Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 551
- Computer networks 496
- Cloud computing 484
- Application software 478
- Management 457
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 381
- Security measures 363
- Taxation 355
- Examinations 283
- Database management 281
- Computer security 268
- Data processing 248
- Economic conditions 245
- Computer Science 243
- Historia 241
- Operating systems (Computers) 240
- Law and legislation 239
- Computer programs 215
- Certification 201
- Computer software 184
- Information technology 175
- Politics and government 171
- Electronic data processing personnel 168
- Artificial intelligence 167
- Medicine 161
- History 158
- Technology: general issues 154
- Ecology 153
- Economic history 143
- Linux 140
7941Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part 1: Introduction to Web Performance Optimization -- Chapter 1: Getting Started with Web Performance Optimization -- Chapter 2: General Web Performance Optimization Methods -- Part 2: Modern Web Optimization -- Chapter 3: Web Performance Optimization Framework -- Chapter 4: Mobile Web Performance Optimization -- Chapter 5: Modern Web Platform Performance Principles -- Part 3: Performance Validation and Infrastructure -- Chapter 6: Web Performance Validation -- Chapter 7: Web Performance Monitoring and Infrastructure Planning -- Part 4: Performance Case Studies -- Chapter 8: Web Performance Optimization Case Study -- Chapter 9: A Case Study of Performance Engineering -- Part 5: Performance Patterns -- Chapter 10: Modern Web Performance Patterns -- Chapter 11: Modern Web Data Patterns -- Chapter 12: Modern Web Integration Patterns -- Appendix A: Web Performance Checklist -- Appendix B: Database Performance Checklist -- Appendix C: Performance Test Report Template -- Appendix D: Performance Test Strategy Template -- Appendix E: Modern Web Application Security Assessment Checklist -- Bibliography…”
Libro electrónico -
7942Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nanotechnology and water: ethical and regulatory considerations -- Nanoparticles released into water systems from nanoproducts and structural nanocomposites applications -- Prospects for immobilization of microbial sorbents on carbon nanotubes for biosorption: bioremediation of heavy metals polluted water -- Plasma technology: a new remediation for water purification with or without nanoparticles -- Polysaccharide-based nanosorbents in water remediation -- The use of carbonaceous nanomembrane filter for organic waste removal -- Carbon nanotubes in the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution -- Application of carbon nanotube-polymer composites and carbon nanotube-semiconductor hybrids in water treatment -- Advances in nanotechnologies for point-of-use and point-of-entry water purification -- Mesoporous materials as potential absorbents for water purification -- Removal of fluoride from potable water using smart nanomaterial as adsorbent -- Chemical nanosensors for monitoring environmental pollution -- Reduction of 4-nitrophenol as a model reaction for nanocatalysis -- Doped diamond electrodes for water treatment -- Multifunctional silver, copper and zero valent iron metallic -- Iron oxide materials for photo-fenton conversion of water pollutants nanoparticles for wastewater treatment -- Nanomaterials with uniform composition in wastewater treatment and their applications…”
Libro electrónico -
Libro electrónico -
7944Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Front Matter""; ""Reviewers""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""Boxes, Figures, and Tables""; ""Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Definition and Monitoring of Disability""; ""3 Disability Trends""; ""4 Health Care Transitions for Young People""; ""5 Secondary Conditions and Aging with Disability""; ""6 The Environmental Context of Disability: The Case of Health Care Facilities""; ""7 Assistive and Mainstream Technologies for People with Disabilities""; ""8 Access to Health Insurance and the Role of Risk-Adjusted Payments to Health Plans""…”
Libro electrónico -
7945por Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430Tabla de Contenidos: “…Complectens reliqua Tôn Didaktikôn -- Quintus tomus, Continens De ciuitate Dei libros Xxii -- Sextus tomus, continens [ta polemika] hoc est decertationes aduersus haereses, praecipue Iudaeorum, Manichaeorum, Priscillianistarum, Origenistarum, Arrianorum & Iouiniani -- Septimus tomus, continens reliquam partem [toi polemikoi] id est pugnas aduersus haereses Donatistarum & Pelagianorum -- Octauus tomus, Contiones In psalmos mysticos -- Nonus tomus, continens illius tractatus hoc est expositiones ad populum factas in nouum testamentum, cum alijs uarij generis opusculis ... -- Decimus tomus, continens sermones ad populum et clericos vetustiss. exemplarium collatione multis in locis emendatus ... -- Índex, in omnia D. …”
Publicado 1556
Libro -
7946Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Volume 1: Neuroscience, Personality, and Cultural Factors; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1 The Hypnotic Deactivation of Self-Conscious Source Monitoring; Chapter 2 Dissociaters, Fantasizers, and Their Relation to Hypnotizability; Chapter 3 Hypnosis, Mindfulness Meditation, and Brain Imaging; Chapter 4 Forensic Hypnosis: A Practical Approach; Chapter 5 Hypnosis in Popular Media; Chapter 6 Hypnotic-Like Procedures in Indigenous Shamanism and Mediumship; Chapter 7 Lay Hypnotherapy and the Credentialing of Zoe the Cat…”
Libro electrónico -
7947por World Health OrganizationTabla de Contenidos: “…Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Executive summary -- Introduction -- Background -- Rationale -- Scope -- Objective -- Target audience -- How this guideline was developed -- Contributors to the development of this guideline -- Management of conflicts of interest -- Guideline development process -- Summary of evidence -- SFA -- TFA -- Evidence to recommendations -- Overall certainty in the evidence -- Balance of desirable and undesirable effects -- Priority of the problem, and values and preferences -- Feasibility -- Acceptability -- Equity and human rights -- Resource implications -- Recommendations and supporting information -- Rationale and remarks -- Uptake of the guideline and future work -- Dissemination -- Translation and implementation -- Monitoring and evaluation -- Research gaps and future initiatives -- Updating the guideline -- References -- Annexes -- Annex 1. …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
7948Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…International Organizations in World Politics / International Organizations and International Law / Law and Politics of International Organizations / International Organizations, 1865-1945 / International Organizations, 1945-Present / Formal Intergovernmental Organizations / Supranational Organizations / Private Transnational Governance / Peace Operations / Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime / Non-Proliferation and Disarmament / Human Rights / Criminal Justice / Humanitarian Action / Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons / Trade / International Finance / Economic Relations and Integration / Development / Environment / Health / Labor / Religion / Democracy Promotion / Communications and the Internet / Lawmaking / Monitoring Processes / Sanctions / Use of Force / Dispute Settlement / Information Gathering, Analysis, and Dissemination / Relations with Other International Organizations / Relations with Civil Society / Relations with the Private Sector / General Assemblies and Assemblies of States Parties / Parliaments / Executive Boards and Councils / Executive Heads / Secretariats / High-Level Panels / International Adjudicative Bodies / Financing and Budgets / Organizational Culture / Constituent Instruments / Membership and Representation / Legal Capacity and Powers / Assessing the Legality of Decisions / Responsibility / Privileges and Immunities / Law of the International Civil Service / International Administrative Tribunals / Legitimacy / Participation / Accountability / Transparency…”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
7949por Moneo, Rafael, 1937-Tabla de Contenidos: “….; Palazzo del Cinema, Lido, Venècia, concurs; Museu d'Estocolm; Ajuntament de Murcia; Kursaal, Sant Sebastià; Museu. Houston; Bodegues Julian Chivite, Navarra. …”
Publicado 2004
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
7950Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Why study practice? -- A fusion of horizons : meaning and understanding in becoming a nurse -- Distal nursing -- Research and ontology : neurology and Parkinson's disease : sufferers' lived experiences of embodiment and dwelling in life worlds -- Health, disorder, and the psychiatric enterprise : reclaiming lost connections -- Understanding end-of-life caring practices in the emergency department : developing Merleau-Ponty's notions of intentional arc and maximum grip through praxis and phronesis -- The living history of interpretive phenomenology -- Articulating, preserving, and promoting holistic aspects of nurse practitioner practice --…”
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7951Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Foreword / Regis Brillat -- Preface / Maria Jepsen -- Introduction / Niklas Bruun, Klaus Lörcher, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert -- The European Social charter : social constitution of Europe / Olivier de Schutter -- Interpretation / Klaus Lörcher -- Implementation / Teun Jaspers -- Restrictions (article g) / Aristea Koukiadaki -- Monitoring procedure / Stefan Clauwaert -- Article 1 / Simon Deakin -- Article 2 / Klaus Lörcher -- Article 3 / Klaus Lörcher -- Article 4 / Simon Deakin -- Article 5 / Antoine Jacobs -- Article 6 / Filip Dorssemont -- Article 7 / Isabelle Schömann -- Article 8 / Csilla Kollonay-Lehoczky -- Article 15 / Isabelle Schömann -- Article 19 / Stefan Clauwaert -- Article 20 / Csilla Kollonay-Lehoczky -- Article 21 / Bruno Veneziani -- Article 22 / Niklas Bruun -- Article 24 / Mélanie Schmitt -- Article 26 / Csilla Kollonay-Lehoczky -- Article 27 / Isabelle Schömann -- Article 28 / Niklas Bruun -- Article 29 / Bruno Veneziani -- Article E / Csilla Kollonay-Lehoczky -- Conclusion / Niklas Bruun, Klaus Lörcher, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert…”
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7952Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Starting to look: focus, space and colour -- Developing looking: eye contact, movement, landscape and emotion -- Looking, self, home and design: the things nearby -- Growing up looking: desire, abstraction and God -- Looking and cities: vicinity and vista -- Expanding horizons from the middle ages onwards: trade, crusade, empire and conquest -- Looking and science: not imposing a story -- Image war and the power of looking in the 1500s and 1600s: Protestantism, the Baroque, the Ottomans and Versailles -- What lies beneath: laughing and tears -- Looking and the 1700s: Grand Tours, enlightenment, industry, revolution and flight -- Looking and the early 1800s: Romanticism, America, railroads and photography -- The transparent eyeball; looking and the late 1800s: literature, light bulbs, Impressionism, cinema and sport -- The sliced eyball of the early twentieth century, part 1: microcosms, time and Tutankhamun -- The sliced eyeball of the early twentieth century, part 2: protest, Modernisms, skyscrapers and advertising -- The twentieth century losing its realness?…”
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7953Publicado 1994Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- P. 27-29 La Enseñanza de la lengua : una experiencia de atencion a la diversidad / Rosa Alcudia, Maria Jose Monton. -- P. 30-33 Para una lectura comprometida / Emilia Rueda Tesoro. -- P. 34-37 Bibliografia / Isabel Sole. -- P. 38-42…”
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Artículo -
7954Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…On the contribution of volunteered geographic information to land monitoring efforts / Jamal Jokar Arsanjani and Cidália C Fonte -- Chapter 21. …”
Libro electrónico -
7955Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Chapter 6: Management Tools -- Introduction -- Creating alerts on specific events -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- Monitoring a webserver using Stackdriver Monitoring -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Creating tailor-made instances using Deployment Manager -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- Error Reporting on a Python Flask application -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- Viewing application state using Stackdriver Debugger -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- Chapter 7: Best Practices -- Introduction -- Creating a custom VM using Terraform…”
Libro electrónico -
7956Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…7.3 Einrichtung und Ausstattung einer Home Base -- 7.4 Sicherung der Verfügbarkeit: Backup -- 7.5 Sicherheitsmanagement -- 7.6 Kryptomanagement -- 7.6.1 Symmetrische/asymmetrische Verfahren -- 7.6.2 Zertifikate und Signaturen -- 7.6.3 Management-Aufgaben -- 7.6.4 Technische Umsetzung -- 7.7 Verwaltung (Administration) -- 7.8 Grundkonfiguration und Rollout -- 7.9 Inventarisierung »Over the Air« -- 7.10 Lebenszyklus der Endgeräte -- 7.11 Mobile Compliance -- 7.12 Awareness-Programme -- 7.13 Kostenermittlung (Evaluierung) -- Kapitel 8: Monitoring und Auditierung mobiler Infrastrukturen -- 8.1 Ziele und Risiken -- 8.2 Praxis des Monitorings -- 8.2.1 Anwendungsbeispiele -- 8.2.2 Monitoring planen und durchführen -- 8.2.3 Einführung von Kennzahlen -- 8.3 Praxis der Auditierung -- 8.3.1 Anwendungsbeispiele -- 8.3.2 Grundsätze und Erfahrungen -- 8.3.3 Audits beauftragen -- 8.3.4 Audits inhaltlich vorbereiten -- 8.3.5 Audits durchführen -- 8.3.6 Audits dokumentieren und auswerten -- 8.3.7 Nutzen von Audits -- 8.4 Spezialfall: ISMS-Audits -- 8.5 Managementbewertung -- 8.6 COBIT Assessments -- Kapitel 9: MDM-Lösungen für mobile Infrastrukturen -- 9.1 Good for Enterprise -- 9.2 Citrix -- 9.3 MobileIron -- Anhang A: Quellen und Literatur -- Anhang B: Tabellen und Abbildungen -- Anhang C: Verwendete Abkürzungen -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7957por National Research Council (U.S.).Tabla de Contenidos: “…DIRECT EXPOSURE FROM DUMPS -- Arsenic -- Lead Exposure -- Mixed Chemical Exposure -- DETECTION OF CONTAMINANTS -- Pesticide Contamination Of Food -- Animals As Sentinels -- CONCLUSIONS -- References -- 7 Biologic Markers in Studies of Hazardous-Waste Sites -- TYPES OF MARKERS -- USE OF BIOLOGIC MARKERS IN STUDIES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES -- Biologic Monitoring Of Hazardous-Waste And Other Workers -- General Environmental And Occupational Health Research -- Goal Of Biologic Monitoring Studies -- VALIDATION -- MARKERS OF EXPOSURE, EFFECT, AND SUSCEPTIBILITY -- DNA And Protein Adducts, Markers Of Exposure -- Immune-System Markers Of Effect -- Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Marker Of Susceptibility -- ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES -- CONCLUSIONS -- References -- 8 General Conclusions -- STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTRAINTS -- PROBLEMS OF EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT -- AIR POLLUTION FROM HAZARDOUS WASTES -- DOMESTIC WATER CONTAMINATED WITH HAZARDOUS WASTES -- SOIL CONTAMINATED WITH HAZARDOUS WASTES -- CONCLUSIONS -- Index…”
Publicado 1991
Libro electrónico -
7958Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…11.2 Managing Using Oracle Enterprise Manager11.3 Monitoring the Warehouse; 11.4 Reorganizing the Warehouse; 11.5 Refreshing the Warehouse; 11.6 Gathering Optimizer Statistics; 11.7 Parallel Management Tasks; 11.8 Maintaining Security; 11.9 Monitoring Space Usage; 11.10 Other Management Issues; 11.11 Summary; Chapter 12. …”
Libro electrónico -
7959por Angell, DaleTabla de Contenidos: “…Session startThe clock source and Sync Setup; Timecode settings; Pull-up and Pull-down; 1.7 MIDI interface; Ethernet control; 1.8 Data storage; 1.9 I/O Setup; 1.10 Studio design; Basic acoustics; Speaker placement; 1.11 Dolby Pro Logic 5.1 playback; 1.12 Isolation; Ergonomics and equipment; Audio monitors; Tuning the audio monitors; Video monitors; The garage studio; 1.13 Systems used on "Loves Devotion Forever"; Chapter 2 Audio workflow; 2.1 Pull-up and pull-down workflows when shooting on film; Film to NTSC pull-down; Film to PAL pull-down; 2.2 Production recording…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
7960por Yuan, Xin'anTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- High Sensitivity Rotating Alternating Current Field Measurement for Arbitrary-Angle Underwater Cracks -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Induced Rotating Alternating Current Field -- 2.1 RACFM Theoretical Model -- 2.2 FEM Modeling and Analyzing -- 3 RACFM System for Arbitrary-Angle Cracks Measurement -- 3.1 RACFM System -- 3.2 RACFM Probe -- 3.3 RACFM Waterproof Shell -- 4 RACFM System Testing and Discussing -- 4.1 Experiment System -- 4.2 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Detection of Cracks in Metallic Objects by Arbitrary Scanning Direction Using a Double U-Shaped Orthogonal ACFM Probe -- 1 Introduction -- 2 FEM Model of Double U-Shaped Orthogonal ACFM Probe -- 3 Cracks Detection Experiments -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- A Novel Fatigue Crack Angle Quantitative Monitoring Method Based on Rotating Alternating Current Field Measurement -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Theoretical Model -- 3 Finite Element Analysis -- 3.1 Model Set Up -- 3.2 Characteristic Signal Analysis of Cracks with Different Angles -- 3.3 Characteristic Signal Analysis of Cracks with Different Lengths and Depths -- 4 Experimental Setup and Result -- 4.1 Probe and System Setup -- 4.2 Crack Length Monitoring -- 4.3 Crack Depth Monitoring -- 4.4 Modification of the Measured Angle of the Crack -- 5 Conclusions and Further Work -- References -- Inspection of Both Inner and Outer Cracks in Aluminum Tubes Using Double Frequency Circumferential Current Field Testing Method -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Finite Element Method Model -- 2.1 Simulation Model -- 2.2 High Frequency Excitation Signal -- 2.3 Low Frequency Excitation Signal -- 3 Testing System -- 3.1 Probe with Sensor Arrays -- 3.2 Testing System -- 4 Inspection of Inner and Outer Cracks -- 4.1 Specimen -- 4.2 Inspection of Different Depth Cracks -- 4.3 Inspection of Different Length Cracks…”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico