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- Historia 2,565
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- Bibliotecas 643
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- Liberalismo 247
48361por Chapman, Chris“…Core topics include the R language, basic statistics, linear modeling, and data visualization, which is presented throughout as an integral part of analysis. …”
Publicado 2015
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Clic para acceso a texto completo.
Libro -
48362Publicado 2023“…Ouvrage désormais classique, L’Islam et sa civilisation offre une lecture passionnante d’un espace, d’une culture et d’une histoire immenses.André Miquel saisit cette histoire et l’Islam comme un ensemble qui n’est finalement réductible à aucune de ses nations, à aucune de ses époques, mais qui se révèle engagé à son tour dans un grand mouvement, celui du monde dans lequel il s’inscrit.Des origines jusqu’à nos jours, c’est ce monde qui est ici dépeint, dans toute sa diversité et toute sa complexité. …”
Libro -
48363Publicado 2016“…The contributions in the second volume of the series "Cultural Heritage in the Digital World" published by the German Digital Library show how in Germany, with its federal order, the mediation and ultimate networking of the cultural heritage is made via the Internet. …”
Electrónico -
48364Publicado 2019“…The book is composed of three sections: Control of Sound - Absorbing Materials for Damping of Sound, Sound Propagation in Complex/Porous materials and Nondestructive Testing (NDT), Non Linearity, Leakage…”
Libro electrónico -
48365Publicado 2015“…Regardless of your experience with libraries such as jQuery and Polymer, this book teaches JavaScript developers the DOM manipulations these libraries perform. …”
Libro electrónico -
48366por Yiu, Joseph“…Key Features include: Two new chapters on DSP features and CMSIS-DSP software libraries, covering DSP fundamentals and how to write DSP software for the Cortex-M4 processor, including examples of using the CMSIS-DSP library, as well as useful information…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
48367Publicado 2021“…At the same time, you'll dig progressively into deep learning theory so that by the end of the book you'll have a complete understanding of the math behind the library's functions" --…”
Libro electrónico -
48368Publicado 2016“…This video library contains the following three video courses for one low price: CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101; CCNP Routing and Switching SWITCH 300-115; CCNP Routing and Switching TSHOOT 300-135."…”
Vídeo online -
48369Publicado 2013“…Narra cómo intervino Dios para liberar a un grupo de esclavos y cómo estableció con ellos un pacto de alianza a fin de convertirlos en su pueblo. …”
Biblioteca Seminario Metropolitano de Oviedo (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias)Libro -
48370Publicado 2018“…Intermediate knowledge of Python programming and some fundamental knowledge of linear algebra and probability will help…”
Libro electrónico -
48371Publicado 2020“…Predict the future with linear regression. Dive into gradient descent, a fundamental algorithm that drives most of machine learning. …”
Libro electrónico -
48372Publicado 2022“…You will master how to use Quixel Megascans library and how to think and get inspired to create beautiful scenes. …”
Video -
48373Publicado 2014“…It also looks at its combination with OFDM, UWB and CDMA and the impact at the system-level. MIMO remains a pillar of high-speed systems beyond 4G which incorporate massive MIMO and network coding at the physical layer and these topics are also addressed. …”
Libro electrónico -
48374por Tselentis, Jason“…Type, Form, and Function is a useful, comprehensive typography resource that both students and professional designers should have in their library…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
48375Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Reactive power compensation in an industrial network 13.2.1. Linear loads 13.2.2. Group compensation 13.2.2. Nonlinear loads 13.3. …”
Libro electrónico -
48376Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.3.5 EXAMPLES -- Range-Invariant Media -- Range-Dependent Media -- 3.4 PARABOLIC EQUATION METHODS -- 3.4.1 INTERFACE CONDITIONS AT THE VERTICAL RANGE-SEGMENT INTERFACES -- 3.4.2 NUMERICAL SOLUTION METHODS -- Start Solution -- Rational-Function Approximations for the Relevant Operators -- Depth Discretization and Range Integration -- 3.4.3 EXTENDED AND ALTERNATIVE PE APPROACHES -- Extension to Media That Vary Regionwise Smoothly With Range and Depth -- Coordinate Transformation Techniques -- Two-Way PE Approaches -- Extension to Fluid-Solid Media -- 3.4.4 EXAMPLES -- 3.5 FINITE-DIFFERENCE AND FINITE-ELEMENT METHODS -- 3.5.1 ONE-DIMENSIONAL FEM AND FDM FOR PARABOLIC AND NORMAL-MODE EQUATIONS -- Application to Normal Modes -- 3.5.2 TWO-DIMENSIONAL FEM AND FDM FOR THE HELMHOLTZ EQUATION -- FEM Discretization -- FDM Discretization -- Methods to Solve the Linear Equation System and Possibilities to Reduce Its Size -- 3.5.3 TIME-DOMAIN MODELING -- FEM Discretization -- FDM Discretization -- Numerical Dispersion, Time Integration, and Stability -- Including Absorption -- Some Recent Developments -- 3.5.4 EXAMPLES -- 3.6 3-D SOUND PROPAGATION MODELS -- 3.6.1 MODELING HORIZONTAL REFRACTION BY A SLOPING BOTTOM OR CHANGING SOUND-SPEED PROFILE -- Fourier Transformation With Respect to the y-Coordinate -- Equations Relating the Modal Expansion Coefficients -- Solution in Terms of Reflection-Coefficient Matrices -- Final Remarks -- 3.6.2 MODELING DIFFRACTION AROUND A CYLINDRICALLY SYMMETRIC ANOMALY -- Fourier Series With Respect to the φ Coordinate -- Equations Relating the Modal Expansion Coefficients -- Solution in Terms of Reflection-Coefficient Matrices…”
Libro electrónico -
48377por Wolf, HenningTabla de Contenidos: “…. -- 4.5 Sprint Planning: das »Wie« -- 4.5.1 Aufwandsschätzung -- 4.5.2 Story Points als Größenmaß -- Abb. 4-7 Nicht linearer Wertebereich für Story Points -- Abb. 4-8 Fibonacci-Folge für Story Points -- 4.5.3 Vorteile von Story Points -- 4.5.4 Planning Poker® -- Abb. 4-9 Planning-Poker®-Karten -- 4.5.5 Varianten des Planning Poker® -- 4.5.6 Erfahrungen mit Planning Poker® -- 4.5.7 Inkrementelles Ziehen in den Sprint -- Abb. 4-10 Thumb-Voting im Sprint Planning -- 4.5.8 Das »Wie« im Sprint Planning: Task-Breakdown -- 4.5.9 Architekturdiskussionen -- 4.5.10 Was wir nicht im Sprint Planning festlegen -- 4.6 Taskboard als Sprint Backlog -- Abb. 4-11 Ein sehr einfaches Taskboard -- Abb. 4-12 Taskboard mit Zeilen je Product Backlog Item -- Abb. 4-13 Taskboard mit zusätzlicher Codereview-Spalte -- 4.7 Sprint-Burndown-Chart -- Abb. 4-14 Sprint-Burndown-Chart kurz vor dem Sprint-Ende -- 4.8 Daily Scrum…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
48378Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 4.2.3 Templating the PythonOperator -- 4.2.4 Providing variables to the PythonOperator -- 4.2.5 Inspecting templated arguments -- 4.3 Hooking up other systems -- Summary -- 5 Defining dependencies between tasks -- 5.1 Basic dependencies -- 5.1.1 Linear dependencies -- 5.1.2 Fan-in/-out dependencies -- 5.2 Branching -- 5.2.1 Branching within tasks -- 5.2.2 Branching within the DAG -- 5.3 Conditional tasks -- 5.3.1 Conditions within tasks -- 5.3.2 Making tasks conditional -- 5.3.3 Using built-in operators -- 5.4 More about trigger rules -- 5.4.1 What is a trigger rule? …”
Libro electrónico -
48379Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.3.4 Rational, complex numbers, and other numeric types -- 2.4 Flow control -- 2.4.1 For: The central pillar of iteration -- 2.4.2 Continue: Skipping the rest of the current iteration -- 2.4.3 While: Looping until a condition changes its state -- 2.4.4 Loop: The basis for Rust's looping constructs -- 2.4.5 Break: Aborting a loop -- 2.4.6 If, if else, and else: Conditional branching -- 2.4.7 Match: Type-aware pattern matching -- 2.5 Defining functions -- 2.6 Using references -- 2.7 Project: Rendering the Mandelbrot set -- 2.8 Advanced function definitions -- 2.8.1 Explicit lifetime annotations -- 2.8.2 Generic functions -- 2.9 Creating grep-lite -- 2.10 Making lists of things with arrays, slices, and vectors -- 2.10.1 Arrays -- 2.10.2 Slices -- 2.10.3 Vectors -- 2.11 Including third-party code -- 2.11.1 Adding support for regular expressions -- 2.11.2 Generating the third-party crate documentation locally -- 2.11.3 Managing Rust toolchains with rustup -- 2.12 Supporting command-line arguments -- 2.13 Reading from files -- 2.14 Reading from stdin -- Summary -- 3 Compound data types -- 3.1 Using plain functions to experiment with an API -- 3.2 Modeling files with struct -- 3.3 Adding methods to a struct with impl -- 3.3.1 Simplifying object creation by implementing new() -- 3.4 Returning errors -- 3.4.1 Modifying a known global variable -- 3.4.2 Making use of the Result return type -- 3.5 Defining and making use of an enum -- 3.5.1 Using an enum to manage internal state -- 3.6 Defining common behavior with traits -- 3.6.1 Creating a Read trait -- 3.6.2 Implementing std::fmt::Display for your own types -- 3.7 Exposing your types to the world -- 3.7.1 Protecting private data -- 3.8 Creating inline documentation for your projects -- 3.8.1 Using rustdoc to render docs for a single source file…”
Libro electrónico -
48380por Al-Turjman, FadiTabla de Contenidos: “…2.5.3 Priority Algorithm -- 2.5.4 Bin-Packing Algorithm -- 2.6 Usage of Cloud and IoT in COVID-19 -- 2.6.1 Application of Cloud Service -- 2.6.2 Health Care Segment -- 2.6.3 Tracking the Spread -- 2.6.4 Diagnosis -- 2.7 Security of the Allocation of Resources -- 2.7.1 Security Aspect -- Confidentiality and Authentication -- Privacy -- Time-Necessity -- Availability -- Trust -- Predication and Intrusion Detection -- 2.7.2 Security Issues and Challenges -- Data Protection in Cloud Environments -- Authentication of User and Management Access -- Lack of Visibility of Cloud Services -- Absence of Control over Cloud Infrastructure -- 2.8 Open Research and Discussion -- 2.9 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3 Analyzing Radiographs for COVID-19 Using Artificial Intelligence -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Related Work -- 3.3 Dataset -- 3.4 Data Augmentation -- 3.5 Models -- 3.5.1 VGG-16 -- 3.5.2 VGG-19 -- 3.5.3 Custom Model -- 3.5.4 SVM -- Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix -- Grey Level Size Zone Matrix -- Discrete Wavelet Transform -- 3.5.5 Modified CNN -- Input Layer -- Convolution Layer -- Batch Normalization Layer -- Rectified Linear Unit Layer -- Fully Connected layer -- SoftMax Layer -- Output -- 3.6 Result and Analysis -- 3.6.1 VGG-16 -- 3.6.2 VGG-19 -- 3.6.3 Custom Model -- 3.6.4 SVM -- 3.6.5 Modified CNN -- 3.7 Activation Maps -- 3.8 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4 IoT-Based Micro-Expression Recognition for Nervousness Detection in COVID-Like Condition -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Related Work -- 4.3 Methodology -- 4.3.1 Algorithm -- 4.3.2 Datasets -- 4.3.3 Performance Parameters -- 4.4 Experimental Results -- 4.4.1 Accuracy -- 4.5 Conclusion -- References…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico