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  1. 45301
    por Passerini, Pietro Maria (O.P.)
    Publicado 1732
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contiene: Tomus primus, in quo de perfectionis statu in communi, de statu perfectissimo episcopali, de rerum Ecclesiae administratione, & alienatione, de statu religioso, & de tribus votis solemnibus religiosorum accuratissimè ad extricandos dubiorum nodos disseritur .. . a quampluribus mendis .. . expurgatus -- Tomus secundus, in quo de iis, quae religiosis sunt vel concessa, vel prohibita, de facultate quam religiosi habent audiendi confessionis, commutandi vota, ministrandi Sanctissimam Eucharistiam, praedicandi, & docendi, de onmi genere negotium secularium eis vetito, de libera sepultura in eorum ecclesiis, de quarta funeralium, de stipendo missarum, & de facultate quaerendi eleemosynas, accuratissimè ad extricandos dubiorum nodos disseritur, a qumpluribus mendis .. . expurgatus -- Tomus tertius, in quo de religionum varietate, de ingressu in religionem, de novitiatu, de impedimentis ingressus in religionem ex defectibus personalibus, vel ex matrimonio, indigentia parentum, aut obligatione justitiae, de voto religionis, de votis impuberum, & eorum irritatione, de transitu de una ad aliam religionem, de bonis sic transeuntium, de apostatis, de fugitivis à claustro, de ejectis, de statu novitiorum, eorum obligatione, & privilegiis, de processione tam expressa quàm tacita, ejus ratificatione, aut contra eam reclamatione, & de ejusdem effectibus, & de earum regularium exemptione, accuratissimè ad extricandos dubiorum nodos disseritur, a quampluribus mendis .. . expurgatus…”
  2. 45302
    Publicado 2020
    “…Además, aborda el salto fundamental de la norma a la realidad social y la necesidad de primero diseñar y estructurar como requisito para hablar garantía de derechos, desde un marco de accesibilidad universal y recordando la inclusión de la población con discapacidad en el entendido de “Nada sobre nosotros sin nosotros”. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 45303
    Publicado 2022
    “…Este libro contiene tres escritos inéditos de Kasper sobre las tres cuestiones teológicas fundamentales en el proceso de renovación: ¿quién es Dios y cómo podemos hablar hoy de él?, ¿quién fue Jesucristo y quién es hoy para nosotros? …”
  4. 45304
    por Millás, Juan José, 1946-
    Publicado 2020
    “…«-Tú y yo podríamos asociarnos para hablar de la vida; levantaríamos un gran relato sobre la existencia. …”
  5. 45305
    Publicado 1520
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…III: Tractatus de fide catholica domini Francisci sillacen . Liber Ysidori contra iudeos . Tracta . de potestate pape domini cataldini de boncompagnis . …”
  6. 45306
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover -- Handbook of Computational Economics -- Copyright -- Contents -- Contributors -- Introduction to the Series -- Introduction to the Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 4, Heterogeneous Agent Modeling -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Macroeconomics -- 3 Finance -- 4 Experiments -- 5 Networks -- 6 Other -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Part 1 Macroeconomics -- 1 Heterogeneous Expectations and Micro-Foundations in Macroeconomics -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Expectations Operators and Bounded Rationality -- 2.1 Expectations Operators -- 2.2 The Economic Environment -- 2.3 Bounded Optimality -- 2.3.1 Rational Expectations -- 2.3.2 The Shadow-Price Approach -- 2.3.3 The Shadow-Price Approach in the Linearized Model -- 2.3.4 The Euler Equation Approach in the Linearized Model -- 2.3.5 The Finite Horizon Approach in the Linearized Model -- 2.3.6 The In nite Horizon Approach in the Linearized Model -- 2.3.7 A Nod to Value Functions -- 2.3.8 A Defense of Anticipated Utility -- 2.4 Aggregating Household Decision Rules -- 3 Equilibria with Heterogeneous Expectations -- 3.1 Extrinsic Heterogeneity -- 3.2 Rationally Heterogeneous Expectations -- 3.2.1 Predictor Selection -- 3.2.2 Heterogeneous Beliefs and Economic Dynamics: Stability Reversal -- 3.3 Intrinsic Heterogeneity -- 4 Asset-Pricing Applications -- 4.1 Regime-Switching Returns -- 4.2 Bubbles with Rationally Heterogeneous Expectations -- 4.3 Restricted Perceptions and Endogenous Fluctuations -- 4.4 Related Literature -- 5 Monetary Applications -- 5.1 A Monetary Search Model with Heterogeneous Expectations -- 5.2 Heterogeneous Beliefs and Bargaining -- 5.3 Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Beliefs -- 5.4 Uncertainty and Welfare -- 5.5 Related Literature -- 6 DSGE Applications -- 6.1 Rationally Heterogeneous Expectations and Monetary Policy Rules…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 45307
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface xiii Table of Engineering Applications xvii Part 1 Introduction 1 Mathematica Environment and Basic Syntax 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Selecting Notebook Characteristics 4 1.3 Notebook Cells 8 1.4 Delimiters 12 1.5 Basic Syntax 12 1.5.1 Introduction 12 1.5.2 Templates: Greek Symbols and Mathematical Notation 15 1.5.3 Variable Names and Global Variables 18 1.6 Mathematical Constants 19 1.7 Complex Numbers 21 1.8 Elementary, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, and a Few Special Functions 22 1.9 Strings 25 1.9.1 String Creation: StringJoin[] and ToString[] 25 1.9.2 Labeled Output: Print[], NumberForm[], EngineeringForm[], and TraditionalForm[] 26 1.10 Conversions, Relational Operators, and Transformation Rule 28 1.11 Engineering Units and Unit Conversions: Quantity[] and UnitConvert[] 30 1.12 Creation of CDF Documents and Documents in Other Formats 33 1.13 Functions Introduced in Chapter 1 34 Exercises 35 2 List Creation and Manipulation: Vectors and Matrices 39 2.1 Introduction 39 2.2 Creating Lists and Vectors 39 2.2.1 Introduction 39 2.2.2 Creating a List with Table[] 45 2.2.3 Summing Elements of a List: Total[] 46 2.2.4 Selecting Elements of a List 47 2.2.5 Identifying List Elements Matching a Pattern: Position[] 49 2.3 Creating Matrices 51 2.3.1 Introduction 51 2.3.2 Matrix Generation Using Table[] 54 2.3.3 Accessing Elements of Arrays 55 2.4 Matrix Operations on Vectors and Arrays 56 2.4.1 Introduction 56 2.4.2 Matrix Inverse and Determinant: Inverse[] and Det[] 57 2.5 Solution of a Linear System of Equations: LinearSolve[] 58 2.6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: EigenSystem[] 59 2.7 Functions Introduced in Chapter 2 61 References 61 Exercises 61 3 User-Created Functions, Repetitive Operations, and Conditionals 69 3.1 Introduction 69 3.2 Expressions and Procedures as Functions 69 3.2.1 Introduction 69 3.2.2 Pure Function: Function[] 74 3.2.3 Module[] 78 3.3 Find Elements of a List that Meet a Criterion: Select[] 80 3.4 Conditionals 82 3.4.1 If[] 82 3.4.2 Which[] 83 3.5 Repetitive Operations 83 3.5.1 Do[] 83 3.5.2 While[] 83 3.5.3 Nest[] 84 3.5.4 Map[] 84 3.6 Examples of Repetitive Operations and Conditionals 85 3.7 Functions Introduced in Chapter 3 92 Exercises 92 4 Symbolic Operations 95 4.1 Introduction 95 4.2 Assumption Options 101 4.3 Solutions of Equations: Solve[] 101 4.4 Limits: Limit[] 105 4.5 Power Series: Series[], Coefficient[], and CoefficientList[] 108 4.6 Optimization: Maximize[]/Minimize[] 112 4.7 Differentiation: D[] 114 4.8 Integration: Integrate[] 120 4.9 Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: DSolve[] 126 4.10 Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: DSolve[] 136 4.11 Laplace Transform: LaplaceTransform[] and InverseLaplaceTransform[] 138 4.12 Functions Introduced in Chapter 4 145 References 145 Exercises 146 5 Numerical Evaluations of Equations 151 5.1 Introduction 151 5.2 Numerical Integration: NIntegrate[] 151 5.3 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations: NDSolveValue[] and ParametricNDSolveValue[] 154 5.4 Numerical Solutions of Equations: NSolve[] 178 5.5 Roots of Transcendental Equations: FindRoot[] 180 5.6 Minimum and Maximum: FindMinimum[] and FindMaximum[] 182 5.7 Fitting of Data: Interpolation[] and FindFit[] 186 5.8 Discrete Fourier Transforms and Correlation: Fourier[], InverseFourier[], and ListCorrelate[] 189 5.9 Functions Introduced in Chapter 5 194 References 195 Exercises 196 6 Graphics 209 6.1 Introduction 209 6.2 2D Graphics 209 6.2.1 Basic Plotting 209 6.2.2 Basic Graph Enhancements 213 6.2.3 Common 2D Shapes: Graphics[] 217 6.2.4 Additional Graph Enhancements 222 6.2.5 Combining Figures: Show[] and GraphicsGrid[] 238 6.2.6 Tooltip[] 241 6.2.7 Exporting Graphics 244 6.3 3D Graphics 244 6.4 Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 6 253 References 254 Exercises 254 7 Interactive Graphics 263 7.1 Interactive Graphics: Manipulate[] 263 References 287 Exercises 287 Part 2 Engineering Applications 8 Vibrations of Spring Mass Systems and Thin Beams 293 8.1 Introduction 293 8.2 Single Degree-of-Freedom Systems 294 8.2.1 Periodic Force on a Single Degree-of-Freedom System 294 8.2.2 Squeeze Film Damping and Viscous Fluid Damping 298 8.2.3 Electrostatic Attraction 302 8.2.4 Single Degree-of-Freedom System Energy Harvester 304 8.3 Two Degrees-of-Freedom Systems 307 8.3.1 Governing Equations 307 8.3.2 Response to Harmonic Excitation: Amplitude Response Functions 307 8.3.3 Enhanced Energy Harvester 310 8.4 Thin Beams 315 8.4.1 Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Cantilever Beam with In-Span Attachments 315 8.4.2 Effects of Electrostatic Force on the Natural Frequency and Stability of a Beam 318 8.4.3 Response of a Cantilever Beam with an In-Span Attachment to an Impulse Force 323 References 326 9 Statistics 327 9.1 Descriptive Statistics 327 9.1.1 Introduction 327 9.1.2 Location Statistics: Mean[], StandardDeviation[], and Quartile[] 327 9.1.3 Continuous Distribution Functions: PDF[] and CDF[] 329 9.1.4 Histograms and Probability Plots: Histogram[] and ProbabilityScalePlot [] 331 9.1.5 Whisker Plot: BoxWhiskerChart[] 332 9.1.6 Creating Data with Specified Distributions: RandomVariate[] 334 9.2 Probability of Continuous Random Variables 334 9.2.1 Probability for Different Distributions: NProbability[] 334 9.2.2 Inverse Cumulative Distribution Function: InverseCDF[] 337 9.2.3 Distribution Parameter Estimation: EstimatedDistribution[] and FindDistributionParameters[] 337 9.2.4 Confidence Intervals: CI[] 340 9.2.5 Hypothesis Testing: LocationTest[] and VarianceTest[] 342 9.3 Regression Analysis: LinearModelFit[] 343 9.3.1 Simple Linear Regression 343 9.3.2 Multiple Linear Regression 347 9.4 Nonlinear Regression Analysis: NonLinearModelFit[] 351 9.5 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Factorial Designs: ANOVA[] 354 9.6 Functions Introduced in Chapter 9 358 10 Control Systems and Signal Processing 359 10.1 Introduction 359 10.2 Model Generation: State-Space and Transfer Function Representation 359 10.2.1 Introduction 359 10.2.2 State-Space Models: StateSpaceModel[] 360 10.2.3 Transfer Function Models: TransferFunctionModel[] 362 10.3 Model Connections Closed-Loop Systems and System Response: SystemsModelFeedbackConnect[] and SystemsModelSeriesConnect[] 363 10.4 Design Methods 369 10.4.1 Root Locus: RootLocusPlot[] 369 10.4.2 Bode Plot: BodePlot[] 371 10.4.3 Nichols Plot: NicholsPlot[] 372 10.5 Signal Processing 374 10.5.1 Filter Models: ButterworthFilterModel[], EllipticFilterModel[], ... 374 10.5.2 Windows: HammingWindow[], HannWindow[], ... 381 10.5.3 Spectrum Averaging 385 10.6 Aliasing 388 10.7 Functions Introduced in Chapter 10 390 Reference 391 11 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics 393 11.1 Introduction 393 11.2 Conduction Heat Transfer 394 11.2.1 One-Dimensional Transient Heat Diffusion in Solids 394 11.2.2 Heat Transfer in Concentric Spheres: Ablation of a Tumor 398 11.2.3 Heat Flow Through Fins 401 11.3 Natural Convection Along Heated Plates 405 11.4 View Factor Between Two Parallel Rectangular Surfaces 408 11.5 Internal Viscous Flow 411 11.5.1 Laminar Flow in Horizontal Cylindrical Pipes 411 11.5.2 Flow in Three Reservoirs 412 11.6 External Flow 416 11.6.1 Pressure Coefficient of a Joukowski Airfoil 416 11.6.2 Surface Profile in Nonuniform Flow in Open Channels 419 References 423 Index 425.…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 45308
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Rename -- 13.11 Environment Variables -- 13.12 I/O Re direction -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 14: Linear Data Structure -- 14.1 Introduction to Data Structure -- 14.2 List -- 14.3 Implementation of a List -- 14.4 Traversal of a List -- 14.5 Searching and Retrieving an Element -- 14.6 Predecessor and Successor -- 14.7 Insertion -- 14.8 Deletion -- 14.9 Sorting -- 14.10 Merging Lists -- 14.11 Representation of a Stack -- 14.12 Stack-Related Terms…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 45309
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Afasias, apraxias, alexias y agrafias 9 Afasia de Broca Nunca pensé que hablar fuera tan difícil 10 Afasia de Wernicke ¿Qué les pasa que no me entienden? …”
    Lectura en línea. Acceso restringido con credenciales UPSA
    Tutorial de uso de Eureka
  10. 45310
    por Bakalis, Serafim
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Parameter estimation best practices; Avoidance of linear dependence; Minimization of parameter errors; Scaled sensitivity coefficients; 2.3.2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 45311
    por Vermeir, Nico
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; CHAPTER 1 Introduction; History; Windows Application Programming Interface; About This Book; CHAPTER 2 Getting Started; Setting Up the Environment; Starting a First Project; Class Library; Windows Runtime Component; Unit Test Library; Blank App Template; Grid App Template; LayoutAwarePage; GroupDetailPage; ItemDetailPage; Split App Template; A Closer Look at the Simulator; Summary; CHAPTER 3 Building a First Project; Adding Pages; GridView; StackPanel…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 45312
    por Gumley, Liam E.
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  13. 45313
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table of Contents -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Chapter 1: Amplification in Linear Mode -- 1.1. Principles of microwave amplification -- 1.2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 45314
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Accept a ConnectionEnable Ideas; Configure Ideas Themes; Enable Social Contacts; Configure Salesforce1; Leave Feedback on Documents in Content; Upload Documents to Content; Customize Libraries and Content; Enable Libraries and Content; Chapter 7: Configuring Security; View Object Security; Change Default Record Access; View the Role Hierarchy; Configure Session Settings; Create a New Role; Enable Field History; Configure the Password Policy; Configure Network Access; Configure Remote Site Settings; Reset a Security Token; Grant Login Access; Create a Validation Rule; Disable a Validation Rule…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 45315
    por Barnett, James. author
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…VariablesVariables as Integers/Numbers; Variables as Strings; Arrays; Objects; Booleans; Creating JavaScript Events; Using the jQuery Library; Using the jQuery Library with Events; Summary; Chapter 8: Adding JavaScript to Your Drupal Module; Adding JavaScript to Your Drupal Module; Summary; Chapter 9: A PHP Primer for Drupal; Verifying Your Installation of PHP; Serving Up a Hello World Web Page with PHP; Working with Some Basic PHP Code; Working with PHP Looping Structures; Using the foreach Loop ; Using the while Loop ; Printing to the Screen…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 45316
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Implementing a lives counterCreating a modular coin counter; Creating a symbolic lives counter; Implementing a linear health bar; Implementing a radial health bar; Creating a health bar with armor; Using multiple bars to make a multibar; Developing a kingdom hearts health bar style; Chapter 3: Implementing Timers; Introduction; Implementing a numeric timer; Creating a linear timer; Implementing a radial timer; Creating a mixed timer; Creating a well-formatted timer; Developing a well-formatted countdown that changes; Chapter 4: Creating Panels for Menus; Introduction…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 45317
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…References -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Bayesian Regression Models -- Generalized linear regression -- The arm package -- The Energy efficiency dataset -- Regression of energy efficiency with building parameters -- Ordinary regression -- Bayesian regression -- Simulation of the posterior distribution -- Exercises -- References -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Bayesian Classification Models -- Performance metrics for classification -- The Naïve Bayes classifier -- Text processing using the tm package -- Model training and prediction -- The Bayesian logistic regression model -- The BayesLogit R package -- The dataset -- Preparation of the training and testing datasets -- Using the Bayesian logistic model -- Exercises -- References -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Bayesian Models for Unsupervised Learning -- Bayesian mixture models -- The bgmm package for Bayesian mixture models -- Topic modeling using Bayesian inference -- Latent Dirichlet allocation -- R packages for LDA -- The topicmodels package -- The lda package -- Exercises -- References -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Bayesian Neural Networks -- Two-layer neural networks -- Bayesian treatment of neural networks -- The brnn R package -- Deep belief networks and deep learning -- Restricted Boltzmann machines -- Deep belief networks -- The darch R package -- Other deep learning packages in R -- Exercises -- References -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Bayesian Modeling at Big Data Scale -- Distributed computing using Hadoop -- RHadoop for using Hadoop from R -- Spark - in-memory distributed computing -- SparkR -- Linear regression using SparkR -- Computing clusters on the cloud -- Amazon Web Services -- Creating and running computing instances on AWS -- Installing R and RStudio -- Running Spark on EC2 -- Microsoft Azure -- IBM Bluemix -- Other R packages for large scale machine learning -- The parallel R package…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 45318
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface -- Contributors -- Chapter 1 Complex-Valued Adaptive Signal Processing -- 1.1 Introduction -- -- 1.2 Preliminaries -- 1.3 Optimization in the Complex Domain -- 1.4 Widely Linear Adaptive Filtering -- 1.5 Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering with Multilayer Perceptrons -- 1.6 Complex Independent Component Analysis -- 1.7 Summary -- 1.8 Acknowledgment -- 1.9 Problems -- References -- Chapter 2 Robust Estimation Techniques for Complex-Valued Random Vectors -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Statistical Characterization of Complex Random Vectors -- 2.3 Complex Elliptically Symmetric (CES) Distributions -- 2.4 Tools to Compare Estimators -- 2.5 Scatter and Pseudo-Scatter Matrices -- 2.6 Array Processing Examples -- 2.7 MVDR Beamformers Based on M-Estimators -- 2.8 Robust ICA -- 2.9 Conclusion -- 2.10 Problems -- References -- Chapter 3 Turbo Equalization -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Context -- 3.3 Communication Chain -- 3.4 Turbo Decoder: Overview -- 3.5 Forward-Backward Algorithm -- 3.6 Simplified Algorithm: Interference Canceler -- 3.7 Capacity Analysis -- 3.8 Blind Turbo Equalization -- 3.9 Convergence -- 3.10 Multichannel and Multiuser Settings -- 3.11 Concluding Remarks -- 3.12 Problems -- References -- Chapter 4 Subspace Tracking for Signal Processing -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Linear Algebra Review -- 4.3 Observation Model and Problem Statement -- 4.4 Preliminary Example: Oja's Neuron -- 4.5 Subspace Tracking -- 4.6 Eigenvectors Tracking -- 4.7 Convergence and Performance Analysis Issues -- 4.8 Illustrative Examples -- 4.9 Concluding Remarks -- 4.10 Problems -- References -- Chapter 5 Particle Filtering -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Motivation for Use of Particle Filtering -- 5.3 The Basic Idea -- 5.4 The Choice of Proposal Distribution and Resampling -- 5.5 Some Particle Filtering Methods -- 5.6 Handling Constant Parameters -- 5.7 Rao-Blackwellization -- 5.8 Prediction -- 5.9 Smoothing -- 5.10 Convergence Issues -- 5.11 Computational Issues and Hardware Implementation -- 5.12 Acknowledgments…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 45319
    por Tang, Jeff. author
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 5: Video: Basics and ApplicationsCapturing Video; The Quick Way; The Custom Way; Playing Video; OpenCV Video Processing; FFmpeg Video Processing; Test the Library Client on Glass; Integrating the FFmpeg Library; YouTube Integration; Calling Data API; Displaying Query Result; Making the Voice Query; Playing the Video and Let's Karaoke; Keeping Code Updated; Running the App; Summary; Chapter 6: Voice and Audio; Voice Input; Sound Effects; Audio Capture and Play; Using MediaRecorder and MediaPlayer; Using AudioRecord and AudioTrack; Improving the Karaoke App; Pitch Detection…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 45320
    por Oxer, Jonathan
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico