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  1. 5341
    por Rosanova, Dan
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Publish SubscribeAdapter; Streaming; Understanding BizTalk message flow; The Message Box; Other BizTalk databases; Presenting the BizTalk runtime environment; Servers and services; Application servers; Database Servers; Web Servers; Enterprise Single Sign-On Servers; Understanding roles and relationships; The BizTalk group; Hosts; Host instances; Isolated vs. in-process hosts; Summary; Chapter 2: Introduction to BizTalk Development; Developing BizTalk solutions; Partitioning the BizTalk solution; Specifying the requirements of solution structure; Understanding the layers of a BizTalk solution…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 5342
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The mobile application penetration testing methodologyDiscovery; Analysis/assessment; Exploitation; Reporting; The OWASP mobile security project; OWASP mobile top 10 risks; Vulnerable applications to practice; Summary; Chapter 2: Snooping Around the Architecture; The importance of architecture; The Android architecture; The Linux kernel; Confusion between Linux and the Linux kernel; Android runtime; The java virtual machine; The Dalvik virtual machine; Zygote; Core Java libraries; ART; Native libraries; The application framework; The applications layer; Native Android or system apps…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 5343
    por Lidin, Serge. author
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contents at a Glance; Introduction; Chapter 1: Simple Sample; Basics of the Common Language Runtime; Simple Sample: The Code; Program Header; Class Declaration; Field Declaration; Method Declaration; Global Items; Mapped Fields; Data Declaration; Value Type As Placeholder; Calling Unmanaged Code; Forward Declaration of Classes; Summary; Chapter 2: Enhancing the Code; Compacting the Code; Protecting the Code; Summary; Chapter 3: Making the Coding Easier; Aliasing; Compilation Control Directives; Referencing the Current Class and Its Relatives; Summary…”
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  4. 5344
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Humans and systems - classification strategiesAchieving a business goal; The BPM discipline; BPM stage 1 - discovering your business processes; BPM stage 2 - formalizing your new processes; BPM stage 3 - implementing your technical assets; The business entity model; Coordination and orchestration of activities; BPM stage 4 - runtime; BPM stage 5 - monitoring; BPM stage 6 - improvements; BPM applications in the real world; The BPMS check list; BPM APIs and common practices; BPM - adoption of standards; Summary; Chapter 2: BPM Systems'' Structure; Components of a BPMS; The execution node…”
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  5. 5345
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Professional C# 2008; About the Authors; Credits; Acknowledgments; Contents; Introduction; The Significance of .NET and C#; Looking at What's New in the .NET Framework 3.5; Where C# Fits In; What You Need to Write and Run C# Code; What This Book Covers; Conventions; Source Code and Appendices; Errata;; Part I: The C# Language; Chapter 1: .NET Architecture; The Relationship of C# to .NET; The Common Language Runtime; A Closer Look at Intermediate Language; Assemblies; .NET Framework Classes; Namespaces; Creating .NET Applications Using C#…”
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  6. 5346
    por Longshaw, John
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nonfunctional RequirementsSecurity; Scalability and Availability; Integrity and Transactions; .NET Enterprise Servers; Java and .NET; Summary; Chapter 2: Microsoft .NET; Compilers and Language Support; The Common Language Runtime; Cross-Language Development; Memory Management; Integrating Unmanaged Code into .NET Applications; Assemblies and Deployment; The Joy of DLLs: The Movie; .NET Assemblies; Private Assemblies; The Global Assembly Cache; Configuring an Application; The .NET Framework Class Library; Namespaces; .NET Remoting and the Web; The .NET Remoting Architecture…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 5347
    por Purushothaman, Jobinesh
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Summary; Chapter 3: Entity Objects; Introduction; Ingredients of an entity object; Runtime collaboration between business components; Core features of ADF entity objects; Developing entity objects; Creating a database connection; Initializing the ADF model project; Creating entity objects; Choosing the database object type; Generating Java classes for entity components; Commonly used properties of an entity attribute; Attribute names in an entity object; Attribute types in an entity object…”
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  8. 5348
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Understanding distanceOur application; Getting started with building our app; Drawing our initial views; Adding frameworks and project settings; Adding images; Building the root view controller; Building the treasure view controller; Finally, wire it up; Building the hunter view controller; Hunter view controller states; Imports and public properties; Private properties; Loading the view; Entering and exiting the region; Changing state; Tidying up; Being extra conscientious; Completing the code; Summary; Chapter 5: Detecting Beacons in the Background - Location Dating; Real-life use cases…”
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  9. 5349
    por Novak, Istvan
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…HTML5 and CSS on the WebHTML5 Applications on Windows Runtime; Creating Windows 8 Style Applications with JavaScript; Summary; Chapter 7: Using XAML to Create Windows 8 Style User Interfaces; Describing the User Interface Using XAML; Using Namespaces; Understanding the Layout Management System; Reusable Resources in XAML; Basic Controls in Windows 8 Style Applications; Working with Data; Summary; Chapter 8: Working with XAML Controls; Using Animations in Your Application; Designing the Visual Look of a Control; Working with Complex Controls; Summary…”
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  10. 5350
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Delphi Basics; Introduction; Changing your application''s look and feel with VCL styles and no code; Changing the style of your VCL application at runtime; Customizing TDBGrid; Using the owner''s draw combos and listboxes; Creating a stack of embedded forms; Manipulating JSON; Manipulating and transforming XML documents; I/O in the twenty-first century - knowing streams; Putting your VCL application in the tray; Creating a Windows service…”
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  11. 5351
    por Barker, Tom
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: What is Performance; Web Performance; Parsing and Rendering; Rendering Engines; JavaScript Engines; Runtime Performance; Why does performance matter?; Instrumentation and Visualization; The Goal of This Book; Technologies Used and Further Reading; Summary; Chapter 2: Tools and Technology to Measure and Impact Performance; Firebug; How to Install; How to Use; YSlow; How to Install; How to Use; WebPagetest; Minification; Minify; YUI Compressor…”
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  12. 5352
    Publicado 2010
    Libro electrónico
  13. 5353
    por Fenton, Steve. author
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…TypeScript MixinsWhen to Use Mixins; Restrictions; Summary; Key Points; Chapter 4: Understanding the Runtime; Runtime Features; Scope; Variable Hoisting; Callbacks; Passing Functions as Arguments; Events; TypeScript's Custom-Event Mechanism; Event Phases; Extending Objects; Extending the Prototype; Sealing Objects; Alternatives to Extending; Summary; Key Points; Chapter 5: Running TypeScript in a Browser; The Anatomy of a Web Browser; Reflows; The Interesting Components; The JavaScript Interpreter; A Brief History of Networking; Storing Data on the Client; The Document Object Model…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 5354
    por Willis, Thearon
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Conventions; Source Code; Errata;; Chapter 1: Welcome to Visual Basic 2008; Event-Driven Programming; Installing Visual Basic 2008; The Visual Basic 2008 IDE; Creating a Simple Application; Using the Help System; Summary; Exercise; Chapter 2: The Microsoft .NET Framework; Microsoft's Reliance on Windows; Writing Software for Windows; Common Language Runtime…”
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  15. 5355
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tool Demos -- EVA: a Tool for the Compositional Verification of AUTOSAR Models -- WASIM: A Word-level Abstract Symbolic Simulation Framework for Hardware Formal Verification -- Multiparty Session Typing in Java, Deductively -- PyLTA: A Verification Tool for Parameterized Distributed Algorithms -- FuzzBtor2: A Random Generator of Word-Level Model Checking Problems in Btor2 Format -- Eclipse ESCETTM: The Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit -- Combinatorial Optimization/Theorem Proving -- New Core-Guided and Hitting Set Algorithms for Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization -- Verified reductions for optimization -- Specifying and Verifying Higher-order Rust Iterators -- Extending a High-Performance Prover to Higher-Order Logic -- Tools (Regular Papers) -- The WhyRel Prototype for Relational Verification of Pointer Programs -- Bridging Hardware and Software Analysis with Btor2C: A Word-Level-Circuit-to-C Converter -- CoPTIC: Constraint Programming Translated Into C -- Acacia-Bonsai: A Modern Implementation of Downset-Based LTL Realizability -- Synthesis -- Computing Adequately Permissive Assumptions for Synthesis -- Verification-guided Programmatic Controller Synthesis -- Taming Large Bounds in Synthesis from Bounded-Liveness Specifications -- Lockstep Composition for Unbalanced Loops -- Synthesis of Distributed Agreement-Based Systems with Effciently Decidable Verification -- LTL Reactive Synthesis with a Few Hints -- Timed Automata Verification and Synthesis via Finite Automata Learning -- Graphs/Probabilistic Systems -- A Truly Symbolic Linear-Time Algorithm for SCC Decomposition -- Transforming quantified Boolean formulas using biclique covers -- Certificates for Probabilistic Pushdown Automata via Optimistic Value Iteration -- Probabilistic Program Verification via Inductive Synthesis of Inductive Invariants -- Runtime Monitoring/Program Analysis -- Industrial-Strength Controlled Concurrency Testing for C# Programs with Coyote -- Context-Sensitive Meta-Constraint Systems for Explainable Program Analysis -- Explainable Online Monitoring of Metric Temporal Logic -- 12th Competition on Software Verification — SV-COMP 2023 -- Competition on Software Verification and Witness Validation: SV-COMP 2023 -- Symbiotic-Witch 2: More Efficient Algorithm and Witness Refutation (Competition Contribution) -- 2LS: Arrays and Loop Unwinding (Competition Contribution) -- Bubaak: Runtime Monitoring of Program Verifiers (Competition Contribution) -- EBF 4.2: Black-Box Cooperative Verification for Concurrent Programs (Competition Contribution) -- Goblint: Autotuning Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation (Competition Contribution) -- Java Ranger: Supporting String and Array Operations (Competition Contribution) -- Korn–Software Verification with Horn Clauses (Competition Contribution) -- Mopsa-C: Modular Domains and Relational Abstract Interpretation for C Programs (Competition Contribution) -- PIChecker: A POR and Interpolation based Verifier for Concurrent Programs (Competition Contribution) -- Ultimate Automizer and the CommuHash Normal Form (Competition Contribution) -- Ultimate Taipan and Race Detection in Ultimate (Competition Contribution) -- VeriAbsL: Scalable Verification by Abstraction and Strategy Prediction (Competition Contribution) -- VeriFuzz 1.4: Checking for (Non-)termination (Competition Contribution). …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 5356
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…ANTLR Reference. Exploring the Runtime API ; Removing Direct Left Recursion ; Grammar Reference…”
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  17. 5357
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using Kotlin coroutines for network calls -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Navigating within Your App -- Technical requirements -- Jetpack Navigation overview -- Navigating to Compose destinations -- Passing arguments to destinations -- Navigation in foldables and large screens -- Creating and using the resizable emulator -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Persisting Data Locally and Doing Background Work -- Technical requirements -- Saving and reading data from a local database -- Handling updates and migrations in the Room database -- Using WorkManager to schedule background tasks -- Testing your workers -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Runtime Permissions -- Technical requirements -- Understanding runtime permissions -- Requesting permissions at runtime -- Summary -- Part 3: Code Analysis and Tests -- Chapter 10: Debugging Your App -- Technical requirements -- General debugging tips and tricks -- Logcat -- Stack traces -- Breakpoints -- Detecting memory leaks with LeakCanary -- Inspecting network requests with Chucker -- Using App Inspection -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Enhancing Code Quality -- Technical requirements -- Mastering Kotlin style and best practices -- Coding conventions -- Null safety -- Data classes -- Extensions functions -- Type inference -- Collections -- Sealed classes and interfaces -- Formatting -- Functional programming -- Coroutines -- The when statements -- Classes and functions -- Using Ktlint for static analysis -- Detecting code smells with detekt -- Setting up detekt -- Customizing detekt -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Testing Your App -- Technical requirements -- Importance of testing -- Testing the network and database layers -- Testing the network layer -- Testing the database layer -- Testing our ViewModels -- Adding UI tests to our composables -- Summary -- Part 4: Publishing Your App -- Chapter 13: Publishing Your App -- Technical requirements…”
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  18. 5358
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Updating micro frontends at runtime -- Summary -- Chapter 10: SPA Composition -- Technical requirements -- Basics of SPA composition -- The architecture -- Sample implementation -- Potential enhancements -- Advantages and disadvantages of SPA composition -- Building a core SPA shell -- Activating pages -- Sharing dependencies -- Integrating SPA micro frontends -- Declaring the lifecycle -- Using cross-framework components -- Exploring communication patterns -- Exchanging events -- Sharing data -- Extending components -- Optimizing hydration and progressive rendering -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Siteless UIs -- Technical requirements -- The basics of siteless UIs -- The architecture -- Sample implementation -- Potential enhancements -- Advantages and disadvantages of siteless UIs -- Comparing siteless UIs and serverless -- Developing locally -- Publishing modules -- Creating a siteless UI runtime -- Building a runtime with Piral -- Deploying a runtime with Piral -- Writing siteless UI modules -- Looking at a pilet's life cycle -- Implementing framework-agnostic components -- Implementing islands composition with Qwik -- Summary -- Part 3: Bee Brood - Implementation Details -- Chapter 12: Sharing Dependencies with Module Federation -- Technical requirements -- Sharing dependencies between micro frontends -- Utilizing Module Federation -- Understanding Native Federation -- Achieving independence with SystemJS -- Summary -- Chapter 13: Isolating CSS -- Technical requirements -- Understanding the consequences of open styling -- Implementation techniques to scope CSS -- Using the shadow DOM -- Using modern CSS features for isolation -- Summary -- Chapter 14: Securing the Application -- Technical requirements -- Using web standards to harden security -- Limiting script access -- Verifying authenticity -- Summary…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 5359
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Integers -- Specifying integer literals -- Using bitset to show bit patterns -- Determining integer byte order -- Floating point types -- Specifying floating point literals -- Characters and strings -- Character types -- Using character macros -- Specifying character literals -- Specifying string literals -- Unicode literals -- Raw strings -- String byte order -- Boolean -- void -- Initializers -- Default values -- Declarations without a type -- Storage classes -- Using type aliases -- Aggregating data in record types -- Structures -- Initializing -- Structure fields -- Using structure names -- Determining alignment -- Storing data in the same memory with unions -- Accessing runtime type information -- Determining type limits -- Converting between types -- Type conversions -- Promoting conversions -- Narrowing conversions -- Narrowing to bool -- Converting signed types -- Casting -- Casting away const-ness -- Casting without runtime checks -- Casting pointers without runtime checks -- Casting with runtime checks -- Casting with list initializer -- Using C casts -- Using C++ types -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Working with Memory, Arrays, and Pointers -- Using memory in C++ -- Using C++ pointer syntax -- Using null pointers -- Types of memory -- Pointer arithmetic -- Using arrays -- Function parameters -- Multidimensional arrays -- Passing multidimensional arrays to functions -- Using arrays of characters -- Comparing strings -- Preventing buffer overruns -- Using pointers in C++ -- Accessing out of bounds -- Pointers to deallocated memory -- Converting pointers -- Constant pointers -- Changing the type pointed to -- Allocating memory in code -- Allocating individual objects -- Allocating arrays of objects -- Handling failed allocations -- Using other versions of the new operator -- Memory lifetime -- The Windows SDK and pointers…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 5360
    Publicado 2009
    “…Como último recurso para resolver el misterio, Henrik decide contratar a Mikael Blomkvist, periodista repetado aunque recientemente condenado por calumniar a otro empresario de éxito, y a Lisbeth Salander, una controvertida Hacker informática con un oscuro pasado, para que juntos resuelvan el caso…”