Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Kennedy, John F. 170
- Historia 160
- Iglesia Catolica 125
- History 72
- Derecho canónico 64
- Sermones 53
- Política y gobierno 47
- Meditaciones 45
- Biblia 43
- Iglesia Católica 43
- Moral cristiana 42
- Crítica e interpretación 41
- Església Catòlica 40
- Política 38
- Documentales 30
- Història 27
- Teología 27
- Teología dogmática 25
- Derecho eclesiástico 22
- Filosofía 22
- Presidentes de gobierno 22
- Aspectes religiosos 21
- Cristianisme 21
- Historia y crítica 21
- Economía 20
- Oración 20
- Bíblia 19
- Economics 19
- Música 18
- Novela norteamericana 18
3621Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Latin and the Vernaculars: The Case of Erasmus / The Multilingualism of Dutch Rhetoricians: Jan van den Dale’s Uure van den doot (Brussels, c. 1516) and the Use of Language / Types of Bilingual Presentation in the English-Latin Terence1 / An Aristotelian at the Academy: Simone Porzio and the Problem of Philosophical Vulgarisation / Science and Rhetoric: From Giordano Bruno’s Cena de le Ceneri to Galileo’s Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems / Vom Aristarchus zur Jesuiten-Poesie: Zum dynamischen Wechselbezug von Latein und Landessprache in den deutschen Landen in der Frühen Neuzeit / From Aristarch to Jesuit Poetry: The Shifting Interrelation between Latin and the Vernacular in the German Lands in Early Modern Times / From Philosophia Naturalis to Science, from Latin to the Vernacular / The Use of the Vernacular in Early Modern Philosophy / Latin et vernaculaires dans l’Université du XVIIIe siècle / Latin and Vernacular Languages in the Eighteenth-Century University / Latinitas Goes Native: The Philological Turn and Jacob Grimm’s De desiderio patriae (1830)…”
Libro electrónico -
3622por Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Tomus quintus ... continens XXII libros de Ciuitate Dei -- Tomus sextus continens [ta polemika], hoc est, decertationes aduersus haereses, praecipue Iudaeorum, Manichaeorum, Priscillianistarum, Origenistarum, Arrianorum & Iouiniani -- Tomvs septimvs continens reliquam partem [ton polemikon], id est pugnas aduersus haereses Donatistarum & Pelagianorum -- Tomus octauus continens enarrationes in Psalmos mysticos -- Tomus nonus continens illius tractatus, hoc est, expositiones ad populum factas in nouum testamentum, cum aliis varij generis opusculis ... -- Tomus decimus continens reliqua tractata apud populum quorum summam indicabit haec pagina versa -- Index omnium quae grauius et insignius a D. …”
Publicado 1555
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3623por Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430Tabla de Contenidos: “…Complectens reliqua Tôn Didaktikôn -- Quintus tomus, Continens De ciuitate Dei libros Xxii -- Sextus tomus, continens [ta polemika] hoc est decertationes aduersus haereses, praecipue Iudaeorum, Manichaeorum, Priscillianistarum, Origenistarum, Arrianorum & Iouiniani -- Septimus tomus, continens reliquam partem [toi polemikoi] id est pugnas aduersus haereses Donatistarum & Pelagianorum -- Octauus tomus, Contiones In psalmos mysticos -- Nonus tomus, continens illius tractatus hoc est expositiones ad populum factas in nouum testamentum, cum alijs uarij generis opusculis ... -- Decimus tomus, continens sermones ad populum et clericos vetustiss. exemplarium collatione multis in locis emendatus ... -- Índex, in omnia D. …”
Publicado 1556
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3625Publicado 2008“…Unlike existing user interface development tools like GDI and GDI+, WPF is entirely vector-based, offering the developer enhanced two-dimensional and even three-dimensional renderi…”
Libro electrónico -
3626Publicado 2018“…This theme operated as a guiding tool for selecting our four keynotes, professors Jodi Forlizzi, Kun-pyo Lee, Phoebe Sengers and Erik Stolterman. During their years in design, they have lived through its diversities. …”
Libro electrónico -
3627Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…"Small in a way that a bullet is small": reflections on writing short stories / A.L. Kennedy -- The short story: what is it exactly, what do we want to do with it, and how do we intend to do it? …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
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Publicado 2005
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
3629Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sweeney -- Spectrality in the prologue to Deutero-Isaiah / Francis Landy -- The spider-poet : signs and symbols in Isaiah 41 / Hyun Chul Paul Kim -- Consider the source : a reading of the servant's identity and task in Isaiah 42:1-9 / James M. Kennedy -- "They all gather, they come to you" : history, utopia, and the reading of Isaiah 49:18-26 and 60:4-16 / Roy D. …”
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Libro electrónico -
3630Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bernardine of Siena: a new interpretation of a fresco by Pinturicchio in the Bufalini chapel in Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome / Trinita Kennedy -- Gender, image, and devotion in illustrated manuscripts of the Meditationes vitae Christi / Holly Flora -- The eyes have it: the question of redemptive vision in the Verger de soulas (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS fr. 9220) / Lynn Ransom -- The place of aesthetics and the arts in medieval Franciscan theology / Oleg Bychkov -- The transubstantiation of St. …”
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Libro electrónico -
3631Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tree crops and the cultivated landscapes of the southwest Pacific / Jean Kennedy and William Clarke -- 6. Land reform and the state in Vietnam's northwestern mountains / Thomas Sikor -- 7. …”
Libro electrónico -
3632Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fox -- American studies without tears, or what does America want? / Liam Kennedy…”
Libro electrónico -
3633Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Quin Monson -- Stem cell research / Barbara Norrander and Jan Norrander -- The changing Catholic voter : comparing responses to John Kennedy in 1960 and John Kerry in 2004 / J. Matthew Wilson -- George W. …”
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3634Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bernardine of Siena: a new interpretation of a fresco by Pinturicchio in the Bufalini chapel in Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome / Trinita Kennedy -- Gender, image, and devotion in illustrated manuscripts of the Meditationes vitae Christi / Holly Flora -- The eyes have it: the question of redemptive vision in the Verger de soulas (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS fr. 9220) / Lynn Ransom -- The place of aesthetics and the arts in medieval Franciscan theology / Oleg Bychkov -- The transubstantiation of St. …”
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3635Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lester, and Carol Symes -- Constructing and restructuring -- Writing and restoration in Rome : inscriptions, statues, and the late antique preservation of buildings / Gregor Kalas -- How to found an Islamic city / Hugh Kennedy -- Metropolitan architecture, demographics, and the urban identity of Paris in the thirteenth century / Meredith Cohen -- Topographies as texts -- The meaning of topography in Umayyad Córdoba / Ann Christys -- Crafting a charitable landscape : urban topographies in charters and testaments from medieval Champagne / Anne E. …”
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3636Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Knox -- Generalising about Ovid / Stephen Hinds -- Playing with his life : Ovid's "autobiographical" references / Niklas Holzberg -- The epistolary mode and the first of Ovid's Heroides / Duncan F. Kennedy -- Ovidian allusion and the vocabulary of memory / John F. …”
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3637Publicado 2000Tabla de Contenidos: “…Gathering Storms/The Lowland Of Scotland/Feaden Glan O'phiob - Kennedy, Ross & Archie McAllister 16. Jack Broke Da Prison Door/Donald Blue/Sleep Soond Ida Mornin - Anderson, Tom & Aly Bain 17. …”
Disco musical -
3638Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cate -- Cost-benefit analysis of debtor protection rules in subprime market default situations / Duncan Kennedy -- Institutions and inclusion in saving policy / Michael Sherraden and Michael S. …”
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3639por Tymieniecka, Anna-TeresaTabla de Contenidos: “…The Logos of Life as the Carrier of Beingness -- Self-Individuation: Beingness and~Embodiment -- The Interrogative Mode of the Logos of~Life And its Disclosure of the Universal Logos -- The Emergence of The Logos of Life In its Constructive Elan -- The Logos of Life as Sentience -- The Logos of Life In The Ontic Virtualities And Devices of Life’S Individualization -- Ontopoiesis–The Proto-Ontic Self-Individualization of Beingness In Life in the New Critique of Reason -- Understanding Life Through Its Origins -- Differentiation and Attractive Coherence In The Self-Individualizing Life-Process -- Measure, Proportion, Valuation, And~Truth~As~Their~Vortex -- The Life-Positional Horizons of Beingness and their Orbits -- Transcendentalism Revisited -- Embodiment as the Generative Guideline of~Beingness-In-Becoming -- The Passions of the Earth -- The Transformation of Sense -- The Human Soul in the Cosmos and the Cosmos in the Human Soul -- The Human Condition’s Opening of~Life-Transcending Horizons -- The Horizon of the Spirit—The Second Birth of the Human Being in the Moral Sense -- The Moral Sense and the Origin of~Conscience -- The Specifically Human Kairic Timing of~Life: Freedom And Accomplishment -- The Sacral Logos on the Horizon of Life -- The Kairic Timing of The Sacral Logos: The~Sacral Quest As The “In Between” -- The Sacral Quest -- The Inward Sacral of The Soul From Which The Sui Generis Intuition of The Divine Logos Arises -- From The Logos of Life To The Logo-Theic Horizon…”
Publicado 2009
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3640por Verein für Socialpolitik.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Das Zusammenspiel und die Erfassung individueller und institutioneller Bedingungen wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung : ein Plädoyer für die Figur des kulturellen Dolmetschers / Referat von Nils Goldschmidt, Siegen, Pia Becker, München, und Alexander Lenger, Freiburg ; Korreferat von Thomas Döring, Darmstadt -- Institutionen und historische Grenzen / Referat von Jürgen Jerger, Regensburg ; Korreferat von Herbert Brücker, Bamber/Nürnberg -- Institutionentransfer durch kulturelles Unternehmen / Referat von Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Frankfurt a.M., und Joachim Zweynert, Witten/Herdecke ; Korreferat von Heike Walterscheid, Lörrach -- Zur Bedeutung transnationaler Institutionentransfers für den Aufbau einer marktwirtschaftlichen Ordnung in der VR China / Referat von Markus Taube, Duisburg/Tianjin -- Bestimmungsfaktoren erfolgreicher Revolutionen : zur Rolle von Demographie und Migrationsmöglichkeiten / Referat von Rahel Schomaker, Köln/Speyer, und Dirk Wentzel, Pforzheim ; Korreferat von Christian Müller, Münster -- Das Gut Sicherheit und Rolle der Sicherheitswirtschaft bei seiner Herstellung / Referat von Tim H. …”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico