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  1. 25881
    por Pamungkas, Bayu Cahya
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: ADempiere Installation; ADempiere hardware and operating system requirements; Installing the Sun Java Development Kit (JDK); Obtaining JDK/JRE; Installing JDK/JRE; JDK installation on the ADempiere server computer; JRE installation on the ADempiere client computer; Configuring Java system variables and the Windows path; Verifying system variables and the Windows path; Installing databases; Obtaining PostgreSQL databases; Installing PostgreSQL databases; Adding the PostgreSQL path…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 25882
    por Rollins, Mark. author
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Controlling Costs""; ""Forming Your Company""; ""EULA and Privacy Policies""; ""Intellectual Property""; ""Copyrights""; ""Trademarks""; ""Protecting Your Trade Secrets""; ""Patents""; ""Licensing""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 4: A Brief Introduction to Android Development""; ""First Steps as a Developer""; ""Integrated Development Environment (IDE)""; ""Perks of the Android Operating System""; ""Java the Language""; ""Peculiarities of Java on Android""; ""The App Life Cycle""…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 25883
    por Lorenz, David
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Technical requirements -- Getting ready with Next.js -- Installing the Supabase CLI -- Running your first Supabase instance on your machine -- Initializing a new local Supabase instance -- Starting your first Supabase instance -- Managing multiple local Supabase instances -- Option 1 -- the start-stop technique -- Option 2 -- change ports -- Connecting to Supabase with the Supabase JavaScript client -- Initializing and testing the base Supabase JavaScript client within Next.js -- Understanding the base Supabase client -- Using the Supabase client with Pages Router and App Router…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 25884
    por Paz, Jose Rolando Guay
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introducing ASP.NET and Telerik -- Getting Started With Telerik RadControls -- Input RadControls -- Navigation RadControls -- Date, Time, and Scheduling RadControls -- Data RadControls, Part 1 -- Data RadControls, Part 2 -- Layout RadControls -- Chart and Image RadControls -- Additional RadControls -- RadAjax -- Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC -- RadControls for Silverlight -- Introducing Telerik Reporting -- Telerik OpenAccess ORM…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 25885
    por Steinberg, Eliana Ruth
    Publicado 2011
    “…La Cariosistemática permite comparar taxa relacionados, en particular especies. Una variable de análisis con valor diagnóstico es el tipo de sistema de determinación sexual. …”
    Enlace del recurso
  6. 25886
    Publicado 2018
    “…Who This Book Is For This book is for web and mobile developers who have broad programming knowledge on Java or JavaScript or C# and want to develop Augmented Reality applications with Google ArCore. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 25887
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…SummaryChapter 2: Using and Manipulating HTML5 Video and Audio Elements; The element; Fallback Content; @src ; @autoplay ; @muted ; @loop ; @poster ; @width,@ height ; @controls ; @preload ; The Audio Element; ; @src ; @autoplay ; @loop ; @controls ; @preload ; The Source Element; ; @src ; @type ; @media ; The Default Player Interfaces; Visible Controls ; Context Menus ; Publishing ; CSS and Video; CSS Basic Properties; Playing Background Video ; CSS 2D Transforms ; CSS Animations ; Summary; Chapter 3: The JavaScript API; Reflected Content Attributes…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 25888
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Private/Public caching -- No caching -- ETags -- Last-Modified/If-Modified-Since headers -- Room availability -- An overview of implementation -- The REST resource -- Adding HTTP caching -- Caching with ETags -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Dealing with Security -- The booking service -- The REST resource -- Authentication -- HTTP Basic authentication -- Using Basic authentication with Spring -- HTTP Digest authentication -- Token-based authentication -- Other authentication methods -- Authorization -- Authorization with Spring -- URL mapping -- Resource annotations -- Input validation -- Java Bean annotations -- Regular expressions -- Validating bookings -- Encryption -- Storing sensitive data -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Testing RESTful Web Services -- Unit testing Spring controllers -- Mocking -- Simple mocking -- Implementation stubbing with a mocking library -- Mockito and Spring -- Testing security -- Integration testing -- Continuous delivery -- Integration tests with Spring Boot -- Postman -- Postman and security -- Other forms of testing -- User Acceptance Testing -- Load testing -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Building a REST Client -- The basic setup -- Declaring a client -- Remote versus local clients -- Availability and booking services -- Handling security -- The Basic authentication -- The Digest authentication -- HTTP public key pinning -- Exception handling -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Scaling a RESTful Web Service -- Clustering -- Scaling up versus scaling out -- The benefits of clustered systems -- Load balancing -- Linear scalability -- Distributed caching -- Data-tier caching -- First-level caching -- Second-level caching -- Application-tier caching -- Asynchronous communication -- Summary -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 25889
    por Erinle, Bayo
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Submitting Forms -- Capturing simple forms -- Handling checkboxes -- Handling radio buttons -- Handling file uploads -- Handling file downloads -- Posting JSON data -- Reading JSON data -- Using the BSF PostProcessor -- Handling the XML response -- Summary -- 4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 25890
    por Pérez Gómez, Augusto
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sofía: buscando la paz después de las tormentasLos fracasos; Germán:la fealdad está en el ojo de quien se mira; Sandra: la intolerable autodecepción; Eduardo: el placer del dolor; Los conflictos con los consultantes; Constanza: ser objeto o ser sujeto; Juana y Andrés: ¿dónde están los límites?; Las frustraciones; Irma: pobre otra vez, ¡jamás!…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 25891
    por Rabasa, Angel
    Publicado 2001
    Libro electrónico
  12. 25892
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Land, Kathryn Libal, and Jillian Chambers -- The unmaking of citizens : shifting borders of belonging / Kristy A. Belton and Jamie Chai Yun Liew -- Zero humanity : the reality of current U.S. immigration policy toward Central American refugee children and their families / Jacqueline Bhabha -- Australia's extraterritorial border control policies / Azadeh Dastyari and Asher Hirschadeh Dastyari and Asher Hirsch -- Protection through revisionism? …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 25893
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…I won't go back" : national time, trauma and legacies of symphysiotomy in Ireland / Máiréad Enright -- Time-spaces of adjudication in the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis / Philip Ashton -- On "delay" and "duration" : law's temporal orders in historical child sexual abuse cases / Sinead Ring -- "Give us his name" : time, law, and language in a settler colony / Genevieve Renard Painter -- Traditional medicines, law, and the (dis)ordering of temporalities / Emilie Cloatre -- Making land liquid : on time and title registration / Sarah Keenan -- Regulating the 'half-timer' in colonial India : factory legislation, its anomalies and resistance / Maya John -- Regulating time : new perspectives on law, regulation and temporalities / LJB Hayes -- Standards in the shadows for everyone to see : the supranational regulation of time and the concern over temporal pluralism / Kevin Birth -- Energy governance, risk, and temporality : the construction of energy time through law and regulation / Antti Silvast, Mikko Jalas and Jenny Rinkinen -- Doing times, doing truths : the legal case file as a folded object / Irene van Oorschot -- Topological time, law and subjectivity : a description in five folds / Sameena Mulla…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 25894
    por Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940-
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Richard Niebuhr -- The virtues of Alistair MacIntyre -- The virtues of the Summa Theologiae / with Sheryl Overmyer -- "A recall to Christian life": what is social about the Catholic social teaching / with Jana Bennett -- Methodist theological ethics / with D. …”
  15. 25895
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ryder -- Intelligence and human rights / Stefanie Schmahl -- National security and EU law constraints on intelligence activities / Satish Sule -- The problem of oversight / Iain Cameron -- Effective remedies against intelligence actions / Jana Gajdošová -- Intelligence and civil society / Carly Nyst, Eric King -- Intelligence law in Germany / Jan-Hendrik Dietrich -- Intelligence law in France / Florent Le Divelec -- Intelligence law and oversight in the UK / Ian Leigh…”
  16. 25896
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contiene: Preludios vascos: Bat-batian = Improvisación ; Izketan = Diálogo ; Oyanian = En el bosque ; Eresia = Canción triste ; Aur-dantza = Danza infantil ; Oñazez = Dolor ; Aitonaren ele-zaarrak = Cuento del abuelo ; Artzai gaztearen oiua = Canción del pastor joven ; Seask'aldean eresiz = Canción de cuna ; Bordako atalarrian = A la puerta del caserio ; Mutillen karrika-eresiak = Ronda de mozos ; ilargitan, emazte-gayanerontz = Cantando a la luz de la luna ; Urruti-jaya = Romería lejana ; Irulea = La hilandera ; Malkoak = Lágrimas ; Eztei-taldea = Cortejo de Bodas ; Errotazuriko urretxindorra = El ruiseñor de Errotazuri ; Zubero-errialde = Paisaje suletino ; Sagar dantza = Baile de las manzanas ; Esku-dantza = Danza de manos ; Zozo-dantza = Danza del mirlo ; Beste lanak = Otras obras: Andante para una sonata vasca (alla classica) (1913) ; Errimiña-nostalgie (1927) ; Prière plaintive à Notre Dame de Socorri (1928) ; Menuet basque (1930) ; Vora 'l ter (sérénade enfantine) (1936) ; Tiento y canción (1946) ; Homenaje a Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga (1954)…”
    Grabación musical
  17. 25897
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: social media and moral complexities confronting sports journalists / by Tom Bradshaw -- Digital and data-driven sports journalism: new challenges and perspectives / by Jana Wiske and Thomas Horky -- (Un)bunch of amateurs: locating the fifth estate in the sports blogosphere / by Simon McEnnis -- Part II. …”
  18. 25898
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Os níveis de escolaridade aumentaram, mas as taxas de retorno para quem conclui o ensino superior continuam elevadas -- Figura 2.3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 25899
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Identifying the Players -- Smart(er) VBA Document Deployment -- Email and Saved Passwords -- Keyloggers and Cookies -- Bringing It All Together -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 6: Criminal Intelligence -- Payload Delivery Part VI: Deploying with HTA -- Malware Detection -- Privilege Escalation in Microsoft Windows -- Escalating Privileges with Local Exploits -- Exploiting Automated OS Installations -- Exploiting the Task Scheduler -- Exploiting Vulnerable Services -- Hijacking DLLs -- Mining the Windows Registry -- Command and Control Part VI: The Creeper Box -- Creeper Box Specification -- Introducing the Raspberry Pi and Its Components -- GPIO -- Choosing an OS -- Configuring Full-Disk Encryption -- A Word on Stealth -- Configuring Out-of-Band Command and Control Using 3G/4G -- Creating a Transparent Bridge -- Using a Pi as a Wireless AP to Provision Access by Remote Keyloggers -- The Attack -- Spoofing Caller ID and SMS Messages -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 7: War Games -- Background and Mission Briefing -- Payload Delivery Part VII: USB Shotgun Attack -- USB Media -- A Little Social Engineering -- Command and Control Part VII: Advanced Autonomous Data Exfiltration -- What We Mean When We Talk About "Autonomy" -- Means of Egress -- The Attack -- Constructing a Payload to Attack a Classified Network -- Stealthy 3G/4G Software Install -- Attacking the Target and Deploying the Payload -- Efficient "Burst-Rate" Data Exfiltration -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 8: Hack Journalists -- Briefing -- Advanced Concepts in Social Engineering -- Cold Reading -- C2 Part VIII: Experimental Concepts in Command and Control -- Scenario 1: C2 Server Guided Agent Management -- Scenario 2: Semi-Autonomous C2 Agent Management -- Payload Delivery Part VIII: Miscellaneous Rich Web Content -- Java Web Start -- Adobe AIR -- A Word on HTML5 -- The Attack…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 25900
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Problems -- Multiple-choice questions -- Further reading -- Mobile Handheld Devices -- Characteristics of PDAs -- The ARM processor -- Network connectivity -- Palm handhelds -- The Palm OS operating system -- Memory management -- Communication and networking -- HP handhelds -- Windows CE -- Memory architecture -- Memory management -- Processes and threads -- Scheduling -- Real-time performance -- The Windows Mobile operating system -- Nokia handhelds -- Specifications of Nokia 9210 -- Features -- Symbian operating system -- Design -- Symbian structure -- Summary -- Problems -- Multiple-choice questions -- Further reading -- The Mobile Internet and Wireless Web -- The Web programming model -- The WAP programming model -- WAP protocol stack -- Information-mode -- WAP 2.0 -- WAP gateway -- Push operation -- Push message format -- Pull operation -- Summary -- Problems -- Multiple-choice questions -- Further reading -- Logical Mobility II-Mobile Agents -- Mobile agents -- Characteristics of mobile agents -- Architecture -- Mobile code and agents -- Mobile agents and process migration -- Client/server and mobile agent architectures -- Requirements for mobile agent systems -- Portability -- Ubiquity -- Network communication -- Server security -- Agent security -- Resource accounting -- Mobile agent platforms -- Aglets -- Agent Tcl -- Agent Tcl applications -- PMADE -- Agent submitter -- Agent host -- Communication managers -- State managers -- Persistence manager -- Security manager -- Java and mobile agents -- Advantages of Java -- Shortcomings of Java -- Summary -- Problems -- Multiple-choice questions -- Further reading -- Security Issuesin Mobile Computing -- Security threats to wireless networks -- IEEE 802.11 security through WEP -- WEP security features of 802.11 wireless LANs -- Authentication -- Confidentiality -- Integrity -- Bluetooth security…”
    Libro electrónico