Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Management 317
- Historia 307
- Development 271
- History 265
- Application software 196
- Leadership 170
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 152
- Computer networks 148
- Business & Economics 132
- Python (Computer program language) 119
- Data processing 114
- Computer security 113
- Computer Science 109
- Security measures 108
- Social aspects 107
- Artificial intelligence 102
- Information technology 99
- Computer software 95
- Design 95
- Web site development 95
- Success in business 94
- Computer programming 92
- Computer programs 90
- Biblia 89
- Filosofía 86
- Psychological aspects 86
- Organizational change 85
- Technological innovations 84
- Crítica e interpretación 83
6841por Johnson, Kent R., authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Blending Precision Teaching Technology with the Response-to-Intervention Framework; Focus on Fluency; A Match Made in Heaven; History of Precision Teaching in the K-12 System; From Screening to Data-Based Decision Making; Summary; Chapter 5. …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
6842Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Texts, Language and Religion in the Making of the Syriac Orthodox Communities in Europe, Heleen Murre van den Berg (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) -- 11. …”
Libro electrónico -
6843Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Parallelprojektionen -- Isometrie -- Dimetrie -- Kabinettprojektion -- Perspektive -- Fluchtpunkt und Horizontlinie -- Einpunkt-Perspektive -- Zweipunkt-Perspektive -- Dreipunkt-Perspektive -- Ellipsen -- Kreative Projekte -- Linienzeichnungen -- Wellenlinien -- Mit einfachen Strichen -- Linien mit Rechteck -- Gebogene Linien -- Liniennetz -- Linienmuster -- Holzmaserung -- Mustermix -- Tropfen -- Bunte Bordüren -- Kreise mit Schnittmenge -- Linienkreuzungen -- Florale Freude -- Auf einen grünen Zweig kommen -- Dekorative Blätter -- Blattgrün -- Ginkgo -- Zweig mit Beeren…”
Libro electrónico -
6844Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction 1 Reader-Response Criticism 1.1 Reading as a Journey 1.2 Rosenblatt's Transactional Theory 1.3 Frames 1.4 Iser's Model of Meaning-Making 1.5 The Overdetermination of Literary Texts 2 Transaction in Educational Settings 2.1 The Ease of Reading 2.2 The Teacher of Literature as a Facilitator 2.3 Reading in Stages Stage 1: Framing Stage 2: Reading Stage 3: Think-Tank Stage 4: Lockstep Stage 5: Rereading Stage 6: Conclusions Stage 7: Closure 2.4 Learner Texts & Activities 3 Cognitive (Literary) Studies 3.1 The Return of the Reader 3.2 Mental Models 3.3 Emotions & Empathy 3.3.1 The Feeling of What Happens 3.3.2 Types of Reading-Related Feelings 3.3.3 Transportation 3.3.4 Empathy 3.4 Embodied Cognition & Enactivism 3.5 Conceptual Metaphors & Blending 3.5.1 Basic Principles 3.5.2 Metaphors 3.5.3 Metonymies 3.5.4 Blending 3.6 Blending & Literary Studies 4 Cognitive Approaches to Comics 4.1 Synopsis 4.2 Definitions 4.3 Cartooning 4.4 An Art of Tensions 4.4.1 Words vs. …”
Libro electrónico -
6845Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Enter the dragon: on the vernacular of beauty, 1993 / Dave Hickey -- Whatever happened to beauty? A response to Danto, 1996 / Kathleen Marie Higgins -- On beauty and being just, 1999 / Elaine Scarry -- Venus in exile: the rejection of beauty in twentieth-century art, 2001 / Wendy Steiner -- Beauty and the status of contemporary criticism, 2003 / Suzanne Perling Hudson -- The eternal problem of beauty's return, 2003 / Saul Ostrow -- The aesthetics of brillo boxes, 2003 / Arthur C. …”
Libro -
6846por Corrigan, KevinTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Evagrius -- The character of Evagrius' writings -- Gregory -- Origins of basilian monasticism -- Messalianism : Gregory and pseudo-macarius -- Christian upheavals -- Background to the upheavals of the 3rd and 4th centuries : arianism, origenism, hellenism, and platonism -- Mind, soul, body : an overview of Evagrius' and Gregory's thought -- Opening up the question : ancient terms, contemporary problems -- Critical context : Evagrius and Gregory -- The meaning and scope of impassibility or purity of heart in Evagrius and Gregory -- Apatheia : the broader background -- Plato -- Aristotle -- Evagrius and Gregory : from stillness to purity of heart -- Gregory and Plotinus -- Degrees of impassibility and purity of heart -- The expansion of the tripartite soul -- Uncovering the origins and structure of the 7 deadly sins tradition : Evagrius and the 8 reasonings -- The 8 reasonings -- Noêmata (representations or concepts) -- Thought not based on intellect -- Noêmata and demons -- At the origins of the deadly sins tradition : the strange structure of matter and thought -- Evagrius and republic 8-9 -- A new reading of the Logismoi -- Platonic tripartition-aristotelian bipartition : the republic in Evagrius and Gregory -- Demonic suggestion -- Evagrius' demonology : classification, demonic action, and cognitive psychology -- Classification of demons and the spiritual life -- Gregory and the fall of intellect -- Plotinus and the fall of intellect in matter -- Evil : Gregory and Plotinus/Iamblichus -- Body into mind : the scientific eye in Evagrius -- Reading the body : the problem of the intelligible body -- Body-conception and self-knowledge -- Body, soul, and scientific cognition -- Mind/soul-body : the classic desert formulation -- Transmigration and Evagrius' extended world -- The spiritual senses : transformation from above -- Is Evagrius' metaphysics monistic? …”
Publicado 2009
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
6847Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Maxime le Confesseur / Atanáz Orosz -- The heavenly and earthly tabernacle : a vision of St Gregory of Nyssa on church in De vita Moysis / Mariyan Stoyadinov -- "one air to breathe" ; the church and the individual in the Macarian writings / Daria Morozova -- True vineyard : the church themes in St Ephrem / Alexei Muraviev -- Fusca sum et formosa / Lenka Karfíková -- "L'église sainte" dans les anciens symboles de foi / Józef Naumowicz -- Die Kirche, eine "keusche Dirne" (castra meretrix) / Franz Mali -- The church, holy and formed of sinners, according to St Augustine / Mykola Makar -- L'église comme temple du Saint-Esprit ou sanctifié par l'Esprit Saint, maintenant et dans la perspective eschatologique / Dominique Gonnet -- Die komische Heiligkeit der Kirche nach Maximus Confessor / Daniel Munteanu -- Die Apostolizität der Kirche im Rahmen der ekklesiologischen Problematik des ÖRK / Geogios Martzelos…”
Libro -
6848por Weser-Renaissance Bremen (Grupo musical)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nun lob mein Seel den Herren / Johann Schop -- Liedeinlagen zu Johann Rists Das friedewünschende Teutschland. …”
Publicado 1998
6850Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bytes: Smart Coral Reefs -- Dig Deeper: Building Your Own Gaming Computer -- Setting It All Up: Ergonomics -- Objective 2.14 Define ergonomics, and discuss the ideal physical setup for using computing devices -- Solve This with Excel: Technology Wish List -- Chapter 3. …”
Libro electrónico -
6851Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Downgrade attack -- EventList -- Getting started with logging -- An overview of important PowerShell-related log files -- Increasing log size -- Summary -- Further reading -- Part 2: Digging Deeper - Identities, System Access, and Day-to-Day Security Tasks -- Chapter 5: PowerShell Is Powerful - System and API Access -- Technical requirements -- Getting familiar with the Windows Registry -- Working with the registry -- Security use cases -- User rights -- Configuring access user rights -- Mitigating risks through backup and restore privileges -- Delegation and impersonation -- Preventing event log tampering -- Preventing Mimikatz and credential theft -- System and domain access -- Time tampering -- Examining and configuring user rights -- Basics of the Windows API -- Exploring .NET Framework -- .NET Framework versus .NET Core -- Compile C# code using .NET Framework -- Using Add-Type to interact with .NET directly -- Loading a custom DLL from PowerShell -- Calling the Windows API using P/Invoke -- Understanding the Component Object Model (COM) and COM hijacking -- COM hijacking -- Common Information Model (CIM)/WMI -- Namespaces -- Providers -- Events subscriptions -- Monitor WMI/CIM event subscriptions -- Manipulating CIM instances -- Enumeration…”
Libro electrónico -
6852por Lat, Joshua ArvinTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 11: Machine Learning Pipelines with SageMaker Pipelines -- Technical requirements -- Diving deeper into SageMaker Pipelines -- Preparing the essential prerequisites -- Running our first pipeline with SageMaker Pipelines -- Defining and preparing our first ML pipeline -- Running our first ML pipeline -- Creating Lambda functions for deployment -- Preparing the Lambda function for deploying a model to a new endpoint -- Preparing the Lambda function for checking whether an endpoint exists -- Preparing the Lambda function for deploying a model to an existing endpoint -- Testing our ML inference endpoint -- Completing the end-to-end ML pipeline -- Defining and preparing the complete ML pipeline -- Running the complete ML pipeline -- Cleaning up -- Recommended strategies and best practices -- Summary -- Further reading -- Index -- Other Books You May Enjoy…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
6853Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Copyright -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Imbalance in Machine Learning -- Technical requirements -- Introduction to imbalanced datasets -- Machine learning 101 -- What happens during model training? -- Types of dataset and splits -- Cross-validation -- Common evaluation metrics -- Confusion matrix -- ROC -- Precision-Recall curve -- Relation between the ROC curve and PR curve -- Challenges and considerations when dealing with imbalanced data -- When can we have an imbalance in datasets? …”
Libro electrónico -
6854Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Endorsement Page -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Chapter 1 The 5 Myths of Culture -- Your Platform Is Already Burning -- Myth 1: Culture Starts at the Top -- Value Engineering and Self-Enhancement -- It's What Good Leaders Do -- Problem 1: Leaders Overestimate Their Own Influence -- Problem 2: Complex Change Does Not Happen through Individual Influence -- Problem 3: For a Leader's Beliefs to Take Hold in the Organization, They Have to Be There to Begin With -- Problem 4: Culture Is Not the Sum of Personalities (The Leaders' or Anyone Else) -- Problem 5: Language Alone Does Not Change Culture -- Leadership and Culture: There Is a Connection -- Myth 2: Culture Is a Physical Thing -- Problem: Culture Doesn't Exist - or Does It? …”
Libro electrónico -
6855Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 4.1.3 What Happens If One Incorrectly Applies Differencing to a Stationary Series? …”
Libro electrónico -
6856Publicado 2016“…Author Sari Gilbert develops a set of core principles and tools for using game thinking and interactive design to build motivation, explain hard concepts, broaden audiences, deepen commitments and enhance human relationships. …”
Libro electrónico -
6857Publicado 2016“…Use this step-by-step guide to deepen your own application development skills through self-study, show your teammates the world's fastest and most reliable techniques for creating business intelligence systems, or ensure that the IT department working for you is building your next decision support system the right way. …”
Libro electrónico -
6858Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Experimental research methods in physical education and sports - Leen Haerens and Isabel Tallir -- 13. Measurement of physical activity - Stewart G. …”
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6859Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Rodrigo López -- Programa basado en evidencias para fomentar la parentalidad positiva en Asturias (España) / Raquel Amaya Martínez González, María Henar Pérez Herrero, Lucía Álvarez Blanco, Beatriz Rodríguez Ruiz, Carlos Becedóniz Vázquez -- Programa de formación y apoyo familiar / María Victoria Hidalgo García, Susana Menéndez Álvarez-Dardet, Isabel López-Verdugo, José Sánchez Hidalgo, Bárbara Lorence Lara, Lucía Jiménez García -- Crecer en familia: un servicio para promover la parentalidad positiva en Chile / María Magdalena Muñoz Quinteros, Esteban Alonso Gómez Muzzio -- Familia y escuela educamos juntos / María Cristina Tenorio , Jacqueline Garavito López, José Eduardo Sánchez Reyes, Mary Hellen Burbano Cerón -- Educación parental en familias en situación de pobreza en el contexto brasileño / Narjara Mendes Garcia, Maria Angela Mattar Yunes, Ana María Tomás de Almeida -- Apoyo parental online / Alezandra Torres Castaño , Arminda Suárez Perdomo, Miriam Álvarez Lorenzo, Sonia Padilla Curra, Elisa Rodríguez Gutiérrez, María J. …”
Libro -
6860por Sheridan, RuthTabla de Contenidos: “…The Old Testament Citations and 'The Jews'--Part II: Jesus among the Feasts of 'The Jews' (6:31, 45; 7:37-39; 10:34); John 6:31b: Bread from Heaven to Eat (Ps 78:24 LXX/Exod 16:4); Outline of the Johannine Text; The Contexts of Ps 77:24 LXX and Exod 16:4 for an Understanding of John 6:31b; The Response and Characterization of 'the Jews'; Conclusion; John 6:54a: They Shall All Be Taught by God (Isaiah 54:13)…”
Publicado 2012
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