Mostrando 5,061 - 5,080 Resultados de 9,986 Para Buscar 'Huntik~', tiempo de consulta: 1.63s Limitar resultados
  1. 5061
    por Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951
    Publicado 1979
  2. 5062
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bagley -- Writing on shell and bone in Shang China / Françoise Bottéro -- Reasons for runes / Henrik Williams -- Writing in early Mesoamerica / Stephen D. …”
  3. 5063
  4. 5064
    Publicado 1988
    Tabla de Contenidos:
  5. 5065
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Making an input field with personal text validation at runtimeMaking an input field for a password with a lower bound limit for characters; Changing the cursor at runtime; Chapter 8: Applying Runtime Customizations; Introduction; Creating a distance displayer; Creating a directional radar; Developing a subtitle shower; Chapter 9: Diving into 3D UIs; Introduction; Creating a 3D menu; Adding a smooth tilt effect; Creating and placing a 3D UI; Making an animated 3D UI warning; Chapter 10: Creating Minimaps; Introduction; Creating a minimap; Implementing advanced features for minimaps; Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 5066
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Das elektronische CVA - Stand 2010 / Thomas Mannack, Greg Parker Acquisition and documentation of vessels using high-resolution 3D-scanners / Hubert Mara, Julia Portl Auf der Suche nach dem Original: Anwendung und Illustrationen naturwissenschaftlicher Diagnostik an attisch figürlich bemalter Keramik aus der Antikensammlung des Kunsthistorischen Museums / Bettina Vak Berührungsfreie und nicht invasive Untersuchungen antiker Keramik mittels industrieller Röntgen-Computertomografie / Stephan Karl, Daniel Jungblut, Jördis Rosc Die Dokumentation historischer Restaurierungen antiker Keramik am Beispiel zweier Gefäße aus dem Universalmuseum Joanneum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der industriellen Computertomografie / Robert Fürhacker, Stephan Karl Ein Guttus aus der Originalsammlung des Instituts für Archäologie der Universität Graz: Anwendungen naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen / Maria Christidis Pilotstudie zur Visualisierung und Untersuchung von antiken Vasen / Leonid Dimitrov, Milos Šrámek, Emanuel Wenger, Claudia Lang-Auinger, Elisabeth Trinkl Reflexionsmessungen an attischen Gefäßen klassischer Zeit: eine Vorstudie / Paul Kammerer, Franz Mairinger, Elisabeth Trinkl, Ernestine Zolda…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 5067
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Die Herausbildung und Kanonisierung der artes liberales und artes mechanicae in Antike und Mittelalter -- 2. Die spanischen Klassifikationen der Künste und Wissenschaften im Mittelalter -- 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 5068
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Die Herausbildung und Kanonisierung der artes liberales und artes mechanicae in Antike und Mittelalter -- 2. Die spanischen Klassifikationen der Künste und Wissenschaften im Mittelalter -- 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 5069
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Inhalt -- A Forschungsgeschichte -- B Biographie -- C Datierung, Kontext und Adressaten der christlichen Schriften und das intellektuelle Milieu des Victorinus -- D Der literarische Aufbau des theologischen Werkes -- E Die Trinitätslehre des Victorinus -- F Die Materie und der menschliche Leib im Denken des Victorinus -- G Die Seele im Denken des Victorinus -- H Ergebnisse -- Verzeichnisse -- Bibelstellen -- Antike und mittelalterliche Autoren…”
  10. 5070
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Estètica i estètiques a la Catalunya del segle XX / Joan Cuscó i Clarasó -- La constant del mestratge de Jaume Serra Hunter en Francesc Mirabent: unes lliçons d'estètica / Josep Montserrat Molas -- El judici estètic en Francesc Mirabent / Ignasi Roviró Alemany, Abel Miró i Comas -- Mirabent, la continuïtat en la discontinuïtat / Jordi Sales i Coderch -- La bellesa, és sempre un concepte metafísic? …”
    Accés restringit als usuaris de la UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdG, UdL, URV, UOC, BC, UVic-UCC, URL, UIC, UdA
    Libro electrónico
  11. 5071
    por Sharan, Kishori. author
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Packaging Modules -- 7. Creating Custom Runtime Images -- 8. Breaking Changes in JDK 9 -- 9. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 5072
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Estètica i estètiques a la Catalunya del segle XX / Joan Cuscó i Clarasó -- La constant del mestratge de Jaume Serra Hunter en Francesc Mirabent: unes lliçons d'estètica / Josep Montserrat Molas -- El judici estètic en Francesc Mirabent / Ignasi Roviró Alemany, Abel Miró i Comas -- Mirabent, la continuïtat en la discontinuïtat / Jordi Sales i Coderch -- La bellesa, és sempre un concepte metafísic? …”
  13. 5073
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; About the Authors; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs) in Context; Chapter 3: Resilience and Quality Considerations for Application Software and the Application Runtime Environment; Chapter 4: Security Requirements for Application Software; Chapter 5: Security Services for the Application Operating Environment; Chapter 6: Software Design Considerations for Security and Resilience; Chapter 7: Best Practices for Converting Requirements to Secure Software Designs…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 5074
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The cock and the pearl -- The wolf and the lamb -- The dog and the shadow -- The lion's share -- The wolf and the crane -- The man and the serpent -- The town mouse and the country mouse -- The fox and the crow -- The sick lion -- The ass and the lapdog -- The lion and the mouse -- The swallow and the other birds -- The frogs desiring a king -- The mountains in labour -- The hares and the frogs -- The wolf and the kid -- The woodman and the serpent -- The bald man and the fly -- The fox and the stork -- The fox and the mask -- The jay and the peacock -- The frog and the ox -- Androcles -- The bat, the birds, and the beasts -- The hart and the hunter -- The serpent and the file -- The man and the wood -- The dog and the wolf -- The belly and the members -- The hart in the ox-stall -- The fox and the grapes -- The horse, hunter, and stag -- The peacock and Juno -- The fox and the lion -- The lion and the statue -- The ant and the grasshopper -- The tree and the reed -- The fox and the cat -- The wolf in sheep's clothing -- The dog in the manger -- The man and the wooden god -- The fisher -- The shepherd's boy -- The young thief and his mother -- The man and his two wives -- The nurse and the wolf -- The tortoise and the birds -- The two crabs -- The ass in the lion's skin -- The two fellows and the bear -- The two pots -- The four oxen and the lion -- The fisher and the little fish -- Avaricious and envious -- The crow and the pitcher -- The man and the satyr -- The goose with the golden eggs -- The labourer and the nightingale -- The fox, the cock, and the dog -- The wind and the sun -- Hercules and the waggoner -- The man, the boy, and the donkey -- The miser and his gold -- The fox and the mosquitoes -- The fox without a tail -- The one-eyed doe -- Belling the cat -- The hare and the tortoise -- The old man and death -- The hare with many friends -- The lion in love -- The bundle of sticks -- The lion, the fox, and the beasts -- The ass's brains -- The eagle and the arrow -- The milkmaid and her pail -- The cat-maiden -- The horse and the ass -- The trumpeter taken prisoner -- The buffoon and the countryman -- The old woman and the wine-jar -- The fox and the goat…”
    Click para texto completo desde fuera UPSA
    Click para texto completo desde UPSA
    Libro electrónico
  15. 5075
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Invited Talk -- Erlang – Software for a Concurrent World -- Types -- Gradual Typing for Objects -- Generic Universe Types -- Declarative Object Identity Using Relation Types -- Runtime Implementation -- Object-Relative Addressing: Compressed Pointers in 64-Bit Java Virtual Machines -- Generational Real-Time Garbage Collection -- AS-GC: An Efficient Generational Garbage Collector for Java Application Servers -- Empirical Studies -- Exception Handling: A Field Study in Java and .NET -- On the Impact of Aspectual Decompositions on Design Stability: An Empirical Study -- Dahl-Nygaard Prize Invited Talk -- An Accidental Simula User -- Programs and Predicates -- Validity Invariants and Effects -- Non-null References by Default in Java: Alleviating the Nullity Annotation Burden -- Efficiently Generating Structurally Complex Inputs with Thousands of Objects -- Language Design -- Matching Objects with Patterns -- DirectFlow: A Domain-Specific Language for Information-Flow Systems -- A Relational Model of Object Collaborations and Its Use in Reasoning About Relationships -- Inheritance and Derivation -- JavaGI: Generalized Interfaces for Java -- Metaprogramming with Traits -- Morphing: Safely Shaping a Class in the Image of Others -- A Higher Abstraction Level Using First-Class Inheritance Relations -- Dahl-Nygaard Prize Invited Talk -- Assuring Object-Oriented Architecture -- Aspects -- MAO: Ownership and Effects for More Effective Reasoning About Aspects -- Joinpoint Inference from Behavioral Specification to Implementation -- A Machine Model for Aspect-Oriented Programming -- A Staged Static Program Analysis to Improve the Performance of Runtime Monitoring -- Language About Language -- Tracking Linear and Affine Resources with Java(X) -- Attribute Grammar-Based Language Extensions for Java -- Metamodel Adaptation and Model Co-adaptation…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 5076
    por Voß, Heinz-Jürgen
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter 1 Inhalt 5 Dank 9 Einleitung 11 Kapitel I: Das differenzierte Geschlechterverständnis der Antike - Facetten von Ein- und Zweigeschlechtlichkeit 37 Kapitel II: Zur Konstituierung von Geschlecht in modernen biologisch-medizinischen Wissenschaften 89 Kapitel III: Geschlechtsdetermination - von ,dem hodendeterminierenden Faktor' hin zu Modellen komplex interagierender und kommunizierender molekularer Komponenten 237 Schlussfolgerungen 313 Ausführliches Personenverzeichnis 327 Literaturverzeichnis 377 Personenregister 459 Backmatter 464…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 5077
    Publicado 1956
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Eucken, Halldor K. Laxness, Henrik Pontoppidan, William Butler Yeats, Gabriela Mistral, Björnstjerne Björnson. - 1960. - 1991 p. -- Vol. …”
  18. 5078
    por Carter, Grace M.
    Publicado 2002
    Libro electrónico
  19. 5079
  20. 5080
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface -- Introduction -- Part I Theory -- Nadine Elzein: Free Will and Empirical Arguments for Epiphenomenalism -- Stephen Pratten: Causality, Agency and Change -- Jason Blakely: How Economics Becomes Ideology: The Uses and Abuses of Rational Choice Theory -- William Child: Economics, Agency, and Causal Explanation -- Part II Praxis -- Richard Conrad and Peter Hunter: Why Aquinas Would Agree That Human Economic Behaviour Is Largely Predictable -- Paul Clough: Agency, Time and Morality: An Argument from Social and Economic Anthropology -- Scott Meikle: The Switch from Agency to Causation in Marx -- Margaret S. …”