Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Biblia 19
- Historia 18
- Física 15
- Novela española 11
- TFC 10
- Derecho administrativo 9
- Python (Computer program language) 8
- Derecho Fiscal 7
- Història 7
- Almería-Diócesis 6
- Bíblia 6
- Colecciones 6
- Crisis económicas 6
- Crítica e interpretación 6
- Filosofía 6
- Impuesto sobre el patrimonio 6
- Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas 6
- Viladomat, Antoni 6
- Derecho 5
- History 5
- Multimèdia interactius 5
- Pleitos 5
- Química 5
- Viladomat Manalt, Antoni 5
- legislación 5
- Artificial intelligence 4
- Bosques 4
- Chesterton, G. K. 4
- Liturgia 4
- Machine learning 4
741Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface -- Introduction -- Text and Translation -- 1 Fundamentals of Astrology and the Annual Revolution -- 1.1 The Author’s Family Lineage -- 1.2 The Tājika Teaching: Lawful and Useful -- 1.3 Fate, Human Effort, and the Astrologer -- 1.4 The Signs of the Zodiac -- 1.5 The Planets -- 1.6 Calculating the Time of the Annual Revolution -- 1.7 General Methods for Gauging the Nature of the Year -- 1.8 Calculating the Planetary Positions in the Annual Revolution -- 1.9 Calculating and Judging the Houses in the Annual Revolution -- 2 Aspects and Dignities -- 2.1 The Various Aspects and Their Results -- 2.2 Dexter and Sinister Aspects -- 2.3 Numerical Values of the Aspects -- 2.4 Schemes of Friendship and Enmity -- 2.5 The Five Dignities -- 2.6 The Sixfold Strength -- 2.7 Other Calculations of Strength -- 2.8 The Twelve Dignities -- 2.9 The Joys of the Planets -- 3 The Sixteen Configurations -- 3.1 The Names of the Configurations and the Orbs of Light of the Planets -- 3.2 The ikkavāla and induvāra Configurations -- 3.3 The itthaśāla Configuration -- 3.4 The īsarāpha Configuration -- 3.5 The nakta Configuration -- 3.6 The yamayā Configuration -- 3.7 The maṇaū Configuration -- 3.8 The kambūla Configuration -- 3.9 The gairikambūla Configuration -- 3.10 The khallāsara Configuration -- 3.11 The radda Configuration -- 3.12 The duḥphālikuttha Configuration -- 3.13 The dutthotthadabīra Configuration -- 3.14 The tambīra Configuration -- 3.15 The kuttha Configuration -- 3.16 The duruḥpha Configuration -- 4 The sahamas -- 4.1 The Names of the sahamas -- 4.2 Calculating the sahama of Fortune: Conflicting Opinions -- 4.3 Calculating the Remaining sahamas -- 4.4 Converting the sahamas to Ascensions -- 4.5 Sahamas of Signs, Planets, and Family Members -- 4.6 The Results of sahamas -- 4.7 The Times of Results -- 5 The Ruler of the Year and Related Matters -- 5.1 Calculating the munthahā -- 5.2 General Results of the munthahā -- 5.3 Results of the munthahā Occupying the Twelve Houses -- 5.4 The munthahā in the Nativity and in the Revolution -- 5.5 Planets Influencing the munthahā -- 5.6 Finding the munthahā from a Query -- 5.7 The Triplicity Rulers -- 5.8 Finding the Ruler of the Year -- 5.9 Special Considerations -- 5.10 General Results of the Ruler of the Year -- 5.11 The Results of Each Planet as Ruler of the Year -- 5.12 Unfortunate Configurations -- 5.13 Cancellation of Misfortune -- 5.14 Configurations for Dominion -- 5.15 Cancellation of Dominion -- 6 Judging the Twelve Houses -- 6.1 General Principles of Judgement -- 6.2 The First House -- 6.3 The Second House -- 6.4 The Third House -- 6.5 The Fourth House -- 6.6 The Fifth House -- 6.7 The Sixth House -- 6.8 The Seventh House -- 6.9 The Eighth House -- 6.10 The Ninth House -- 6.11 The Tenth House -- 6.12 The Eleventh House -- 6.13 The Twelfth House -- 7 The Planetary Periods -- 7.1 The Periods Based on Deducted Degrees -- 7.2 Including or Excluding the Signs: Different Opinions -- 7.3 Three Varieties of tāsīra Periods -- 7.4 The Periods Based on Planetary Hours -- 7.5 The haddā Periods -- 7.6 The Natural Periods of the Planets -- 7.7 The Results of Periods -- 7.8 The Subperiods of the Planets -- 7.9 Periods according to the Schools of Gaurī and Mahādeva -- 7.10 Periods according to the School of (Bala)rāma -- 7.11 The Use of the Different Systems of Periods -- 8 Monthly and Daily Revolutions -- 8.1 Preliminary Calculations -- 8.2 The Three Corrections -- 8.3 An Example from the Nativity of Shāh Shujāʿ -- 8.4 The Ruler of the Month and Results according to the Ninth-Parts -- 8.5 The Planets in the Ninth-Parts of the Houses -- 8.6 The Planets in the Houses -- 8.7 The Results of Periods within a Month -- 8.8 The Results of Daily Revolutions -- 8.9 The Ruler of the Day and Other Planets -- 8.10 Periods within a Day -- 8.11 Planetary States in the Daily Revolution -- 8.12 The Judgement of Meals -- 8.13 The Judgement of Hunting -- 8.14 The Judgement of Dreams -- 8.15 How to Write out a Complete Annual Horoscope -- 8.16 Dedication and Conclusion -- Appendix: Solar Equation ( mandaphala ) -- Glossary of Astrological Terms -- Bibliography -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
743Publicado 2022“…Dos de los creativos más prestigiosos del mundo, Toni Segarra y Edu Pou, se suman a este debate en el libro que tienes en tus manos.La interrupción se encuentra en el centro de las dos corrientes publicitarias que Toni y Edu representan. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro -
745Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Strategien der Übernahme diskursiver Widerstands- und Protest-Positionen im ,Dritten Reich' sowie in der DDR anhand des rechtspopulistischen Blogs Politically Incorrect (Friedrich Markewitz (Paderborn)) -- "[...] bis sich jemand traut, sich dieser sprachlichen Umweltverschmutzung entgegenzustellen" - Positionierungen im Diskurs um gendergerechte Sprache am Beispiel des Vereins Deutsche Sprache (Christine Ivanov (Hannover)) -- Zentrifugale und zentripetale Rededynamiken in politischen Diskursen am Beispiel des Coronapandemiediskurses (Katharina Jacob (Heidelberg), Jöran Landschoff (Heidelberg)) -- Elektronische Kurznachrichtenkommunikation im Sprach- und Kulturvergleich -- Elektronische Kurznachrichtenkommunikation im Sprach- und Kulturvergleich (Myung-Won Choi (Seoul), Wolfgang Imo (Hamburg), Manabu Watanabe (Tokyo)) -- Autoiteration oder Simultanpräsenz? …”
Libro electrónico -
746Publicado 2012Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico
749por Carriego, Evaristo, 1883-1912
Publicado 2019Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
750Publicado 2010Libro electrónico
753Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Rohr : Baar, Zurich ; ARB Arbeitsgruppe Kurt Aellen, Laurent Cantalou : Merzenacker, Berna ; Hubert Riess, Ralph Erskine ; Wienerbergergründe, Graz ; Atelier 5 : Ried W 2, Niederwangen ; Rem Koolhaas, OMA : Nexus World, Fukuoka ; Michael Alder : Vogelbach, Riehen, Basilea ; Otto Steidle : Wienerberggründe, Viena ; Gigon, Guyer : Manzana Residencial I, Zúrich - Kilchberg ; Eduardo Souto de Moura : Casas Patio, Matosinhos, Oporto ; Alex Popov Architects : Rockpool, Mona Vale Beach, Sidney; Herczog Hubeli Comalini : Steinfelsareal, Zúrich ; Chiba Manabu Architects : Grupo Residencial Eda, Yokohama, Kanagawa -- URV…”
Libro -
754por Trebolle, JulioTabla de Contenidos: “…2) Escritos haláquicos basados en libros de la Torá: Rollo del Templo, Pseudo-Moisés y Ordenanzas -- 3) Escritos narrativos basados en la historiografía bíblica: 1 Esdras, Antigüedades bíblicas, Martirio de Isaías, Paralipomena de Jeremías, Pseudo-Josué, Visiones de Samuel, Apócrifo de Samuel-Reyes -- 4) Escritos parabíblicos basados en la literatura hímnica: Salmos apócrifos y Salmos no-canónicos, Hōdāyyô-t, textos litúrgicos de Qumrán, Salmos de Salomón, Oración de Manasés -- 5) Escritos parabíblicos de Qumrán basados en la literatura sapiencial -- 6) Escritos parabíblicos de carácter apocalíptico: Jubileos, Libro de los Vigilantes (1 Enoc 1-36), Libro astronómico, Libro de los Gigantes, Pseudo-Ezequiel, Pseudo-Daniel, Nueva Jerusalén, 4 Esdras, 2 Baruc y 3 Baruc. …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
755Publicado 2021Libro electrónico