
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Microsoft® Office FrontPage® 2003 Step by Step; Getting Help; Getting Help with Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003; More Information; Using the Book's CD-ROM; Minimum System Requirements; Installing the Practice Files; Using the Practice Files; Uninstalling the Practice Files; Conventions and Features; About the Authors; Quick Reference; Chapter 2 Creating a Web Site to Promote Yourself or Your Company; Chapter 3 Presenting Information in Lists and Tables; Chapter 4 Enhancing Your Web Site with Graphics; Chapter 5 Creating a Web Site from Scratch; Chapter 6 Changing Web Page Layout…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 124931
    por McFedries, Paul
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 9: Learning Useful OS X TasksConnect an iPod, iPhone, or iPad; Synchronize an iPod, iPhone, or iPad; Install a Program Using the App Store; Write a Note; Pin a Note to the Desktop; Create a Reminder; Create a New Reminder List; Sign In to Your Twitter Account; Send a Tweet; Share Information with Other People; Work with the Notification Center; View the OS X Screen on Your TV; Chapter 10: Viewing and Editing Photos; View a Preview of a Photo; View a Slide Show of Your Photos; Open and Close iPhoto; Import Photos from a Digital Camera; View Your Photos; Create an Album; Crop a Photo…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 124932
    por Nielsen, Jakob, 1957-
    Publicado 1993
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Usability Engineering Lifecycle; 4.1 Know the User; 4.2 Competitive Analysis; 4.3 Goal Setting; 4.4 Parallel Design; 4.5 Participatory Design; 4.6 Coordinating the Total Interface; 4.7 Guidelines and Heuristic Evaluation; 4.8 Prototyping; 4.9 Interface Evaluation; 4.10 Iterative Design; 4.11 Follow-Up Studies of Installed Systems; 4.12 Meta-Methods; 4.13 Prioritizing Usability Activities; 4.14 Be Prepared…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 124933
    por Smart, Nigel J.
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.5 Change Management3.6 Practical Change Management tips and points needed for a successful Transition Process implementation; 3.7 Deployment Phase; 3.8 Evolution of the implementation rollout; 3.9 Summary points; 3.10 References; 4 Issues and problems for the biopharmaceutical industry that make the situation challenging; 4.1 The regulation process; 4.2 Equipment issues; 4.3 Facility issues; 4.4 Upstream/downstream compatibilities; 4.5 Skill sets and manual dexterity; 4.6 Compliance issues; 4.7 Possibilities for product adulteration; 4.8 Reference…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 124934
    por Chaffer, Jonathan
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Working with a single set of elementsBypassing the queue; Queuing effects manually; Working with multiple sets of elements; OLE_LINK16; OLE_LINK15; Queuing with callbacks; In a nutshell; Summary; Further reading; Exercises; Manipulating the DOM; Manipulating attributes and properties; Non-class attributes; Value callbacks; OLE_LINK1; OLE_LINK2; OLE_LINK3; OLE_LINK4; DOM element properties; The value of form controls; DOM tree manipulation; The () function revisited; Creating new elements; Inserting new elements; OLE_LINK5; OLE_LINK6; Moving elements; Wrapping elements; OLE_LINK11; OLE_LINK12…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 124935
    por McFedries, Paul
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Connecting Your Tablet to Your Computer; Syncing Your Tablet Automatically; Syncing Your Tablet Manually; Syncing Your Tablet via Wi-Fi; Taking Syncing to a Higher Level; Syncing Your Tablet with iCloud; Chapter 5: How Can I Get More Out of Web Surfing?…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 124936
    por Hart-Davis, Guy
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Author; How to Use This Book; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Getting Started with Your iPhone; Unbox Your iPhone and Charge It; Turn On Your iPhone and Meet Its Hardware Controls; Download, Install, and Set Up iTunes; Begin Setup and Activate Your iPhone; Set Up Your iPhone as New Using iCloud; Set Up Your iPhone as New Using iCloud; Set Up Your iPhone from an iCloud Backup; Set Up Your iPhone from iTunes; Choose Which Items to Sync from Your Computer; Choose Which Items to Sync from Your Computer; Choose Which Items to Sync from Your Computer…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 124937
    por Zehoo, Edmund
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Identifying an APEX Deployment Model; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 1-3. Installing Oracle APEX; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 1-4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 124938
    por McFedries, Paul
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  19. 124939
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- How to tackle huge problems - bottom-up versus top-down -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Getting Familiar with Xcode and Playgrounds -- Installing Xcode -- Exploring Xcode -- What do we see on the screen? …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 124940
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ausnahmen -- Daten speichern -- Zusammenfassung -- Code testen -- Funktionen testen -- Klassen testen -- Zusammenfassung -- Projekte -- Alien Invasion -- Das eigene Kampfschiff -- Das Projekt planen -- Pygame installieren -- Erste Schritte für das Spielprojekt -- Das Bild eines Raumschiffs hinzufügen -- Refactoring: Die Methoden _check_events() und _update_screen() -- Das Schiff bewegen -- Zwischenstand -- Geschosse -- Zusammenfassung -- Die Außerirdischen -- Überblick über das Projekt -- Das erste Invasionsschiff -- Die Invasionsflotte erstellen -- Die Flotte in Bewegung setzen -- Invasoren abschießen -- Spielende -- Zusammenfassung -- Das Wertungssystem -- Eine Play-Schaltfläche hinzufügen -- Levels -- Die Punktwertung -- Zusammenfassung -- Datenvisualisierung -- Daten generieren -- Matplotlib installieren -- Einfache Liniendiagramme -- Zufallsbewegungen -- Würfeln mit Plotly -- Zusammenfassung -- Daten herunterladen -- Das Dateiformat CSV -- Globale Daten im JSON-Format visualisieren -- Zusammenfassung -- APIs -- Web-APIs -- Angaben zu Repositories mit Plotly visualisieren -- Die API von Hacker News -- Zusammenfassung -- Webanwendungen -- Erste Schritte mit Django -- Ein Projekt einrichten -- Eine App anlegen -- Seiten erstellen: die Startseite von Learning Log -- Weitere Seiten erstellen -- Zusammenfassung -- Benutzerkonten -- Dateneingabe durch die Benutzer -- Benutzerkonten einrichten -- Die Benutzer als Besitzer ihrer eigenen Daten -- Zusammenfassung -- Eine App gestalten und bereitstellen -- Learning Log gestalten -- Learning Log bereitstellen -- Zusammenfassung -- Nachwort -- Installation und Fehlerbehebung -- Python unter Windows -- Python unter macOS -- Python unter Linux -- Schlüsselwörter und integrierte Funktionen -- Texteditoren und IDEs -- Die Einstellungen von Sublime Text anpassen -- Weitere Texteditoren und IDEs -- Hilfe finden…”
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