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  1. 6501
    por Clark, Connie
    Publicado 2022
    “…You'll discover that inserting information into your notebooks goes far beyond text, images, and videos, and also includes emails, links to documents, and clippings from the web. But it doesn't stop there. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 6502
    Publicado 2017
    “…Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time -- providing a seamless reading experience online or offlinePowerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooksMultiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design, the ability to highlight text and add notes with one click 'a reliable and authoritative reference for practicing pathologists and their trainees'' well written and artfully illustrated'' photographs are one of its strong features, and the drawings are just wonderful''its unique emphasis on linking the basic sciences and clinic practice''ideal book for trying to keep up with the modern developments of molecular biology as it is used in clinical medicine''ideal for pathologists and clinicians teaching in multidisciplinary curricula of the 21st century medical schools and designing modern residency training programs'' the differential diagnosis tables and the conceptual diagrammatic drawings distill a lot of knowledge and experience'Weighted Numerical Score: 90 - 4 Stars!…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 6503
    Publicado 2022
    “…Then, the course illustrates how the basic structure of a website is created, formatting text and adding images, links, and tables. The course demonstrates how websites and webpages work, and you will learn to implement CSS styles on an HTML web page. …”
  4. 6504
    Publicado 2020
    “…In sum, this book offers novel insights on key features of much-neglected links between how news media select, frame and discuss issues related to economic inequality and how such story-telling links to the specific aspects of the economic and public policy factors shaping the onward march of economic inequality in the long-run."…”
  5. 6505
    por Díaz de Durana, José Ramón
    Publicado 2011
    “…En estos temps de sotsobre historiogràfic, la seua aguda i experimentada opinió, formada durant tants anys en la primera línia de la docència i la investigació, resulta d'especial interès tant per a entendre el present de la disciplina, com per a comprendre el seu desenvolupament…”
    Texto completo en Odilo
  6. 6506
    Publicado 2017
    “…Aquesta remodelació es realitza en diferents fases: identificació de les activitats d'R + D, contractació de proveïdors de serveis, muntatge d'un equip científic que mantindrà la línia científica a intern, acomiadament col·lectiu dels treballadors de l'R + D i tancament de les instal·lacions. …”
    Visualitzar TFM
  7. 6507
    Publicado 2018
    “…In heterotrophic organisms, energy mainly derives from the oxidation of carbohydrates and lipids, whose chemical bonds breakdown allows electrons to generate ATP and to provide reducing equivalents needed to restore the antioxidant systems and prevent from damage induced by reactive oxygen and nitric oxide (NO)-derived species (ROS and RNS). …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 6508
    por Hamley, Ian W.
    Publicado 2007
    “…The book contains a new chapter on biological soft matter, which adds significantly to the discussion of proteins, DNA and lipid membranes in the previous edition. The book will appeal to students of polymer, biomaterial, colloid, surface and interface science. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 6509
    “…La méthode d'essai macro-moléculaire in vitro exploite un mélange réactif macro-moléculaire composé de protéines, de glycoprotéines, de glucides, de lipides et d'éléments à faible masse moléculaire qui, une fois réhydraté, forme une matrice macro-moléculaire complexe qui reproduit la structure hautement organisée et transparente de la cornée. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 6510
    “…To ensure the test validity (cumulative mortality of the worms < 20% of the initial number), toxicity tests should also be conducted at regular intervals. Besides, the worm lipid content, the sediment total organic carbon content and the residue level in worms at the end of the elimination phase are useful for the interpretation of the results…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 6511
    Publicado 2005
    “…No sabem quins límits marcar, què deixar fer i què no permetre mai, fins a quin punt no preocupar-nos de les males cares, com identificar la fina línia que separa el respecte a la intimitat, a la privacitat dels nostres fills, i la lògica preocupació per ells. …”
    Accés restringit als usuaris de la UB, UAB, UdG, URV, URL, UVic-UCC
    Libro electrónico
  12. 6512
    Publicado 2015
    “…This process presents a substantial bioenergetic challenge: growing and activated cells must increase ATP production and acquire or synthesize raw materials, including lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. To do so, they actively reprogram their intracellular metabolism from catabolic mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis and other anabolic pathways. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 6513
    por Wacker, Elisabeth
    Publicado 2023
    “…Swantje Köbsell lehrt Disability Studies und forscht zu Intersektionen von Behinderung mit anderen Ungleichheitsdimensionen. Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke lehrt und forscht zu Gesundheitsverhaltensänderung, Einsamkeit und Verbesserung der Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 6514
    Publicado 2024
    “…Pero las contradicciones de la realidad se impondrán y todo comenzará a desmoronarse.Yan Lianke vuelve a sorprendernos con su lenguaje rico en imágenes y sensaciones en esta indagación sobre el absurdo de la ideología y, también, sobre el lado oscuro del ser humano" -- Contracubierta…”
  15. 6515
    Publicado 2019
    “…This book explores the link between Paul's belief that Jesus is Israel's Messiah, and his interpretation of the Abrahamic Land Promise in Galatians. …”
  16. 6516
    por Datta, Antara
    Publicado 2013
    “…It discusses how the state was breaking its 'effective' link between refugees and citizenship, and how at the same time a second 'affective' border was developing between those living in the border areas, especially in Assam and West Bengal. …”
    Enlace del recurso
    Libro electrónico
  17. 6517
    por Feliciano, Alicia
    Publicado 2010
    “…¿Tendré algún beneficio laboral si me doy de alta en LinkedIn? ¿El móvil sirve para algo más que para hacer llamadas? …”
  18. 6518
    Publicado 2020
    “…Taking a 'text, cases and materials' approach, it allows students to gain a thorough understanding of milestones in the evolution of EU law in this area, their judicial interpretation and scholarly appraisal. Linking these pieces together through the authors' commentary and analysis ensures that students are given the necessary guidance to properly position and digest these materials. …”
  19. 6519
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…7.5.1 Attenuation Compensation Techniques 341 -- 7.5.2 Depolarization Compensation Techniques 342 -- 7.6 Noise Considerations 342 -- 7.6.1 Thermal Noise 342 -- 7.6.2 Noise Figure 343 -- 7.6.3 Noise Temperature 344 -- 7.6.4 Noise Figure and Noise Temperature of Cascaded Stages 345 -- 7.6.5 Antenna Noise Temperature 346 -- 7.6.6 Overall System Noise Temperature 350 -- 7.7 Interference-related Problems 353 -- 7.7.1 Intermodulation Distortion 354 -- 7.7.2 Interference between the Satellite and Terrestrial Links 357 -- 7.7.3 Interference due to Adjacent Satellites 357 -- 7.7.4 Cross-polarization Interference 361 -- 7.7.5 Adjacent Channel Interference 361 -- 7.8 Antenna Gain-to-Noise Temperature (G/T) Ratio 365 -- 7.9 Link Design 367 -- 7.9.1 Link Design Procedure 368 -- 7.9.2 Link Budget 368 -- 7.10 Multiple Spot Beam Technology 371 -- Further Readings 374 -- Glossary 375 -- 8 Earth Station 378 -- 8.1 Earth Station 378 -- 8.2 Types of Earth Station 380 -- 8.2.1 Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Earth Station 381 -- 8.2.2 Broadcast Satellite Service (BSS) Earth Stations 382 -- 8.2.3 Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) Earth Stations 383 -- 8.2.4 Single Function Stations 384 -- 8.2.5 Gateway Stations 385 -- 8.2.6 Teleports 386 -- 8.3 Earth Station Architecture 386 -- 8.4 Earth Station Design Considerations 387 -- 8.4.1 Key Performance Parameters 388 -- 8.4.2 Earth Station Design Optimization 390 -- 8.4.3 Environmental and Site Considerations 391 -- 8.5 Earth Station Testing 392 -- 8.5.1 Unit and Subsystem Level Testing 392 -- 8.5.2 System Level Testing 392 -- 8.6 Earth Station Hardware 398 -- 8.6.1 RF Equipment 398 -- 8.6.2 IF and Baseband Equipment 408 -- 8.6.3 Terrestrial Interface 409 -- 8.7 Satellite Tracking 412 -- 8.7.1 Satellite Tracking System -- Block Diagram 412 -- 8.7.2 Tracking Techniques 412 -- 8.8 Some Representative Earth Stations 419 -- 8.8.1 Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station 419 -- 8.8.2 Madley Communications Centre 421 -- 8.8.3 Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex 421.…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 6520
    Publicado 2004
    “…"This essential edition brings together a collection of classic papers from key figures in Kleinian and post-Kleinian thought that explore the relationship between psychoanalysis and art.Sandra Gosso begins with a comprehensive and fascinating guide to the history of this relationship which began with Freud and was developed further by Melanie Klein at a time when most analysts were moving away from links with art. Melanie Klein's pivotal paper, "Infantile Anxiety Situations Reflected in a Work of Art and in the Creative Impulse", follows the Introduction. …”
    Libro electrónico