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Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 2,565
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- Computer programs 259
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- Library science 250
- Liberalismo 247
46701por Zammetti, Frank. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…; ""Choosing a Mobile Web Library""; ""Server-Side Architecture""; ""What About the Database?""…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
46702por Donat, Wolfram. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 5: The Web BotBot Etiquette; The Connections of the Web; Web Communication Protocols; Web Page Formats; A Request Example; Our Web Bot Concept; Parsing Web Pages; Coding with Python Modules; Using the Mechanize Module; Parsing with Beautiful Soup; Downloading with the urllib Library; Deciding What to Download; Choosing a Starting Point; Storing Your Files; Writing the Python Bot; Reading a String and Extracting All the Links; Looking For and Downloading Files; Testing the Bot; Creating Directories and Instantiating a List; The Final Code; Summary; Chapter 6: The Weather Station…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
46704por Green, Thomas J. 1952-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Changing the Order of LayersUsing the Library Panel; Putting Elements in Motion; Using Easing; Browser Testing Your Project; You Have Learned; Chapter 2 Creating Timeline Animations: Part 1; Auto-Keyframing; Manually Adding Keyframes; Adding Extra Keyframes; Adding Transitions to an Element; Creating Anticipation; Animating with the Pin; Clipping Elements in Edge Animate; Using Transitions to Swap Images; Animating Multiple Properties; Swapping Assets; "Recycling" Edge Animate Transitions; Animating with Eases; Your Turn: Animating Web Page Elements with Eases; Curved Paths in Edge Animate…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
46705por Bell, Charles A. 1962-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Handling Connections and Creating ThreadsParsing the Query; Preparing the Query for Optimization; Optimizing the Query; Executing the Query; Supporting Libraries; Important Classes and Structures; The ITEM_ Class; The LEX Structure; The NET Structure; The THD Class; The READ_RECORD structure; MySQL Plugins; Installing and Uninstalling Plugins; Discovering Status of Available Plugins; Coding Guidelines; General Guidelines; Documentation; Functions and Parameters; Naming Conventions; Spacing and Indenting; Documentation Utilities; Keeping an Engineering Logbook; Tracking Your Changes…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
46706por Marshall, NickTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 9: Creating and Managing Virtual MachinesUnderstanding Virtual Machines; Creating a Virtual Machine; Installing a Guest Operating System; Installing VMware Tools; Managing Virtual Machines; Modifying Virtual Machines; The Bottom Line; Chapter 10: Using Templates and vApps; Cloning vMs; Creating Templates and Deploying Virtual Machines; Using OVF Templates; Using Content Libraries; Working with vApps; Importing Machines from Other Environments; The Bottom Line; Chapter 11: Managing Resource Allocation; Reviewing Virtual Machine Resource Allocation; Working with Virtual Machine Memory…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
46707Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Modules; Installing JavaScript Libraries with npm; Native Modules for iOS; Including a Third-Party Component; Using the Video Component; Anatomy of an Objective-C Native Module; Implementation of RCTVideo; Native Modules for Android; Installing a Third-Party Component…”
Libro electrónico -
46708Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Interaktion mit dem BetriebssystemWerkzeuge zur Softwareentwicklung; IPython HTML Notebook; Tipps zur produktiven Codeentwicklung mit IPython; Fortgeschrittene Features von IPython; Danksagung; Kapitel 4: Grundlagen von NumPy: Arrays und vektorisierte Berechnung; Das ndarray von NumPy: ein mehrdimensionales Array-Objekt; Universelle Funktionen: Schnelle elementweise Array-Funktionen; Datenverarbeitung mit Arrays; Dateiein- und -ausgabe bei Arrays; Lineare Algebra; Erzeugen von Zufallszahlen; Beispiel: Random Walks; Kapitel 5: Erste Schritte mit pandas…”
Libro electrónico -
46709por Calvo, Andres. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Implement the NotificationBackground Only Notifications; Implementation; Content Action; Implementation; Summary; Part III: Android Wear; Chapter 4: Running Apps Directly on Android Wear; The Android SDK in Android Wear; Creating a New Project; Starting Wear Apps; App-Provided Voice Actions; System-Provided Voice Actions; The Example App; Example #1: Our First Wearable App; The Wearable UI Library; Our First Wearable UI View: WearableListView; WearableListView and RecyclerView; The ViewHolder Pattern; Example #2: Implementing a List of Strings; Extending WearableListView.Adapter…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
46710Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Average versus RMSTrue RMS Meters; Understanding AC Electricity; Chapter 5 Electrical Loads; Resistance; Series Resistance; Parallel Resistance; Series/Parallel Resistance; Reactance; Inductors; Capacitors; Impedance; Complex Impedance; Non-Linear Loads; Harmonics; Third-Order Harmonics; Triplens; Understanding Electrical Loads; Chapter 6 AC Power; Phase Angles; DC Power versus AC Power; Complex Power; Power Factor; The AC Power Formula; Consequences of Low Power Factor; Power Factor Correction; Three-Phase Power; Four-Wire Plus Ground Wye or Star Service; Three-Phase Power Calculations…”
Libro electrónico -
46711Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Environmental ImpactHumidity; Conductivity; Temperature; Model and simulation; Model Geometries; Stripline structures; Microstrip structures; Corner Models; Iterative corner model; Monte Carlo corner model; Ideal Assumptions: Homogeneous Impedance; Ideal Assumptions: Crosstalk Aggressors; Transmitters; IBIS Models; Spice Voltage Source Model; Linearity test; 3D Modeling; Ports/Terminals; Wave ports; Lumped ports; Model Analysis Settings; Discrete or interpolating solutions; Frequency range and step size; Port order; Normalize result to 50ohms; Plated-Through-Hole Via; Model Techniques…”
Libro electrónico -
46712Tabla de Contenidos: “…A Quick Comparison to AWS Summary; Chapter 2: Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform; Cloud Platform Building Blocks ; Projects; Regions, Zones, Resources, and Quotas ; The Developers Console; Permissions and Auth ; The Cloud SDK and the gcloud Tool ; APIs and Cloud Client Libraries ; Cloud Platform Products; Summary; Chapter 3: Using Google APIs; Auth Essentials; API Keys ; OAuth 2.0 ; OAuth 2.0 Application Authentication ; OAuth 2.0 User Authentication; 2-Legged OAuth 2.0 User Authentication ; Translate API ; Accessing Translate REST API…”
Libro electrónico -
46713Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…NumPy installationThe ParticleSystem class; A quick demonstration; Implementing steering behaviors; Seek and flee; Arrival; Pursuit and evade; Wander; Obstacle avoidance; Gravitation game; Basic game objects; Planets and pickups; Player and enemies; Explosions; The game layer; Summary; Chapter 5: Pygame and 3D; Installing packages; Getting started with OpenGL; Initializing the window; Drawing shapes; Running the demo; Refactoring our OpenGL program; Processing the user input; Adding the Pygame library; Pygame 101; Pygame integration; Drawing with OpenGL; The Cube class; Enabling face culling…”
Libro electrónico -
46714por Sharan, Kishori. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…; History of JavaFX; System Requirements; JavaFX Runtime Library; JavaFX Source Code; Your First JavaFX Application; Creating the HelloJavaFX Class; Overriding the start() Method; Showing the Stage; Launching the Application; Adding the main() Method; Adding a Scene to the Stage; Improving the HelloFX Application; Using the NetBeans IDE; Creating a New JavaFX Project; Opening an Existing JavaFX Project; Running a JavaFX Project from the NetBeans IDE; Passing Parameters to a JavaFX Application; Case 1; Case 2…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
46715Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating Costumes and Original SpritesUsing the Scratch Sprite Image Library; Editing an Existing Sprite; Creating Your Own Original Sprites; Animating a Crazy Monkey; Creating an Adventure Role-Playing Game; Creating Your Sprite and Stage; Setting the Start Position of the Adventurer Sprite; Creating Variables: Including Health Points for the Adventurer Sprite; Controlling the Direction and Movement of the Adventurer Sprite; Entering a Cave and Switching Backgrounds; Adding a Script to Make the Adventurer Sprite Move Between Backgrounds; Adding a Script to Switch the Stage…”
Libro electrónico -
46716Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tagging and categorising words -- Creating features from text data -- Stemming -- Bagging and random forests -- Testing our prepared data -- Further reading -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Feature Engineering Part II -- Introduction -- Creating a feature set -- Engineering features for ML applications -- Using rescaling techniques to improve the learnability of features -- Creating effective derived variables -- Reinterpreting non-numeric features -- Using feature selection techniques -- Performing feature selection -- Feature engineering in practice -- Acquiring data via RESTful APIs -- Testing the performance of our model -- Twitter -- Deriving and selecting variables using feature engineering techniques -- Further reading -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Ensemble Methods -- Introducing ensembles -- Understanding averaging ensembles -- Using bagging algorithms -- Using random forests -- Applying boosting methods -- Using XGBoost -- Using stacking ensembles -- Applying ensembles in practice -- Using models in dynamic applications -- Understanding model robustness -- Identifying modeling risk factors -- Strategies to managing model robustness -- Further reading -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Additional Python Machine Learning Tools -- Alternative development tools -- Introduction to Lasagne -- Getting to know Lasagne -- Introduction to TensorFlow -- Getting to know TensorFlow -- Using TensorFlow to iteratively improve our models -- Knowing when to use these libraries -- Further reading -- Summary -- Appendix: Chapter Code Requirements -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
46717Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover ; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; Acknowledgements; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction and First Steps - Take a Deep Breath; A proper introduction; Enter the Python; About Python; Portability; Coherence; Developer productivity; An extensive library; Software quality; Software integration; Satisfaction and enjoyment; What are the drawbacks?…”
Libro electrónico -
46718Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
46719Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating a build fileBuilding the artifact; Running the web application; Plugins to the rescue; References; Project dependencies; External libraries; The dynamic version; Transitive dependencies; Dependency configurations; Repositories; Summary; Chapter 4: Demystifying Build Scripts ; Groovy for Gradle build scripts; Why Groovy?…”
Libro electrónico -
46720Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Setting up JsTestDriver with IDERunning the tests; Running Jasmine specs; Code coverage; Summary; Chapter 6: Feature Detection; Understanding feature detection; Available methods and libraries; has.js; Writing custom tests; Modernizr; Downloading and setting up Modernizr; How it works; Using Modernizr; Polyfills; Loading polyfills; Supported browsers; Browser detection; User agent sniffing; Object detection; Features testing with Modernizr; CSS features; HTML5 features; Miscellaneous features; Plugins for additional tests; Modernizr methods; Modernizr.prefixed(); Modernizr.prefixedCSS()…”
Libro electrónico