Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 718
- History 705
- Economic conditions 211
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 166
- Business & Economics 163
- Economic policy 163
- Italy 162
- Tàpies, Antoni 161
- Education 122
- Computer Science 117
- Economic History 111
- Política y gobierno 105
- Història 104
- Arte 95
- Politics and government 93
- Congressos 85
- Filosofía 85
- History and criticism 84
- Iglesia Católica 81
- Crítica e interpretación 79
- Arquitectura 76
- Economics 72
- Italie 72
- Philosophy 69
- Antiquities 68
- Música 60
- Exposicions 59
- Art 58
- Emigration and immigration 55
- Law 54
7201por Moret, José de ( 1615-1687)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ilarri -- V. 10 El Señorío de Sarría / por Florencio Idoate Iragui…”
Publicado 1969
Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
7202Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté les entrevistes a: Pau Riba, Avel·lí Artís Gener, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Pere Calders, Clementina Arderiu, Eugeni Xammar, Josep Pla, Antoni Tàpies, Miquel Martí i Pol, Mary Santpere, Josep Maria Flotats, Mercè Rodoreda, Llorenç Villalonga, Maria del Mar Bonet, Oriol Bohigas, Joan Brossa, Joan Fuster i Vicent Andrés Estellés…”
Libro -
7203Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sleeping, but present: the cyber activity inspired by the Islamic State in Italy, Valerio Mazzoni -- 6. From the rise of Daesh to the "legacy of Islamic State, Marco Lombardi, Daniele Plebani -- 7. …”
Libro electrónico -
7204Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Statistical Issues: Forecasting World Output: the Rising Importance of Emerging Asia -- Macroeconomic Developments in China: The Statistical Challenges -- Technical Efficiency and Governance: The Case of China -- Demographic Changes, Urbanization and Household Savings: Demographic Trends and Sustainability of the Old-Age Security System in China -- Urban and Rural Household Savings in China: Determinants and Policy Implications -- Saving Rates of Urban Households in China -- The "China Effect" on EU Exports to OECD Markets - A Focus on Italy -- The Sophistication of China's Exports, Imports and Intermediate Products -- Environmental Goods Trade and Technology in China: The Emergence of the Chinese High-Income Class and Its Global Relevance -- Trends in Private Consumption in China -- Are Firms Exporting to China and India Different from Other Exports…”
Libro electrónico -
7205por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table des matières -- Signes et abréviations conventionnels -- Signes et abréviations -- Groupements principaux de pays -- Sources et méthodes -- Pays déclarants et partenaires -- Nouvelle base de données équilibrées du commerce international des services -- Tableaux par pays -- Australie -- Autriche -- Belgique -- Canada -- Chili -- République tchèque -- Danemark -- Estonie -- Finlande -- France -- Allemagne -- Grèce -- Hongrie -- Islande -- Irlande -- Italie -- Japon -- Corée -- Lettonie -- Lituanie -- Luxembourg -- Mexique -- Pays-Bas -- Nouvelle-Zélande -- Norvège -- Pologne -- Portugal -- République slovaque -- Slovénie -- Espagne -- Suède -- Suisse -- Royaume-Uni -- États-Unis -- Union européenne (28) -- Zone euro (19) -- Fédération de Russie…”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
7206por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Vieillissement et le service public au Danemark -- Vieillissement et le service public en Finlande -- Vieillissement et le service public en France -- Vieillissement et le service public en Irlande -- Vieillissement et le service public en Italie -- Vieillissement et le service public au Pays-Bas -- Vieillissement et le service public au Portugal -- Résumé -- Le défi du vieillissement -- Actions nationales -- Examen des stratégies nationales -- Vers des actions et des stratégies publiques durables du vieillissement -- Vieillissement et le service public en Allemagne -- Vieillissement et le service public en Australie…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
7207por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nouvelle-Zélande -- Pays-Bas -- Autriche -- République slovaque -- Australie -- Portugal -- Pologne -- Norvège -- Suède -- Chili -- Utiliser les mesures du bien-être pour améliorer les résultats des politiques publiques dans les régions et les villes -- Canada -- Espagne -- Slovénie -- Belgique -- Estonie -- Turquie -- Suisse -- Danemark -- République tchèque -- Avant-propos et Remerciements -- Allemagne -- France -- États-Unis -- Guide du lecteur -- Royaume-Uni -- Acronymes et abréviations -- Finlande -- Islande -- Résumé -- Hongrie -- Un cadre pour mesurer le bien-être régional et local -- Grèce -- Comment mesurer le bien-être régional et local -- Italie -- Irlande -- Israel -- Mexique -- Corée -- Japon…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
7208por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…Tables by countries""; ""Australia""; ""Austria""; ""Belgium""; ""Canada""; ""Czech Republic""; ""Denmark""; ""Finland""; ""France""; ""Germany""; ""Greece""; ""Hungary""; ""Iceland""; ""Ireland""; ""Italy""; ""Japan""; ""Korea""; ""Luxembourg""; ""Mexico""; ""Netherlands""; ""New Zealand""; ""Norway""; ""Poland""; ""Portugal""; ""Slovak Republic""; ""Spain""; ""Sweden""; ""Switzerland""; ""Turkey""; ""United Kingdom""; ""United States""; ""II. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
7209por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…Tables by countries; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Korea; Luxembourg; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States; II. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
7210por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…China -- Capital stocks: Space assets in orbit and on the ground -- Production and value-added -- Brazil -- India -- Human capital -- Norway -- The manufacturing space industry -- Canada -- United Kingdom -- Acronyms -- Italy -- Foreword -- Executive Summary -- France -- Efficiency/productivity gains -- Introduction -- United States -- Governmental budgets for space activities -- Indirect industrial effects -- Economic growth (regional, national) -- The Space Sector in 2011 and Beyond -- Defining socio-economic impacts from space programmes -- Space launch activities worldwide -- Space exploration activities -- Innovation for future economic growth -- International trade in selected space products -- The satellite earth observation sector -- Insurance market for space activities -- The satellite telecommunications sector -- Trade -- Research and development…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
7211por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Participation des administrations infranationales à l'assainissement budgétaire -- Allemagne -- Grèce -- Hongrie -- Estonie -- États-Unis -- Finlande -- Avant-propos -- Références -- France -- Japon -- Corée -- Luxembourg -- Islande -- Irlande -- Italie -- Autriche -- Pologne -- Australie -- Portugal -- République slovaque -- Belgique -- Mexique -- Pays-Bas -- Nouvelle-Zélande -- Suisse -- République tchèque -- Éditorial du Secrétaire général de l'OCDE -- Turquie -- Résumé -- Danemark -- Préface du président du Groupe de travail des Hauts responsables du budget de l'OCDE -- Royaume-Uni -- Slovénie -- Objectifs, plans et mesures d'assainissement budgétaire dans les pays de l'OCDE -- Espagne -- Suède -- Sources et méthodes -- Canada…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
7212por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Recruitment of Foreign Labour in Germany and Switzerland -- Labour Market Measures Related to Foreign Employment in Ireland -- Labour Recruitment for Skill Shortages int he United Kingdom -- Annex 1A -- Conclusions -- Recruitment of Nurses in Romania by the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia Region in Italy -- Seasonal Labour Migration in the Light of the German-Polish Bilateral Agreement -- Fighting for the Rights of Migrant Workers -- Principal Labour Migration Schemes in the United Kingdom -- Labour Migration to the United States -- Employment of Foreigners in and from the Czech Republic -- Assessment and Evaluation of Bilateral Labour Agreements Signed by Romania -- Annex 2A -- From Labour Emigration to Labour Recruitment -- Bilateral Labour Agreements Concluded by France -- Migration for Employment Policy in Switzerland -- Executive Summary…”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
7213por Jasiński, WojciechTabla de Contenidos: “…Compensation for wrongful convictions in England and Wales / Hannah Quirk -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Germany / Anna Helena Albrecht -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Italy / Simone Lonati -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Spain / Juan Carlos Ortiz-Pradillo -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in the Netherlands / Joost Nan, Nina Holvast, and Sjarai Lestrade -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Norway / Ulf Stridbeck -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Lithuania / Simona Drukteiniene? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
7214Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Compensation for wrongful convictions in England and Wales / Hannah Quirk -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Germany / Anna Helena Albrecht -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Italy / Simone Lonati -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Spain / Juan Carlos Ortiz-Pradillo -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in the Netherlands / Joost Nan, Nina Holvast, and Sjarai Lestrade -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Norway / Ulf Stridbeck -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Lithuania / Simona Drukteinienė -- Compensation for wrongful convictions in Poland / Dorota Czerwińska and Artur Kowalczyk -- Compensation for wrongful conviction in the United States / Meghan J. …”
Libro electrónico -
7215Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Pulverous State: Chronocracy and Affect in the Politics of Environmental Risk in Italy 4. Contextualising Expectations: Reconfiguring Progressive Politics in the Post-Industrial Era 5. …”
Libro electrónico -
7216por Dunkel, MarioTabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Endorsements -- Half Title -- Series -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of Tables -- List of Contributors -- Popular music and the rise of populism in Europe: An introduction -- 1 Populist discourses in pro-government, anti-government, and anti-elite songs in Hungary under the Orbán regime -- 2 Playing "Italianness" in popular music: National populism and music in contemporary Italy -- 3 "I wanna get back home": Performing a populist Austrian homeland in popular music -- 4 Populism in the land of pop: The Sweden Democrats, popular music, and the performance of heroic averageness -- 5 Pop stars as voice of the people: Xavier Naidoo, Andreas Gabalier, and the performance of populism during the Covid-19 pandemic -- Afterword: Popular music and populism in Europe -- Index…”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
7217por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Portugal: Geographic variations in health care -- Italy: Geographic variations in health care -- Germany: Geographic variations in health care -- Israel: Geographic variations in health care -- France: Geographic variations in health care -- Finland: Geographic variations in health care -- Geographic variations in health care use in 13 countries: A synthesis of findings -- Australia: Geographic variations in health care -- Belgium: Geographic variations in health care -- Canada: Geographic variations in health care -- Czech Republic: Geographic variations in health care -- United Kingdom (England): Geographic variations in health care -- Foreword and Acknowledgements -- Acronyms and abbreviations -- Spain: Geographic variations in health care -- Switzerland: Geographic variations in health care -- Executive summary…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
7218Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of figures and tables -- List of contributors -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- I Genres of war -- 1 Infinite tragedy and the Hundred Years War -- 2 Forms against war -- 3 Prophecies of alliance and enmity -- II Figures and sites of mobility -- 4 Italy, poetry and the Hundred Years War -- 5 Merchandising peace -- 6 Mobility and migration -- III Theorising war -- 7 The shared wound -- 8 Mirrors of war -- 9 Dreaming the (un)divided nation -- IV Lives during wartime -- 10 War, tears, and corporeal response in Christine de Pizan -- 11 Visionary women, the Papal Schism and the Hundred Years War -- 12 Between men -- Bibliography -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7219por Federico Ozanam , BeatoTabla de Contenidos: “…V Les poëtes Franciscains en Italie au trezième siècle ... -- 3e. éd. -- 1859 ; T. …”
Publicado 1855
Libro -
7220Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Buckley and Stephen Gundle -- Ethnic minimalism : a strand of 1990s British fashion identity explored via a contextual analysis of designs by Shirin Guild / Amy de la Haye -- The invisible man / Ian Griffiths -- Connecting creativity / Luigi Maramotti -- The chain store challenge / Brian Godbold -- The Hilfiger factor and the flexible commercial world of couture / Lou Taylor -- John Galliano : modernity and spectacle / Caroline Evans -- Luxury and restraint : minimalism in the 1990s fashion / Rebecca Arnold -- Italy : fashion, style and national identity, 1945-65 / Nicola White…”