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  1. 271881
    Publicado 2021
    “…"Sicurezza" ed "Equilibrio" emergono come le "costanti" che ispirano e orientano le scelte di politica estera di ogni singolo Stato e si pongono alla base della costruzione di una convivenza stabile e pacifica. …”
  2. 271882
    Publicado 2022
    “…Drawing on in-depth interviews with victims, activists, and advocates, Citron brings this headline issue home for readers by weaving together visceral stories about the countless ways that corporate and individual violators exploit privacy loopholes. …”
  3. 271883
    Publicado 2014
    “…Features include: comprehensive and interdisciplinary models and approaches for analyzing mobile media; wide-ranging case studies that draw from this truly global field, including China, Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, as well as Europe, the UK, and the US; a consideration of mobile media as part of broader media ecologies and histories; chapters setting out the economic and policy underpinnings of mobile media; explorations of the artistic and creative dimensions of mobile media; studies of emerging issues such as ecological sustainability; up-to-date overviews on social and locative media by pioneers in the field. …”
  4. 271884
    Publicado 2021
    “…Un dominio contestado sin tregua por la Monarquía Hispánica, en un enfrentamiento que, amén de geoestratégico, era confesional, entre islam y cristiandad, y entre los respectivos paladines de la fe verdadera, el islam suní de Selim II y el catolicismo de Felipe II. …”
  5. 271885
    por De Monticelli, Roberta, 1952-
    Publicado 2009
    “…Siamo noi stessi, in ogni istante, a costruire la nostra identità, la nostra persona. …”
  6. 271886
    por Punter, David
    Publicado 2014
    “…He begins with an 'Introduction: Distinguishing Pity'; followed by chapters on the Aristotelian framework; Buddhism and pity; the pieta in the Middle Ages and Renaissance; Shakespeare on pity; Milton's pitiless Christianity; pity and charity in the early novel; Blake's views on pity; the Victorian debate; from Austen to Dickens and George Eliot; Brecht and Chekhov on pity and self-pity; 'war, and the pity of war'; Jean Rhys and Stevie Smith; pity, immigration and the colony and finally three contemporary texts by Michel Faber, Kazuo Ishiguro and Cormac McCarthy…”
  7. 271887
    Publicado 2012
    “…It introduces ideas for how to nurture and support it, and explores issues associated with fostering it, such as assessment. …”
  8. 271888
    Publicado 2021
    “…Autant de regards croisés que le registre des visiteurs, la presse de l’époque, les mémoires et les récits de voyage ont permis à l’auteur de reconstituer pour en tirer une histoire culturelle des rapports entre Orient et Occident, Nord et Sud, islam et chrétienté, centre et périphérie."--Contracubierta…”
  9. 271889
    Publicado 2014
    “…Topics include: Style, voice, jargon, and why good writing matters Stocks, bonds, currencies, and covering markets Debt, earnings, M&A, and reporting on companies Government financing, opinion polls, and following the money The book also provides guidance on taking an idea from pitch to publication, and includes extensive information on public responsibility, libel, transparency, and other ethical issues. Between the 24-hour news cycle and the current economic climate, financial reporters need to break news accurately and informatively. …”
  10. 271890
    Publicado 2022
    “…Un racconto appassionante che restituisce spessore alle due donne più influenti nell’Europa del Settecento, un’indagine coinvolgente su due distinte e opposte interpretazioni del potere, che getta nuova luce sulla difficile transizione tra il crepuscolo dell’assolutismo monarchico e l’affermazione, anche sanguinosa, delle nuove istanze democratiche."--Solapa…”
  11. 271891
    por Hachmeister, Lutz, 1959-
    Publicado 2014
    “…Er schildert die Vorbereitungen und unterschiedlichen Interessen beider Seiten, vergleicht das Originaltonband des Interviews mit der endgültigen Version, die in redigierter und gekürzter Fassung erschien, und zeigt, wie der Philosoph letztlich den SPIEGELHerausgeber ausmanövrierte. Das Ergebnis ist ein höchst aufschlussreiches Kapitel bundesdeutscher Kulturgeschichte und ein erhellender Blick auf die Selbstinszenierung des wirkungsmächtigen Philosophen…”
  12. 271892
    por Sarè, Sami
    Publicado 2013
    “…In the final version of the Covenant some articles to realize Disarmament were present and a specific ‘Commission’ to carry on the related duties was established: the correspondence between the protagonists shows the difficulties in approaching the issue…”
  13. 271893
    Publicado 2013
    “…Diversity, ecological, and lifespan issues in resilience. Exploring resilience through the lens of core self-evaluation. …”
  14. 271894
    por Chris, Cynthia, 1961-
    Publicado 2006
    “…Cynthia Chris is assistant professor of media culture at the City University of New York's College of Staten Island…”
  15. 271895
    Publicado 2011
    “…Thrift remains, if perhaps in unexpected and counter-intuitive ways, a key to the complex issues of contemporary and economic life…”
  16. 271896
    Publicado 2021
    “…Crear un ejército secreto de antiguos soldados de las Waffen-SS en España, bautizado como la Legión Carlos V por su pasado hispano-alemán, o promover una reunión de todos los partidos de extrema derecha europeos en septiembre de 1951 en Toledo, fueron algunos de los contubernios en los que participó un hombre que no tuvo reparos en colaborar con la CIA y el Mossad israelí. Mentiroso patológico para algunos, espía calculador para otros. …”
  17. 271897
    Publicado 2021
    “…Per converso Giuseppe Dalla Torre, sin dalla giovinezza, mai ha disdegnato di applicarsi all'elaborazione di articoli giornalistici, in particolare per il quotidiano Avvenire: scendendo dalla cattedra universitaria e rivolgendosi con immediatezza al lettore della testata di ispirazione cattolica, per illustrare, con linearità logica e chiarezza concettuale, l'autentica sostanza dei problemi trattati in tutti i loro risvolti, specie giuridici, più controversi. …”
  18. 271898
    Publicado 2014
    “…What is so important about the work is how different language communities and academic traditions combine together to challenge the solipsism and isolationism that can too often bedevil academic writing, especially when English has become the dominant language of exchange and debate; and where writing can draw on a relatively narrow, Anglo-Saxon dominated literature. …”
  19. 271899
    Publicado 2022
    “…Los relatos se cierran con una íntima y entrañable rememoración de la isla de Jalki, donde creció Petros Márkaris -- Contracubierta…”
  20. 271900
    Publicado 2021
    “…Ultimately, this book shows how current frameworks hinder young people from possessing and benefiting from human rights, arguing that they function as cynical invitations to question whether we truly believe children are endowed with human rights.The Sociology of Children’s Rights offers a critical and accessible introduction to understanding a complex issue in the contemporary world, and is a compelling read for students and researchers concerned with human rights in sociology, political science, law, social work, and childhood studies"--Polity Press…”