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  1. 124761
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewers; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Who This Book Is For; How This Book Is Structured; CHAPTER 1 Getting Started with Java 7; 1-1. Downloading and Installing Java 7; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 1-2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 124762
    por Matthews, Robbie
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Intent Filters; Common Intents; Finally; Secretly Linux; Summary; CHAPTER 3 What Can You Do with an Android Tablet?…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 124763
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Applications in Biomechanics of Rigid Bodies -- Applications in Biomechanics of Deformable Bodies -- Applications in Biomechanics of Fluids -- Final Remarks -- References -- Fiber Optic Sensors for Biomedical Applications / Introduction -- Biomedical Fiber Optic Sensor Systems -- Optical Fiber Sensors for Diagnostics -- Optical Fiber Sensors for Robotic Microsurgery -- Smart Textiles and Wearable Sensors -- References…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 124764
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Building adaptive audio cues -- Creating mood with adaptive music -- Vertical remixing with the Audio Mixer -- Footsteps with adaptive sound -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Introduction to FMOD -- Getting started with FMOD Studio -- Installing FMOD Studio -- Back to the basics -- Effects and mixing -- Mixing in a reverb effect -- Parameters, snapshots, and triggers -- Summary -- Chapter 7: FMOD for Dyanmic and Adaptive Audio -- Dynamic wind and environmental zones -- Scripting with FMOD -- Revisiting the footsteps example -- Adaptive music with FMOD -- Transition timelines and stingers -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Visualizing Audio in Games -- Analyzing audio with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) windows -- Audio spectrum -- Deconstructing signals using FFT and windowing -- Examining an audio visualizer -- Uncovering the details -- Visualization performance and windowing -- Audio-driven lighting -- Microphone-driven visualizations -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Character Lip Syncing and Vocals -- Real-time lip syncing -- Speech and phonemes -- Blend shape animation -- Real-time character lip sync -- Recording vocals -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Composing Music -- Getting started with Reaper -- MIDI and virtual instruments -- Virtual instruments -- Basic music theory -- Chords and chord progressions -- Chord progression -- Melody and scale -- Enhancing the composition -- Recording music and vocals -- Recording and optimizing vocals -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Audio Performance and Troubleshooting -- Audio performance considerations -- Profiling performance with Unity -- Audio optimization tips and tricks for Unity -- Memory optimization tips and tricks -- Effects optimization tips and tricks -- FMOD performance and optimization -- Audio troubleshooting -- Summary -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 124765
    por Kuhn, Darl. author
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contents at a Glance; Introduction; Chapter 1: Getting Started; Connecting to Your Database; Establishing OS Variables; Manually Setting Variables; Using Oracle's Script; Understanding oratab; Using oraenv; Using OS Authentication; Using a Password File; Starting the Database; Stopping the Database; Summary; Chapter 2: Files in Support of Backup and Recovery Operations; Managing Control Files; Viewing Control File Names and Locations; Adding a Control File; Spfile Scenario; Init.ora Scenario; Moving a Control File; Removing a Control File; Managing Online Redo Logs…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 124766
    por Dannen, Chris
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tools; Using MGTwitterEngine; Making API Calls; Error Handling; Using ShareKit; Summary; Chapter 4 Getting Set Up; Git 'Er Dun;; Installing Git; Git Basics; Bookmark These Twitter Resources; Also Bookmark These Facebook Resources; A Note on Bug Tracking; Hello Facebook; Creating a Project; Adding the Facebook iOS SDK Source Code; Add UIViewController; Hello Twitter; Creating a Project…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 124767
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Games created with Cocos2D; BADLAND; Feed Me Oil 2; Lep's World 2; Other games; Summary; Chapter 2: Hello Cocos2D; Starting with Xcode; Integrating Cocos2D with Xcode; Time for action - downloading and installing Cocos2D; Creating a Hello World project…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 124768
    por Jiang, Yifeng
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Precreating regions before moving data into HBaseChapter 3:Using Administration Tools; Introduction; HBase Master web UI; Using HBase Shell to manage tables; Using HBase Shell to access data in HBase; Using HBase Shell to manage the cluster; Executing Java methods from HBase Shell; Row counter; WAL tool-manually splitting and dumping WALs; HFile tool-viewing textualized HFile content; HBase hbck-checking the consistency of an HBase cluster; Hive on HBase-querying HBase using a SQL-like language; Chapter 4:Backing Up and Restoring HBase Data; Introduction; Full shutdown backup using distcp…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 124769
    por Wynne-Powell, Rod
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Software Assistance; Installation of Software…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 124770
    por Brunner, Stefan
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Configure WPA with the Steel-Belted Radius Server and Odyssey Access Client; Solution; Discussion; Installing the Odyssey Access Client on the PC; 3.6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 124771
    por Caspari, Volker
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…John Maynard Keynes -- 2. Alvin Hansen -- 3. Michal Kalecki -- 4. Josef Steindl -- VI. Structural change and economic dynamism -- 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 124772
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- englishLiteraturverzeichnis -- 13 Von früh an Gespenster -- Das geteilte Nachleben der Industriewirtschaft und ihrer prekären Solidaritäten -- Die einsame Ästhetik des Niedergangs: Ziellose Körper -- Ambivalente Anfänge: Annäherung an jugendliche Ausreißerinnen -- Die Undurchsichtigkeit der Nahaufnahme und die offenen Enden der Jugend -- englishLiteraturverzeichnis -- 14 Die Entstehung des Jetzt -- englishLiteraturverzeichnis -- 15 Auf dem Weg zu einer Ästhetik der Weltlosigkeit -- Das Ende der Welt -- Sophies Welt(losigkeit) -- Alles was glänzt -- Schlussbemerkung -- englishLiteraturverzeichnis -- Mitwirkende -- Personen- und Filmindex…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 124773
    Publicado 2012
    Libro electrónico
  14. 124774
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Una reflexión para el teatro barroco en España / Juan Manuel Villanueva -- Los dramas de calderón: "Hercules ad bivium" / Loreto Busquets -- El barroco alemán y la literatura española / Manfred Tietz -- Gracián en el paisaje filosófico alemán / José Luis Villacañas Berlanga -- Barroco literario italiano / Nicolás Valdés Estábanez -- El barroco en Portugal / Christophe González -- La literatura alemana del barroco / Monika Schmitz-Emans -- ¿Un barroco francés frente a la Préciosité y el clasicismo? / Andrée Mansau -- Inglaterra y el barroco / Antonio Ballesteros González y Ricardo Miguel Alfonso -- Las actitudes antibarrocas / Santiago Navarro Pastor -- Música y lenguaje en la estética barroca / Vicente Carreres -- La escuela de las lágrimas / La sensibilidad barroca y la música / Raffaele Mellace -- Dilthey y adorno sobre Bach / Jaime Caralt -- Del barroco colonial al neobarroco / Vittoria Borsò -- El arte barroco hispanoamericano: estado de la cuestión / Gloria Espinosa Spínloa -- La curiosidad barroca / José Lezama Lima -- Lo barroco y lo real maravilloso / Alejo Carpentier -- Barroco literario brasileño / Haroldo de Campos -- Literatura del siglo XVII en Bahía / Joao Adolfo Hansen y Alcir Pécora -- El barroco de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en España / Óscar Cornago Bernal -- El barroco cinematográfico / Antonio Domínguez Leiva -- De lo barroco y lo metabarroco / Miguel Romero Esteo…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 124775
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mono Mode On (CC 126)Poly Mode On (CC 127); System Messages; System Common Messages; System Real-Time Messages; System Exclusive Messages; MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE); MIDI Controllers and Subprotocols; CS-10 Controller Assignments; Understanding Parts per Quarter Note; Binary Numbers; Reading Binary; MIDI Files; General MIDI; GS and XG; GM2; Running Status; Summary; 2 MIDI Hardware; Connection Types; Five-pin DIN MIDI Cables; USB; IDAM + MIDI; Bluetooth LE (BLE); FireWire; Ethernet; PCI Cards; WiFi; Hardware Devices; Controllers; Controller Accessories; Example Controller Installations…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 124776
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Esperança Ginebra Molins -- El contrato de alimentos en el Libro VI del Código Civil de Cataluña / Antonio Bosch Carrera -- El censal en el Codi Civil de Catalunya / Lluís Jou…”
  17. 124777
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…General Works -- Bibliography -- Indexes; Abstract journals -- Encyclopedias -- Dictionaries -- Thesauruses -- Directories -- Handbooks -- Style manuals -- Biography -- Six. History And Theory -- Guides -- Bibliography -- Seven. …”
  18. 124778
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…0: IntroductionPart I: Oral Texts and Oral Intertextuality1: Oral Texts and Entextualization in the Homeric EpicsIntroduction1.1: Performance, Oral Texts, and Entextualization1.2: Application to the Homeric Epics1.2.1: The Preexistence of Tales and Songs and the Object-Like Status of Utterances in the Homeric Epics1.2.2: Entextualization in the Character Text I1.2.3: Entextualization in the Character Text II1.2.4: The Poet and Entextualization1.3: Homerists on Texts2: Oral Intertextuality and Mediational Routines in the Homeric EpicsIntroduction2.1: Oral Intertextuality and Mediational Routines2.2: Mediational Routines in the Homeric Epics2.2.1: The Source Text2.2.2: The Target Text2.3: Metapoetic ImplicationsPart II: The Emergence of Written Texts3: Textualization: Dictation and Written Versions of the Iliad and the OdysseyIntroduction3.1: The Dictation Model3.2: A Comparative Approach3.3: The Process of Recording by Hand3.3.1: The Challenges of Manual Transcription3.3.2: Steps to Work around These Challenges and Their Effects3.3.3: The Rare Exceptions3.3.4: Dictated Texts versus Sung Texts3.3.5: What Was Written Down3.3.5.1: The Collector as Gatekeeper3.3.5.2: The Scribal Process3.4: The Collector's Impact on the Oral Text3.4.1: Unwitting Interference (or the Collector's Presence)3.4.2: Purposeful Interference3.5: Editing3.5.1: Field Notes3.5.2: Editorial Work in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries3.5.3: Editorial Work from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century until Today3.6: Best Practices3.7: The Collector's Text versus the Performer's Oral Performance3.8: The Formulations in Section 3.1 Reevaluated3.9: The Evolutionary Model's TranscriptExcursus: The Interventionist Textmaker and Herodotus's HistoriesPart III: Copying Written Texts4: The Scribe as Performer and the Ptolemaic Wild Papyri of the Homeric EpicsIntroduction4.1: The Ptolemaic Wild Papyri of the Homeric Epics4.2: The Nature of the Variation: Not Scribal Error4.3: Accounting for This Variation4.4: The Scribe as Performer4.5: The Scribe as Performer and the Wild Homeric Papyri4.5.1: The Wild Papyri and the Comparanda4.5.2: When?…”
  19. 124779
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Puche Fontanilles, Jordi López Vilar -- I complessi imperiali del IV e V secolo: osservazioni sull'organizzazione e la gestione del patrimonio immobiliare del Principe (con un'ipotesi su Centcelles) / Umberto Roberto -- I complessi di Split (Imperiale) e Salona (Cristiano) IV-V secolo / Emilio Marin -- L'edificio cupolato di Centcelles e gli edifici funerari tardoromani / Olof Brandt -- Reflexiones a favor de la función sepulcral de la estancia central de Centcelles (Constantí, Tarragona) / Alexandra Chavarria Arnau -- Sistemas compositivos, ornamentos, técnicas pigmentos de las pinturas de la sala 7 de Centcelles / Carmen Guiral Pelegrín, Antonio Mostalac Carrillo, Jordi Ibáñez Insa -- Observaciones sobre el programa decorativo y artístico de Centcelles: mosaicos / Achim Arbeiter -- Nuovi risultati di ricerca sulle pitture murali dell'edificio a cupola di Centcelles (La Palma in "M3" e il riquadro "M6" con orici) / Dietrich Korol -- Les mosaïques de la salle à coupole de Centcelles ou l'histoire de l'art à l'épreuve / Daniel Cazès --Imágenes entre la expectativa y la experiencia visual, en torno a la cuestión de un mensaje primorcial mediante combinaciones iconográficas en Centcelles en el marco general del arte en la Antigüedad Tardía / Norbert Zimmermann -- Scene bibliche e testi patristici orientali: il monumento di Centcelles / Carlo dell'Osso -- Context teològic de les escenes bíbilques representades en la cúpula del monument tardoromà de Centcelles: pares de l'Església llatina / Albert Viciano Vives -- Riflessioni su Centcelles alle luce dei temi trattati nel Convegno / Vincenzo Fiocchi Nicolai -- Algunes consideracions / Isabel Rodà -- Congrés de Centcelles: el monument tardoromà de Centcelles: dades, context, propostes = Congreso de Centcelles: el monumento tardorromano de Centcelles: datos, contextos, propuestas = Congresso di Centcelles: il monumento tardo-romano di Centcelles: dati, contesto, proposte / Armand Puig i Tàrrech…”
  20. 124780