Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 2,565
- Documentos 947
- Coleccion 938
- Parlamento britanico 937
- Development 767
- Application software 714
- Python (Computer program language) 668
- Bibliotecas 643
- Filosofía 622
- Biblia 561
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 540
- Crítica e interpretación 441
- History 413
- Història 392
- Computer Science 383
- Machine learning 383
- Computer programming 370
- Data processing 342
- Libre albedrío y determinismo 327
- Liberalism 305
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 300
- Colecciones 297
- Web site development 294
- Programming 274
- Ciencias sociales 269
- Java (Computer program language) 263
- Computer programs 259
- Design 257
- Library science 250
- Liberalismo 247
46421Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pauli 158 Arduino und die Open-Hardware-Revolution 162 OpenSPIM: Ein Hightech-Commons für Forschung und Lehre 165 Die Geschichte von LibreOffice 172 OpenCourseWare und Open Education 176 Vorreiter des freien Wissens: Public Library of Science 180 Commons in Filmen 184 Die Zeitbank von Helsinki 187 Neuer Wohlstand 191 WIR - Eine Währung, die den Tausch neu erfindet 196 Commoning in Katastrophenzeiten 200 Unser gemeinsamer Reichtum 204 Neues vom Bewährten 209 Commons für Buchstaben 213 »Remix the Commons« 220 Mit vereinten Kräften 223 Kreativ, innovativ, offen 229 Der offene Weg 232 Brüter neuer Ideen: Medialab-Prado 239 Eine Odyssee mit klarem Ziel 243 Warum Omni-Commons? …”
Libro electrónico -
46422Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Palmerín : construcción y contexto caballeresco / Aurelio González -- El episodio de la metamorfosis en el Palmerín de Olivia / Karla Xiomara Luna Mariscal -- De aguas maravillosas : la liquidez como prodigio en el Palmerín de Olivia / María Jose Rodilla León -- La fe del mundo es faltada : funcionamiento y límites del sistema profetico del Palmerín de Olivia / Penelope Cartelet -- Acordó de fazerse mudo e jamás fablar : Palmerín entre moros / Carlos Rubio Pacho -- Del Libro segundo del emperador Palmerín (Salamanca, 1512) a los tres libros del Primaleón (Venecia, 1534) / Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua -- La dualidad de la huerta en el Primaleón del hortus delicarium al Jardín de los suplicos / María del Rosario Aguilar Perdomo -- Caballeros contra jayanas : dos homenajes al ciclo palmeriniano / Claudia Dematte -- Morfología y sentido de la aventura maravillosa : las aventuras del espejo en Primaleón y Platir / Javier Roberto González -- Algunas consideraciones acerca de un posIble sustrato feerico en el ciclo de los Palmerines / Mónica Nasif -- Los palmerines italianos : una primera aproximación / Anna Bognolo -- Cuadro de la difusión europea del ciclo palermianiano, siglos XVI-XVII / Stefano Neri -- Dos estudios sobre la sintaxis de la prosa de arte de Amadis de Gaula : entrelazamiento sintático y sintaxis de tema y rema / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá -- Urganda, la otrora gran sabidora : evolución y refuncionalización / Axayácatl Campos García Rojas -- Rasgos narrativos de bucolismo en el episodio final de AmadIs de Grecia / Paola Encarnación Sandoval -- Madre e hijas en lso libros de caballerías / María Carmen Marín Pina -- No dejarás con vida a la hechicera : la imagen de la bruja y su influencia en algunos personajes femeninos de los libros de caballerías hispánicos / Paola Zamudio Topete -- El engaño del caballero y la concepción forzada e inconsciente : el caso de Lanzarote del Lago y Palmerín de Olivia / Daniel Gutierrez Trápaga -- El rey Arturo en El Baladro del sabrio Merlín / Rosalba Lendo Fuentes -- Jofre, el caballero que no conoce el miedo / Paola Garces -- La función de la aventura novelesca en la articulación del genero caballeresco breve / Lucila Lobato Osorio…”
Libro electrónico -
46423Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 8: Microsoft SharePoint Online (SPO) -- Technical requirements -- Using view list formatting -- Introduction to SharePoint list and library views -- What is list view formatting? -- How to use view formatting -- Using field list formatting -- How to use field list formatting -- Using standard web parts -- Ensuring that documents are organized -- Using tags for files -- SharePoint alerts -- Creating lists from Excel sheets -- Using calculated fields -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Working Together with Microsoft Teams -- Technical requirements -- Sending emails directly to a channel…”
Libro electrónico -
46424Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter Frontcover Reihe "Berufsbildung, Arbeit und Innovation" Impressum Förderseite wbv Open-Library 2022 Inhalt Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abstract 1 Problemstellung und Forschungsinteresse 1.1 Methodisches Vorgehen 1.2 Disposition und Struktur der Arbeit 2 Digitale Transformation und ihre Auswirkungen 2.1 Digitalisierung versus Digitale Transformation 2.2 Veränderung von Arbeit und Gesellschaft durch digitale Transformation 2.2.1 Digitaler Wandel des Arbeitsmarkts und Thesenkonjunktur Polarisierungsthese: Zunahme von höher und niedrig qualifizierten Tätigkeiten Höherqualifizierungsthese: Streben nach höherem Bildungsgrad Annäherung und Dequalifizierung: noch selten auftretende Phänomene 2.2.2 Veränderte Kompetenzanforderungen an künftige Arbeitskräfte 2.3 Bildungssektor im digitalen Wandel 2.3.1 Tertiärbildung in Österreich 2.3.2 Universitäten und die digitale Transformation Auftrag und Selbstverständnis der Universität im Wandel Ansprüche an die Universitäten im digitalen Wandel 3 Curriculumsentwicklung im Rahmen der Hochschulforschung 3.1 Hochschuldidaktik als Teilbereich der Hochschulforschung 3.2 Curriculumsentwicklung als Teilbereich der Hochschuldidaktik 3.2.1 Begriffsabgrenzung hochschulischer Curricula 3.2.2 Curriculare Ansätze und Prinzipien der Curriculumsentwicklung 3.2.3 Curriculumsentwicklungsprozess an österreichischen Universitäten 3.2.4 Herausforderungen im Zuge der Curriculumsentwicklung 4 Empirisches Forschungsdesign der Hybrid-Delphi-Studie 4.1 Delphi-Studie zur inhaltlichen Ausgestaltung von wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und wirtschaftspädagogischen Curricula 4.2 Dokumentenanalyse ausgewählter Curricula 4.2.1 Curriculare Verankerung von Bildungsinhalten zur digitalen Transformation 4.2.2 Anforderungen an die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung von Lehre 4.3 Qualitative Expert/inn/eninterviews zur digitalen Transformation des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und wirtschaftspädagogischen Berufsfelds 4.3.1 Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse methodisches Vorgehen 4.3.2 Ergebnisse und weiterführende Überlegungen 4.4 Delphi-Studie Digi-ICE 4.4.1 Präzisierung des zu bearbeitenden Sachverhalts anhand der Facettentheorie 4.4.2 Auswahl der Expert/inn/en 4.4.3 Konzeption und Durchführung der Delphi-Studie 4.4.4 Überlegungen zur Datenaufbereitung, -auswertung und Ergebnisdarstellung 5 Darstellung und Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Delphi-Studie 5.1 Studienbeteiligung und Paneleigenschaften 5.2 Digitale Transformation und ihre Auswirkungen 5.3 Universität als Organisation 5.4 Curriculumsentwicklung in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften und in der Wirtschaftspädagogik…”
Libro electrónico -
46425Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Supporting screen readers -- Summary -- Chapter 6: API Data Access -- Creating an API with Microsoft's Azure App Service -- Browsing and adding data -- Creating a base HTTP service -- Creating an API data service -- Updating the TripLog app ViewModels -- Offline data caching -- Adding the Akavache library -- Maintaining an offline data cache -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Authentication -- Adding identity and authentication to Azure Mobile Apps -- Setting up permissions -- Setting up an identity provider -- Creating an authentication service -- Adding a sign in page -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Testing -- Unit testing -- Testing ViewModels -- Running unit tests in Visual Studio -- Summary -- Chapter 9: App Monitoring -- Mobile app analytics and crash reporting -- Visual Studio App Center -- Setting up Visual Studio App Center -- Creating an analytics service -- Tracking exceptions and events -- Summary -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
46426Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Automatical face beautification based on near-infrared imageLearning semantic correlations of images and text by automatic image annotation; Chinese character recognition based on 8-direction feature extraction; Visual tracking via discriminative random ferns; Classifying collaborative behavior in the form of behavioral stereotypes in collaborative mobile applications; DOA estimation of array radar via compressive sampling and matrix completion; An improved non-linear ARED algorithm based on queue length; Frontier approach research on the detection of early breast tumor…”
Libro electrónico -
46427Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
46428Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Exploring the toolbar -- Preparing Microsoft Power BI -- Building the Power BI report -- Visualizing the data in Power BI -- Publishing and sharing your final report -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Getting Started with Autodesk Dynamo and Data Gathering -- Technical requirements -- Understanding visual programming -- Introducing Autodesk Dynamo BIM for Revit -- Understanding the Dynamo UI and its basic components -- Menus -- The upper-right corner -- Library -- Execution bar -- Nodes -- Node states -- Types of data -- Setting up the environment -- Exporting data from Revit -- Updating data in Excel…”
Libro electrónico -
46429Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Files and More -- Reading Files -- read -- mapfile -- Brute Force -- Fiddling with IFS for Fun and Profit, to Read Files -- Pretend Files -- Drop-in Directories -- Using a Library -- Shebang! -- Unofficial bash Strict Mode -- Exit Codes -- It's a Trap! …”
Libro electrónico -
46430Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Customizing the details view -- Using the Media Library -- Media types in API responses -- Summary -- Section 2: Diving Deeper into Strapi -- Chapter 5: Customizing Our API -- The routes -- where it all starts -- The default routes -- Disabling a core route -- Adding a new route -- Handling routes with controllers -- Adding a new controller handler for our endpoint -- Controllers -- it's all about context -- Reusing logic with Strapi services -- Communicating with the database using the Entity Service API -- Returning a unified response -- Populating relationships…”
Libro electrónico -
46431por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…ADS Performance from the Safety and Reliability PerspectiveImpact of the LANSCE Accelerator Beam Trips on Pilot MoltenLead-bismuth Target Design; Availability and Reliability of the TRISPAL Project Accelerator and their Incidence on Target Operation; Structural Activation, Energy Deposition and Shielding CalculationsDue to Proton Beam Loss in a High Power Proton Linear Accelerator; Radiological Burden Associated with Accelerator-driven Core; Session VI Benchmarks; The Tasks of Benchmark Type Related to Molten Lead-bismuth TargetDesign Substantiation and Preliminary Results of Their Solution…”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
46432por European Conference of Ministers of Transport.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bartulis -- Mrs. E. Libraire -- Mrs. T. Bernacer -- Project "Personal Communication" Addressing Students in Schools of Further Education by Mr. …”
Publicado 1999
Libro electrónico -
46433por Yorke, IvorTabla de Contenidos: “…Television styleBroadcast language; Reader on camera; Adding illustration; The digital frame-store; Stacking and cropping; Storage and retrieval; Making the choice; Writing to still pictures or insets; Composites and split screens; Electronic graphics; The artist and the writer; Pictures with tape sound; Widescreen transmission; 6 Words and images; Perspective: the history of the lightweight revolution; Introducing colour; The rise of ENG - electronic news-gathering; How ENG works; Picture editing; Shot-listing and the script; Non-linear editing; 7 Writing to pictures…”
Publicado 2000
Libro electrónico -
46434Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 2: Let's Help Machines LearnUnderstanding machine learning; Algorithms in machine learning; Perceptron; Families of algorithms; Supervised learning algorithms; Linear regression; K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN); Unsupervised learning algorithms; Apriori algorithm; K-Means; Summary; Chapter 3: Predicting Customer Shopping Trends with Market Basket Analysis; Detecting and predicting trends; Market basket analysis; What does market basket analysis actually mean?…”
Libro electrónico -
46435Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Installing jQueryExplaining the code; Going deeper; The load() method; The keyup() and keydown() methods; The change() method; The blur() and focus() methods; The resize() method; The scroll() method; Summary; Chapter 7: Introducing the Canvas; Implementing canvas; Adding JavaScript; Drawing a rectangle; Drawing a line; A quick exercise; Drawing a circle; Draw linear gradient; A quick exercise; Let's make a clock!…”
Libro electrónico -
46436Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Weiterführendes Material; Kapitel 3 - Daten visualisieren; matplotlib; Balkendiagramme; Liniendiagramme; Scatterplots; Weiterführendes Material; Kapitel 4 - Lineare Algebra; Vektoren; Matrizen; Weiterführendes Material; Kapitel 5 - Statistik…”
Libro electrónico -
46437Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Copyright -- Credits -- About the Author -- About the Reviewer -- -- Customer Feedback -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Configuring the ESP8266 -- Introduction -- Setting up the Arduino development environment for the ESP8266 -- Choosing an ESP8266 board -- Required additional components -- Uploading your first sketch to the ESP8266 -- Connecting the ESP8266 to your local Wi-Fi network -- Connecting the ESP8266 to a cloud server -- Troubleshooting basic ESP8266 issues -- Chapter 2: Your First ESP8266 Projects -- Introduction -- Functionalities of the ESP8266 -- Reading digital signals -- Reading analog signals -- Controlling an LED -- Dimming an LED -- Controlling a servo motor -- Measuring data from a digital sensor -- Controlling an OLED screen -- Troubleshooting basic ESP8266 issues -- Chapter 3: More ESP8266 Functions -- Introduction -- Discovering the advanced functions of the ESP8266 -- Using libraries on the ESP8266 -- Discovering the filesystem of the ESP8266 -- Storing data in the ESP8266 filesystem -- Discovering the over the air update of the ESP8266 (OTA) -- Programming your ESP8266 OTA -- Troubleshooting basic ESP8266 issues -- Chapter 4: Using MicroPython on the ESP8266 -- Introduction -- Introduction to MicroPython on the ESP8266 -- Discovering the MicroPython language -- Getting started with MicroPython on the ESP8266 -- Controlling pins using MicroPython -- Reading data from a sensor using MicroPython -- Sending data to the cloud using MicroPython -- Troubleshooting usual MicroPython issues -- Chapter 5: Cloud Data Monitoring -- Introduction -- Internet of Things platforms for the ESP8266 -- Connecting sensors to your ESP8266 board -- Posting the sensor data online -- Retrieving your online data -- Securing your online data -- Monitoring sensor data from a cloud dashboard…”
Libro electrónico -
46438Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction; Defining the Problem; OTP; Erlang; Tools and Libraries; System Design Principles; Erlang Nodes; Distribution, Infrastructure, and Multicore; Summing Up; What You'll Learn in This Book; Chapter 2. …”
Libro electrónico -
46439Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating Kinesis stream producersCreating Kinesis stream consumers; Generating and consuming crime alerts; Summary; Chapter 6: Getting Acquainted with Spark; An overview of Spark; Batch data processing; Real-time data processing; Apache Spark - a one-stop solution; When to use Spark - practical use cases; The architecture of Spark; High-level architecture; Spark extensions/libraries; Spark packaging structure and core APIs; The Spark execution model - master-worker view; Resilient distributed datasets (RDD); RDD - by definition; Fault tolerance; Storage; Persistence; Shuffling…”
Libro electrónico -
46440por Harder, Jennifer. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 35: Working with Templates, Library Items and the Assets Panel -- Chapter 36: Working with Videos, Audio and Animations -- Chapter 37: What other ways and I apply Graphics or Images in Dreamweaver to my Website? …”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico