Mostrando 28,781 - 28,800 Resultados de 35,306 Para Buscar 'Horgoš~', tiempo de consulta: 1.31s Limitar resultados
  1. 28781
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Dusty Relief/B-mu / R&Sie(n). nMBA Museum/Green Gorgon / R&Sie(n). Atmósfera / Cristina Díaz Moreno + Efrén García Grinda. …”
  2. 28782
    por Gonçalves, Mirian
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tapa -- Índice I -- Índice II -- PREFÁCIO - CARTA AO FUTURO EM TEMPOS DE HORROR. Maria Inês Nassif -- INTRODUÇÃO - JORNALISMO À BRASILEIRA. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 28783
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Beyond Variants: Some Digital Desiderata for the Critical Apparatus of Ancient Greek and Latin Texts / Cynthia Damon -- 12. The Battle We Forgot to Fight: Should We Make a Case for Digital Editions? …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 28784
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction -- Dora's story -- The primacy of policy in prostitution -- The goals of the book -- A reader's guide to the book -- Challenges of prostitution policy -- The stigma of prostitution and the paradox of control -- Prostitution politics as morality politics -- Paradoxes of immigration -- Obstacles to obtaining reliable numbers about prostitution and sex workers -- The ineluctable importance of the local in prostitution policy -- Analysing prostitution policy -- The local governance of prostitution: regulatory drift and implementation capture -- Policy implementation as policy formulation with different means -- Policy design and policy instruments -- Local policymaking in the Netherlands -- Local policymaking in Vienna -- Conclusion: policy implementation, morality politics and the corrosive effects of discourse -- The national governance of prostitution: political rationality and the politics of discourse -- Introduction: policy subsystems and policy streams -- National policy in the Netherlands -- National policy in Austria -- Conclusion: Designing prostitution policy -- Understanding the policy field: migration, prostitution, trafficking and exploitation -- Introduction: prostitution as a complex policy field -- Migration, prostitution and coercion -- How immigration and labour law shape the 'modern slavery' problem -- Prostitution and exploitation -- Prostitution, trafficking and exploitation: an alternative framework -- Prostitution policy beyond trafficking: collaborative governance in prostitution -- The challenges of prostitution policy revisited: harnessing a complex policy field Introducing collaborative rationality in prostitution governance -- Sex worker advocacy and the state -- Governance capacity and collaborative governance -- Is collaborative governance in prostitution policy possible? …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 28785
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contents; Contributors; PART I: CAUSAL THEORY AND SCIENTIFIC INFERENCE; 1 Integrating Causal Analysis into Psychopathology Research; 2 What Would Have Been Is Not What Would Be: Counterfactuals of the Past and Potential Outcomes of the Future; 3 The Mathematics of Causal Relations; 4 Causal Thinking in Psychiatry: A Genetic and Manipulationist Perspective; 5 Understanding the Effects of Menopausal Hormone Therapy: Using the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trials and Observational Study to Improve Inference; PART II: INNOVATIONS IN METHODS…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 28786
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover Page; Contents; Acknowledgements; Foreword; Introduction: Contexts of Popular Culture; 1 A Future for Media Studies: Cultural Labour, Cultural Relations, Cultural Politics; 2 Log On, Goof Off, and Look Up: Facebook and the Rhythms of Canadian Internet Use; 3 Hawkers and Public Space: Free Commuter Newspapers in Canada; 4 Walking a Tightrope: The Global Cultural Economy of Canadian Television; 5 Pedagogy of Popular Culture: "Doing" Canadian Popular Culture; 6 Popular Genres in Quebec Cinema: The Strange Case of Horror in Film and Television…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 28787
    por Hennessey, John L., 1986-
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Wild Boar Never Strikes without Cause: Monstrous Hybrids, National Identity and Gender in the Horror Movie Chawu -- Chapter 11. Heritaging and the Use of History in Margit Sandemo’s The Legend of the Ice People -- Chapter 12. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 28788
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Introduction -- Seek Resonance -- Camera Practice -- Avoid the Merely Pictorial -- Pictures Are Not About Pictures -- Visual Learning -- First Sight, Beginner's Eye -- The Camera in Your Hand -- Seeing from the Body -- It's All About Hormones -- Attention and Distraction -- Keep the French Fries -- Becoming Good -- Becoming Whole -- Audience -- Fitting into the Flow of Time -- Catch the Wave, Not the Ripple -- Of Time and Light -- In Space -- Finding Your Mojo -- River of Consciousness, Stream of Images -- Why Selfies? …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 28789
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Modes and Media -- Alciphron's letters as a sophistic text / Horror and amazement: Colossal mythological statue groups and the new rhetoric of images in late second and early third century Rome / ,Klassiker' im Gymnasion. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 28790
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Presentació / Bonaventura Bassegoda, Ignasi Domènech, p. 9; Col·leccionisme artístic dels Rocabertí-Dameto (1875-1898), comtes de Peralada : noves aportacions / Inés Padrosa Gorgot, p. 13; Sobre la col·lecció dels comtes de Peralada / Jaume Barrachina, p. 43; La col·lecció d’art de cultures del món d’Eudald Serra, un escultor viatger / Ricard Bru, p. 59; Les col·leccions de pintura catalana i d'art oriental de Joan Artigas-Alart (1885-1934) / Josep Capsir, p. 87; La col·lecció Bassat a la Nau Gaudí de Mataró / Núria Poch i Abeyà, p. 115; L'art precolombí a les col·leccions públiques i privades de Catalunya / Victòria Solanilla, p. 139; El col·leccionista Manuel Rocamora Vidal (1892-1976) i la Fundació Cultural Privada Rocamora / Laia Soler, p. 159; Origen i actualitat de la col·lecció d'art català de Picasso : de Juli González a Apel·les Fenosa / Eduard Vallès, p. 191; Índex onomàstic, p. 221.…”
    Accés lliure
  11. 28791
    por Koczanowicz, Leszek
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Two views on disco-polo: intellectuals' "horror vacui" and the nation's hope ; "All Poles" or what is disco-polo? …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 28792
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Editors -- The Latest Scientific Problems Related to the Implementation and Diagnostics of Construction Objects -- A Multi-Criteria Decision Support Concept for Selecting the Optimal Contractor -- Typology Selection of Retaining Walls Based on Multicriteria Decision-Making Methods -- Technical and Structural Problems Related to the Interaction between a Deep Excavation and Adjacent Existing Buildings -- Selection of the Optimal Actions for Crashing Processes Duration to Increase the Robustness of Construction Schedules -- Development of Alfa Fiber-Based Mortar with Improved Thermo-Mechanical Properties -- Modeling the Drying of Capillary-Porous Materials in a Thin Layer: Application to the Estimation of Moisture Content in Thin-Walled Building Blocks -- Impact of Alcohol on Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Industry at Workplaces with Scaffoldings -- Analysis of Defects in Residential Buildings Reported during the Warranty Period -- Structural Analysis of Factors Influencing the Costs of Facade System Implementation -- Influence of Maximum Aggregate Grain Size on the Strength Properties and Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete -- A Methodology for Determining the Rehabilitation Needs of Buildings -- Creep Assessment of the Cement Matrix of Self-Compacting Concrete Modified with the Addition of Nanoparticles Using the Indentation Method -- The S-Curve as a Tool for Planning and Controlling of Construction Process-Case Study -- A Proposed Soft Computing Model for Ultimate Strength Estimation of FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders -- Temperature Impact on the Assessment of Reinforcement Corrosion Risk in Concrete by Galvanostatic Pulse Method…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 28793
    por Brennan, Michael L.
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Environmental Impact and Modeling of Petroleum Spills (Matt Horn, Deborah French-McCay, Dagmar Schmidt Etkin) -- 4. Corrosion Processes of Steel-Hulled Potentially Polluting Wrecks (Robert Glover) -- 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 28794
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…"'Nothing is so soon forgot as pain': Reading Agony in The Theory of Moral Sentiments"Craig Franson3. …”
    Revista digital
  15. 28795
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Características metabólicas de los principales órganos 21. La regulación hormonal del metabolismo 22. Estructura de cromosomas y genes 23. …”
  16. 28796
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chan and Xuyun Xiao -- Human resource management in public sector organizations / Sylvia Horton -- Managing ICTs in public sector organizations / Christine Bellamy -- Performance measurement and management in public sector organizations / Geert Bouckaert and Wouter Van Dooren -- Quality management in public sector organizations / Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler -- Process management in public sector organizations / Kuno Schedler and Utz Helmuth -- Scrutiny, inspection and audit in the public sector / John Clarke -- Public governance in a network society / Elke Löffler -- Partnership working in the public domain / Tony Bovaird and John Tizard -- Decentralized management : agencies and 'arm's-length' bodies / Christopher Pollitt -- Public leadership / Mike Broussine -- Engaging with citizens and other stakeholders / Steve Martin -- Changing equalities : politics, policies and practice / Janet Newman and Rachel Ashworth -- Ethics and standards of conduct / Howard Davis -- Evidence-based policy and practice / Annette Boaz and Sandra Nutley…”
  17. 28797
    por Pro Cantione Antiqua
    Publicado 1993
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Veni Domine, et noli tardare / Juan Esquivel Barahona (2:50). Hortus conclusus / Rodrigo de Ceballos (5:56). Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui (4:23) ; Magnificat (8:28) ; Super flumina Babylonis (5:17) ; Domine nonsum dignus (3:24) ; Beati immaculati (2:51) ; Sancta Maria (4:19) / Tomás Luis de Victoria. …”
  18. 28798
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Political Life and Human Nature John Horton; 17. Hume on Women Beth Savickey; 18. Hume and the Science of Economics Margaret Schabas; 19. …”
  19. 28799
    Publicado 2000
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- The strangeness of 'song culture' : archaic Greek poetry / Leslie Kurke. -- Powers of horror and laughter : the great age of drama / Peter Wilson. -- Charting the poles of history : Herodotos and Thoukydides / Leslie Kurke. -- Sages, sophists, and philosophers : Greek wisdom literature / Andrea Wilson Nightingale. -- Observers of speeches and hearers of action : the Athenian orators / Chris Carey. -- Sophisticates and solecisms : Greek literature after the classical period / Jane L. …”
  20. 28800
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Agustín Fernández Paz: educación literaria y conflictos sociales / Eulalia Agrelo -- Conflictos sociales en tres novelas juveniles premiadas / Mar Fernández Vázques -- Educación literaria y valores: la Segunda Guerra Mundial en una selección de álbumes narrativos / Ma del Carmen Ferreira -- Apuntes sobre las relaciones entre el arte y los conflictos bélicos / Carmen Franco-Vázques -- Leer, sentir, aprender: el horror nazi a través de dos obras con protagonista infantil de John Boyne / Rocío García Pedreira -- Conflictos sociales en la narrativa juvenil gallega : un itinerario posible / Isabel Mociño -- El reflejo de las mujeres refugiadas en la narrativa infantil y juvenil gallega : un par de ejemplos para trabajar en las aulas / Marta Neira -- El conflicto en las creaciones poéticas de Shel Silverstein / Verónica Pousada -- Conflictos sociales y bélicos : temáticas necesarias en la planificación de la educación literaria /Blanca-Ana Roig -- Fracturas identitarias y educación literaria : migración e integración social en Dicen que soy árabe, de Soraya Nini / Juan José Varela…”