Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,422
- Development 1,382
- Java (Computer program language) 1,307
- Application software 1,225
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 876
- Història 768
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 746
- Web site development 670
- Computer Science 606
- Web sites 386
- Computer programming 384
- Java (Lenguaje de programación) 368
- Design 365
- Web applications 329
- Internet programming 298
- Cajas de ahorros 284
- Computer software 274
- Computer programs 225
- Caza 222
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) 208
- Programming 200
- History 186
- HTML (Document markup language) 183
- Casas, Bartolomé de las 182
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 181
- Android (Electronic resource) 179
- Arquitectura 164
- Software engineering 162
- Java 154
- Crítica e interpretación 149
25181por Tyler, Joshua. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1 The Challenge of Building an Engineering Team from the Ground Up -- Chapter 2 An Enlightened Approach to Recruiting -- Chapter 3 Six Destructive Myths about Recruiting Software Engineers -- Chapter 4 Eight Steps to Recruiting Success -- Chapter 5 Hiring Is Hard -- Chapter 6 The Myth of the Ninja Rockstar Developer -- Chapter 7 The Hiring Decision Checklist -- Chapter 8 Making Interviews Fun for Your Team -- Chapter 9 Why We Don’t Allow Java in Job Interviews -- Chapter 10 Do I Want to be a Manager? …”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
25182Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Obsah -- Slovo dekana -- Sto let v šesti generaci ́ch -- Zakladatelska ́ generace -- Meziva ́lecna ́ generace -- Pova ́lecna ́ generace -- Dušan Jera ́bek o fakultni ́m roce 1945 -- Generace padesa ́ty ́ch a šedesa ́ty ́ch let -- Radoslav Vecerka o fakultni ́ch letech ctyrica ́ty ́ch a padesa ́ty ́ch -- Milan Uhde o fakultni ́m roce 1953 -- Normalizacni ́ generace -- Polistopadova ́ generace -- Milan Uhde o fakultni ́m roce 1990 -- Doslovy -- Le ́ta s fakultou (Marie Krcmova ́) -- Di ́lna svobodne ́ho tvurci ́ho myšleni ́ (Petr Oslzly ́) -- Artes et scientiae (Jana Nechutova ́) -- Prameny a literatura -- Použite ́ fotografie a jejich zdroje Resume ́ -- Summary -- Jmenny ́ rejstri ́k…”
Libro electrónico -
25183Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Faster fonts -- Chapter 8. Keeping JavaScript lean and fast -- Chapter 9. Boosting performance with service workers -- Chapter 10. …”
Libro electrónico -
25184Publicado 2001Tabla de Contenidos: “…The history of DSP based architecture in secod generation cellular handsets / The role of programmble DSPs in dual mode (2G and 3G) handsets / Programmable DSPs for 3G base station modems / Enabling multimedia applications in 2.5G and 3G wireless terminals : challenges solutions / A flexible distributed Java enviroment for wireless PDA architecture based on DSP technology / Speech coding standards in mobile communications / Speech recognition solutions for wireless devices / Video and audio coding for mobile applications / Security paradigm for mobile terminals / Biometric systems applied to mobile communications / The role of programmable DSPs in digital radio / Benchmarking DSP architectures for low power applications / Low power sensor networks / The pleiades architecture / Application specific instruction set architecture extensions for DSPs / The pointing wireless device for delivery of location based applications…”
Libro electrónico -
25185Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…The quick learner's guide to Oracle Fusion web application development -- Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) -- The Oracle ADF faces rich client lifecycle -- Introduction to Oracle ADF task flows -- Working with unbounded and bounded Oracle ADF task flows -- Working with bounded task flows in ADF regions -- Page navigation in Oracle ADF -- Working with input components -- Working with table, tree, and treeTable components -- Working with menus, dialogs, and pop-ups -- Looking up data -- Working with images and media -- Visualizing data with DVT components -- Implementing drag-and-drop functionality -- Working with Oracle ADF reusable components -- Building custom look and feel with cascading style sheets and skinning -- Building layouts in ADF Face RC -- Internationalization -- Using JavaScript in ADF Faces RC -- Active Data Services -- Oracle Fusion web application security…”
Libro electrónico -
25186Publicado 1999Tabla de Contenidos: “…Software Development Frequently Asked Questions -- Java Coding Standard Template -- Sample Internal Support Agreement (ISA)…”
Libro electrónico -
25187por Colquhoun, AdrianTabla de Contenidos: “…Configuring the connection to the databaseConfiguring a datasource in JBoss AS; Additional datasource properties; Setting up a new datasource; Gathering connection pool statistics; Deploying datasources at application level; High availability datasources; Connecting from a remote client; Configuring the transaction service; Preserving data integrity; Global and local transactions; Configuring JBoss transactions; Monitoring transactions; Summary; Chapter 4: Developing EJB 3 Session Beans; Java EE made easier; Developing Enterprise JavaBeans; Developing Session Beans; Stateless Session Beans…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
25188Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
25189Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Management via a web pluginManagement via a REST API; Summary; RabbitMQ command-line tools; Web plugins; Nagios; Munin; Zabbix; Summary; An brief introduction to security in RabbitMQ; Applying access control; Providing SASL authentication; SSL support in RabbitMQ; Summary; Case study; Application language - Java; RabbitMQ Java client API; Case study - client implementations; Spring framework and RabbitMQ; Spring AMQP; Summary; Case study; Bunny and Ruby; Installing Ruby; Using Bunny; Exploring the AMQP model with Bunny; The real-time processing; Sneakers; Summary; Case study; Pika…”
Libro electrónico -
25190Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Android frameworkApplication framework; Java knowledge; Tuning Up Your Hardware; Operating system; Computer hardware; Installing and Configuring Your Support Tools; Installing Android Studio; Mac users; Windows users; Installing Java 7; Adding SDK Packages; Navigating the Android SDK; Specifying Android Platforms; Using SDK Tools for Everyday Development; Saying hello to the emulator; Getting physical with a real Android device [Windows]; Debugging your work; Trying out the API and SDK samples; Giving the API demos a spin; Part II Building and Publishing Your First Application…”
Libro electrónico -
25191por Jackson, WallaceTabla de Contenidos: “…Our Road AheadYour Android Development IDE; Java, XML, and How Android Works; The Android Application Framework; Screen Layout Design; User Interface Design; Graphics and Animation Design; Interactivity; Content Providers; Intents and Intent Filters; The Future of Android; Summary; Chapter 3: SeHing Up Your Android Development Environment; Installing Java, Eclipse, and Android; Updating the Android SDK; Setting Up AVDs and Smartphone Connections; Developing on 64-Bit Computing Platforms; Summary; Chapter 4: Introducing the Android Software Development Platform…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
25192por Sanghani, AbhishekTabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Report Authoring Basic Concepts; Introduction; Summary filter and detail filter; Sorting grouped values; Aggregation and rollup aggregation; Implementing IF THEN ELSE in filters; Data formatting options: Dates, numbers,; and percentages; Creating sections; Hiding column in crosstab; Prompts: Display value versus use value; Chapter 2: Advanced Report Authoring; Introduction; Adding a cascaded prompt; Creating nested report: Defining master; detail relationship; Writing back to the database…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
25193Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…References (Visual Basic Only)Resources; Services; Settings; Reference Paths (C# and F# Only); Signing; My Extensions (Visual Basic Only); Security; Publish; Code Analysis; Web Application Project Properties; Web; Silverlight Applications; Package/Publish Web; Package/Publish SQL; Web Site Projects; Summary; Chapter 7: IntelliSense and Bookmarks; IntelliSense Explained; General IntelliSense; IntelliSense and C++; Completing Words and Phrases; Parameter Information; Quick Info; JavaScript IntelliSense; The JavaScript IntelliSense Context; Referencing Another JavaScript File…”
Libro electrónico -
25194por Powers, ShelleyTabla de Contenidos: “…Editing, Parsing, and Browsing RDF/XMLBrownSauce; Parsers; ARP2; ICS-FORTH Validating RDF Parser; Editors; IsaViz; RDF Editor in Java; Jena: RDF in Java; Overview of the Classes; The Underlying Parser; The Model; The Query; DAML+OIL; Creating and Serializing an RDF Model; Very Quick Simple Look; Encapsulating the Vocabulary in a Java Wrapper Class; Adding More Complex Structures; Creating a Typed Node; Creating a Container; Parsing and Querying an RDF Document; Just Doing a Basic Dump; Accessing Specific Values; In-Memory Versus Persistent Model Storage; RDF and Perl, PHP, and Python…”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
25195por Rappin, Noel, 1971-Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Polymorphic Associations; Database Refresher; Using Transactions; Resources; Summary; Chapter 7: Testing Tools; Test Driven; Covering It All; Mock Testing; Behavior-Driven Design; How to Get RSpec-Like Features; References; Summary; Chapter 8: Rails-Driven JavaScript; Revisiting the Past; Easy JavaScript Integration; Writing JavaScript in Ruby; Cross-Site Scripting Security; Resources…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
25196por Gupta, Saurabh K.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Manipulating collection elementsCollection initialization; Summary; Practice exercise; Chapter 4: Using Advanced Interface Methods; Understanding external routines; Architecture of external routines; Oracle Net Configuration; TNSNAMES.ora; LISTENER.ora; Oracle Net Configuration verification; Benefits of external procedures; Executing external C programs from PL/SQL; Executing C program through external procedure-development steps; Executing Java programs from PL/SQL; Calling a Java class method from PL/SQL; Uploading a Java class into the database-development steps…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
25197por Brazell, AaronTabla de Contenidos: “…Localizing PluginsSummary; Chapter 6: Widgetizing WordPress; Using Widgets in WordPress; Building Widgets with the Widget API; Widgetizing Your Theme; Summary; Chapter 7: Understanding the WordPress Database Class; Examining the Schema and Properties of the Database Class; Adding Data to MySQL with WordPress; Retrieving Data from MySQL with WordPress; Preventing SQL Injection; Summary; Chapter 8: Dissecting the Loop and WP_ Query; Defining the Loop; Wrangling the Loop with Plugins; Developing Custom and Multiple Loops; Using Loops Strategically; Summary…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
25198Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; Acknowledgments; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Understanding the HBase Ecosystem; HBase layout on top of Hadoop; Comparing architectural differences between RDBMs and HBase; HBase features; HBase in the Hadoop ecosystem; Data representation in HBase; Hadoop; Core daemons of Hadoop; Comparing HBase with Hadoop; Comparing functional differences between RDBMs and HBase; Logical view of row-oriented databases; Logical view of column-oriented databases; Pros and cons of column-oriented databases…”
Libro electrónico -
25199por Bisht, SumitTabla de Contenidos: “…-- The Robot Framework ecosystem -- Installing and setting up the Robot Framework -- Source installation -- One-click graphical installer -- Java environment installation -- The Python package installation -- Support for different runtimes -- Command details -- A small exercise -- Summary -- 2. …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
25200por Amundsen, MichaelTabla de Contenidos: “…XML Hypermedia; Scenario; Designing the Maze XML Media Type; Identifying the State Transitions; Selecting the Basic Design Elements; The Maze+XML Document; The collection element; The item element; The cell element; The error element; Sample Data; The Server Code; The Collection State Response; The Item State Response; The Cell State Response; The Exit State Response; The Client Code; Maze Game Example; HTML5 Markup; JavaScript; Maze Bot Example; HTML5 Markup; JavaScript; Summary; Chapter 3. …”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico