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  1. 45521
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Summary -- Chapter 5: Spark for Geographic Analysis -- GDELT and oil -- GDELT events -- GDELT GKG -- Formulating a plan of action -- GeoMesa -- Installing -- GDELT Ingest -- GeoMesa Ingest -- MapReduce to Spark -- Geohash -- GeoServer -- Map layers -- CQL -- Gauging oil prices -- Using the GeoMesa query API -- Data preparation -- Machine learning -- Naive Bayes -- Results -- Analysis -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Scraping Link-Based External Data -- Building a web scale news scanner -- Accessing the web content -- The Goose library…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 45522
    por Gambuzzi, Edgardo Martin
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….); Las áreas naturales protegidas; Las organizaciones ecologistas; La evaluación de impacto ambiental; Riesgos y catástrofes naturales; Los cambios en los sistemas naturales; ¿Qué son los riesgos naturales?; Hablar de desastres es hablar de problemas sociales; Las causas de los desastres naturales; Las catástrofes naturales no afectan a la sociedad; La vulnerabilidad social…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 45523
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ausencia de acción y "actiones liberae in causa"; 3.3. Tipicidad: estructura del tipo y sus clases. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 45524
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Stepchenkov; 3.3 From the 1970s to the Present; Chapter 4: Applications of Bent Functions; Introduction; 4.1 Cryptography: Linear Cryptanalysis and Boolean Functions; 4.2 Cryptography: One Historical Example; 4.3 Cryptography: Bent Functions in CAST; 4.4 Cryptography: Bent Functions in Grain; 4.5 Cryptography: Bent Functions in HAVAL…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 45525
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  6. 45526
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Characteristics of Time Series -- Time Series and Forecasting - Past and Present -- Demography -- Genetics -- Astronomy -- Economics -- Meteorology -- Medicine -- Applied Statistics -- Python for Time Series -- Installing libraries -- Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab -- NumPy -- pandas -- Best practice in Python -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Time-Series Analysis with Python -- What is time series analysis? …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 45527
    por Atkinson, Brandon. author
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 3: Content Editor and Script Editor Web PartsContent Editor Web Part; Script Editor Web Part; Putting Them Together with the REST API; Demo List; jQuery, AJAX, and REST API; Wiring It All Up; Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution; Summary; Chapter 4: Building Custom Web Parts Using HTML and JavaScript; The Etherson Method; Document Library; Folders; HTML, JavaScript, and CSS; Content Editor Web Part; Working with List Data; Rolling Changes Back with Versioning; Debugging with Firebug (Developer Tools); Summary; Chapter 5: Using JSLink to Style List Web Parts; JSLink and a Simple Example…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 45528
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Step 8: Work Around flotr2 "Bugs"Adding Magnitudes to X/Y Data with a Bubble Chart; Step 1: Define the Data; Step 2: Create a Background for the Chart; Step 3: Plot the Data; Step 4: Add the Background; Step 5: Color the Bubbles; Step 6: Adjust the Legend Styles; Step 7: Work Around flotr2 "Bugs"; Displaying Multidimensional Data with a Radar Chart; Step 1: Define the Data; Step 2: Create the Chart; Step 3: Work Around flotr2 "Bugs"; Summing Up; Chapter 2: Making Charts Interactive; Selecting Chart Content; Step 1: Include the Required JavaScript Libraries…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 45529
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Bibliotecas y humanidades digitales. Libraries deliver: Ambition for public libraries in England 2016-2021C. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 45530
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Position of the problem; 4.2. Linear estimation; 4.3. Best estimate - conditional expectation; 4.4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 45531
    por Langworth, Ian
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; What about...; Writing a Testing Library; How do I do that?; What just happened?; What about...; Testing a Testing Library; How do I do that?…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 45532
    por Ferracchiati, Fabio Claudio
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Picking a Photo from Your Media Library7-3. Using Media Player to Shuffle Songs in Your Media Library; 7-4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 45533
    por McFedries, Paul
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Send an E-Mail MessageAdd Someone to Your Contacts; Create a Contact Category; Select a Contact Address; Add a File Attachment; Add a Signature; Receive and Read E-Mail Messages; Reply to a Message; Forward a Message; Open and Save an Attachment; Create a Folder for Saving Messages; Create Rules to Filter Incoming Messages; Switch to Calendar; Navigate the Calendar; Display a Different Date; Create an Event; Add a Calendar; Chapter 7: Working with Images; Open the Pictures Library; Preview an Image; View Your Images; Scan an Image; Import Images from a Digital Camera; Repair a Digital Image…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 45534
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR04) -- LCD display (TM1637) -- Summary -- Chapter 4: PWM - Buzzers, Servos, and Analog Output -- Technical requirements -- PWM overview -- Piezo buzzers -- Servos -- Using the servo driver -- Tweaking the servo configuration -- PWM as analog output -- Summary -- Chapter 5: I2C - Communicating with Other Circuits -- Technical requirements -- Overview of I2C -- Addressing circuits -- Revisiting Rainbow HAT components -- Alphanumeric display (Ht16k33) -- Temperature and pressure sensor (Bmx280) -- Extension components -- Analog to digital converter (ADC) - PCF8591 -- Analog sensors -- PWM expander - PCA9685 -- GPIO expander - PCF8575 -- Small displays -- Other I2C sensors -- Accelerometer/gyroscope - MPU6050 -- Summary -- Chapter 6: SPI - Faster Bidirectional Communication -- Technical requirements -- Overview of SPI -- LED strip -- Usage on displays -- LED matrix -- SPI version of SSD1306 -- Summary -- Chapter 7: The Real Power of Android Things -- Technical requirements -- Using Android UI -- Companion apps and communication -- REST API using NanoHttpd/Retrofit -- Firebase Realtime Database -- Nearby -- Advertising and discovering -- Initiating and confirming connections -- Sending and receiving data -- More cool stuff -- TensorFlow - image classifier -- Publish subscribe buses -- Google Assistant - Home control -- Online resources -- Summary -- Appendix A: Pinouts diagrams and libraries -- Raspberry Pi Pinout -- NXP iMX7D Pinout -- Supported and unsupported libraries -- Unsupported features -- Common intents and content providers -- Available Google APIs -- Unavailable Google APIs -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 45535
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sphere-to-AABB -- Sphere-to-OBB -- Sphere-to-plane -- AABB-to-AABB -- AABB-to-OBB -- AABB-to-plane -- OBB-to-OBB -- OBB-to-plane -- Plane-to-plane -- Chapter 10: 3D Line Intersections -- Introduction -- Raycast Sphere -- Raycast Axis Aligned Bounding Box -- Raycast Oriented Bounding Box -- Raycast plane -- Linetest Sphere -- Linetest Axis Aligned Bounding Box -- Linetest Oriented Bounding Box -- Linetest Plane -- Chapter 11: Triangles and Meshes -- Introduction -- Point in triangle -- Closest point triangle -- Triangle to sphere -- Triangle to Axis Aligned Bounding Box -- Triangle to Oriented Bounding Box -- Triangle to plane -- Triangle to triangle -- Robustness of the Separating Axis Theorem -- Raycast Triangle -- Linetest Triangle -- Mesh object -- Mesh optimization -- Mesh operations -- Chapter 12: Models and Scenes -- Introduction -- The Model object -- Operations on models -- The Scene object -- Operations on the scene -- The Octree object -- Octree contents -- Operations on the Octree -- Octree scene integration -- Chapter 13: Camera and Frustum -- Introduction -- Camera object -- Camera controls -- Frustum object -- Frustum from matrix -- Sphere in frustum -- Bounding Box in frustum -- Octree culling -- Picking -- Chapter 14: Constraint Solving -- Introduction -- Framework introduction -- Raycast sphere -- Raycast Bounding Box -- Raycast plane and triangle -- Physics system -- Integrating particles -- Solving constraints -- Verlet Integration -- Chapter 15: Manifolds and Impulses -- Introduction -- Manifold for spheres -- Manifold for boxes -- Rigidbody Modifications -- Linear Velocity -- Linear Impulse -- Physics System Update -- Angular Velocity -- Angular Impulse -- Chapter 16: Springs and Joints -- Introduction -- Particle Modifications -- Springs -- Cloth -- Physics System Modification -- Joints -- Appendix: Advanced Topics…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 45536
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Asset Tracking -- 7.3. UVW Map -- 8. Libraries -- 8.1. VRayMtl Presets -- 8.2. V-Ray Material Library -- 8.3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 45537
    por Robinson, John A.
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.8 User-centred design2.9 The craft of program construction; 2.10 Programmers' programming; 2.11 Living with ambiguity; 2.12 Summary; 2.13 Chapter end material; Bibliography; 3 The craft of software design; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Collaboration and imitation; 3.3 Finishing; 3.4 Tool building; 3.5 Logbooks; 3.6 The personal library; 3.7 Chapter end material; Bibliography; 4 Beginning programming in C++; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The programming environment; 4.3 Program shape, output, and the basic types; 4.4 Variables and their types; 4.5 Conditionals and compound statements; 4.6 Loops…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 45538
    por Vaander Veer, E. A.
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Color Mixer Panel/Color Swatches Panel; 1.4.7. Common Libraries; 1.4.8. Components Panel/Component Inspector Panel; 1.4.9. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 45539
    por Pioro, Micha
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Network Design Problem Modeling; 4.1 Basic Uncapacitated and Capacitated Design Problems; 4.2 Routing Restrictions; 4.3 Non-Linear Link Dimensioning, Cost, and Delay Functions; 4.4 Budget Constraint; 4.5 Incremental NDPS; 4.6 Extensions of Problem Modeling…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 45540
    por Shabana, Ahmed A., 1951-
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Computational Dynamics; CONTENTS; PREFACE; 1 INTRODUCTION; 1.1 Computational Dynamics; 1.2 Motion and Constraints; 1.3 Degrees of Freedom; 1.4 Kinematic Analysis; 1.5 Force Analysis; 1.6 Dynamic Equations and Their Different Forms; 1.7 Forward and Inverse Dynamics; 1.8 Planar and Spatial Dynamics; 1.9 Computer and Numerical Methods; 1.10 Organization, Scope, and Notations of the Book; 2 LINEAR ALGEBRA; 2.1 Matrices; 2.2 Matrix Operations; 2.3 Vectors; 2.4 Three-Dimensional Vectors; 2.5 Solution of Algebraic Equations; 2.6 Triangular Factorization; *2.7 QR Decomposition…”
    Libro electrónico