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  1. 45061
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Glossary -- Acronyms -- About the Companion Website -- Part I Introductory Part -- Chapter 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Optimization -- 1.2 Unsupervised Learning -- 1.3 Supervised Learning -- 1.4 System Identification -- 1.5 Control -- 1.6 Reinforcement Learning -- 1.7 Outline -- Chapter 2 Linear Algebra -- 2.1 Vectors and Matrices -- 2.2 Linear Maps and Subspaces -- 2.2.1 Four Fundamental Subspaces -- 2.2.2 Square Matrices -- 2.2.3 Affine Sets -- 2.3 Norms -- 2.4 Algorithm Complexity -- 2.5 Matrices with Structure -- 2.5.1 Diagonal Matrices -- 2.5.2 Orthogonal Matrices -- 2.5.3 Triangular Matrices -- 2.5.4 Symmetric and Skew‐Symmetric Matrices -- 2.5.5 Toeplitz and Hankel Matrices -- 2.5.6 Sparse Matrices -- 2.5.7 Band Matrices -- 2.6 Quadratic Forms and Definiteness -- 2.7 Spectral Decomposition -- 2.8 Singular Value Decomposition -- 2.9 Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse -- 2.10 Systems of Linear Equations -- 2.10.1 Gaussian Elimination -- 2.10.2 Block Elimination -- 2.11 Factorization Methods -- 2.11.1 LU Factorization -- 2.11.2 Cholesky Factorization -- 2.11.3 Indefinite LDL Factorization -- 2.11.4 QR Factorization -- 2.11.5 Sparse Factorizations -- 2.11.6 Block Factorization -- 2.11.7 Positive Semidefinite Block Factorization -- 2.12 Saddle‐Point Systems -- 2.12.1 H Positive Definite -- 2.12.2 H Positive Semidefinite -- 2.13 Vector and Matrix Calculus -- Exercises -- Chapter 3 Probability Theory -- 3.1 Probability Spaces -- 3.1.1 Probability Measure -- 3.1.2 Probability Function -- 3.1.3 Probability Density Function -- 3.2 Conditional Probability -- 3.3 Independence -- 3.4 Random Variables -- 3.4.1 Vector‐Valued Random Variable -- 3.4.2 Marginal Distribution -- 3.4.3 Independence of Random Variables -- 3.4.4 Function of Random Variable -- 3.5 Conditional Distributions…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 45062
    por Ballard, Chuck
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…13.2.1 The Simple4GLReport example -- 13.2.2 Conversion of the Simple4GLReport to EGL -- 13.2.3 The generated EGL report files -- 13.2.4 Default font for 4GL report to JasperReports conversions -- 13.3 C function integration with EGL -- 13.3.1 Download the EGL stack library and application object file -- 13.3.2 Compile all C code into a shared library -- 13.3.3 Create a function table -- 13.3.4 Create the shared library -- 13.3.5 Invoking a C Function from an EGL Program: the 4GL way -- 13.3.6 Receiving values from EGL -- 13.3.7 Returning values to EGL -- 13.4 4GL shared library conversion -- Chapter 14. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 45063
    por Williams, H. P.
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “… VARIABLES -- OBJECTIVE -- CONSTRAINTS -- Chapter 4 Structured linear programming models -- 4.1 Multiple plant, product and period models -- 4.2 Stochastic programmes -- 4.3 Decomposing a large model -- 4.3.1 The submodels -- 4.3.2 The restricted master model -- Chapter 5 Applications and special types of mathematical programming model -- 5.1 Typical applications -- 5.1.1 The petroleum industry -- 5.1.2 The chemical industry -- 5.1.3 Manufacturing industry -- 5.1.4 Transport and distribution -- 5.1.5 Finance -- 5.1.6 Agriculture -- 5.1.7 Health -- 5.1.8 Mining -- 5.1.9 Manpower planning -- 5.1.10 Food -- 5.1.11 Energy -- 5.1.12 Pulp and paper -- 5.1.13 Advertising -- 5.1.14 Defence -- 5.1.15 The supply chain -- 5.1.16 Other applications -- 5.2 Economic models -- 5.2.1 The static model -- 5.2.2 The dynamic model -- 5.2.3 Aggregation -- 5.3 Network models -- 5.3.1 The transportation problem -- 5.3.2 The assignment problem -- 5.3.3 The transhipment problem -- 5.3.4 The minimum cost flow problem -- 5.3.5 The shortest path problem -- 5.3.6 Maximum flow through a network -- 5.3.7 Critical path analysis -- 5.4 Converting linear programs to networks -- Chapter 6 Interpreting and using the solution of a linear programming model -- 6.1 Validating a model -- 6.1.1 Infeasible models -- 6.1.2 Unbounded models -- 6.1.3 Solvable models -- 6.2 Economic interpretations -- 6.2.1 The dual model -- 6.2.2 Shadow prices -- 6.2.3 Productive capacity constraints -- 6.2.4 Raw material availabilities -- 6.2.5 Marketing demands and limitations -- 6.2.6 Material balance (continuity) constraints -- 6.2.7 Quality stipulations -- 6.2.8 Reduced costs -- 6.3 Sensitivity analysis and the stability of a model -- 6.3.1 Right-hand side ranges -- 6.3.2 Objective ranges -- 6.3.3 Ranges on interior coefficients -- 6.3.4 Marginal rates of substitution…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 45064
    Publicado 2020
    “…En estos tiempos, cuando oímos hablar de macrodatos, inteligencia artificial y plataformas, pensamos en aplicaciones de rastreo de personas para luchar contra el COVID-19, en la “curva" de muertos y muertas, en coches-termómetro y en sistemas de reconocimiento facial. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 45065
    por Laguna, José
    Publicado 2020
    “…Echando mano de los “bergoglismos” que en otras ocasiones nos han animado a ‘balconear’, ‘primerear’, ‘alfarear’ o ‘misericordiar’, el autor se atreve a resumir la intención de dicho pacto educativo global como una invitación a ‘futurear’. Francisco no quiere hablar de nuevas corrientes pedagógicas, de los desafíos de la cultura digital o de inteligencias múltiples. …”
  6. 45066
  7. 45067
    por Ashok, Kamthane
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…16.10 Linked List with and without Header -- 16.10.1 Linked List with Header -- Summary -- Exercises -- Appendix A -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange -- Appendix B -- Priority of Operators and Their Clubbing -- Appendix C -- Header Files and Standard Library Functions -- Appendix D -- ROM-BIOS Services -- Appendix E -- Scan Codes of Keyboard Keys -- Index -- Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 45068
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Transforming data into a usable form -- Simple text cleaning -- Removing stop words -- Finding words in text -- Finding and replacing text -- Data imputation -- Subsetting data -- Sorting text -- Data validation -- Validating data types -- Validating dates -- Validating e-mail addresses -- Validating ZIP codes -- Validating names -- Cleaning images -- Changing the contrast of an image -- Smoothing an image -- Brightening an image -- Resizing an image -- Converting images to different formats -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Data Visualization -- Understanding plots and graphs -- Visual analysis goals -- Creating index charts -- Creating bar charts -- Using country as the category -- Using decade as the category -- Creating stacked graphs -- Creating pie charts -- Creating scatter charts -- Creating histograms -- Creating donut charts -- Creating bubble charts -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Statistical Data Analysis Techniques -- Working with mean, mode, and median -- Calculating the mean -- Using simple Java techniques to find mean -- Using Java 8 techniques to find mean -- Using Google Guava to find mean -- Using Apache Commons to find mean -- Calculating the median -- Using simple Java techniques to find median -- Using Apache Commons to find the median -- Calculating the mode -- Using ArrayLists to find multiple modes -- Using a HashMap to find multiple modes -- Using a Apache Commons to find multiple modes -- Standard deviation -- Sample size determination -- Hypothesis testing -- Regression analysis -- Using simple linear regression -- Using multiple regression -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Machine Learning -- Supervised learning techniques -- Decision trees -- Decision tree types -- Decision tree libraries -- Using a decision tree with a book dataset -- Testing the book decision tree -- Support vector machines -- Using an SVM for camping data…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 45069
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Some technicalities about GANs -- Quantum GANs -- Quantum GANs in PennyLane -- Preparing a QGAN model -- The training process -- Quantum GANs in Qiskit -- Summary -- Afterword and Appendices -- Chapter 13: Afterword: The Future of Quantum Computing -- Appendix A: Complex Numbers -- Appendix B: Basic Linear Algebra -- Vector spaces -- Bases and coordinates -- Linear maps and eigenstuff -- Inner products and adjoint operators -- Matrix exponentiation -- A crash course in modular arithmetic -- Appendix C: Computational Complexity -- A few words on Turing machines -- Measuring computational time -- Asymptotic complexity -- P and NP -- Hardness, completeness, and reductions -- A very brief introduction to quantum computational complexity -- Appendix D: Installing the Tools -- Getting Python -- Installing the libraries -- Accessing IBM's quantum computers…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 45070
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La investigación educativa como experiencia: Alumbrando nuevas prácticasEl origen de la inquietud; Hablar desde sí; Los modos de aproximación; Hilos de sentido; Historias para contar; La escritura y la elección de las palabras; Bibliografía; II Herido de realidad y en busca de realidad. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 45071
    por Falcón, Lidia
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La legalización no resolveráninguna de estas lacrasDe la represión a la corrupciónTenemos que hablar de moral; De la represión a la corrupciónTenemos que hablar de moral; Incesto, proxenetismo, perversiónde menores, estupro; La civilización; La sexualidad de las prostitutas; La sexualidad de los que prostituyen; El debate sobre la sexualidad; La dignidad humana; TERCERA PARTE; CAPÍTULO I; Los antecedentes de la lucha por la igualdad; CAPÍTULO II; CAPITULO III; La difusión de la idea de quela igualdad estaba conseguida; Igualdad no significa igualitarismo; Los defectos masculinos; CAPÍTULO IV…”
    Enlace del recurso
    Libro electrónico
  12. 45072
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…HF + Cl” and its Visualization -- Indian Chemistry Olympiad Programme: Outcomes of the Decade -- Indian National Chemistry Olympiad Examination: Implications for Teaching and Learning of Chemistry -- Laboratory Courses in Organic Chemistry: A Case Study -- Green Chemistry Initiatives Across the Undergraduate Curriculum -- Education About the Use of Quantities, Units and Symbols in Chemistry: The Earlier the Better -- ICT and Reporting Skills in Chemical Engineering Education -- Linear Free Energy Relationships (LFER) as a One-Hour Classroom Lecture for Postgraduate Students: Correlation of the Nature of the Transition States -- What Makes a Good Laboratory Learning Exercise? …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 45073
    por Whitington, John
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction; A Little History; Page Description Languages; Other page description languages; Development of PDF; Some Advantages of PDF; Random access and linearization; Stream creation and incremental update; Embedded fonts; Searchable text; ISO Standardization; Specialized Kinds of PDF; PDF/A; PDF/X; Version Summary; What's in a PDF?…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 45074
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The mobile application penetration testing methodologyDiscovery; Analysis/assessment; Exploitation; Reporting; The OWASP mobile security project; OWASP mobile top 10 risks; Vulnerable applications to practice; Summary; Chapter 2: Snooping Around the Architecture; The importance of architecture; The Android architecture; The Linux kernel; Confusion between Linux and the Linux kernel; Android runtime; The java virtual machine; The Dalvik virtual machine; Zygote; Core Java libraries; ART; Native libraries; The application framework; The applications layer; Native Android or system apps…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 45075
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewer;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Downloading and Installing Nginx; Setting up the prerequisites; The GNU Compiler Collection; The PCRE library; The zlib library; OpenSSL; Downloading Nginx; Websites and resources; Version branches; Features; Downloading and extracting; Configure options; The easy way; Path options; Prerequisites options; Module options; Modules enabled by default; Modules disabled by default; Miscellaneous options; Configuration examples; About the prefix switch…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 45076
    por Soni, Rahul. author
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Downloading Nginx from SourceDownloading Nginx; Extracting the Nginx Archive; Understanding the Nginx Source Directory; Installing Nginx Binaries; Build Tools for Compilation; On CentOS; On Ubuntu; Install Dependent Packages; PCRE Library; On CentOS:; On Ubuntu:; OpenSSL; On CentOS; On Ubuntu; zlib Library; On CentOS; On Ubuntu; Compiling Nginx; Understanding the .…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 45077
    por Vohra, Deepak. author
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating a Document in Couchbase Server Setting a Document; Adding a Document; Retrieving a Document; Updating a Document; Deleting a Document; Querying a Document with View; Summary; Chapter 6: Using Node.js; Setting Up the Environment; Installing Node.js; Installing Node.js Client Library; Connecting with Couchbase Server; Creating a Document in Couchbase Server; Upserting a Document; Inserting a Document; Getting a Document; Updating a Document; Deleting a Document; Summary; Chapter 7: Using Elasticsearch; Setting the Environment…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 45078
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The graph visualizationInstalling the GraphStream and BreezeViz libraries; Visualizing the graph data; Plotting the degree distribution; The analysis of network connectedness; Finding the connected components; Counting triangles and computing clustering coefficients; The network centrality and PageRank; How PageRank works; Ranking web pages; Scala Build Tool revisited; Organizing build definitions; Managing library dependencies; A preview of the steps; Running tasks with SBT commands; Summary; Chapter 4: Transforming and Shaping Up Graphs to Your Needs…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 45079
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The first physics constraint actor experience -- Customizing physics constraint actor -- A simple game with Blueprint -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Physics Dampening, Friction, and Physics Bodies -- Physics Bodies - an overview -- Physics Bodies - a section review -- Angular and Linear Damping -- Angular and Linear Damping - a section review -- Physical Materials - an overview -- Physical Materials - a section review -- Physics Damping -- Physics Damping - a section review -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Materials -- What is physical material? …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 45080
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Optimizing IT OpEx Efficiencies in the Face of Rising ComplexitiesChange Management and Change Impact Analysis; Asset Management and IT Financial Optimization; Service Impact, Root Cause Analysis, and Troubleshooting; The Move to Cloud and Virtualization; Bringing the Organization Together; Summary Takeaways; Section 2: The Basics ; Chapter 3: CMDB System Foundations; CMDB Foundations Part One: Process; Why It's Good to Get to Know ITIL First; ITIL is; ITIL is not; A (Very) Short History; A Human Face to Service Management; ITIL's Libraries; ITIL's Configuration Management Database (CMDB)…”
    Libro electrónico