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  1. 19081
    Publicado 2022
    “…For its success, it necessitates contribution from everyone, from the individual citizen to large multinationals, passing through SMEs; national and international policies play a key role in paving the way to this process. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 19082
    Publicado 2019
    “…Alan Chambers has led many expeditions to the North and South poles, but you don't have to lead a national team or a multinational corporation to be successful, as long as you can lead yourself. …”
    Grabación musical
  3. 19083
    Publicado 2019
    “…This book aims to update the significant epidemiological and clinical research of NTDs in many aspects with a multinational perspective…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 19084
    “…Under the Action 13 Minimum Standard, jurisdictions have committed to foster tax transparency by requesting the largest multinational enterprise groups (MNE Groups) to provide the global allocation of their income, taxes and other indicators of the location of economic activity. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 19085
    Publicado 2022
    “…There is also the need for broad international collaboration to establish large multinational clinical trials in order to define effective service provision and to reach a consensus on the best evidence-based practice of TBI rehabilitation. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 19086
    “…The Global Anti-Base Erosion Rules (GloBE) are a key component of this plan and ensure large multinational enterprise pay a minimum level of tax on the income arising in each of the jurisdictions where they operate. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 19087
    por Punter, David
    Publicado 2014
    “…He begins with an 'Introduction: Distinguishing Pity'; followed by chapters on the Aristotelian framework; Buddhism and pity; the pieta in the Middle Ages and Renaissance; Shakespeare on pity; Milton's pitiless Christianity; pity and charity in the early novel; Blake's views on pity; the Victorian debate; from Austen to Dickens and George Eliot; Brecht and Chekhov on pity and self-pity; 'war, and the pity of war'; Jean Rhys and Stevie Smith; pity, immigration and the colony and finally three contemporary texts by Michel Faber, Kazuo Ishiguro and Cormac McCarthy…”
  8. 19088
    por Shaw, Philip, 1922-
    Publicado 2006
    “…Offering historical overviews and explanations, Philip Shaw looks at: · The legacy of the earliest, classical theories of the sublime through the romantic to the post-modern and avant-garde sublimity · The major theorists of the sublime such as Kant, Burke, Lyotard, Derrida, Lacan and Zizek, offering critical introductions to each · The significance of the concept through a range of literary readings including the Old and New testaments, Homer, Milton and writing from the romantic era · How the concept of the sublime has affected other art forms such as painting and film, from abstract expressionism to David Lynch's neo-noir This remarkably clear study of what is, in essence, a term which evades definition, is essential reading for students of literature, critical and cultural theory…”
  9. 19089
    Publicado 1963
  10. 19090
    por Iglesia Católica.
    Publicado 1969
  11. 19091
    Publicado 2019
    “…., y su réplica en la clandestinidad, boletines horarios a la vanguardia de la información, consignas, órdenes, retazos de la "Historia Imperial", carteleras de espectáculos con su correspondiente clasificación moral, discos dedicados a petición del oyente, avisos al buen entendedor, ecos de sociedad, notas necrológicas, versiones teatrales, charlas religiosas, las alegres zorrerías, de la beneficencia o de la solidaridad, concursos radiofónicos, consejos, musicales radiados, deporte, radionovelas, ángelus, seriales, loas... y la omnipresente y machacona publiciad…”
  12. 19092
    “…Las prácticas sexuales se regularizarían con el Neolítico, mientras que la actividad bélica tardaría milenios en sujetarse a normas de comportamiento. La presente obra trata de esa guerra, aquí la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en la piel de sus peones; y de dos ejemplos de sexualidad heterodoxa y des-aforada: el intercambio abierto de parejas entre matrimonios, que surge por vez primera a mediados del siglo pasado en los Estados Unidos, y el incesto/pederastia paterno-filial, que ha pervivido desde los albores de la civilización occidental como el tabú sexual por excelencia. …”
    Texto completo en Odilo
  13. 19093
    por Miralles Maciá, L
    Publicado 2016
    “…Ofrece un amplio abanico de posibilidades para abordar las múltiples facetas que ha experimentado el judaísmo a lo largo de sus tres milenios de historia. Hoy podemos acercarnos al judaísmo desde distintas perspectivas: desde las llamadas “lenguas judías” (hebreo, arameo, sefardí, yiddish) o desde las modernas (las lenguas europeas), a través de las tradiciones o de sus influencias en las culturas del entorno, desde el arte, los estudios sociológicos y antropológicos, la teología, la novela grafica, etc. …”
    Texto completo en Odilo
  14. 19094
    por Megías Quirós, José Justo
    Publicado 2015
    “…Este manual no recoge solamente la historia de las formas políticas que rigieron el destino de las sociedades occidentales durante casi dos milenios, desde la formación de las primeras "poleis" griegas hasta la consolidación de las monarquías medievales, sino también lo que opinaron sobre ellas los pensadores más destacados de cada época. …”
  15. 19095
    Publicado 1994
    “…Para desentrañar este concepto, Sloterdijk retrocede a la época de las altas culturas clásicas y consigue captar nuestro tiempo con lucidez aumentada a través de un recorrido de tres milenios y que dibujará un fresco histórico universal «para disgusto de aquellos que se alivian con las tesis de que los grandes relatos ya no son posibles»…”
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  16. 19096
    Publicado 2020
    “…Taking a 'text, cases and materials' approach, it allows students to gain a thorough understanding of milestones in the evolution of EU law in this area, their judicial interpretation and scholarly appraisal. …”
  17. 19097
    Publicado 2023
    “…Actualmente, los pensadores que han guiado a la humanidad durante milenios hacia la virtud están siendo reemplazados por los influencers. …”
  18. 19098
    Publicado 2019
    “…Half a century later the 1953 coronation of Elizabeth II was a milestone in the adoption of television, watched by 20 million Britons and 100 million North Americans. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 19099
    Publicado 2019
    “…It reveals the setbacks that are both inevitable and valuable, and it delivers practical ways of quickly moving past self-judgment and -recrimination to: •Create large and small goals •Establish milestones for achieving them •Analyze data to determine what worked and what didn't •Make the necessary corrections to your method •Determine what you need and adjust accordingly •Evaluate your actions •Assess your progress while refining your game plan •Use failing as a core tool for motivation By embracing failure, not just “getting past it,” you will fly past your competition, whether you’re building a startup, advancing in your career, or improving your personal life…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 19100
    Publicado 2011
    “…His figure has a feature that we cannot forget: he belonged to the generation of professors who were trained in Alcalá and exercised their teaching in Madrid, they were therefore bridges between the two academic venues, between the university of the old regime and the liberal university. A notable milestone of his are the two internal regulations that he promoted. …”
    Libro electrónico