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  1. 124741
    por Galer, Mark
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Prepare your print workshopPrepare your monitor; Prepare your inkjet printer; Select appropriate color setting; Obtain a profile target; Print the target using Adobe® Color Print Utility; Alternative: Printing a target from Photoshop; Adjust the printer settings; Create and install custom profile; Tag images with the Adobe RGB profile; Test your color managed workflow; Make printer presets; Assessing the test print for accuracy; Preserving shadow detail; Soft Proofing; Printing using a professional lab; 6 Layers and Channels; Introduction; Layers overview; Layer types; Channels…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 124742
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using the Media Tool to Delete/Find Unused MediaConsolidating; Decomposing; Ingest from File-Based Workflow-AMA; RED; ARRI Alexa; XDCAM; P2; Canon 5DMII, 5DMIII, 7D, T21, and Other Canon DSLRs; QuickTime (.MOV); Ingest from File-Based Workflow-Non-AMA; Moving from AMA to Transcoded Media; Dynamic Media Folders; High-Resolution Media; Color Management; Installing an External LUT; Applying an External LUT; Using Color Decision Lists (CDLs); AMA Source Settings; Audio from Double-System Sound; Prepping Feature Films; ScriptSync; Script Supervisors and Lining a Script…”
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  3. 124743
    por Coleman, David D.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sector AntennasAntenna Arrays; Visual Line of Sight; RF Line of Sight; Fresnel Zone; Earth Bulge; Antenna Polarization; Antenna Diversity; Multiple-Input Multiple-Output; MIMO Antennas; Indoor MIMO Antennas; Outdoor MIMO Antennas; Antenna Connection and Installation; Voltage Standing Wave Ratio; Signal Loss; Antenna Mounting; Antenna Accessories; Cables; Connectors; Splitters; Amplifiers; Attenuators; Lightning Arrestors; Grounding Rods and Wires; Summary; Exam Essentials; Review Questions; Chapter 5 IEEE 802.11 Standards; Original IEEE 802.11 Standard; IEEE 802.11-2007 Ratified Amendments…”
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  4. 124744
    por Wignall, Jeff C.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; What is a firmware update, and how do I take advantage of it?; My camera manual seems like it was written in a foreign language - where can I find a better source of information?…”
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  5. 124745
    por Chambers, Mark L.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…iMac For Dummies, 7th Edition; About the Author; Dedication; Author's Acknowledgments; Table of Contents; Introduction; What's Really (Not) Required; About This Book; Conventions Used in This Book; How This Book Is Organized; Icons Used in This Book; Where to Go from Here; A Final Word; Part I: Know Your iMac; Chapter 1: Okay, This Machine Looks Really, Really Weird; An Introduction to the Beast; Choosing a Home for Your New Pet; Unpacking and Connecting; Discovering All the Cool Things You Can Do; Stuff You Oughta Buy Right Now; Chapter 2: Life! …”
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  6. 124746
    por Premeaux, Emery
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Determining Operational Duty Cycle (Arduino Takes a Nap)The Real-Time Clock (RTC); External Interrupts; More about Batteries; Choosing Solar Panels; Assembly; Prepare the Solar Panels; Wire the Power Supply Subsytems; Mount the Battery Case and Connect the Supplies; Install the Sensors; Build the Clock Circuit; Software; Libraries; Code; Testing It Out; Put It in a Case; Resources; CHAPTER 4 Telesensation; Getting the Lay of the Land; Planning the Message Flow and Hardware; A Simple Network; A Complex Network; A Look at Available Radio Options; Serial AM/FM Radio; Bluetooth UART/Serial Modems…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 124747
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The physical plan The MapReduce plan; Pig modes; Grunt shell; Input data; Loading data; Dump; Store; Filter; Group By; Limit; Aggregation; Cogroup; DESCRIBE; EXPLAIN; ILLUSTRATE; Hive; Hive architecture; Metastore; Query compiler; Execution engine; Data types and schemas; Installing Hive; Starting Hive Shell; HiveQL; DDL (Data Definition Language) operations; DML (Data Manipulation Language) operations; SQL operation; Built-in functions; Custom UDF (User Defined Functions); Managing tables (external versus managed); SerDe; Partitioning; Bucketing; Summary; Chapter 5: Storage Component - HBase…”
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  8. 124748
    por Miser, Brad
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Get Information about Files and FoldersStore Files and Folders on CDs or DVDs; Chapter 5: Working with Mac Applications; Understand Applications; Install Applications; Launch and Control Applications; Save Documents; Remove Applications; Chapter 6: Personalizing MacBook; Set Finder Preferences; Explore the System Preferences Application; Change the Desktop's Appearance; Set a Desktop Picture; Choose a Screen Saver; Set and Configure the MacBook Clock; Save Energy; Configure the MacBook Display; Control MacBook Sound; Create and Configure User Accounts; Protect Users with Parental Controls…”
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  9. 124749
    por Costanich, Bryan
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating an iPad-Only ApplicationChanging Common Settings in MonoDevelop; iPad Screens in Interface Builder; Creating a Universal iPhone/iPad Application; Method 1: Universal Project Template; Method 2: Programmatic Device Detection; Determining the Device Type; Creating a Custom AppDelegate; Creating a Custom Main Method; Summary; Chapter 5 More on Views and Controllers; Custom UIViewController and UIView Implementations; Default UIView Constructor for a View Defined in a xib file; Manually Loading a UIView Defined in a .xib File; UIViewController Event Lifecycle; LoadView; ViewDidLoad…”
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  10. 124750
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos:
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  11. 124751
    por Grothaus, Michael
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Editing or Deleting Smart AlbumsDuplicating Albums; Organizing Albums into Folders; Arranging Your Albums; Viewing Your Photos; Sorting Photos and Events; Summary; Chapter 5 Organizing Your Photos: Faces; Creating Faces Collections; The Faces Corkboard; The Faces Information Pane; Inside a Faces Collection; Confirming or Rejecting Suggested Matches in a Faces Collection; Rescanning Your Photo Library for Faces; Naming Faces and Adding Missing Faces Manually; Removing People; Using Faces with Facebook; Summary; Chapter 6 Organizing Your Photos: Places; What Is Location Data?…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 124752
    por Nahavandipoor, Vandad
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…1.13 Defining Functionality for ClassesProblem; Solution; Discussion; 1.14 Defining Two or More Methods with the Same Name; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.15 Allocating and Initializing Objects; Problem; Solution; Discussion; 1.16 Adding Properties to Classes; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.17 Moving From Manual Reference Counting to Automatic Reference Counting; Problem; Solution; Discussion; 1.18 Typecasting with Automatic Reference Counting; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.19 Delegating Tasks with Protocols; Problem; Solution; Discussion…”
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  13. 124753
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Motorola Mobile Internet Browser (MIB)Symbian browser; Android browser; webOS browser; BlackBerry browser; Samsung WebKit browser; MicroB (Maemo browser); User-Installable Browsers; Opera Mobile; Opera Mini; Firefox for mobile; UC Browser; SkyFire; Bolt; Chromium; Browser Overview; Mobile Web Eras; WAP 1; WAP 2.0; The dotMobi era; On-Device Portals and rich clients; Mobile Web 2.0; Chapter 3. …”
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  14. 124754
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Meet Python: Everyone Loves Lists; What's to like about Python?; Install Python 3; Use IDLE to help learn Python; Work effectively with IDLE; Deal with complex data; Create simple Python lists; Lists are like arrays; Add more data to your list; Work with your list data; For loops work with lists of any size; Store lists within lists; Check a list for a list; Complex data is hard to process; Handle many levels of nested lists; Don't repeat code; create a function; Create a function in Python; Recursion to the rescue!…”
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  15. 124755
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Stage 2: Preparation and Import of Plan FilesStage 3: Modeling the Project; Stage 3.1: Surface Modeling; Stage 3.2: Modeling the Curbs; Stage 3.3: Modeling the Buildings and Other Built Elements; Stage 3.4: Adding the Entourage; Stage 3.5: Assigning Model Elements to Layers; Stage 4: Rendering Scenes in Kerkythea; PART 2 Engineering; CHAPTER 5 A Window Installation; Project Context; Technical Aspects; New Approaches; Step 1: Planning; Step 2: Storyboarding; Step 3: Classifying Objects; Step 4: Modeling Objects at a 1:1 Scale; Step 5: Creating Groups and Components…”
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  16. 124756
    por Alapati, Sam R.
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Displaying Automated Segment Advisor Advice; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 1-9. Manually Generating Segment Advisor Advice; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 1-10. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 124757
    por Wright, Steve
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; User Interface Enhancements; External Content Type Editor; Workflow Design Enhancements; Installing and Using the Application; Setting Up SharePoint Server for Designer Access; Connecting to Your Site with SharePoint Designer…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 124758
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Getting Started; 1.0 Introduction; Arduino Software; Arduino Hardware; See Also; 1.1 Installing the Integrated Development Environment (IDE); Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also; 1.2 Setting Up the Arduino Board; Problem; Solution; Discussion; See Also…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 124759
    por Evening, Martin
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Photographers: A professional image editor's guide to the creative use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; What's different in this book; Accessing the on-line content; Chapter 1: Photoshop fundamentals; Photoshop installation; The Photoshop interface; Creating a new document; User interface brightness; Tabbed document windows; Managing document windows; Synchronized scroll and zoom; Image document window details; Title bar proxy icons (Mac only); Info panel status information; Rulers, Guides & Grid; 'Snap to' behavior…”
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  20. 124760
    por Vogel, Peter, 1953-
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 7 Generating Code from Templates with T4 -- T4 in Visual Studio -- T4 Code-Generation Strategies -- Creating a T4 Template -- Extending T4 -- Invoking Templates from Code -- Leveraging Templates -- Chapter 8 Other Tools: Templates, Attributes, and Custom Tools -- Item Templates -- Attributes -- Generating Code from Custom File Formats -- Reviewing the Tools -- PART II: CASE STUDIES -- Chapter 9 Case Study: Generating a Connection String Manager -- Defining the Problem -- Setting Up the Add-In -- Creating the Code Generator -- Customizing the Template -- Generating Code -- Reading Input -- Notifying the Developer -- Supporting Customization -- Tying Generation to Events -- Generating a Simple Class -- Chapter 10 Case Study: Generating Validation Code -- Defining the Problem -- Starting the Code-Generation Project -- Wiring Up the Add-In -- Starting the Generation Utility -- Defining a Template -- Generating Code -- Specifying Code with the CodeDom -- Generating Code in the Target Language -- Supporting "Projectless" Websites -- Handling Errors -- Building a Complete Code-Generation Solution -- Chapter 11 Case Study: Generating Data-Conversion Code -- Defining the Problem -- Creating the Designer -- Enhancing Model Validation -- Generating Code -- Distributing Your Designer -- Visual Studio 2010 Additions -- Capturing Inputs -- PART III: APPENDIXES -- Appendix A: Generating Menu Names -- Appendix B: Options Dialog Categories, Subcategories, and Properties -- Appendix C: A Code-Generation Add-In -- Integrating Code-Generation Classes -- Appendix D: Distributing Code-Generation Solutions -- Creating the .vscontent File -- A Complete Example -- Installing the Solution -- Index…”
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