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  1. 46921
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.5.6 Induced Generalized Fuzzy Averaging Operator (IGOWA) 147 -- 5.5.7 Choquet Aggregation Operator 149 -- 5.5.8 Induced Choquet Ordered Aggregation Operator 150 -- 5.6 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Operators 152 -- 5.7 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Aggregation Operator 153 -- 5.7.1 Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Aggregation Operator 153 -- 5.7.2 Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Weighting Operator (GIFOWA) 155 -- 5.7.3 Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Hybrid Operator 157 -- 5.7.4 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Weighted Geometric Operator (IFWG) 160 -- 5.7.5 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Weighted Geometric Operator 161 -- 5.7.6 Induced Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Averaging Operator 161 -- 5.7.7 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Choquet Integral Operator 162 -- 5.7.8 Induced Intuitionistic Fuzzy Choquet Integral Operator 162 -- 5.8 Example on Decision-making Problems 164 -- 5.9 Summary 168 -- References 168 -- 6 Fuzzy Linear Equations 171 -- 6.1 Introduction 171 -- 6.2 Fuzzy Linear Equation 172 -- 6.2.1 Problem of Finding an Unknown Number 173 -- 6.3 Solving Linear Equation Using CrameŕÖs Rule 177 -- 6.4 Inverse of a Fuzzy Matrix 182 -- 6.5 Summary 189 -- References 189 -- 7 Fuzzy Matrices and Determinants 191 -- 7.1 Basic Matrix Theory 191 -- 7.1.1 Matrix Addition 192 -- 7.1.2 Matrix Multiplication 193 -- 7.1.3 Transpose of a Matrix 193 -- 7.2 Fuzzy Matrices 194 -- 7.2.1 Matrix Addition, Multiplication, Max, Min Operations 197 -- 7.2.2 Identity Matrix 202 -- 7.3 Determinant of a Square Fuzzy Matrix 202 -- 7.3.1 Examples of Fuzzy Determinants 203 -- 7.4 Adjoint of a Square Fuzzy Matrix 206 -- 7.4.1 Few Proposition of Adjoint of Fuzzy Matrices 207 -- 7.5 Properties of Reflexive Matrices 212 -- 7.6 Generalized Inverse of a Fuzzy Matrix 215 -- 7.7 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrix 216 -- 7.7.1 Identity Matrix 217 -- 7.7.2 Null Matrix 218 -- 7.7.3 Generalized Inverse of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrix 218 -- 7.8 Summary 218 -- References 218 -- 8 Fuzzy Subgroups 221 -- 8.1 Introduction 221 -- 8.2 Theorems of Fuzzy Subgroup 222.…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 46922
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…5 Negligible Impairment of Reliability -- Linear Phase -- Minimum Phase -- Absolute Phase -- Phase Perception -- Target Functions -- Chapter 4: Crossover Types -- All-Pole and Non-All-Pole Crossovers -- Symmetric and Asymmetric Crossovers -- Allpass and Constant-Power Crossovers -- Constant-Voltage Crossovers -- First-Order Crossovers -- First-Order Solen Split Crossover -- First-Order Crossovers: 3-Way -- Second-Order Crossovers -- Second-Order Butterworth Crossover -- Second-Order Linkwitz-Riley Crossover -- Second-Order Bessel Crossover -- Second-Order 1.0 dB-Chebyshev Crossover -- Third-Order Crossovers -- Third-Order Butterworth Crossover -- Third-Order Linkwitz-Riley Crossover -- Third-Order Bessel Crossover -- Third-Order 1.0 dB-Chebyshev Crossover -- Fourth-Order Crossovers -- Fourth-Order Butterworth Crossover -- Fourth-Order Linkwitz-Riley Crossover -- Fourth-Order Bessel Crossover -- Fourth-Order 1.0 dB-Chebyshev Crossover -- Fourth-Order Linear-Phase Crossover -- Fourth-Order Gaussian Crossover -- Fourth-Order Legendre Crossover -- Higher-Order Crossovers -- Determining Frequency Offsets -- Filler-Driver Crossovers -- The Duelund Crossover -- Crossover Topology -- Crossover Conclusions -- Chapter 5: Notch Crossovers -- Elliptical Filter Crossovers -- Neville Thiele MethodTM (NTM) Crossovers -- Chapter 6: Subtractive Crossovers -- Subtractive Crossovers -- First-Order Subtractive Crossovers -- Second-Order Butterworth Subtractive Crossovers -- Third-Order Butterworth Subtractive Crossovers -- Fourth-Order Butterworth Subtractive Crossovers -- Subtractive Crossovers With Time Delays -- Performing the Subtraction -- Chapter 7: Lowpass and Highpass Filter Characteristics -- Active Filters -- Lowpass Filters -- Highpass Filters -- Bandpass Filters -- Notch Filters -- Allpass Filters -- All-Stop Filters -- Brickwall Filters…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 46923
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…8.1 Kubernetes YAML files -- 8.2 Generating Kubernetes YAML files with Podman -- 8.3 Generating Podman pods and containers from Kubernetes YAML -- 8.3.1 Shutting down pods and containers based on a Kubernetes YAML file -- 8.3.2 Building images using Podman and Kubernetes YAML files -- 8.4 Running Podman within a container -- 8.4.1 Running Podman within a Podman container -- 8.4.2 Running Podman within a Kubernetes pod -- Summary -- 9 Podman as a service -- 9.1 Introducing the Podman service -- 9.1.1 Systemd services -- 9.2 Podman-supported APIs -- 9.3 Python libraries for interacting with Podman -- 9.3.1 Using docker-py with the Podman API -- 9.3.2 Using podman-py with the Podman API -- 9.3.3 Which Python library should you use? …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 46924
    por Panik, Michael J.
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Appendix 3.D The von Bertalanffy and Richards Models Derived -- Appendix 3.E The Schnute Model Derived -- Appendix 3.F The McDill-Amateis Model Derived -- Appendix 3.G The Sloboda Model Derived -- Appendix 3.H A Generalized Michaelis-Menten Growth Equation -- 4 Estimation of Trend -- 4.1 Linear Trend Equation -- 4.2 Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation -- 4.3 Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimation -- 4.4 The SAS System -- 4.5 Changing the Unit of Time -- 4.5.1 Annual Totals versus Monthly Averages versus Monthly Totals -- 4.5.2 Annual Totals versus Quarterly Averages versus Quarterly Totals -- 4.6 Autocorrelated Errors -- 4.6.1 Properties of the OLS Estimators When ε Is AR (1) -- 4.6.2 Testing for the Absence of Autocorrelation: The Durbin-Watson Test -- 4.6.3 Detection of and Estimation with Autocorrelated Errors -- 4.7 Polynomial Models in t -- 4.8 Issues Involving Trended Data -- 4.8.1 Stochastic Processes and Time Series -- 4.8.2 Autoregressive Process of Order p -- 4.8.3 Random Walk Processes -- 4.8.4 Integrated Processes -- 4.8.5 Testing for Unit Roots -- Appendix 4.A OLS Estimated and Related Growth Rates -- 4.A.1 The OLS Growth Rate -- 4.A.2 The Log-Difference (LD) Growth Rate -- 4.A.3 The Average Annual Growth Rate -- 4.A.4 The Geometric Average Growth Rate -- 5 Dynamic Site Equations Obtained from Growth Models -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Base-Age-Specific (BAS) Models -- 5.3 Algebraic Difference Approach (ADA) Models -- 5.4 Generalized Algebraic Difference Approach (GADA) Models -- 5.5 A Site Equation Generating Function -- 5.5.1 ADA Derivations -- 5.5.2 GADA Derivations -- 5.6 The Grounded GADA (g-GADA) Model -- Appendix 5.A Glossary of Selected Forestry Terms -- 6 Nonlinear Regression -- 6.1 Intrinsic Linearity/Nonlinearity -- 6.2 Estimation of Intrinsically Nonlinear Regression Models -- 6.2.1 Nonlinear Least Squares (NLS)…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 46925
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.13.1 Confidence Intervals for Linear Regression Analysis -- 4.13.2 Tolerance Intervals for Linear Regression Analysis -- 4.13.3 Prediction Intervals for Regression Analysis -- 4.14 Statistical Intervals for Comparing Populations and Processes -- Bibliographic Notes -- Chapter 5 Distribution-Free Statistical Intervals -- Objectives and Overview -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.1.1 Motivation -- 5.1.2 Notation -- 5.2 Distribution-Free Confidence Intervals and One-Sided Confidence Bounds for a Quantile -- 5.2.1 Coverage Probabilities for Distribution-Free Confidence Intervals or One-Sided Confidence Bounds for a Quantile -- 5.2.2 Using Interpolation to Obtain Approximate Distribution-Free Confidence Bounds or Confidence Intervals for a Quantile -- 5.2.3 Distribution-Free One-Sided Upper Confidence Bounds for a Quantile -- 5.2.4 Distribution-Free One-Sided Lower Confidence Bounds for a Quantile -- 5.2.5 Distribution-Free Two-Sided Confidence Interval for a Quantile -- 5.3 Distribution-Free Tolerance Intervals and Bounds to Contain a Specified Proportion of a Distribution -- 5.3.1 Distribution-Free Two-Sided Tolerance Intervals -- 5.3.2 Distribution-Free One-Sided Tolerance Bounds -- 5.3.3 Minimum Sample Size Required for Constructing a Distribution-Free Two-Sided Tolerance Interval -- 5.4 Prediction Intervals and Bounds to Contain a Specified Ordered Observation in a Future Sample -- 5.4.1 Coverage Probabilities for Distribution-Free Prediction Intervals and One-Sided Prediction Bounds for a Particular Ordered Observation -- 5.4.2 Distribution-Free One-Sided Upper Prediction Bound for Y(j) -- 5.4.3 Distribution-Free One-Sided Lower Prediction Bound for Y(j) -- 5.4.4 Distribution-Free Two-Sided Prediction Interval for Y(j) -- 5.5 Distribution-Free Prediction Intervals and Bounds to Contain at Least k of m Future Observations…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 46926
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using the EQQUX000 and EQQUX002 exits -- The workstation analyzer (WSA) subtask -- Improving workstation analyzer throughput -- EQQUX000 and EQQUX002: Installation -- EQQUX000 and EQQUX002: Implementation -- JCL fetch from specific libraries -- Model JCL fetched from JCL libraries -- Model JCL fetched from storage -- Insertion of JCL cards before first EXEC or PROC statement -- Amend CLASS= on JOBCARD -- General usage notes -- How to define data store destinations on a per job basis with EQQUX002 -- Appendix B. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 46927
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover -- Estimation and Control of Large-Scale Networked Systems -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Notation and Symbols -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 A General View on Control System Design -- 1.2 Communication and Control -- 1.3 Book Contents -- 1.3.1 Controllability and Observability of a Control System -- 1.3.2 Centralized and Distributed State Estimations -- 1.3.3 State Estimations and Control With Imperfect Communications -- 1.3.4 Veri cation of Stability and Robust Stability -- 1.3.5 Distributed Controller Design for an LSS -- 1.3.6 Structure Identi cation for an LSS -- 1.3.7 Attack Estimation/Identi cation and Other Issues -- 1.4 Bibliographic Notes -- References -- 2 Background Mathematical Results -- 2.1 Linear Space and Linear Algebra -- 2.1.1 Vector and Matrix Norms -- 2.1.2 Hamiltonian Matrices and Distance Among Positive De nite Matrices -- 2.2 Generalized Inverse of a Matrix -- 2.3 Some Useful Transformations -- 2.4 Set Function and Submodularity -- 2.5 Probability and Random Process -- 2.6 Markov Process and Semi-Markov Process -- 2.7 Bibliographic Notes -- References -- 3 Controllability and Observability of an LSS -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Controllability and Observability of an LTI System -- 3.2.1 Minimal Number of Inputs/Outputs Guaranteeing Controllability/Observability -- 3.2.2 A Parameterization of Desirable Input/Output Matrices -- 3.2.3 Some Nitpicking -- 3.3 A General Model for an LSS -- 3.4 Controllability and Observability for an LSS -- 3.4.1 Subsystem Transmission Zeros and Observability of an LSS -- 3.4.2 Observability Veri cation -- 3.4.3 A Condition for Controllability and Its Veri cation -- 3.4.4 In/Out-degree and Controllability/Observability of a Networked System -- 3.5 Construction of Controllable/Observable Networked Systems -- 3.6 Bibliographic Notes -- Appendix 3.A…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 46928
    por Grenander, Ulf
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Organization -- 2 The Bayes Paradigm, Estimation and Information Measures -- 2.1 Bayes Posterior Distribution -- 2.1.1 Minimum Risk Estimation -- 2.1.2 Information Measures -- 2.2 Mathematical Preliminaries -- 2.2.1 Probability Spaces, Random Variables, Distributions, Densities, and Expectation -- 2.2.2 Transformations of Variables -- 2.2.3 The Multivariate Normal Distribution -- 2.2.4 Characteristic Function -- 2.3 Minimum Risk Hypothesis Testing on Discrete Spaces -- 2.3.1 Minimum Probability of Error via Maximum A Posteriori Hypothesis Testing -- 2.3.2 Neyman-Pearson and the Optimality of the Likelihood Ratio Test -- 2.4 Minimum Mean-Squared Error Risk Estimation in Vector Spaces -- 2.4.1 Normed Linear and Hilbert Spaces -- 2.4.2 Least-Squares Estimation -- 2.4.3 Conditional Mean Estimation and Gaussian Processes -- 2.5 The Fisher Information of Estimators -- 2.6 Maximum-Likelihood and its consistency -- 2.6.1 Consistency via Uniform Convergence of Empirical Log-likelihood -- 2.6.2 Asymptotic Normality and &amp -- #8730 -- n Convergence Rate of the MLE -- 2.7 Complete-Incomplete Data Problems and the EM Algorithm -- 2.8 Hypothesis Testing and Model Complexity -- 2.8.1 Model-Order Estimation and the d/2 log Sample-Size Complexity -- 2.8.2 The Gaussian Case is Special -- 2.8.3 Model Complexity and the Gaussian Case -- 2.9 Building Probability Models via the Principle of Maximum Entropy -- 2.9.1 Principle of Maximum Entropy -- 2.9.2 Maximum Entropy Models -- 2.9.3 Conditional Distributions are Maximum Entropy -- 3 Probabilistic Directed Acyclic Graphs and Their Entropies -- 3.1 Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) -- 3.2 Probabilities on Directed Acyclic Graphs (PDAGs) -- 3.3 Finite State Markov Chains -- 3.4 Multi-type Branching Processes -- 3.4.1 The Branching Matrix -- 3.4.2 The Moment-Generating Function…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 46929
    por Strachan, David
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Figure 2.3: The OS 1st Edition 25-inch map of 1863 (Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland). -- Figure 2.4: The OS 1:2,500 revision of 1966 first recognised the west entrance and suggested the east entrance to the north of the path (Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland). -- Figure 2.5: The Oxford North Archaeology survey from 2012.…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 46930
    por Patel, Ram N.
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…13.2.1 Creating and Displaying Image Histogram -- 13.2.2 Histogram Equalization -- 13.3 Operations on Images -- 13.3.1 Linear Spatial Filtering -- 13.3.2 Spatial Noise Filtering -- 13.3.3 Morphological Image Processing -- 13.4 Point, Line, and Edge Detection -- 13.4.1 Point Detection -- 13.4.2 Line Detection -- 13.4.3 Edge Detection -- 13.5 Thresholding -- 13.5.1 Global Thresholding -- 13.5.2 Local Thresholding -- Programming Tips and Pitfalls -- Summary -- Exercises -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 46931
    Publicado 2015
    Libro electrónico
  12. 46932
    por Burnett, Garry
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Reflexiona acerca de todo el proceso; Conclusión; Apéndice; Encontrar información juntos; Ir juntos a la biblioteca; Buscar juntos en Internet; Sitios web útiles; Lugares de interés; Hablar a otras personas; Libros, programas de ordenador y juegos; La música como ayuda para el aprendizaje; Glosario; Respuestas; Bibliografía; Reverso de la Cubierta…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 46933
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La circulación de noticias en torno a un acontecimiento: la liberación del sitio de Fuenterrabía y su cobertura noticiosa(1638-1639)La circulación de gacetas españolas en Europa; A modo de conclusión; HABLAR O CALLAR: LA GACETA TARDOBARROCA; Orden y desorden: la diferencia política entre noticias de la Corte e internacionales; Las noticias de la Corte: difusión manuscrita y control social; La sensibilidad política de las noticias internacionales; LAS BASES HISTORICAS DEL PERIODISMO: UNA MIRADA ACTUAL SOBRE LA PRENSA DEL BARROCO; La circulación de las noticias y la dependencia de las fuentes…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 46934
    por Laurent, Éric
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  15. 46935
    por Recalde, María Mercedes
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…¿Qué efectos producen las drogas sobre nuestro (...)Tipos de adicciones; Las adicciones y la escuela; En vez de hablar de las drogas, hablemos del sufrimiento (...); Las adicciones y los medios; Deporte y publicidad del tabaco: otro engaño; Actividades de revisión; Videoteca; CAPÍTULO IX - ADOLESCENCIA Y TRABAJO; Una sociedad dual; La movilidad social; Educación e inserción social; Las causas profundas de la criminalidad; Desempleo y adolescencia; Actividades de revisión; Videoteca; CAPÍTULO X - ADOLESCENCIA Y DISCAPACIDAD; Deficiencia, discapacidad, minusvalía; Actividades de revisión…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 46936
    por Cantú Ortiz, Ludivina
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Habilidades de la comunicación oral: saber hablar y saber escuchar5. Entornos de la comunicación oral: informal y formal; 5.1 Los intercambios comunicativos; 6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 46937
    por Blázquez Ochando, Manuel
    Publicado 2015
    Libro electrónico
  18. 46938
    por Ortega Giménez, Alfonso
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La pura maldad en la infancia a través de Tenemos que hablar de Kevin Derecho Constitucional; Sturmaz, acto y tempestad. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 46939
    por Pozo Flórez, José Ángel del
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cómo superar el miedo a hablar en público; 3.2. Etapas en el desarrollo de una presentación; A. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 46940
    Publicado 2008
    Libro electrónico