Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Management 317
- Historia 307
- Development 271
- History 265
- Application software 196
- Leadership 170
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 152
- Computer networks 148
- Business & Economics 132
- Python (Computer program language) 119
- Data processing 114
- Computer security 113
- Computer Science 109
- Security measures 108
- Social aspects 107
- Artificial intelligence 102
- Information technology 99
- Computer software 95
- Design 95
- Web site development 95
- Success in business 94
- Computer programming 92
- Computer programs 90
- Biblia 89
- Filosofía 86
- Psychological aspects 86
- Organizational change 85
- Technological innovations 84
- Crítica e interpretación 83
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
6962Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Customizing the details view -- Using the Media Library -- Media types in API responses -- Summary -- Section 2: Diving Deeper into Strapi -- Chapter 5: Customizing Our API -- The routes -- where it all starts -- The default routes -- Disabling a core route -- Adding a new route -- Handling routes with controllers -- Adding a new controller handler for our endpoint -- Controllers -- it's all about context -- Reusing logic with Strapi services -- Communicating with the database using the Entity Service API -- Returning a unified response -- Populating relationships…”
Libro electrónico -
6963por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…Prevalence of multiple-shift schooling, late 1990s""; ""Box 1.2. What happens in the classroom? Evidence from international assessments""; ""Figure 1.17. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
6964por Scheinrock, JeffTabla de Contenidos: “…The Agile Startup: Quick and Dirty Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know; Copyright; Contents; Why You Should Read This Book; The Entrepreneur's Life Cycle; Chapter 1: Agile Philosophy; Rule #1; What's Your Why?; You Are Wrong; Heaven . . . and Hell; You Get Only 15,000 Days; The Entrepreneurial Method; Focus on Problems, Not Solutions; Three Requirements for Success; Dreamers versus Doers; Get Out of the Building; Business Plans Are Worthless; Let Them Steal It; Embarrass Yourself; Fail Fast-and Often; Contain Risk as Early as Possible; First, Decide What Not To Do; Rules? …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
6965Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Whatever works for you; Making the project studio pay for itself; Live/on-location recording: a different animal; Audio for video and film; Multimedia; The people who make it all happen; The artist; Studio musicians and arrangers; The producer; The engineer…”
Libro electrónico -
6966Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Television Organizations; The Equipment Is Always Changing; Today's Equipment; The Production Team; The Hidden Factors of Production; Review Questions; CHAPTER 2The People Who Make It Happen…”
Libro electrónico -
6967Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Anticipate What Might Happen Next; Prioritize and Take Action; What Action Is UPS Taking to Respond to the Changes in Its Business Environment?…”
Libro electrónico -
6968Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; Acknowledgments; About the Author; Acknowledgments; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction to Elasticsearch; Introducing Apache Lucene; Getting familiar with Lucene; Overall architecture; Getting deeper into Lucene index; Analyzing your data; Indexing and querying; Lucene query language; Understanding the basics; Querying fields; Term modifiers; Handling special characters; Introducing Elasticsearch; Basic concepts; Index; Document; Type; Mapping; Node; Cluster; Shard; Replica…”
Libro electrónico -
6969Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Titel -- Impressum -- Inhalt -- Kapitel 1: Ganz einfach Licht -- Kapitel 2: Die drei Grundarten -- 2.1 Hartes Licht -- 2.2 Weiches Licht -- 2.3 Diffuses Licht -- Kapitel 3: Licht und Farbe -- 3.1 Sonnenlicht -- 3.2 Licht in Kelvinwerten -- 3.3 Weißabgleich -- 3.4 Künstliche Lichtquellen -- 3.5 Licht mit dem Weißabgleich verändern -- Kapitel 4: BeLICHTung -- 4.1 Das 3er-Team -- 4.2 ISO -- 4.3 Die Norm -- 4.4 Belichtungskorrektur -- 4.4.1 Manuell und die Lichtmessung -- 4.5 Der Kamera auf die Sprünge helfen -- 4.6 HDR macht vieles möglich -- SONNE -- Kapitel 5: Morgenlicht - Abendlicht -- 5.1 Auf- und Untergang -- 5.2 Gelbliches Licht lädt ein -- 5.3 Erst flaches Licht macht vieles sichtbar -- 5.4 Die Blaue Stunde -- Kapitel 6: Ungetrübter Sonnenschein -- 6.1 Kräftige Farben - brillante Bilder -- 6.2 Die Sonne im Bild -- 6.3 Schatten, der große Verbündete -- 6.4 Wenn Pflanzen zu leuchten beginnen -- 6.5 Zu viel Blau -- 6.6 Sonnenschein und Porträt -- Kapitel 7: Bewölkt -- Kapitel 8: Bedeckt, Regen, Nebel -- 8.1 Bedeckt -- 8.2 Regen -- 8.3 Nebel -- 8.4 Mit dem Nebel verwandt -- KÜNSTLICHES LICHT -- Kapitel 9: Glühlampe & -- Co. -- 9.1 Die klassische Glühlampe -- 9.2 Halogen-Licht -- 9.3 »Kaltlicht«-Leuchten -- 9.4 Ein Leuchtmittel kommt selten allein -- Kapitel 10: Fluoreszenz-Licht -- 10.1 Leuchtstofflampen/-röhren -- 10.2 Es geht auch ohne Leuchtstoff -- Kapitel 11: LED und ... -- 11.1 Eher »warm« auf Straßen, bunt auf der Bühne -- 11.2 Zu Hause -- 11.3 Foto-Video-Licht -- 11.4 Taschenlampen als Fotolicht -- 11.5 Die Zukunft hat längst begonnen -- Kapitel 12: Der Blitz in und auf der Kamera -- 12.1 Der eingebaute Blitz -- 12.2 Kompakt-Blitzgeräte -- 12.3 Perfekt entfesselt -- 12.4 Zubehör und Geräte für den Sondereinsatz -- Kapitel 13: Studio-Blitze -- 13.1 Richtig belichten -- 13.2 Generator-Anlagen -- 13.3 Kompaktleuchten…”
Libro electrónico -
6970por Sullivan, Kevin. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Trust Your Gut Perform Risk-Based Due Diligence; Sources of Intelligence; Other Special Considerations; Transaction Monitoring; Correspondent Banking - Know Your Correspondents; Politically Exposed Persons; Summary; Chapter 6: A SAR Is Born; The Back Story; Getting to Suspicious; Hidden Value of SARs; 30/60/90 Rule ; Completing the SAR; Why Financial Institutions Need to File; What Happens After You File; Law Enforcement Contact; Suspicious Activity Report Statistics; Summary; Chapter 7: Tips for Law Enforcement and Financial Crimes Investigators…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
6971por MacDonald, MatthewTabla de Contenidos: “…Animating the Canvas -- A Practical Example: The Maze Game -- Part Three: Building Web Apps -- Chapter 10: Storing Your Data -- Web Storage Basics -- Deeper into Web Storage -- Reading Files -- IndexedDB: A Database Engine in a Browser -- Chapter 11: Running Offline -- Caching Files with a Manifest -- Practical Caching Techniques -- Chapter 12: Communicating with the Web Server -- Sending Messages to the Web Server -- Server-Sent Events -- Web Sockets -- Chapter 13: Geolocation, Web Workers, and History Management -- Geolocation -- Web Workers -- History Management -- Part Four: Appendixes -- Appendix A: Essential CSS -- Adding Styles to a Web Page -- The Anatomy of a Style Sheet -- Slightly More Advanced Style Sheets -- A Style Sheet Tour -- Appendix B: JavaScript: The Brains of Your Page -- How a Web Page Uses JavaScript -- A Few Language Essentials -- Interacting with the Page -- Index…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
6972Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Summary""""Chapter 5: Application Launches""; ""Manage Launches""; ""Dart Command-Line Launch""; ""Dartium Launch""; ""Chrome App Launch""; ""Browser Launch""; ""Android Mobile Launch""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 6: Using the Dart Pub Package Manager""; ""What is Pub?""; ""Digging Deeper""; ""Working With Commands and Packages""; ""Pub Build""; ""Pub Cache""; ""Pub Deps""; ""Pub Get""; ""Pub Global""; ""Pub Publish""; ""Pub Run""; ""Pub Serve""; ""Pub Upgrade""; ""Pub Uploader""; ""Pub Downgrade""; ""Pub help""; ""Pub version""; ""Additional Pub Commands""; ""Summary""…”
Libro electrónico -
6973Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Defining our first service and generating filesThe service code in PHP; The client code in Python; Running the code; What really happened?; Analyzing the code; The service description - IDL; The server script - PHP; The client script - Python; Summary; Chapter 4: Understanding How Apache Thrift Works; Prepare your tools; Apache Thrift's architecture; Going about using the tool; Designing the services; Preparing the interface description; Generating service and client libraries; Implementing services and clients; Running server and clients; The network stack; Transport; Protocol; Processor…”
Libro electrónico -
6974Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Smart Energy; Influence of Digitization; Generation; Transmission; Distribution and Metering; Storage; Marketing, Sales, and Service; Customers; When Is All This Going to Happen?; Conclusions; Energy Case Studies; Smart Monitoring and Diagnostics Systems at Major Power Plants…”
Libro electrónico -
6975por Comfort, JeremyTabla de Contenidos: “…; Case study 3: Phil Carey; 06 Organization and change; Attitudes towards change; Making change happen; Changing organizational structure; Change and cross-cultural mergers and acquisitions; Working in international projects…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
6976por Chen, Robert H., 1947-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Phase Transitions Entropy; The Boltzmann Distribution; The Minimization of Free Energy; References; 7: The Calculus of Variations; The Brachistochrone Problem; Catenary and Suspension; The Euler-Lagrange Equation; Deeper Meanings of the Euler-Lagrange Equation; References; 8: The Mean Field; Ideal Gas in Crystal Lattice; Long Rod Models; The Composite Electric Field and Average Index of Refraction; The Dipole Mean Field Is Born; References; 9: Maier-Saupe Theory; The Nematic to Isotropic Phase Transition Calculation; Dielectric Anisotropy Calculation; Near Neighbor Correlation; References…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
6977por Estill, LauraTabla de Contenidos: “…Bourne -- Building community and collaboration through the digital humanities toolbox series / Jada Watson and Sarah Simpkin -- 'Push that button and see what happens' : addressing technology anxiety in library digital scholarship pedagogy / Gesina A. …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
6978por Adair, John Eric, 1934-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Follow-up testPART THREE: Managing the Business; Nine Greatest Ideas for Strategic Leadership Skills; Idea 53: The art of being manager-in-chief; Idea 54: Seven functions of strategic leadership; Idea 55: Giving direction; Idea 56: Strategic thinking and strategic planning; Idea 57: Making it happen; Idea 58: Relating the parts to the whole; Idea 59: Building partnerships; Idea 60: Releasing the corporate spirit; Idea 61: Developing today's and tomorrow's leaders; Five Greatest Ideas for Practical Business Wisdom; Idea 62: The wisdom of business; Idea 63: The folly of business…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
6979por Phillips, DustyTabla de Contenidos: “…; Case study; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 3: When Objects are Alike; Basic inheritance; Extending built-ins; Overriding and super; Multiple inheritance; The diamond problem; Different sets of arguments; Polymorphism; Case study; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 4: Expecting the Unexpected; Raising exceptions; Raising an exception; What happens when an exception occurs?; Handling exceptions; Exception hierarchy; Defining our own exceptions; Exceptions aren't exceptional; Case study; Exercises; Summary…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
6980Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Turning Your Message into a Minimum Viable Product Chapter 22. What Happens When Your MVP Meets Your Market? Chapter 23. …”
Libro electrónico