Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 424
- Història 389
- Genética 326
- History 300
- Exposicions 268
- Genetics 253
- Medicine 226
- Genética médica 187
- Life Sciences 169
- Research & information: general 155
- Medical genetics 153
- Biochemistry 152
- Filosofía 137
- Biblia 134
- Research 132
- Crítica e interpretación 126
- Science: general issues 121
- Genetics and Molecular Biology 116
- Ingeniería genética 111
- Biology, life sciences 109
- Bíblia 106
- Algorismes genètics 98
- Genomics 93
- Biology 90
- Technology: general issues 89
- Biotechnology 88
- Management 87
- Cancer 86
- genetics 84
- Genética molecular 81
10421por Watson, James D., 1928-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Beginnings of genetics: from Mendel to Hitler -- The double helix: this is life -- Reading the code: bringing DNA to life -- Playing God: customized DNA molecules -- DNA, dollars, and drugs: biotechnology -- Tempest in a cereal box: genetically modified agriculture -- The human genome: life's screenplay -- Reading genomes: evolution in action -- Out of Africa: DNA and the human past -- Genetic fingerprinting: DNA's day in court -- Gene hunting: the genetics of human disease -- Defying disease: treating and preventing genetic disorders -- Who we are: nature vs. nurture…”
Publicado 2004
Libro -
10422por Huarte, Juan de ( ca. 1550-1625)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contiene además: h. 280 Segunda parte que trata de los serbiçios y premios del Duq[ue] don Alonso de Diaquez Vissorey y Capitan gene[ra]l de Nauarra / por el licen[cia]do Joan de Huarte ... año 1614 ; h. [342] Tercera parte de las differençias questiones y deuates sobre los montes de Alduyde y confines de Reynos, y de las conferençias de seis comissarios o diputados reales tres de España y tres de Fran[cia] y de su desconformidad. …”
Publicado 1614
Versión digital Biblioteca Navarra Digital
Manuscrito -
10423por Vidal y Barraquer, FranciscoTabla de Contenidos: “…v. 1: 1a Part: Viatge dels doctors Carreras i Vilaplana a Roma : conferències dels metropolitans a Madrid i dels bisbes de Catalunya a Barcelona : declaració col-lectiva de l'episcopat 30 d'octubre - 31 de desembre de 1931 = Viaje de los doctores Carreras y Vilaplana a Roma : conferencias de los metropolitanos en Madrid y de los obispos de Cataluña en Barcelona : declaración colectiva del episcopado 30 de octubre - 31 de diciembre de 1931 ; 2a Part: Dissolució de la Companyia de Jesús : sosteniment del culte i del clergat : altres problemes econòmics 1 de gener - 21 de febrer de 1932 = Disolución de la Compañía de Jesús : sostenimiento del culto y clero : otros problemas económicos 1 de enero - 21 de febrero de 1932 -- v. 2: 3a Part: Lleis de cementiris i del divorci : ensenyament religiós : pressupost del clergat : organització de l'acció católica i dels sindicats catòlics 21 de febrer - 13 d'abril de 1932 = Leyes de cementerios y del divorcio : enseñanza religiosa ; presupuestos del clero : organizaicón de la Acción Católica y de los sindicatos católicos 21 de febrero - 13 de abril de 1932.…”
Publicado 1975
Biblioteca Seminario Metropolitano de Oviedo (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso, Biblioteca de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Teruel y Albarracín, Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca de Pastoral Madrid, Biblioteca del Instituto Diocesano de Teología y Pastoral de Bilbao)Libro -
10424por Lynch, Michael, 1951-Tabla de Contenidos: “…The origin of eukaryotes -- Genome size and organismal complexity -- The human genome -- Why population size matters -- Three keys to chromosomal integrity -- The nucleotide-composition landscape -- Mobile genetic elements -- Genomic expansion by gene duplication -- Genes in pieces -- Transcription and regulatory-region complexity -- Expansion and contraction of organelle genomes -- Sex chromosomes -- Genomfart…”
Publicado 2007
Libro -
10425Publicado 2019“…Contenidor de (expressió): Plädoyer für eine theozentrische Wende im säkularen Zeitalter. Castellà…”
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10429por Primrose, S. B.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Biotechnology and genomics in medicine -- An overview of genomics -- Genomics and the challenge of infectious disease -- Analysing and treating genetic diseases -- Diagnosis and treatment of cancer -- The large scale production of biopharmaceuticals -- Genomics and the development of new chemical entities -- Gene and cell therapies…”
Publicado 2004
Libro -
10432Publicado 2001Tabla de Contenidos: “…Perception of pathogen signals to initiate active defense;-- Delivery of pathogen signals: historical approach;-- Adhesion of fungal spores and effects on plant cells;-- Bacterial Avr proteins: secreted agents of parasitism and elicitors of plant defense;-- Rice receptors for chitin and glucan elicitors;-- Understanding pectate lyase C at the atomic level;-- A new type of host-selective toxin, a protein from Alternaria brassiciola;-- Chlorosis-inducing phytotoxins;-- Molecular genetics of host-specific toxin biosynthesis in Alternaria alternata;-- Victorin, apoptosis and the mitochondrion;-- Suppressors of defense;-- Signaling pathways for TMV;-- Genetic relationships specifying bacterial disease resistance in Xanthomonas;-- Signaling in rice disease resistance;-- Mi-1, a dual function disease resistance gene in tomato;-- Pathogen recognition and signal transduction mediated by the product of the Pto disease resistance gene;-- Regulation of nuclear gene expression in relations to signal molecules;-- Molecular interactions between the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta and its corresponding avirulence gene;-- The oxidative burst in plants;-- Perception of the syringolide elicitors by soybean cells;-- Citrus responses to a pathogenicity factor;-- Effectors of bacterial virulence and mediators of disease resistance responses;-- Apoptotic response in defense of oats to infections and elicitors;-- Trafficking of…”
Libro -
10433Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Dorff -- The Roman Catholic magisterium and genetic research: an overview and evaluation / Thomas A. …”
Listado completo de la colección ISSR library
Libro -
10434Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “….; Lindpaintner, K. -- Genes-cells-interpretations : what hermeneutics can add to genetics and to bioethics / Rehmann-Sutter, C. -- Controversies about human dignity : implications for biotechnology / Childress, J.F. -- Global bioethics, theology, and human genetic engineering : the challenge of refashioning human nature in the face of moral and religious pluralism / Engelhardt, Jr., H.T. -- Eschewing images of man : against anthropological reductionism in bioethics / Graf, F.W. -- Children, bodies, life : ethics as the churches' biopolitics / Gehring, P. -- On the ethics debate between theologians, scientists and doctors : experiences, observations, and commentaries of a medical geneticist / Müller, H. -- "Biopower" : ethical and theological considerations / Mieth, D. -- First sheep, then human beings? …”
Libro -
10435Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cells and macromolecules -- Protein structure -- Properties of nucleic acids -- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome structure -- DNA replication -- DNA damage, repair and recombination -- Gene manipulation -- Cloning vectors -- Gene libraries and screening -- Analysis and uses of cloned DNA -- Transcription in prokaryotes -- Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes -- Transcription in eukaryotes -- Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes -- RNA processing and RNPs -- The genetic code and tRNA -- Protein synthesis -- Bacteriophages and eukaryotic viruses -- Tumor viruses and oncogenes -- Functional genomics and new technologies -- Bioinformatics…”
Libro -
10436Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Alzheimer's disease: a complex paradigm / Dimitrios Avramopoulos -- Gene-mapping studies for schizophrenia: how useful are they for the clinician? …”
Table of contents only
Publisher description
Libro -
10437Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…"Amoral" biotechnology and a Norwegian moral domain / Community, the commons and commerce : the ownership of BRCA genes and genetic testing / Morality, risk and informed consent in clinical drug trials / Ethics as pastoral practice : implementing predictive genetic testing in the medical genetics clinic / Respectability, risk and sexual practices : HIV/AIDS in Puebla, Mexico / "Bread is first before everything!" …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
Libro electrónico -
10438Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Transfer RNA; Chapter 5: Genetic Technology and Research; What Is Genetic Recombination Technology?…”
Libro electrónico -
10440Publicado 1999Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Cybermate -- Wombs for rent -- The X vials -- Admission standards for birth -- Island secrets -- Gene prospecting -- Genetic politics -- More oversight for a tattoo -- The sperminator -- The clone rangers -- A clone-free zone?…”