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- Historia 8,834
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- Social Sciences 1,223
271921por Dreyfuss, Mathias, 1980-“…Mais cette reconnaissance a un prix : la perte et la dislocation de nombreuses archives issues des anciennes communautés juives de France, fragilisant à terme la possibilité de reconstituer leur histoire "intérieure"." …”
Publicado 2021
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271922Publicado 2018“…The chapters consider such topics as the use of information technology in refugee status determination; ethical and legal issues surrounding biometric technologies; information technology within organizational hierarchies; the use of technology by refugees; access issues in refugee camps; the scalability and sustainability of information technology innovations in humanitarian work; geographic information systems and spatial thinking; and the use of “big data” analytic techniques. …”
Libro electrónico -
271923por Kraus, Dita, 1929-“…Pero también mira más allá del Holocausto, haciendo hincapié en la vida que reconstruyó después de la guerra: su matrimonio con su compañero, también superviviente, Otto B Kraus, una nueva vida en Israel y la felicidad y las angustias de la maternidad." …”
Publicado 2021
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271924por Angheben, Marcel“…Le sixième et dernier chapitre aborde chaque portail du corpus dans l’ordre alphabétique en reprenant brièvement les conclusions issues des chapitres précédents et en approfondissant les traits originaux des programmes. …”
Publicado 2020
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271925por King, Bruce, 1933-“…The pain of an unusual, isolated childhood and insecurity in England find expression in his poems. …”
Publicado 2005
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271926Publicado 2005“…PART FOUR: INCREASING VIOLENCE AND EXCLUSION Chapter Twelve: Dominique Iogna-Prat, "Creation of a Christian Armory against Islam." Chapter Thirteen: Anna Sapir Abulafia, "Bodies in the Jewish-Christian Debate." …”
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271927Publicado 2019“…Este libro es una invitación a recuperar de la mano del mejor cine de Visconti lo mejor de la gran cultura europea de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, para reflexionar entre otras cosas sobre el erotismo y la belleza, sobre la vida y su tragedia, o sobre la quiebra de la civilización burguesa y la barbarie fascista mientras escuchamos el preludio del Tristán e Isolda, nos acordamos de cómo Sigfrido descubrió el miedo o nos dejamos llevar por el adagietto de la Quinta de Mahler hasta fundirnos por unos instantes en la tentadora infinitud del ser, primigenio y caótico."…”
Libro -
271928por Leiter, Brian“…He offers new insights into what makes a claim of conscience distinctively "religious", and draws on a wealth of examples from America, Europe, and elsewhere to highlight the important issues at stake. With philosophical acuity, legal insight, and wry humor, Leiter shows why our reasons for tolerating religion are not specific to religion but apply to all claims of conscience, and why a government committed to liberty of conscience is not required by the principle of toleration to grant exemptions to laws that promote the general welfare…”
Publicado 2013
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271929Publicado 2019“…Avec les contributions de : Solal Abélès, Eric Alary, Christian Amalvi, Etienne Anheim, Philippe Artières, Laurent Avezou, Lucien Bély, Stéphane Benoist, Jean-François Bonhoure, Patrick Boucheron, Raphaëlle Branche, Guillaume Calafat, Jacques Cantier, Roger Chartier, Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Laurence De Cock, Christian Delacroix, Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini, Aude Déruelle, Olivier Dumoulin, Patrick Garcia, Claude Gauvard, Jean-Charles Geslot, Pascale Goetschel, Anita Guerreau-Jalabert, François Hartog, Vincent Heimendinger, Thomas Hirsch, Paulin Ismard, Sabine Jansen, Laurent Joly, Philippe Joutard, Jean-Marie Le Gall, Nicolas Le Roux, Antoine Lilti, Jean-Clément Martin, Virginie Martin, Florian Mazel, Charles Mercier, Vincent Milliot, Claudia Moatti, Bertrand Müller, Christel Müller, Bibia Pavard, Manon Pignot, Olivier Poncet, Yann Potin, Christophe Prochasson, Jacques Revel, Nathalie Richard, David Schreiber, Anne Simonin, Pierre Singaravélou, Jean-François Sirinelli, Françoise Thébaud, Marie-Pierre Ulloa, Sylvain Venayre, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel."…”
Libro -
271930por Wewerinke-Singh, Margaretha“…This book offers a timely and comprehensive analysis of the issues related to accountability for the human rights impact of climate change, drawing on the state responsibility regime"…”
Publicado 2019
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271931por Sperb, Jason, 1978-“…As he takes in everything from Terminator: Salvation to The Lego Movie, Sperb helps us see what's distinct about this recent wave of self-aware nostalgic films--how Hollywood nostalgia today isn't what it used to be."…”
Publicado 2016
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271932por Ordway, Holly“…For Tolkien's genius was not simply backward-looking: it was intimately connected with the literature of his own time and concerned with the issues and crises of modernity. Ordway's ground-breaking study reveals that Tolkien brought to the workings of his fantastic imagination a deep knowledge of both the facts and the fictions of the modern world."…”
Publicado 2021
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271933Publicado 2020“… – Gabriele Adinolfi Con l’istituzione del “Comitato pro Centenario 1918-1922”, si è inteso ripercorrere – passo dopo passo – il quadriennio rivoluzionario che caratterizzò l’Italia all’indomani della fine della Grande Guerra. …”
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271934Publicado 2019“…Una lettura dunque che invita ad un'analisi non superficiale di un periodo cruciale della nostra storia, rivelatosi di grande importanza perché, malgrado l'autoritarismo, la violazione dei diritti e la mancanza di libertà che caratterizzarono il fascismo e che condussero il paese al disastro della guerra, è in quegli anni che affondano le radici di alcune delle innovazioni giuridiche ed economiche che hanno avuto un ruolo anticipatore della cultura istituzionale del dopoguerra."…”
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271935por Zimmermann, Susan, 1951-“…A story of personal transformation that reminds us that it isn't what happens to us that shapes our humanity, but how we react, Keeping Katherine shows the unconditional love that exists in families and the gifts the profoundly disabled can offer to those who try to understand them. …”
Publicado 2004
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271936por Dosse, François, 1950-“…Taraudé par son identité d'intellectuel français et juif, soucieux à la fois de l'existence d'Israël et condamnant sa politique au nom d'une conscience diasporique, il a vécu sa judéité comme un conflit intérieur. …”
Publicado 2020
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271937por Cournil, Laure, 1980-“…Cet ouvrage a pour but de les mettre en avant, pour mieux comprendre qui étaient tous ces soldats issus d'horizons divers, comment ils en sont arrivés à créer une microsociété issue d'une armée française composite et installée dans un poste du Tonkin proche du Laos à partir de novembre 1953. …”
Publicado 2019
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271938por Lee, Stephen J., 1945-“…Charting his early career, the origins of his political and religious thought and the development of his notions of governance that influenced him as Lord Protector, Bennett contests the post-Restoration vilification of Cromwell to examine how his influence has shaped notions of citizenship, identity and governance and informed the role of religion in the state throughout the history of the British Isles…”
Publicado 2006
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271939Publicado 2019“…Il Cluster AA aggrega studiosi, ricercatori e docenti universitari con competenze specifiche della disciplina della Tecnologia dell’architettura, con l’obiettivo di acquisire e condividere maggiore conoscenza per istituire nuovi legami con altri centri di ricerca, con il tessuto sociale, economico e produttivo e con altri soggetti operativi privilegiando i diversi apporti multidisciplinari, transdisciplinari e infradisciplinari, e divenendo così luogo deputato alla trasmissione organica delle informazioni e della cultura dell’inclusione."…”
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271940por ZeAevi, Dror, 1953-“…With its innovative approach toward the history of sexuality in the Middle East, Producing Desire sheds new light on the history of the Ottoman Empire, on the history of sexuality and gender, and on the Islamic Middle East today…”
Publicado 2006