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  1. 45921
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Copyright and Credits -- Packt Upsell -- Foreword -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Getting Started -- Understanding deep learning -- Perceptron -- Activation functions -- Sigmoid -- The hyperbolic tangent function -- The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) -- Artificial neural network (ANN) -- One-hot encoding -- Softmax -- Cross-entropy -- Dropout -- Batch normalization -- L1 and L2 regularization -- Training neural networks -- Backpropagation -- Gradient descent -- Stochastic gradient descent -- Playing with TensorFlow playground -- Convolutional neural network -- Kernel -- Max pooling -- Recurrent neural networks (RNN) -- Long short-term memory (LSTM) -- Deep learning for computer vision -- Classification -- Detection or localization and segmentation -- Similarity learning -- Image captioning -- Generative models -- Video analysis -- Development environment setup -- Hardware and Operating Systems - OS -- General Purpose - Graphics Processing Unit (GP-GPU) -- Computer Unified Device Architecture - CUDA -- CUDA Deep Neural Network - CUDNN -- Installing software packages -- Python -- Open Computer Vision - OpenCV -- The TensorFlow library -- Installing TensorFlow -- TensorFlow example to print Hello, TensorFlow -- TensorFlow example for adding two numbers -- TensorBoard -- The TensorFlow Serving tool -- The Keras library -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Image Classification -- Training the MNIST model in TensorFlow -- The MNIST datasets -- Loading the MNIST data -- Building a perceptron -- Defining placeholders for input data and targets -- Defining the variables for a fully connected layer -- Training the model with data -- Building a multilayer convolutional network -- Utilizing TensorBoard in deep learning -- Training the MNIST model in Keras -- Preparing the dataset -- Building the model…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 45922
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Arbitrariness of Law -- The Disputed Awards -- The Review of Awards by the Courts -- Bureaucracy and Judiciary: the Extra Costs Offair Compensation -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 4: Development-Induced Population Displacement -- Introduction -- Prevailing Ethical Concerns in Development-Induced Displacement -- Shortfalls in Meeting Concerns -- Application to DID -- Ethical Standards and Limits for DID -- Three Cases -- Case 1: Navi Mumbai -- Ethical Guidelines for DID and CIDCO's Rehabilitation Efforts -- Case 2: Bangalore -- Case 3: Anandgarh -- Land Acquisition -- Rehabilitation Policy -- Reasons for Opposition to the Project -- Effect of People's Opposition -- Points to Ponder -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 5: Forced Migration and Coal Mining -- Introduction -- Migration Versus Forced Migration -- Causes of Forced Migration or Displacement -- Forced Displacement: Conceptual Analysis -- Consequences of Forced Displacement -- Forced Migration Caused by Coal Mining Sector in India -- Coal in India: A Glance -- R&R Policy of Coal India: A Critique -- Some Illustrative Field Studies -- Field Study-1 -- Field Study-2 -- Field Study-3 -- Field Study-4 -- Field Study-5 -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6: Economic Libralization, the State, and Resettlement and Rehabilitation -- Introduction -- Liberalization and Land -- Land Market -- Eminent Domain -- Impact of Liberalization on Land Acquisition -- The State and Welfare of the Displaced -- The Market and the have-Nots -- Land Acquisition Model of R&R -- Property Rights and Encroachers -- Curtailment of R&R Cost -- Inflating the Cost of R&R -- Rhetoric or Reality -- People's Resistance and Cost Escalation -- Human Rights Movement -- International NGOs -- Countering the Negative Impact of Liberalization -- Hollow Packages -- Unsatisfactory Outcomes -- Alternative Perspectives…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 45923
  4. 45924
  5. 45925
  6. 45926
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 6 - OpenMP Runtime -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Offloading Library Design -- 6.3 Tasking Runtime -- 6.3.1 Task Dependency Management -- 6.4 Experimental Results -- 6.4.1 Offloading Library -- 6.4.2 Tasking Runtime -- Applications with a linear generation pattern -- Applications with a recursive generation pattern -- Applications with mixed patterns -- Impact of cutoff on LINEAR and RECURSIVE applications -- Real applications -- 6.4.3 Evaluation of the Task Dependency Mechanism -- Performance speedup and memory usage -- The task dependency mechanism on the MPPA -- 6.5 Summary -- References -- Chapter 7 - Embedded Operating Systems -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 State of The Art -- 7.2.1 Real-time Support in Linux -- Hard real-time support -- Latency reduction -- Real-time CPU scheduling -- 7.2.2 Survey of Existing Embedded RTOSs -- 7.2.3 Classification of Embedded RTOSs -- 7.3 Requirements for The Choice of The Run Time System -- 7.3.1 Programming Model -- 7.3.2 Preemption Support -- 7.3.3 Migration Support -- 7.3.4 Scheduling Characteristics -- 7.3.5 Timing Analysis -- 7.4 RTOS Selection -- 7.4.1 Host Processor -- 7.4.2 Manycore Processor -- 7.5 Operating System Support -- 7.5.1 Linux -- 7.5.2 ERIKA Enterprise Support -- Exokernel support -- Single-ELF multicore ERIKA Enterprise -- Support for limited preemption, job, and global scheduling -- New ERIKA Enterprise primitives -- New data structures -- Dynamic task creation -- IRQ handlers as tasks -- File hierarchy -- Early performance estimation -- 7.6 Summary -- References -- Index -- About the Editors -- Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 45927
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Veiller à ce que le cadre d'action et réglementaire soit stable et propice à l'investissement -- Moderniser la réglementation -- Aligner les politiques et les réglementations au service de l'amélioration de la durabilité -- Se servir de la politique agricole pour améliorer les performances à long terme du secteur -- Améliorer la cohérence des politiques -- Élaborer des plans stratégiques approfondis intégrant l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur -- Réduire au minimum les incohérences entre les politiques -- Cibler les interventions sur les enjeux -- Renforcer la pertinence et l'impact des examens par pays -- Notes -- Références -- Chapitre 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 45928
    por Dammert, Lucía
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Autoritarismo, desconfianza e inseguridad en el discurso ciudadano4. Inseguridad en el hablar ciudadano; Capítulo 6; 1. La situación regional; 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 45929
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Knowledge Management, E-Learning, and the Role of the Academic Library; Chapter 16. Knowledge Management and Continuity of Operations: E-Learning as a Strategy in Disaster Prevention and Emergency Management…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 45930
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Solange Tenorio -- Significancias de las personas con discapacidad respecto de los procesos desarrollados en centros de capacitación laboaral / Mg. Claudia Suzarte Sánchez -- Percepción de hombres y mujeres en situación de discapacidad intelecual, egresados del Diploma de Habilidades Laborales UNAB, sede Concecpción, respecto de los facilitadores y obstacuilzadores en el proceso de inclusón laboral / Mg. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 45931
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…El concEpto dE milagro; 29. la mEsa dEl billar; 30. la ciEncia dE la publicidad; 31. El único miEdo; 32. lo oculto; 33. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 45932
    Publicado 2022
    Libro electrónico
  13. 45933
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Infraestrucctura e Paisagem Infrastrutura é Paisagem = Infraestructura y Paisaje Infraestructura es Paisaje / João Ferreira Nunes, p.22; Um estilo sustentável = Un estilo sostenible / Anna Bulanda-Jansen, p.38; Silo Automóvel = Edificio de Aparcamientos / João Appleton, Isabel Domingos | Appleton e Domingos Arquitectos, p.44; Ojalá Awareness Club = Ojalá Awareness Club / Andrés Jaque, p.58; Recuperação dos terraços do Rey Chico = Recuperación de las terrazas del Rey Chico / António Tejedor Cabrera, Mercedes Linares Gomez Del Pulgar & Pedro Lobato Vida, p.68; Lipor-Central de valorização orgânica = Lipor-Central de valorización orgánica / Carlos Prata, p.78; Parque Temático da Madeira = Parque Temático de Madeira / Duarte Caldeira e Silva, p.96; Eco Parque = Eco Parque / Gonzalo Arias Recalde, p.108; Centro de visitantes das Grutas das Torres = Centro de Visitantes de las Grutas de las Torres / Inês Vieira da Silva & Miguel Vieira | SAMI Aquitectos, p.126; Parque Linear de Ourém / João Ferreira Nunes | Proap, p.142; Centro de Controlo Operativo = Centro de Controp Operativo / João Luis Carrilho da Graça, Flávio Barbini & Maria João Silva Barbini, p.158; Restaurante do Parque Urbano de Beja = Restaurante del Parque Urbano de Beja / João Santa-Rita | Santa-Rita Arquitectos, p.176; Parque de Alborán, El Toyo = / José Luís Daroca Bruño & Pilar Mencia Gutierrez, p.192; Centro Interpretativo das Ruinas de Torre de Palma = Centro de Interpretación de las Ruinas de la Torre de Palmas / Victor Mestre & Sofia Aleixo, p.202…”
  14. 45934
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…An introduction to restriktor: evaluating informative hypotheses for linear models (VanbrabantandRosseel) 12. Testing replication with small samples: applications to ANOVA(Zondervan-Zwijnenburgand Rijshouwer) 13. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 45935
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: a new scenario for the complexity-stability relation -- Simulation of Gross Domestic Product in International Trade Networks: Linear Gravity Transportation Model -- Analysis of Network Robustness for a Japanese Business Relation Network by Percolation Simulation.- Detectability threshold of the spectral method for graph partitioning.- Spread of Infectious Diseases with a Latent Period.…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 45936
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fighting Fire with Fire in Cancer -- 4. Linear Polyubiquitination: a Crucial Regulator of NF-kB Activation -- 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 45937
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Imaging and Data Mining -- Ranking as Function Approximation -- Two Algorithms for Approximation in Highly Complicated Planar Domains -- Computational Intelligence in Clustering Algorithms, With Applications -- Energy-Based Image Simplification with Nonlocal Data and Smoothness Terms -- Multiscale Voice Morphing Using Radial Basis Function Analysis -- Associating Families of Curves Using Feature Extraction and Cluster Analysis -- Numerical Simulation -- Particle Flow Simulation by Using Polyharmonic Splines -- Enhancing SPH using Moving Least-Squares and Radial Basis Functions -- Stepwise Calculation of the Basin of Attractionin Dynamical Systems Using Radial Basis Functions -- Integro-Differential Equation Models and Numerical Methods for Cell Motility and Alignment -- Spectral Galerkin Method Applied to Some Problems in Elasticity -- Statistical Approximation Methods -- Bayesian Field Theory Applied to Scattered Data Interpolation and Inverse Problems -- Algorithms for Structured Gauss-Markov Regression -- Uncertainty Evaluation in Reservoir Forecasting by Bayes Linear Methodology -- Data Fitting and Modelling -- Integral Interpolation -- Shape Control in Powell-Sabin Quasi-Interpolation -- Approximation with Asymptotic Polynomials -- Spline Approximation Using Knot Density Functions -- Neutral Data Fitting by Lines and Planes -- Approximation on an Infinite Range to Ordinary Differential Equations Solutions by a Function of a Radial Basis function -- Weighted Integrals of Polynomial Splines -- Differential and Integral Equations -- On Sequential Estimators for Affine Stochastic Delay Differential Equations -- Scalar Periodic Complex Delay Differential Equations: Small Solutions and their Detection -- Using Approximations to Lyapunov Exponents to Predict Changes in Dynamical Behaviour in Numerical Solutions to Stochastic Delay Differential Equations -- Superconvergence of Quadratic Spline Collocation for Volterra Integral Equations -- Special Functions and Approximation on Manifolds -- Asymptotic Approximations to Truncation Errors of Series Representations for Special Functions -- Strictly Positive Definite Functions on Generalized Motion Groups -- Energy Estimates and the Weyl Criterion on Compact Homogeneous Manifolds -- Minimal Discrete Energy Problems and Numerical Integration on Compact Sets in Euclidean Spaces -- Numerical Quadrature of Highly Oscillatory Integrals Using Derivatives…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 45938
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Complex Effects in Large Eddy Simulations -- On the Relation between Subgrid-Scale Modeling and Numerical Discretization in Large-Eddy Simulation -- Space-Time Error Representation and Estimation in Navier-Stokes Calculations -- Multiresolution Particle Methods -- LES Computation of Lagrangian Statistics in Homogeneous Stationary Turbulence; Application of Universalities under Scaling Symmetry at Sub-Grid Scales -- Anisotropic Subgrid-Scale Modelling: Comparison of LES with High Resolution DNS and Statistical Theory for Rapidly Rotating Turbulence -- On the Investigation of a Dynamic Nonlinear Subgrid-Scale Model -- Three Problems in the Large-Eddy Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows -- Filtering the Wall as a Solution to the Wall-Modeling Problem -- ANear-Wall Eddy-Viscosity Formulation for LES -- Investigation of Multiscale Subgrid Models for LES of Instabilities and Turbulence in Wake Vortex Systems -- Numerical Determination of the Scaling Exponent of the Modeled Subgrid Stresses for Eddy Viscosity Models -- A Posteriori Study on Modelling and Numerical Error in LES Applying the Smagorinsky Model -- Passive Scalar and Dissipation Simulations with the Linear Eddy Model -- Lattice-Boltzmann LES of Vortex Shedding in the Wake of a Square Cylinder -- LES on Cartesian Grids with Anisotropic Refinement -- Towards Time-Stable and Accurate LES on Unstructured Grids -- A Low-Numerical Dissipation, Patch-Based Adaptive-Mesh-Refinement Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Compressible Flows -- Large-Eddy Simulation of Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability -- LES of Variable Density Bifurcating Jets -- Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow around a Multi-Perforated Plate -- Simulation of Separation from Curved Surfaces with Combined LES and RANS Schemes -- Highly Parallel Large Eddy Simulations of Multiburner Configurations in Industrial Gas Turbines -- Response of a Swirled Non-Premixed Burner to Fuel Flow Rate Modulation -- Investigation of Subgrid Scale Wrinkling Models and Their Impact on the Artificially Thickened Flame Model in Large Eddy Simulations -- Analysis of Premixed Turbulent Spherical Flame Kernels -- Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Ethylene/Air Diffusion Flame -- Energy Fluxes and Shell-to-Shell Transfers in MHD Turbulence…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 45939
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Digital Ubuntu: Sharing Township Music with the World / Alexandrina Agloro -- Text Analysis for Thought in the Black Atlantic / Sayan Bhattacharyya -- Austin Clarke's Digital Crossings / Paul Barrett -- Radical Collaboration to Improve Library Collections / Hélène Huet, Suzan Alteri, and Laurie N. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 45940
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Remove Unnecessary Sections -- Linearize the Layout -- Printer Styling -- Adopt CSS Columns -- Use Borders Instead of Background Colors -- Remove or Invert Images -- Add Supplementary Content -- Page Breaks -- Printing Pains…”
    Libro electrónico