Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 2,565
- Documentos 947
- Coleccion 938
- Parlamento britanico 937
- Development 767
- Application software 714
- Python (Computer program language) 668
- Bibliotecas 643
- Filosofía 622
- Biblia 561
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 540
- Crítica e interpretación 441
- History 413
- Història 392
- Computer Science 383
- Machine learning 383
- Computer programming 370
- Data processing 342
- Libre albedrío y determinismo 327
- Liberalism 305
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 300
- Colecciones 297
- Web site development 294
- Programming 274
- Ciencias sociales 269
- Java (Computer program language) 263
- Computer programs 259
- Design 257
- Library science 250
- Liberalismo 247
45061Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Glossary -- Acronyms -- About the Companion Website -- Part I Introductory Part -- Chapter 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Optimization -- 1.2 Unsupervised Learning -- 1.3 Supervised Learning -- 1.4 System Identification -- 1.5 Control -- 1.6 Reinforcement Learning -- 1.7 Outline -- Chapter 2 Linear Algebra -- 2.1 Vectors and Matrices -- 2.2 Linear Maps and Subspaces -- 2.2.1 Four Fundamental Subspaces -- 2.2.2 Square Matrices -- 2.2.3 Affine Sets -- 2.3 Norms -- 2.4 Algorithm Complexity -- 2.5 Matrices with Structure -- 2.5.1 Diagonal Matrices -- 2.5.2 Orthogonal Matrices -- 2.5.3 Triangular Matrices -- 2.5.4 Symmetric and Skew‐Symmetric Matrices -- 2.5.5 Toeplitz and Hankel Matrices -- 2.5.6 Sparse Matrices -- 2.5.7 Band Matrices -- 2.6 Quadratic Forms and Definiteness -- 2.7 Spectral Decomposition -- 2.8 Singular Value Decomposition -- 2.9 Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse -- 2.10 Systems of Linear Equations -- 2.10.1 Gaussian Elimination -- 2.10.2 Block Elimination -- 2.11 Factorization Methods -- 2.11.1 LU Factorization -- 2.11.2 Cholesky Factorization -- 2.11.3 Indefinite LDL Factorization -- 2.11.4 QR Factorization -- 2.11.5 Sparse Factorizations -- 2.11.6 Block Factorization -- 2.11.7 Positive Semidefinite Block Factorization -- 2.12 Saddle‐Point Systems -- 2.12.1 H Positive Definite -- 2.12.2 H Positive Semidefinite -- 2.13 Vector and Matrix Calculus -- Exercises -- Chapter 3 Probability Theory -- 3.1 Probability Spaces -- 3.1.1 Probability Measure -- 3.1.2 Probability Function -- 3.1.3 Probability Density Function -- 3.2 Conditional Probability -- 3.3 Independence -- 3.4 Random Variables -- 3.4.1 Vector‐Valued Random Variable -- 3.4.2 Marginal Distribution -- 3.4.3 Independence of Random Variables -- 3.4.4 Function of Random Variable -- 3.5 Conditional Distributions…”
Libro electrónico -
45062por Ballard, ChuckTabla de Contenidos: “…13.2.1 The Simple4GLReport example -- 13.2.2 Conversion of the Simple4GLReport to EGL -- 13.2.3 The generated EGL report files -- 13.2.4 Default font for 4GL report to JasperReports conversions -- 13.3 C function integration with EGL -- 13.3.1 Download the EGL stack library and application object file -- 13.3.2 Compile all C code into a shared library -- 13.3.3 Create a function table -- 13.3.4 Create the shared library -- 13.3.5 Invoking a C Function from an EGL Program: the 4GL way -- 13.3.6 Receiving values from EGL -- 13.3.7 Returning values to EGL -- 13.4 4GL shared library conversion -- Chapter 14. …”
Publicado 2005
Libro electrónico -
45063por Williams, H. P.Tabla de Contenidos: “… VARIABLES -- OBJECTIVE -- CONSTRAINTS -- Chapter 4 Structured linear programming models -- 4.1 Multiple plant, product and period models -- 4.2 Stochastic programmes -- 4.3 Decomposing a large model -- 4.3.1 The submodels -- 4.3.2 The restricted master model -- Chapter 5 Applications and special types of mathematical programming model -- 5.1 Typical applications -- 5.1.1 The petroleum industry -- 5.1.2 The chemical industry -- 5.1.3 Manufacturing industry -- 5.1.4 Transport and distribution -- 5.1.5 Finance -- 5.1.6 Agriculture -- 5.1.7 Health -- 5.1.8 Mining -- 5.1.9 Manpower planning -- 5.1.10 Food -- 5.1.11 Energy -- 5.1.12 Pulp and paper -- 5.1.13 Advertising -- 5.1.14 Defence -- 5.1.15 The supply chain -- 5.1.16 Other applications -- 5.2 Economic models -- 5.2.1 The static model -- 5.2.2 The dynamic model -- 5.2.3 Aggregation -- 5.3 Network models -- 5.3.1 The transportation problem -- 5.3.2 The assignment problem -- 5.3.3 The transhipment problem -- 5.3.4 The minimum cost flow problem -- 5.3.5 The shortest path problem -- 5.3.6 Maximum flow through a network -- 5.3.7 Critical path analysis -- 5.4 Converting linear programs to networks -- Chapter 6 Interpreting and using the solution of a linear programming model -- 6.1 Validating a model -- 6.1.1 Infeasible models -- 6.1.2 Unbounded models -- 6.1.3 Solvable models -- 6.2 Economic interpretations -- 6.2.1 The dual model -- 6.2.2 Shadow prices -- 6.2.3 Productive capacity constraints -- 6.2.4 Raw material availabilities -- 6.2.5 Marketing demands and limitations -- 6.2.6 Material balance (continuity) constraints -- 6.2.7 Quality stipulations -- 6.2.8 Reduced costs -- 6.3 Sensitivity analysis and the stability of a model -- 6.3.1 Right-hand side ranges -- 6.3.2 Objective ranges -- 6.3.3 Ranges on interior coefficients -- 6.3.4 Marginal rates of substitution…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
45064Publicado 2020“…En estos tiempos, cuando oímos hablar de macrodatos, inteligencia artificial y plataformas, pensamos en aplicaciones de rastreo de personas para luchar contra el COVID-19, en la “curva" de muertos y muertas, en coches-termómetro y en sistemas de reconocimiento facial. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
45065por Laguna, José“…Echando mano de los “bergoglismos” que en otras ocasiones nos han animado a ‘balconear’, ‘primerear’, ‘alfarear’ o ‘misericordiar’, el autor se atreve a resumir la intención de dicho pacto educativo global como una invitación a ‘futurear’. Francisco no quiere hablar de nuevas corrientes pedagógicas, de los desafíos de la cultura digital o de inteligencias múltiples. …”
Publicado 2020
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de Pastoral Madrid, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Biblioteca del Instituto Diocesano de Teología y Pastoral de Bilbao, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro -
45066por Cordovilla Pérez, Ángel, 1968-“…Si la teología es hablar de Dios, conjugando la búsqueda y el anhelo del hombre con la palabra y la revelación de Dios, el tratado sobre el misterio trinitario constituye su centro y fundamento. …”
Publicado 2012
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias, Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Biblioteca de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Teruel y Albarracín, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca Seminario Metropolitano de Oviedo, Red de Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Córdoba, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca S.M. e Instituto Teológico «San Xosé» de Vigo, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Jaén, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España, Biblioteca del Instituto Diocesano de Teología y Pastoral de Bilbao, Biblioteca Provicincial Misioneros Claretianos - Provincia de Santiago)Libro -
45067por Ashok, KamthaneTabla de Contenidos: “…16.10 Linked List with and without Header -- 16.10.1 Linked List with Header -- Summary -- Exercises -- Appendix A -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange -- Appendix B -- Priority of Operators and Their Clubbing -- Appendix C -- Header Files and Standard Library Functions -- Appendix D -- ROM-BIOS Services -- Appendix E -- Scan Codes of Keyboard Keys -- Index -- Back Cover…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
45068Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Transforming data into a usable form -- Simple text cleaning -- Removing stop words -- Finding words in text -- Finding and replacing text -- Data imputation -- Subsetting data -- Sorting text -- Data validation -- Validating data types -- Validating dates -- Validating e-mail addresses -- Validating ZIP codes -- Validating names -- Cleaning images -- Changing the contrast of an image -- Smoothing an image -- Brightening an image -- Resizing an image -- Converting images to different formats -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Data Visualization -- Understanding plots and graphs -- Visual analysis goals -- Creating index charts -- Creating bar charts -- Using country as the category -- Using decade as the category -- Creating stacked graphs -- Creating pie charts -- Creating scatter charts -- Creating histograms -- Creating donut charts -- Creating bubble charts -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Statistical Data Analysis Techniques -- Working with mean, mode, and median -- Calculating the mean -- Using simple Java techniques to find mean -- Using Java 8 techniques to find mean -- Using Google Guava to find mean -- Using Apache Commons to find mean -- Calculating the median -- Using simple Java techniques to find median -- Using Apache Commons to find the median -- Calculating the mode -- Using ArrayLists to find multiple modes -- Using a HashMap to find multiple modes -- Using a Apache Commons to find multiple modes -- Standard deviation -- Sample size determination -- Hypothesis testing -- Regression analysis -- Using simple linear regression -- Using multiple regression -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Machine Learning -- Supervised learning techniques -- Decision trees -- Decision tree types -- Decision tree libraries -- Using a decision tree with a book dataset -- Testing the book decision tree -- Support vector machines -- Using an SVM for camping data…”
Libro electrónico -
45069Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Some technicalities about GANs -- Quantum GANs -- Quantum GANs in PennyLane -- Preparing a QGAN model -- The training process -- Quantum GANs in Qiskit -- Summary -- Afterword and Appendices -- Chapter 13: Afterword: The Future of Quantum Computing -- Appendix A: Complex Numbers -- Appendix B: Basic Linear Algebra -- Vector spaces -- Bases and coordinates -- Linear maps and eigenstuff -- Inner products and adjoint operators -- Matrix exponentiation -- A crash course in modular arithmetic -- Appendix C: Computational Complexity -- A few words on Turing machines -- Measuring computational time -- Asymptotic complexity -- P and NP -- Hardness, completeness, and reductions -- A very brief introduction to quantum computational complexity -- Appendix D: Installing the Tools -- Getting Python -- Installing the libraries -- Accessing IBM's quantum computers…”
Libro electrónico -
45070Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…La investigación educativa como experiencia: Alumbrando nuevas prácticasEl origen de la inquietud; Hablar desde sí; Los modos de aproximación; Hilos de sentido; Historias para contar; La escritura y la elección de las palabras; Bibliografía; II Herido de realidad y en busca de realidad. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
45071por Falcón, LidiaTabla de Contenidos: “…La legalización no resolveráninguna de estas lacrasDe la represión a la corrupciónTenemos que hablar de moral; De la represión a la corrupciónTenemos que hablar de moral; Incesto, proxenetismo, perversiónde menores, estupro; La civilización; La sexualidad de las prostitutas; La sexualidad de los que prostituyen; El debate sobre la sexualidad; La dignidad humana; TERCERA PARTE; CAPÍTULO I; Los antecedentes de la lucha por la igualdad; CAPÍTULO II; CAPITULO III; La difusión de la idea de quela igualdad estaba conseguida; Igualdad no significa igualitarismo; Los defectos masculinos; CAPÍTULO IV…”
Publicado 2014
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull)Enlace del recurso
Libro electrónico -
45072por International Conference on Chemical EducationTabla de Contenidos: “…HF + Cl” and its Visualization -- Indian Chemistry Olympiad Programme: Outcomes of the Decade -- Indian National Chemistry Olympiad Examination: Implications for Teaching and Learning of Chemistry -- Laboratory Courses in Organic Chemistry: A Case Study -- Green Chemistry Initiatives Across the Undergraduate Curriculum -- Education About the Use of Quantities, Units and Symbols in Chemistry: The Earlier the Better -- ICT and Reporting Skills in Chemical Engineering Education -- Linear Free Energy Relationships (LFER) as a One-Hour Classroom Lecture for Postgraduate Students: Correlation of the Nature of the Transition States -- What Makes a Good Laboratory Learning Exercise? …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
45073por Whitington, JohnTabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction; A Little History; Page Description Languages; Other page description languages; Development of PDF; Some Advantages of PDF; Random access and linearization; Stream creation and incremental update; Embedded fonts; Searchable text; ISO Standardization; Specialized Kinds of PDF; PDF/A; PDF/X; Version Summary; What's in a PDF?…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
45074Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…The mobile application penetration testing methodologyDiscovery; Analysis/assessment; Exploitation; Reporting; The OWASP mobile security project; OWASP mobile top 10 risks; Vulnerable applications to practice; Summary; Chapter 2: Snooping Around the Architecture; The importance of architecture; The Android architecture; The Linux kernel; Confusion between Linux and the Linux kernel; Android runtime; The java virtual machine; The Dalvik virtual machine; Zygote; Core Java libraries; ART; Native libraries; The application framework; The applications layer; Native Android or system apps…”
Libro electrónico -
45075Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewer;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Downloading and Installing Nginx; Setting up the prerequisites; The GNU Compiler Collection; The PCRE library; The zlib library; OpenSSL; Downloading Nginx; Websites and resources; Version branches; Features; Downloading and extracting; Configure options; The easy way; Path options; Prerequisites options; Module options; Modules enabled by default; Modules disabled by default; Miscellaneous options; Configuration examples; About the prefix switch…”
Libro electrónico -
45076por Soni, Rahul. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Downloading Nginx from SourceDownloading Nginx; Extracting the Nginx Archive; Understanding the Nginx Source Directory; Installing Nginx Binaries; Build Tools for Compilation; On CentOS; On Ubuntu; Install Dependent Packages; PCRE Library; On CentOS:; On Ubuntu:; OpenSSL; On CentOS; On Ubuntu; zlib Library; On CentOS; On Ubuntu; Compiling Nginx; Understanding the .…”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
45077por Vohra, Deepak. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Creating a Document in Couchbase Server Setting a Document; Adding a Document; Retrieving a Document; Updating a Document; Deleting a Document; Querying a Document with View; Summary; Chapter 6: Using Node.js; Setting Up the Environment; Installing Node.js; Installing Node.js Client Library; Connecting with Couchbase Server; Creating a Document in Couchbase Server; Upserting a Document; Inserting a Document; Getting a Document; Updating a Document; Deleting a Document; Summary; Chapter 7: Using Elasticsearch; Setting the Environment…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
45078Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…The graph visualizationInstalling the GraphStream and BreezeViz libraries; Visualizing the graph data; Plotting the degree distribution; The analysis of network connectedness; Finding the connected components; Counting triangles and computing clustering coefficients; The network centrality and PageRank; How PageRank works; Ranking web pages; Scala Build Tool revisited; Organizing build definitions; Managing library dependencies; A preview of the steps; Running tasks with SBT commands; Summary; Chapter 4: Transforming and Shaping Up Graphs to Your Needs…”
Libro electrónico -
45079Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The first physics constraint actor experience -- Customizing physics constraint actor -- A simple game with Blueprint -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Physics Dampening, Friction, and Physics Bodies -- Physics Bodies - an overview -- Physics Bodies - a section review -- Angular and Linear Damping -- Angular and Linear Damping - a section review -- Physical Materials - an overview -- Physical Materials - a section review -- Physics Damping -- Physics Damping - a section review -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Materials -- What is physical material? …”
Libro electrónico -
45080Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Optimizing IT OpEx Efficiencies in the Face of Rising ComplexitiesChange Management and Change Impact Analysis; Asset Management and IT Financial Optimization; Service Impact, Root Cause Analysis, and Troubleshooting; The Move to Cloud and Virtualization; Bringing the Organization Together; Summary Takeaways; Section 2: The Basics ; Chapter 3: CMDB System Foundations; CMDB Foundations Part One: Process; Why It's Good to Get to Know ITIL First; ITIL is; ITIL is not; A (Very) Short History; A Human Face to Service Management; ITIL's Libraries; ITIL's Configuration Management Database (CMDB)…”
Libro electrónico