Mostrando 741 - 760 Resultados de 785 Para Buscar 'Manaslu~', tiempo de consulta: 1.35s Limitar resultados
  1. 741
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface -- Introduction -- Text and Translation -- 1 Fundamentals of Astrology and the Annual Revolution -- 1.1 The Author’s Family Lineage -- 1.2 The Tājika Teaching: Lawful and Useful -- 1.3 Fate, Human Effort, and the Astrologer -- 1.4 The Signs of the Zodiac -- 1.5 The Planets -- 1.6 Calculating the Time of the Annual Revolution -- 1.7 General Methods for Gauging the Nature of the Year -- 1.8 Calculating the Planetary Positions in the Annual Revolution -- 1.9 Calculating and Judging the Houses in the Annual Revolution -- 2 Aspects and Dignities -- 2.1 The Various Aspects and Their Results -- 2.2 Dexter and Sinister Aspects -- 2.3 Numerical Values of the Aspects -- 2.4 Schemes of Friendship and Enmity -- 2.5 The Five Dignities -- 2.6 The Sixfold Strength -- 2.7 Other Calculations of Strength -- 2.8 The Twelve Dignities -- 2.9 The Joys of the Planets -- 3 The Sixteen Configurations -- 3.1 The Names of the Configurations and the Orbs of Light of the Planets -- 3.2 The ikkavāla and induvāra Configurations -- 3.3 The itthaśāla Configuration -- 3.4 The īsarāpha Configuration -- 3.5 The nakta Configuration -- 3.6 The yamayā Configuration -- 3.7 The maṇaū Configuration -- 3.8 The kambūla Configuration -- 3.9 The gairikambūla Configuration -- 3.10 The khallāsara Configuration -- 3.11 The radda Configuration -- 3.12 The duḥphālikuttha Configuration -- 3.13 The dutthotthadabīra Configuration -- 3.14 The tambīra Configuration -- 3.15 The kuttha Configuration -- 3.16 The duruḥpha Configuration -- 4 The sahamas -- 4.1 The Names of the sahamas -- 4.2 Calculating the sahama of Fortune: Conflicting Opinions -- 4.3 Calculating the Remaining sahamas -- 4.4 Converting the sahamas to Ascensions -- 4.5 Sahamas of Signs, Planets, and Family Members -- 4.6 The Results of sahamas -- 4.7 The Times of Results -- 5 The Ruler of the Year and Related Matters -- 5.1 Calculating the munthahā -- 5.2 General Results of the munthahā -- 5.3 Results of the munthahā Occupying the Twelve Houses -- 5.4 The munthahā in the Nativity and in the Revolution -- 5.5 Planets Influencing the munthahā -- 5.6 Finding the munthahā from a Query -- 5.7 The Triplicity Rulers -- 5.8 Finding the Ruler of the Year -- 5.9 Special Considerations -- 5.10 General Results of the Ruler of the Year -- 5.11 The Results of Each Planet as Ruler of the Year -- 5.12 Unfortunate Configurations -- 5.13 Cancellation of Misfortune -- 5.14 Configurations for Dominion -- 5.15 Cancellation of Dominion -- 6 Judging the Twelve Houses -- 6.1 General Principles of Judgement -- 6.2 The First House -- 6.3 The Second House -- 6.4 The Third House -- 6.5 The Fourth House -- 6.6 The Fifth House -- 6.7 The Sixth House -- 6.8 The Seventh House -- 6.9 The Eighth House -- 6.10 The Ninth House -- 6.11 The Tenth House -- 6.12 The Eleventh House -- 6.13 The Twelfth House -- 7 The Planetary Periods -- 7.1 The Periods Based on Deducted Degrees -- 7.2 Including or Excluding the Signs: Different Opinions -- 7.3 Three Varieties of tāsīra Periods -- 7.4 The Periods Based on Planetary Hours -- 7.5 The haddā Periods -- 7.6 The Natural Periods of the Planets -- 7.7 The Results of Periods -- 7.8 The Subperiods of the Planets -- 7.9 Periods according to the Schools of Gaurī and Mahādeva -- 7.10 Periods according to the School of (Bala)rāma -- 7.11 The Use of the Different Systems of Periods -- 8 Monthly and Daily Revolutions -- 8.1 Preliminary Calculations -- 8.2 The Three Corrections -- 8.3 An Example from the Nativity of Shāh Shujāʿ -- 8.4 The Ruler of the Month and Results according to the Ninth-Parts -- 8.5 The Planets in the Ninth-Parts of the Houses -- 8.6 The Planets in the Houses -- 8.7 The Results of Periods within a Month -- 8.8 The Results of Daily Revolutions -- 8.9 The Ruler of the Day and Other Planets -- 8.10 Periods within a Day -- 8.11 Planetary States in the Daily Revolution -- 8.12 The Judgement of Meals -- 8.13 The Judgement of Hunting -- 8.14 The Judgement of Dreams -- 8.15 How to Write out a Complete Annual Horoscope -- 8.16 Dedication and Conclusion -- Appendix: Solar Equation ( mandaphala ) -- Glossary of Astrological Terms -- Bibliography -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 742
  3. 743
    Publicado 2022
    “…Dos de los creativos más prestigiosos del mundo, Toni Segarra y Edu Pou, se suman a este debate en el libro que tienes en tus manos.La interrupción se encuentra en el centro de las dos corrientes publicitarias que Toni y Edu representan. …”
  4. 744
    por Franquesa Codinach, Teresa
    Publicado 2006
    Texto completo en Odilo
  5. 745
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Strategien der Übernahme diskursiver Widerstands- und Protest-Positionen im ,Dritten Reich' sowie in der DDR anhand des rechtspopulistischen Blogs Politically Incorrect (Friedrich Markewitz (Paderborn)) -- "[...] bis sich jemand traut, sich dieser sprachlichen Umweltverschmutzung entgegenzustellen" - Positionierungen im Diskurs um gendergerechte Sprache am Beispiel des Vereins Deutsche Sprache (Christine Ivanov (Hannover)) -- Zentrifugale und zentripetale Rededynamiken in politischen Diskursen am Beispiel des Coronapandemiediskurses (Katharina Jacob (Heidelberg), Jöran Landschoff (Heidelberg)) -- Elektronische Kurznachrichtenkommunikation im Sprach- und Kulturvergleich -- Elektronische Kurznachrichtenkommunikation im Sprach- und Kulturvergleich (Myung-Won Choi (Seoul), Wolfgang Imo (Hamburg), Manabu Watanabe (Tokyo)) -- Autoiteration oder Simultanpräsenz? …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 746
    Publicado 2012
    Libro electrónico
  7. 747
  8. 748
    Publicado 2019
    Acceso restringido con credenciales UPSA
    Libro electrónico
  9. 749
    por Carriego, Evaristo, 1883-1912
    Publicado 2019
    Libro electrónico
  10. 750
    Publicado 2010
    Libro electrónico
  11. 751
    por [. (16o. 2018. Manosque)
    Publicado 2019
  12. 752
    por Fox, Robert Joseph ( 1927-)
    Publicado 1987
  13. 753
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Rohr : Baar, Zurich ; ARB Arbeitsgruppe Kurt Aellen, Laurent Cantalou : Merzenacker, Berna ; Hubert Riess, Ralph Erskine ; Wienerbergergründe, Graz ; Atelier 5 : Ried W 2, Niederwangen ; Rem Koolhaas, OMA : Nexus World, Fukuoka ; Michael Alder : Vogelbach, Riehen, Basilea ; Otto Steidle : Wienerberggründe, Viena ; Gigon, Guyer : Manzana Residencial I, Zúrich - Kilchberg ; Eduardo Souto de Moura : Casas Patio, Matosinhos, Oporto ; Alex Popov Architects : Rockpool, Mona Vale Beach, Sidney; Herczog Hubeli Comalini : Steinfelsareal, Zúrich ; Chiba Manabu Architects : Grupo Residencial Eda, Yokohama, Kanagawa -- URV…”
  14. 754
    por Trebolle, Julio
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2) Escritos haláquicos basados en libros de la Torá: Rollo del Templo, Pseudo-Moisés y Ordenanzas -- 3) Escritos narrativos basados en la historiografía bíblica: 1 Esdras, Antigüedades bíblicas, Martirio de Isaías, Paralipomena de Jeremías, Pseudo-Josué, Visiones de Samuel, Apócrifo de Samuel-Reyes -- 4) Escritos parabíblicos basados en la literatura hímnica: Salmos apócrifos y Salmos no-canónicos, Hōdāyyô-t, textos litúrgicos de Qumrán, Salmos de Salomón, Oración de Manasés -- 5) Escritos parabíblicos de Qumrán basados en la literatura sapiencial -- 6) Escritos parabíblicos de carácter apocalíptico: Jubileos, Libro de los Vigilantes (1 Enoc 1-36), Libro astronómico, Libro de los Gigantes, Pseudo-Ezequiel, Pseudo-Daniel, Nueva Jerusalén, 4 Esdras, 2 Baruc y 3 Baruc. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 755
    Publicado 2021
    Libro electrónico
  16. 756
  17. 757
    por McClure, Lynne Falkin
    Publicado 2000
  18. 758
    por Enelow, Wendy S.
    Publicado 2006
  19. 759
  20. 760
    por Le Maguet, Claude, 1887-1979
    Publicado 1954