Mostrando 45,501 - 45,520 Resultados de 53,357 Para Buscar 'Liblar~', tiempo de consulta: 1.54s Limitar resultados
  1. 45501
    por Hausladen, Gerhard
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conversion of city and university library (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) / Frankfurt am Main Building Department (Helmut Sachwitz, Stefanie Rook, Harald Leisinger). …”
  2. 45502
    por Turchi, Adeodato, 1724-1803
    Publicado 1797
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contiene: Carta pastoral predicada al pueblo y clero de Parma; Homilia sobre el amor de Dios y del proximo; Homilia sobre la Asuncion de Maria Santisima; Homilia sobre el culto exterior recitada en el dia de la Asuncion de la Virgen Maria, año de M.DCC.XC; Homilia sobre el cotejo de la filosofia del evangelio con la del siglo; Homilia sobre los consejos evangelicos; Homilia sobre la lectura de los libros prohibidos; Homilia del respeto que se debe a la Iglesia Catolica; Homilia sobre la reverencia que debemos a los sagrados templos; Homilia de los bienes de la iglesia mirados con relacion a los eclesiasticos que los perciben; Homilia sobre la libertad christiana; Homilia sobre la igualdad evangelica; Homilia en defensa de la vida contemplativa; Discurso sobre las publicas rogativas que se dirigian a Dios por los fieles, con motivo de la actual guerra; Homilia sobre la autoridad; Homilia sobre los ministros del santuario; Homilia sobre el amor a la novedad; Homilia sobre el culto de las reliquias de los santos; Homilia del hablar en materias de religion; Homilia de la influencia de los vestidos sobre la moral christiana…”
  3. 45503
    por Abtei Heiligenkreuz.
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Antiphona : In paradisum ; and Psalm 121 (122) -- Response : Subvenite ; Response : Libera me -- Stift Heiligenkreuz bells -- Requiem. …”
  4. 45504
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bogiatzis -- Portugal at the "third front" / Cláudia Ninhos -- The library of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Rom and perceptions of German scholarship / Frederick Whitling -- Tracing eugenics : German influences on a Greek background, c. 1930-1945 / Giorgos Kokkinos and Markos Karasarinis -- The mild eugenics temptation in Portugal / Irene Flunser Pimentel -- A "fascist" colonialism? …”
  5. 45505
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…A heart of pure gold / Tess Knighton -- Ayo visto lo Mappamundi : working with Bruno Turner / Ivan Moody -- A sixteenth-century manuscript choirbook of polyphony for vespers at Toledo Cathedral by Andrés de Torrentes / Michael Noone -- Manuscripts Oporto, Biblioteca Pública Municipal, MM 40 and MM 76-79 : their origin, date, repertories and context / José Pedro D'Alvarenga -- The unica in MS 975 of the Manuel de Falla Library : a musical book for wind band / Juan Ruiz Jiménez -- A tale of two queens, their music books and the village of Lerma / Douglas Kirk -- The vicissitudes of some printed fragments of polyphony / Juan Carlos Asensio -- Music prints by Cristóbal de Morales and Tomás Luis de Victoria in surviving Roman inventories and archival records / Noel O'Regan -- Two post-Tridentine lamentation chants in Eastern Spain / Greta Olson -- Juan de Esquivel's "Ave Maris Stella" (a 4) : observations on the Spanish polyphonic hymn repertory / Michael B. …”
  6. 45506
    por Franco, Hernando, 1532-1585
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lección 9a Quare de vulva eduxisti me. Responsorio :Líbera me, Dómoine 10. Conclusión: Jesu Redémptor…”
  7. 45507
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ganim -- Professionalizing Chaucer : John Matthews Manly, Edith Rickert, and The Canterbury tales as cultural capital / Sealy Gilles and Sylvia Tomasch -- Gli scogli neri ed il niente che c'è : Dorigen's black rocks and Chaucer's translation of Italy / Warren Ginsberg -- Women in the shadows of The divine comedy / Joan M. Ferrante -- Linear perspective and the obliquities of reception / Joseph A. …”
  8. 45508
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La literatura que acoge : un proyecto de investigación en las aulas / Teresa Colomer -- Lengua, escuela e inmigración / Ignasi Vila -- Entre imágenes y palabras : la investigación que promueve comunidades lectoras inclusivas y creativas / Evelyn Arizpe -- La categorización de las respuestas infantiles ante los textos literarios : análisis de algunos modelos y propuesta de clasificación / Martina Fittipaldi -- Las discusiones infantiles sobre álbumes ilustrados / Teresa Colomer -- La mediación en la discusión literaria / Felipe Munita y Mireia Manresa -- Qué literatura para los recién llegados / Ana María Margallo -- Albumes en marcha : recuento de proyectos de aula en torno a las narrativas visuales / Brenda Bellorín y Lara Reyes -- De la imagen a la palabra : conversaciones literarias en el aula de acogida / Aurora Rincón -- Albumes que versionian y acogen : nuevas oportunidades para los clásicos de siempre / María Rosa Gil Juan -- Pláctias literarias con estudiantes bilingües : la metodología de estudio de caso / Carmen Martínez-Roldán -- Desde la literatura al aprendizaje del lenguaje y su escritura / Ana Teberosky -- Experiencias literarias al aprendizaje del lenguje y su escritura / Ana Teberosky -- Experiencias literarias en contextos de inmaigración : textos sin pretextos / Cristina Corero -- La literatura, parte integrante del arte de hablar / Michele Petit…”
  9. 45509
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Introducing Scikit-Learn -- Hyperparameters and model validation -- Feature engineering -- In depth: Naive Bayes classification -- In depth: linear regression -- In depth: support vector machines -- In depth: decision trees and random forests -- In depth: principal component analysis -- In depth: manifold learning -- In depth: k-means clustering -- In depth: Gaussian mixture models -- In depth: kernel density estimation -- Application: a face detection pipeline…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 45510
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Rateliff -- Tolkien's resistance to linearity: narrating The lord of the rings in fiction and film / E.L. …”
  11. 45511
    por Cebrián Zazurca, Enrique
    Publicado 2013
    “…Hablar hoy de democracia es hablar de democracia representativa. …”
    Texto completo en Odilo
  12. 45512
    “…Para él era esencial reservar tiempo para la meditación diaria, era su momento para estar ante Dios, para escucharle y hablar con él. En estas páginas, Nouwen nos invita a considerarnos preciosos a los ojos de Dios. …”
  13. 45513
    por Martini, Carlo Maria, 1927-2012
    Publicado 2014
    “…¿Qué sentido tiene? ¿Es posible hablar del sentido del sufrimiento? El cardenal Martini reflexiona sobre el misterio de la fragilidad y del dolor inocente a partir de la imagen de Job, figura emblemática del Antiguo Testamento, símbolo de toda persona que sufre. …”
  14. 45514
    por Matthiopoulos, Jason
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Random walks as sequences of vectors -- 6.4 Solving systems of equations with matrices -- Plant community composition -- 6.5 Markov chains -- Redistribution between population patches -- 6.6 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors -- Growth in patchy populations -- Metapopulation growth -- 6.7 Leslie matrix models -- Stage-structured seal populations -- Equilibrium of linear Leslie model -- Stability in a linear Leslie model -- Stable age structure in a linear Leslie model -- 6.8 Analysis of linear dynamical systems -- A fragmented population in continuous time -- Phase-space for a two-patch metapopulation -- Stability analysis of a two-patch metapopulation -- 6.9 Analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems -- The Lotka-Volterra, predator-prey model -- Stability analysis of the Lotka-Volerra model -- Further reading -- References -- 7 How to visualise and summarise data Descriptive statistics -- 7.1 Overview of statistics -- 7.2 Statistical variables -- Activity budgets in honey bees -- 7.3 Populations and samples -- Production of gannet chicks -- 7.4 Single-variable samples -- 7.5 Frequency distributions -- Activity budgets in honey bees -- Activity budgets from different studies -- Visualising activity budgets -- Height of tree ferns -- Gannets on Bass rock -- 7.6 Measures of centrality -- Chick rearing in red grouse -- Swimming speed in grey seals -- Median of chicks reared by red grouse -- 7.7 Measures of spread -- Gannet foraging -- 7.8 Skewness and kurtosis -- 7.9 Graphical summaries -- 7.10 Data sets with more than one variable -- 7.11 Association between qualitative variables -- Community recovery in abandoned fields -- 7.12 Association between quantitative variables -- Height and root depth of tree ferns -- 7.13 Joint frequency distributions -- Mosaics of abandoned fields…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 45515
    por Doumpos, Michael
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…s Method 7.5 Discussion 7.6 Conclusion References Part Four Multiobjective Optimization 8 Interactive Approaches Applied to Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms 8.1 Introduction 8.1.1 Methods Analyzed in this Chapter 8.2 Basic Concepts and Notation 8.2.1 Multiobjective Optimization Problems 8.2.2 Classical Interactive Methods 8.3 MOEAs Based on Reference Point Methods 8.3.1 A Weighted Distance Metric 8.3.2 Light Beam Search Combined with NSGA-II 8.3.3 Controlling the Accuracy of the Pareto Front Approximation 8.3.4 Light Beam Search Combined with PSO 8.3.5 A Preference Relation Based on a Weighted Distance Metric 8.3.6 The Chebyshev Preference Relation 8.4 MOEAs Based on Value Function Methods 8.4.1 Progressive Approximation of a Value Function 8.4.2 Value Function by Ordinal Regression 8.5 Miscellaneous Methods 8.5.1 Desirability Functions 8.6 Conclusions and Future Work References 9 Generalized DEA and Computational Intelligence in Multiple Criteria Decision Making 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Generalized Data Envelopment Analysis 9.2.1 Basic DEA Models: CCR, BCC and FDH Models 9.2.2 GDEA Model 9.3 Generation of Pareto Optimal Solutions using Generalized DEA and Computational Intelligence 9.3.1 GDEA in Fitness Evaluation 9.3.2 GDEA in Deciding the Parameters of Multi-objective PSO 9.3.3 Expected Improvement for Multi-objective Optimization Using GDEA 9.4 Summary References 10 Fuzzy Multiobjective Optimization 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Solution Concepts for Multiobjective Programming 10.3 Interactive Multiobjective Linear Programming 10.4 Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming 10.5 Interactive Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming 10.6 Interactive Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming with Fuzzy Parameters 10.7 Interactive Fuzzy Stochastic Multiobjective Linear Programming 10.8 Related Works and Applications References Part Five Applications in Management and Engineering 11 MCDA & Agents: Supporting Effective Resource Federation in Virtual Organizations 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The Intuition of Multiple Criteria Decision Aid in Multi-agent Systems 11.3 Resource Federation Applied 11.3.1 Describing the Problem in a Cloud Computing Context 11.3.2 Problem Modeling 11.3.3 Assessing Agents' Value Function for Resource Federation 11.4 An Illustrative Example 11.5 Conclusions References 12 Fuzzy AHP Using Type II Fuzzy Sets: An Application to Warehouse Location Selection 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Multicriteria Selection 12.2.1 The ELECTRE (E<U+00cc><U+0081>limination Et Choix Traduisant la Realite) Method 12.2.2 PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) 12.2.3 TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation) 12.2.4 The WSM (Weighted Sum Model) Method 12.2.5 MAUT (Multi-attribute Utility Theory) 12.2.6 AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 12.3 Literature Review on Fuzzy AHP 12.4 Buckley's Type-1 Fuzzy AHP 12.5 Type-2 Fuzzy Sets 12.6 Type-2 Fuzzy AHP 12.7 An Application: Warehouse Location Selection 12.8 Conclusion References 13 Applying Genetic Algorithms to Optimize Energy Efficiency in Buildings 13.1 Introduction 13.2 State-of-the-Art Review 13.3 An Example Case Study 13.3.1 Basic Principles and Problem Definition 13.3.2 Decision Variables 13.3.3 Decision Criteria 13.3.4 Decision Model 13.4 Development and Application of a Genetic Algorithm for the Example Case Study 13.4.1 Development of the Genetic Algorithm 13.4.2 Application of the Genetic Algorithm, Analysis of Results and Discussion 13.5 Conclusions References 14 Nature-Inspired Intelligence for Pareto Optimality Analysis in Portfolio Optimization 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Literature Review 14.3 Methodological Issues 14.4 Pareto Optimal Sets in Portfolio Optimization 14.4.1 Pareto Efficiency 14.4.2 Mathematical Formulation of the Portfolio Optimization Problem 14.5 Computational Results 14.5.1 Experimental Setup 14.5.2 Efficient Frontier 14.6 Conclusion References Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 45516
    por O'Sullivan, Bryan
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Novelty -- Power -- Enjoyment -- What to Expect from This Book -- A Little Bit About You -- What to Expect from Haskell -- Compared to Traditional Static Languages -- Compared to Modern Dynamic Languages -- Haskell in Industry and Open Source -- Compilation, Debugging, and Performance Analysis -- Bundled and Third-Party Libraries -- A Brief Sketch of Haskell's History -- Prehistory -- Early Antiquity -- The Modern Era -- Helpful Resources -- Reference Material -- Applications and Libraries -- The Haskell Community -- Conventions Used in This Book -- Using Code Examples -- Safari® Books Online -- How to Contact Us -- Acknowledgments -- Bryan -- John -- Don -- Thank You to Our Reviewers -- Chapter 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 45517
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Making the servo into a meter -- Coding the project -- Running and using our light meter -- Project - the continuous servo -- Wiring up the servo -- Continuous servo constructor and methods -- Using the REPL with the continuous servo -- Playing with the continuous servo in the REPL -- Summary -- Questions -- Chapter 8: The Animation Library -- Technical requirements -- Animating movement -- Why we need the animation library -- Moving servos with true precision -- Implicit use of the animation library -- Using to implicitly create an animation -- Playing with implicit animations -- Playing with implicit animations, take two -- The terminology of the animation library -- The construction of the animation object -- Creating the animation object -- Planning out the animation sequence -- Creating keyframes -- Using null and false as positions in keyframes -- Programming our keyframes -- Setting cue points and duration -- Putting it all together to make an animation -- Watching your animation at work -- Easing into your servo animations -- How easing fits into an animation segment -- Adding easing to our first animation -- Easing an entire animation segment -- Learning more about queuing and playing animation segments -- Looping animation segments -- Changing the speed of animation segments -- Playing, pausing, and stopping animation segments -- Tying it all together in the REPL -- Summary -- Questions -- Chapter 9: Getting the Information You Need -- Technical requirements -- Why connect your NodeBots to the internet? …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 45518
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fitting a Model to Data -- Fundamental concepts: Finding "optimal" model parameters based on data; Choosing the goal for data mining; Objective functions; Loss functions -- Exemplary techniques: Linear regression; Logistic regression; Support-vector machines -- Classification via Mathematical Functions -- Linear Discriminant Functions -- Optimizing an Objective Function -- An Example of Mining a Linear Discriminant from Data -- Linear Discriminant Functions for Scoring and Ranking Instances -- Support Vector Machines, Briefly -- Regression via Mathematical Functions -- Class Probability Estimation and Logistic "Regression" -- Logistic Regression: Some Technical Details -- Example: Logistic Regression versus Tree Induction -- Nonlinear Functions, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks -- Summary -- 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 45519
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Model deployment -- Summary -- Clients Chapter 8: Subscription Assessment for Bank Telemarketing using Deep Neural Networks -- Client subscription assessment through telemarketing -- Dataset description -- Installing and getting started with Apache Zeppelin -- Building from the source -- Starting and stopping Apache Zeppelin -- Creating notebooks -- Exploratory analysis of the dataset -- Label distribution -- Job distribution -- Marital distribution -- Education distribution -- Default distribution -- Housing distribution -- Loan distribution -- Contact distribution -- Month distribution -- Day distribution -- Previous outcome distribution -- Age feature -- Duration distribution -- Campaign distribution -- Pdays distribution -- Previous distribution -- emp_var_rate distributions -- cons_price_idx features -- cons_conf_idx distribution -- Euribor3m distribution -- nr_employed distribution -- Statistics of numeric features -- Implementing a client subscription assessment model -- Hyperparameter tuning and feature selection -- Number of hidden layers -- Number of neurons per hidden layer -- Activation functions -- Weight and bias initialization -- Regularization -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Fraud Analytics Using Autoencoders and Anomaly Detection -- Outlier and anomaly detection -- Autoencoders and unsupervised learning -- Working principles of an autoencoder -- Efficient data representation with autoencoders -- Developing a fraud analytics model -- Description of the dataset and using linear models -- Problem description -- Preparing programming environment -- Step 1 - Loading required packages and libraries -- Step 2 - Creating a Spark session and importing implicits -- Step 3 - Loading and parsing input data -- Step 4 - Exploratory analysis of the input data -- Step 5 - Preparing the H2O DataFrame -- Step 6 - Unsupervised pre-training using autoencoder…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 45520
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Exercises -- Exercise 1 -- Exercise 2 -- 1.11. Extra Library Work -- Chapter 2: DC Bias Point Analysis -- 2.1. …”
    Libro electrónico